
标题: 九月IBT--第14次作业 [打印本页]

作者: nap    时间: 2007-8-1 20:18:57     标题: 九月IBT--第14次作业

TOPIC: ISSUE1 - Some people think thatgovernments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buyingcomputer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should bespent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.
WORDS: 503          TIME: 00:26:03          DATE: 2007-8-1 20:16:07

There is a discussion that whether thegovernments should spend a certain amount of money on developing or buying computertechnology or on more basic needs. As far as I am concerned, since we do notknow how much the situation of that country we can not make the decisionhastily. in another word whether or not we should spend the money on computertechnology largely depends on the environment.

The primary task we I should do if we want to determine should be thatinvestigating the living environment. In some countries, most of the peoplehave a difficult time. Taking this into consideration, we should not develop orbuy computer technology first but to spend the same amount of the money on thebasic matter. If we hastily develop the high technology in this condition, thelives of people may be much harder and the society may even be instable. We cannot image that the government spend on a large deal of money on the technologyand then only a small amount of people benefit from it while other people whoare mostly the poor do not even have money to buy food. Besides, lacking basicneeds also means that the condition of the hospital is poor and the sickpeople, especially the poor, cannot be cured in time. Thus many people may beagainst the government and despite these people with high-technology can nottranslate knowledge power into economical effect.

Moreover, we should determine whether that country is suitable to developcomputer technology. Let's suppose that the living of people in that country isgood. However, we do not know what the they citizens are good at. Maybe in someplaces of that country the landscape is very attractive and the local residentslive in the tourism. Thus if the government develop the computer too much,since the only goal people use the computer is to calculate how much money dothey earn today the efficiency of computer is fairly low. In contrast, thoughthe living condition of the local residents are good they can also benefit fromthe money on the basic need. On the other hand, if the local people are good atscience such as math, they can benefit from developing computer technology alot since after the money is costing it the computer ability of local residentswill increase and economic will be improve. (想法挺特别的)

After those steps, we should investigate other factors. A weak laws in whichonly a few term about the intellectual property rights exist will notguarantee, sometime may disturb, the development of computer technology.Additionally the traffic which is not good enough for others to come may alsointerfere the development. For example the people from outside can notnegotiate with the residents just because they can not come. Only all thosefactors are determined can we whether the government should spend or not.

In conclusion, before we determine whether governments should spend a certaindeal of money on developing or buying computer technology we should know theenvironment of that country and hasty decision may lead to some negativeresult.

[ 本帖最后由 nap 于 2007-8-2 18:16 编辑 ]
作者: airbots    时间: 2007-8-2 09:42:50

There is a discussion that(about) whether thegovernments should spend a certain (注意读题)amount of money on developing or buying computertechnology or on more basic needs. As far as I am concerned, since we do notknow how much the atmosphere of that country we can not make the decisionhastily. On another word whether or not largely depends on the environment.开头段还是写清楚自己的观点比较好,你是不是准备AW啊写这么多。The primary task we should do if we want todetermine should be that investigating the living environment. In somecountries, most of the people have a difficult time. Taking this intoconsideration, we should not develop or buy computer technology first but tospend the same amount of the money on the basic matter. If we hastily developthe high technology in this condition, the lives of people may be much harderand the society may even be instability. We can not image that the governmentspend on a large deal of money on the technology and then only a small amountof people benefit from it while other people who are mostly the poor do noteven have money to buy food. Besides, lacking basic needs also means that thecondition of the hospital is poor and the sick people, especially the poor, cannot be cured in time. Thus many people may be against the government anddespite the high technology those one who have the knowledge can not translateit into economical effect.句子结构最好长短结合,考官读完这一段估计就痉挛了。举一个实在的例子最好。Moreover, we should determine whether thatcountry is suitable to develop computer technology. Let's suppose that theliving of people in that country is good. However, we do not know what the theycitizens are good at. Maybe in some places of that country the landscape isvery attractive and the local residents live in the tourism. Thus if thegovernment develop the computer too much, since the only goal people use thecomputer is to calculate how much money do they earn today the efficiency ofcomputer is fairly low. In contrast, though the living condition of the localresidents are good they can also benefit from the money on the basic need. Onthe other hand, if the local people are good at science such as math, they canbenefit from developing computer technology a lot since after the money is costin it the computer ability of local residents will increase and economic willbe improve.同上段一样,实在的例子比方说某某国家,加这么一句,后面再开始论述,比干论述要效果好一些,哪怕不一定是该国家的国情。After those steps, we should alsoinvestigate other factors. A weak laws in which only a few term about theintellectual property rights exist will not guarantee, sometime may disturb,the development of computer technology. Additionally the traffic which is notgood enough for others to come may also interfere the development. Only allthose factors are determined can we decide whether the government should spendor not.In conclusion, before we determine whether governmentsshould spend a certain deal of money on developing or buying computertechnology we should know the environment of that country and hasty decisionmay lead to some negative result.结尾不错。

[ 本帖最后由 airbots 于 2007-8-2 15:26 编辑 ]
作者: 四海为家06    时间: 2007-8-2 10:38:39

作者: 四海为家06    时间: 2007-8-2 11:04:18

TOPIC: ISSUE1 - Some people think thatgovernments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buyingcomputer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should bespent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.
WORDS: 503          TIME: 00:26:03          DATE: 2007-8-1 20:16:07


There is a discussion that whether thegovernments should spend a certain amount of money on developing or buying computertechnology or on more basic needs. As far as I am concerned, since we do notknow how much the atmosphere (这个词是气氛的意思,用着有点不当,用situation更好)of that country we can not make the decisionhastily. On (in) another word whether or not (这个好像不可以省略的) largely depends on the environment.

The primary task we I should do if we want todetermine should be that investigating the living environment. In somecountries, most of the people have a difficult time. Taking this intoconsideration, we should not develop or buy computer technology first but tospend the same amount of the money on the basic matter. If we hastily developthe high technology in this condition, the lives of people may be much harderand the society may even be instability (用形容词). We can not image that the governmentspend on a large deal of money on the technology and then only a small amountof people benefit from it while other people who are mostly the poor do noteven have money to buy food. Besides, lacking basic needs also means that thecondition of the hospital is poor and the sick people, especially the poor, cannot be cured in time. Thus many people may be against the government anddespite the high technology those one who have the knowledge (为什么用who?这句有点看不懂,主语不是high-tech吗?) can not translateit into economical effect.(这个用法有点问题,the high technology alone does not naturally bring improvements in economy.)

Moreover, we should determine whether thatcountry is suitable to develop computer technology. Let's suppose that theliving of people in that country is good. However, we do not know what the theycitizens are good at. Maybe in some places of that country the landscape isvery attractive and the local residents live in the tourism. Thus if thegovernment develop the computer too much, since the only goal people use thecomputer is to calculate how much money do they earn today the efficiency ofcomputer is fairly low. In contrast, though the living condition of the localresidents are good they can also benefit from the money on the basic need. Onthe other hand, if the local people are good at science such as math, they canbenefit from developing computer technology a lot since after the money is costin it the computer ability of local residents will increase and economic willbe improve. (想法挺特别的)

After those steps, we should also (删)investigate other factors. A weak laws in which only a few term about theintellectual property rights exist will not guarantee, sometime may disturb,the development of computer technology. Additionally the traffic which is notgood enough for others to come may also interfere the development.  (交通不便不利于电脑技术的发展吗?为什么呢?举个例子吧,不然读者会不明白。)Only allthose factors are determined can we whether the government should spendor not.

In conclusion, before we determine whether governmentsshould spend a certain deal of money on developing or buying computertechnology we should know the environment of that country and hasty decisionmay lead to some negative result.

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