
标题: ISSUE41 17thbynbta03 [打印本页]

作者: nbta03    时间: 2007-8-6 10:50:45     标题: ISSUE41 17thbynbta03

TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 502          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-6 10:12:24

Can a stack of tarot cards can tell you your fortune and decide your following life? The speaker asserts that nonmainstream areas of inquiry play a vital role in society because they meet the needs  of human. Though I concede that psychic and paranomal pursuits can explain something that mainstream science can not, the speaker ignore the potential harms that such nonmainstream may cause on both individuals and society.

Admittedly, psychic and paranormal pursuits can give people psychological comforts and spiritual support especially when suffering from sadness or failure in life. As the nature of human, people always intend to seek some spiritual support when they confront some unsuccess or sadness. For example, when we lost a close friend or a relative deeply in our heart, under a strong feeling of sadness, we often wishes to meet them again or give them a chance of rebirth. At that time, the pursuits which the speaker asserts usually tell us that everybody has a future life, in which people can meet again. Thus, believing such kind of saying, we keep hope of a meeting with our relatives or friends again, which reduce our psychological hurt more or less. Under certain circumstance like abovementioned, psychic and paranormal pursuits are indeed beneficial to people.

While, such pursuit comfort our heart and give us support in our mind, however, it would probably bring about even worse potential harm to us.

Firstly, these pursuits make us ignore the vital function of mainstream science which serves as a basic principle of social change and civilization of human being. As everybody knows, it is the science that achieve the high level civilization and develops the human society in a rapid pace. Science enable us to solve out various problems in different areas. On need look no further in medical science. Just due to the huge improvement in medical field, people now can cure many fatal illnesses which seems impossible to be settled in the past. If a person who suffers variola, which most probably could be cured by seeing a doctor nowadays, goes to a wizard calling for help and pray for magic power from "other side" of the world to cure him, he must delay the best time for curing, which may even bring a more serious state or even death to him. From that, we can see what a role such pursuits play against the science which is even vital in our society.

Furthermore, over trust in these nonmainstream areas of inquiry may lead to a negative attitude towards life, especially confronting failures or disappointment. No doubt that every one will come across a lot of obstacles in life. In stead of seeking positive solutions to these difficulties, which would bring us practical abilities and strong will when face with similar situation again, if we turn to psychic and paranormal pursuits, we may lose our confidence in everything and act a negative part during our lives. More often than not, these pursuit always tell us that certain happening is a "fate". If we easily believe it as a standard and act negatively when we experience the same affairs, it can be easily imagined that rare achievements can be made. Moreover, such pursuits will also lead to some irrational and unreasonable actions that may harm others.

To sum up, I concede that the pursuit as the speaker assert can give people certain kinds of spiritual help. However, it will bring more potential harm to human beings, both for individuals and society, which far outweigh the benefits it offers.

作者: woodman    时间: 2007-8-7 08:47:39

Can a stack of tarot cards can(delete) tell you your fortuneand decide your following life(重复,命运不就是将来的事吗)? (这一句与下面那句脱节了,引入主题失败)The speakerasserts that nonmainstream areas of inquiry play a vital role in society because(这个词有点老土啦,换个in thatsince等等) they meet the needs  of human. Though I concede that deletepsychic andparanomal pursuits can explain something that mainstream science can not, thespeaker ignore(加s the potentialharms that such nonmainstream may cause on both individuals and society.

Admittedly, psychic andparanormal pursuits can give people psychological comforts and spiritualsupport especially when suffering from sadness or failure in life. As thenature of human, people always intend to seek some spiritual support when theyconfront some unsuccess(failure) or sadness.For example, when we lost a close friend or a relative deeply in our heart,under a strong feeling of sadness, we often wishes to meet them again or givethem a chance of rebirth. At that time, the pursuits which the speaker assertsusually tell us that everybody has a future life, in which people can meetagain. Thus, believing such kind of saying, we keep hope of a meeting with ourrelatives or friends again, which reduce our psychological hurt more or less.Under certain circumstance like abovementioned, psychic and paranormal pursuitsare indeed beneficial to people.

While, such pursuit comfortour heart and give us support in our mind, however, it would probably bringabout even worse potential harm to us.这个过渡段太少了,以至于看起来没有段落的感觉,再补充点什么。过渡段很不好写,多了不像过渡,少了,像个句子。

Firstly, these pursuitsmake us ignore(值得商榷) the vital function ofmainstream science which serves as a basic principle of social change andcivilization of human being. As everybody knows, it is the science thatachieves the high level civilization and develops the human society in a rapidpace. Science enable us to solve out various problems in different areas. Onneed look no further in medical science. Just due to the huge improvement inmedical field, people now can cure many fatal illnesses which seems impossibleto be settled in the past. If a person who suffers variola, which most probablycould be cured by seeing a doctor nowadays, goes to a wizard calling for helpand pray for magic power from "other side" of the world to cure him,he must delay the best time for curing, which may even bring a more serious stateor even death to him. From that, we can see what a role such pursuits playagainst the science which is even vital in our society. 那个治病的例子能说明忽视科学吗?我觉得不能说那些人ignore吧,而是迷信命运之说。这一段你本意是说明非主流使人们忽视科学,但你颂扬科学的文字太多了,有点偏了。怎么写,值得认真思考一下。

Furthermore, over trust inthese nonmainstream areas of inquiry may lead to a negative attitude towardslife, especially confronting failures or disappointment. No doubt that everyone will come across a lot of obstacles in life. In stead of seeking positivesolutions to these difficulties, which would bring us practical abilities andstrong will when face with similar situation again, if we turn to psychic andparanormal pursuits, we may lose our confidence in everything and act anegative part during our lives. More often than not, these pursuit always tellus that certain happening is a "fate". If we easily believe it as astandard and act negatively when we experience the same affairs, it can beeasily imagined that rare achievements can be made. Moreover,such pursuits will also lead to some irrational and unreasonable actions thatmay harm others.(太简单了,不如不写,如果简单摆一句,反而成为别人抓你的把柄了)

To sum up, I concede thatthe pursuit as the speaker assert can give people certain kinds of spiritualhelp. However, it will bring more potential harm to human beings, both forindividuals and society, which far outweigh the benefits it offers.
作者: nbta03    时间: 2007-8-13 14:58:34

作者: nbta03    时间: 2007-8-13 15:01:33

up up
作者: nbta03    时间: 2007-8-13 15:02:52

up up up

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