哈哈哈!咱早就发帖说过,把“alternative”解释成“另类”,是在“阶级斗争”条件下搞词典编篡弄的翻译,跟英文原意相差悬殊。 “alternative”的拉丁词干原本意义是“两者之一的选择”(a choice of two things),日常用法是“备择”之意。一个常见例子,就是管理中的“备择计划”、“备选员工”、“备用部件”、等等,简单说,就是做事情要“有备无患”、这个不行就用那个的意思。
“alternative medicine”呢,直接翻译就很贴切,即“备择医学”,具体到讨论问题呢,那说的就是西医不行、就用中医。啥意思?明摆着,两者都是医学科学,因理论方法体系不同而形成“两者之一的选择”,----用人家原文说,那就是“‘alternative’ medicine is used in place of conventional medicine”。哈!讲得多明白!明摆着,那帮反中医的“反伪斗士”搞的翻译是篡改编造。
NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving "complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine." These may reflect individual cultural systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.
NCCAM once had a fifth domain, "Alternative medical systems," but now considers "alternative medical systems" (now known as "whole medical systems") to be a separate category rather than another domain because alternative medical systems use practices from the four domains listed above. For purposes of this guidance, we adopt the same domains and "whole medical systems" category that NCCAM uses.
[1] 中医和西医是彼此“独立平行”(independently from or parallel to)的医学。嘿嘿,既然如此,西医是个科学体系,当然中医也是科学体系。那不是认同、又是什么呢?而照“反伪斗士”们的破烂英文说法呢,若平行的一个是科学体系而另一个不是,那就好比说两条腿中的一条腿是腿、另一条腿不是腿了,啊哈哈哈!搞笑到家。
[2] 中医不但是个医学体系,而且是个“整体医学体系”(whole medical systems),是个有理论有实践的完整体系。现在,中医已作为一个“整体医学体系”而从其它“备择医学”中分离出来(to be a separate category)。
Guidance for Industry:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration
连接: http://www.fda.gov/cber/gdlns/altmed.htm 。
则是更晚近才出现的。”(The term "complementary and alternative
medicine" (CAM) encompasses a wide array of health care practices,
products, and therapies that are distinct from practices, products,
and therapies used in "conventional" or "allopathic" medicine. Some
forms of CAM, such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic
medicine, have been practiced for centuries, whereas others, such as
electrotherapy, are more recent in origin.)
反映了独特的文化体系,例如中医和印度草医。”(NCCAM describes whole
medical systems as involving "complete systems of theory and practice
that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic
(conventional) medicine." These may reflect individual cultural
systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.)
就认为FDA在支持它(any mention of a particular CAM therapy, practice,
or product should not be construed as expressing FDA's support for or
endorsement of that particular CAM therapy, practice,or product or,
unless specified otherwise, as an agency determination that a particular
product is safe and effective for its intended uses or is safe for use.),
了中医的“国际地位”是靠谎言打造的?作者: chris song 时间: 2007-8-9 11:09:12