
标题: ISSUE43 [HIT] 求拍 [打印本页]

作者: mabla    时间: 2007-8-7 22:45:17     标题: ISSUE43 [HIT] 求拍

TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 574          TIME: 01:12:00          DATE: 2007-8-7 22:14:35

P1 表明观点,领导要有一定的道德水准,但不应该也没有必要保持最高道德水准
The welfare of a society is tightly related with its politics, in which public officials play a influencing role. How can a public official be effective leader is thus a common concern of the public. I agree with the writer in the broad assertion that government officials should keep a good ethical and moral standards in the sense that only reliable man  are less likely to deliberately harm the welfare of the whole society for his/her own interest and has stronger motivation to well serve for others. But it is neither  appropriate nor necessary to ask a public official to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
    Before we can decide what ethical and moral standards should a public official maintain, we should better think about how to define an effective leader. A leader who is called effective is supposed to accomplish his/her mission, which is to guarantee national safety, to promote the general living standard and to well solve current existing social problems and the premise is that he/she does not hurt his/her government or people. Obviously, the ability to deal with these issues is the cardinal requirement for a leader and it is the key to be an effective leader.
    Admittedly, a leader is supposed to keep good ethical and moral standards, for otherwise he/she may probably seek money and fame as the cost of well-being of the public and thus prevent from accomplishing the mission for him/her.  After all, it is essential to be loyal to his/her nation and reliable to his/her people. But asking him/her to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards goes too far. Anyway, ethical and moral standards do not stand for ability to deal with social issues, which truly leads to effectiveness of leadership.
   And in fact, it is even detrimental if a leader is meant to be of highest ethical and moral standards. Politics is a complicated game that needs strategy, tricks and even conspiracy, and some sacrifice must be made if the whole society can be better off. If the president of US is so honest that he is not willing to lie to the public on any issue, some top secrets, such as crucial information of national defense will be known by the enemy and it will finally threaten the safety of the nation.
   It is totally unnecessary to keep the highest ethical and moral standards, and a reliable man with exceptional ability to deal with all challenges and problems in society has a very high possibility to become an effective leader. A government official has strategic mind, mature perspective of views, and can make sound decisions will be a very effective leader. Churchill, the formal prime minister of Britain during the World War Two, is addicted to alcohol to some extend, and is not nice to people around him due to his bad temper, but this does not prevent him from being one the most effective and greatest prime minister in history. It is his ability makes him stand out and make it possible to encourage people in Britain and to cooperate internationally in the war against Fascist.
   To sum up, good ethical and moral standards is necessary for a leader, but it is not proper or necessary to maintain the highest standard for them, because it is his ability to deal with national matters and social problems that makes him well accomplish the missions, and thus makes him an effective leader.
作者: ambitionxx    时间: 2007-8-8 20:17:17

The welfare of a society is tightly related with its politics, in which public officials play a influencing role. How can a public official be effective leader is thus a common concern of the public. I agree with the writer in the broad assertion that government officials should keep a good ethical and moral standards in the sense that only reliable man  are less likely to deliberately harm the welfare of the whole society for his/her own interest and has stronger motivation to well serve for others. But it is neither appropriate nor necessary to ask a public official to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. (观点鲜明!)    Before we can decide what ethical and moral standards should a public official maintain, we should better think about how to define an effective leader. A leader who is called effective is supposed to accomplish his/her mission, which is to guarantee national safety, to promote the general living standard and to well solve current existing social problems and the premise is that he/she does not hurt his/her government or people. Obviously, the ability to deal with these issues is the cardinal requirement for a leader and it is the key to be an effective leader.(给下面讨论,定下框架)    Admittedly, a leader is supposed to keep good ethical and moral standards, for otherwise he/she may probably seek money and fame as the cost of well-being of the public and thus prevent from accomplishing the mission for him/her.  After all, it is essential to be loyal to his/her nation and reliable to his/her people. But asking him/her to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards goes too far. Anyway, ethical and moral standards do not stand for ability to deal with social issues, which truly leads to effectiveness of leadership.   And in fact, it is even detrimental if a leader is meant to be of highest ethical and moral standards. Politics is a complicated game that needs strategy, tricks and even conspiracy, and some sacrifice must be made if the whole society can be better off. If the president of US is so honest that he is not willing to lie to the public on any issue, some top secrets, such as crucial information of national defense will be known by the enemy and it will finally threaten the safety of the nation.    It is totally unnecessary to keep the highest ethical and moral standards, and a reliable man with exceptional ability to deal with all challenges and problems in society has a very high possibility to become an effective leader. A government official has strategic mind, mature perspective of views, and can make sound decisions will be a very effective leader. Churchill, the formal prime minister of Britain during the World War Two, is addicted to alcohol to some extend, and is not nice to people around him due to his bad temper, but this does not prevent him from being one the most effective and greatest prime minister in history. It is his ability makes him stand out and make it possible to encourage people in Britain and to cooperate internationally in the war against Fascist. (例子用的不错,但是否考虑在里面加入丘吉尔的哪些能力促使了他成为一代杰出的领导,这样更能有效论证你的观点)   To sum up, good ethical and moral standards is necessary for a leader, but it is not proper or necessary to maintain the highest standard for them, because it is his ability to deal with national matters and social problems that makes him well accomplish the missions, and thus makes him an effective leader.(后面这个从句的引导是否有点混乱)
楼主这篇文章写的不错,思路很清晰,逻辑也很好, 一气呵成!

[ 本帖最后由 ambitionxx 于 2007-8-8 20:20 编辑 ]

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