
标题: Issue43 [winner小组]第六次作业 by 白龙马 [打印本页]

作者: xyydhr    时间: 2007-8-9 21:21:44     标题: Issue43 [winner小组]第六次作业 by 白龙马

题目:ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
字数:507          用时: 00:45:00          日期:2007-8-9

In this issue, the speaker suggests that a public official should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards to be an effective leader. For me, I agree that an effective leader must maintain high ethical and moral standard. But it is unfeasible and almost impossible for a public official to always maintain the highest ethical and moral standard.

To begin with, high ethical and moral standard is necessary for an effective leader to pursue his/her political goal. Many public officials were expelled because of scandals in history. Richard Nixon, previously famous for his great contribution to improving the relationship between China and the USA, was made notorious for his Watergate scandals, and therefore, he was regarded as a dishonest and selfish person and was forced to quit the election. Furthermore, even if the public official does not have to quit, it is hard to imagine how he/she can concentrate in his/her office with so many reporters asking about his/her scandals outside.

Also, high ethical and moral standard can make a public official a good example to the public. In this case, the atmosphere of the whole society will be improved, and the officer will gain much reputations. In ancient China, many successful emperors set good example of respecting the elders, and protecting the young. Therefore, the whole society was made more harmonious when less old people is abandoned and more young can spend their childhood happily. The emperors are also remembered as a kind and merit leader. This method is also widely used in modern society. When we refer to our daily news, we can see public officials often pay a visit to the AIDS victims' homes, visit workers in minerals, or spend some festivals together with farmers who live in remote areas. Clearly, this can help a public official to raise his/her reputation, and create a better atmosphere in the society, therefore, make his/her an effective leader.

However, although high ethical and moral standard is necessary for an effective leader, it is neither feasible nor necessary to maintain the highest. Every person have their own flaws and weak points, and when a person can do benefit to the whole society, their short comings are likely to be ignored. Johnson Kennedy, known as a great leader to promote Civil Rights, was said to have an love affair with Marilyn Monroe. However, when people look back on history, this love affair seldom mentioned, all people can remember is his promotion about civil rights and the pity about his murder.

All in all, a public official should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. On the one hand, this can help his/her to achieve the political goal and better concentrate on his/her work. On the other hand, this can help the political leader set a good example to the society, and therefore, make the whole society more harmonious. However, it is unnecessary to maintain the highest, since when the political achievement obviously outweighs the bad effect the scandals can make, the public, always a tolerant one, will oversee these tiny flaws.

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