
标题: Issue153 得拍必回哦 [打印本页]

作者: woodman    时间: 2007-8-10 19:18:22     标题: Issue153 得拍必回哦

Issue153 Studentsshould bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should questionwhat they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

In the glorioushistory, skepticism contributes a lot to the prosperous civilization. Galileo'sskepticism toward the earth-oriented theory made him advanced the profound theoryof sun-centered theory, and Einstein’s skepticism on Newton's theory led him to the great birth oftheory of relativity. When referring to schools, students, we believe, shouldbring a certain skepticism to whatever they study rather than passively acceptit.

Firstly, to beskeptical to whatever they are taught can urge the student to think deeplyabout what they have learned; then to gain the ability to use the knowledgefreely and effectively. We all know that things that we consider deeply impressus best, the same does learning. We can see no further than the Mathematicsstudy. Passive remembering and reciting equations seldom take a notable effect,and we usually remember it just now while forget it at the next second. Even ifwe can remember it, this can not ensure us a comprehensive understanding ofsuch equations. Hence, we feel confused when facing the situation of applyingit to specific problems. Similarly, in the Chemistry study, without skepticism,even some students force themselves to remember all the elements and equations;the effect is far less satisfactory than supposed to be. While, if we take acertain skepticism on these equations, then we might think deeply about whetherit is sound, and where it comes from, what is its original meaning, or how toimprove it. Due to the very process of skepticism, we achieve a deepunderstanding and accordingly a better ability to use them.

Furthermore, theskepticism also arouses the students' interests in learning. When we suspectsome knowledge, then we might have a strong curiosity to explore what is thetruth, and we gradually form a great interest in such process. And as the well-knownquotation of Einstein, one of the most famous scientists, says,” Interest isthe best teacher', interest act as the first step in learning. We can see nofurther than the classroom. The student finds some knowledge is suspicious, hemay feel encouraged to possess a view different from other classmates who arejust passively remember the content in the books, and he may soon be attractedby relevant knowledge when he tries to get a clear answer. he may think deeply,look up piles of books and references, discuss with his classmates or ask theteacher for some guideline. In such process, he may find himself in a magicworld of knowledge, which inspires him a stronger interest to learn it. Actually,in the early stage of children's education, parents always use the way ofarousing children's suspicion to inspire their interest. For example, parentsmay tell children that one apple adds one apple equate with two apples, thenthey guide children to suspect why one apple adds two apples do not equate withtwo apples. And children feel interesting to seek for the answer. Hence, drivenby such questioning, students are more likely to find interest in learning.

However, suchskepticism should base on a scientific and objective way rather than reject allthe students have learn in which facts are included. If students indulgethemselves in suspecting facts such as whether the Earth is exist or not, or didthe Independence War truly occurred in history, then they may be distractedfrom normal study. Suspicion toward fact is meaningless, or even worse, leadpeople to prejudice. Hence, a proper degree should be controlled in the processof skepticism; otherwise, we may fail to obtain its benefit for learning.

In sum, we shouldencourage students to question what they are taught, the ability to beskeptical about whatever he/she studies benefit the student a lot. Yet,rejection to fact should be avoided.
作者: forestlevy    时间: 2007-8-10 19:49:58

In the glorious history, skepticism contributes a lot to the prosperous civilization. Galileo's skepticism toward the earth-oriented theory made him advanced the profound theoryof sun-centered theory, and Einstein’s skepticism on Newton's theory led him to the great birth oftheory of relativity. When referring to schools, students, we believe, should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study rather than passively acceptit.(恩,回顾历史式...本文是全赞同么?)

Firstly, to beskeptical to whatever they are taught can urge the student to think deeply about what they have learned; then to gain the ability to use the knowledgefreely and effectively. (分号后不是一个完整句,病句.)We all know that things that we consider deeply impress us best, the same does learning. We can see no further than the Mathematics study.(我们不能比数学学习看的更远?? 差了"在这一点上"吧) Passive remembering and reciting equations seldom take a notable effect,and we usually remember it just now while forget it at the next second. Even if we can remember it, this can not ensure us a comprehensive understanding of such equations. Hence, we feel confused when facing the situation of applying it to specific problems. (这个例子虚了点,另外,跟怀疑有关系么? 只是说被动背诵没用而已)Similarly, in the Chemistry study, without skepticism,even some students force themselves to remember all the elements and equations;the effect is far less satisfactory than supposed to be. While, if we take acertain skepticism on these equations, then we might think deeply about whetherit is sound, and where it comes from, what is its original meaning, or how to improve it. Due to the very process of skepticism, we achieve a deepunderstanding and accordingly a better ability to use them.(本段前半部有点偏.我知道这是个多步推理,怀疑==>思考==>理解==>应用,但是应该有明显的侧重点---既怀疑上.)

Furthermore, the skepticism also arouses the students' interests in learning. When we suspect some knowledge, then we might have a strong curiosity to explore what is the truth, and we gradually form a great interest in such process. And as the well-knownquotation of Einstein, one of the most famous scientists, says,” Interest isthe best teacher', interest act as the first step in learning. We can see nofurther than the classroom.(又来了...) The student finds some knowledge is suspicious, hemay feel encouraged to possess a view different from other classmates who arejust passively remember the content in the books, and he may soon be attractedby relevant knowledge when he tries to get a clear answer. he may think deeply,look up piles of books and references, discuss with his classmates or ask theteacher for some guideline. In such process, he may find himself in a magicworld of knowledge, which inspires him a stronger interest to learn it. Actually,in the early stage of children's education, parents always use the way ofarousing children's suspicion to inspire their interest. For example, parentsmay tell children that one apple adds one apple equate with two apples, thenthey guide children to suspect why one apple adds two apples do not equate withtwo apples. And children feel interesting to seek for the answer. Hence, drivenby such questioning, students are more likely to find interest in learning.(恩 interest的出镜率太高了。别的还好.)

However, such skepticism should base on a scientific and objective way rather than reject all the students have learn in which facts are included. If students indulgethemselves in suspecting facts such as whether the Earth is exist or not, or didthe Independence War truly occurred in history, then they may be distractedfrom normal study. Suspicion toward fact is meaningless, or even worse, leadpeople to prejudice. Hence, a proper degree should be controlled in the processof skepticism; otherwise, we may fail to obtain its benefit for learning.(fact?额...什么是fact...对于历史上的筒子们来说,地球是世界的中心,这就是fact...个人认为,让步段应该注重怀疑的程度而非对象,一个真正的怀疑论者,所有一切都值得怀疑,但不是所有一切都值得怀疑的很久)

In sum, we shouldencourage students to question what they are taught, the ability to beskeptical about whatever he/she studies benefit the student a lot. Yet,rejection to fact should be avoided.(简单重复的结尾不好)
作者: joycening    时间: 2007-8-10 20:07:23

Issue153 Studentsshould bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should questionwhat they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

In the glorious history, skepticism contributes a lot to the prosperous civilization. Galileo'sskepticism toward the earth-oriented theory made him advanced the profound theoryof(去掉) sun-centered theory, and Einstein’s skepticism on Newton's theory led him to the great birth oftheory of relativity(表达错误). When referring to schools, students, we believe, should bring a certain skepticism(a certain skepticism should be brought) to whatever they study rather than passively accept it.

Firstly, to be skeptical to whatever they are taught can urge the student to think deeply about what they have learned; then to gain the ability to use the knowledgefreely and effectively(put into practice感觉更顺). We all know that things that we consider deeply impress us best, the same does learning. We can see no further than the Mathematics study. Passive remembering and reciting equations seldom take a notable effect,and we usually remember it just now while forget it at the next second. Even if we can remember it, this can not ensure us a comprehensive understanding ofsuch equations. Hence, we feel confused when facing the situation of applyingit to specific problems.(这个和怀疑有关系吗?我觉得你应该重点说,怀疑是如何使人们记得这些等式的,例子没错,但论述的重点偏了) Similarly, in the Chemistry study, without skepticism,even some students force themselves to remember all the elements and equations;the effect is far less satisfactory than supposed to be. While, if we take a certain skepticism on these equations, then we might think deeply about whetherit is sound, and where it comes from, what is its original meaning, or how to improve it. Due to the very process of skepticism, we achieve a deep understanding and accordingly a better ability to use them(后面这个例子的论述就比数学的那个好些).

Furthermore, the skepticism also arouses the students' interests in learning. When we suspect some knowledge, then we might have a strong curiosity to explore what is the truth, and we gradually form a great interest in such process. And as the well-known quotation of Einstein, one of the most famous scientists, says,” Interest isthe best teacher', interest act as the first step in learning. (兴趣和怀疑貌似没有必然关系)We can see nofurther than the classroom. The student finds some knowledge is suspicious, hemay feel encouraged to possess a view different from other classmates who arejust passively remember the content in the books, and he may soon be attractedby relevant knowledge when he tries to get a clear answer. he may think deeply,look up piles of books and references, discuss with his classmates or ask the teacher for some guideline. In such process, he may find himself in a magic world of knowledge, which inspires him a stronger interest to learn it(我觉得怀疑不必然产生兴趣,到是对有兴趣的东西会常常提出一些问题,可以换个角度论述). Actually,in the early stage of children's education, parents always use the way ofarousing children's suspicion to inspire their interest. For example, parentsmay tell children that one apple adds one apple equate with two apples, then they guide children to suspect why one apple adds two apples do not equate withtwo apples. And children feel interesting to seek for the answer. Hence, drivenby such questioning, students are more likely to find interest in learning.

However, such skepticism should base on a scientific and objective way rather than reject all the students have learn in which facts are included. If students indulge themselves in suspecting facts such as whether the Earth is exist or not or didthe Independence War truly occurred in history(其实这个对于一些还没学过历史小学生,他们是不懂得,提出这些问题也不为怪,可以换一下。我觉得这中例子很难举,毕竟是在鼓励体问题,又说提的问题不好,貌似会矛盾。因为问题值不值得问,是一个很主观的事情), then they may be distractedfrom normal study. Suspicion toward fact is meaningless, or even worse, leadpeople to prejudice. Hence, a proper degree should be controlled in the processof skepticism; otherwise, we may fail to obtain its benefit for learning.

In sum, we shouldencourage students to question what they are taught, the ability to beskeptical about whatever he/she studies benefit the student a lot. Yet,rejection to fact should be avoided.
作者: woodman    时间: 2007-8-10 20:55:03

作者: xiongnashiong    时间: 2007-8-10 23:17:57

Issue153 Studentsshould bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should questionwhat they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

In the glorious history, skepticism contributes a lot to the prosperous civilization. Galileo's skepticism toward the earth-oriented theory made him advanced the profound theoryof(去掉) sun-centered theory, and Einstein’s skepticism on Newton's theory led him to the great birth of theory of relativity(表达错误). When referring to schools, students, we believe, should bring a certain skepticism(a certain skepticism should be brought) to whatever they study rather than passively accept it.(这个地方的主语和前面的不一致)(看到这里TS觉得是全部赞同的写法)

Firstly, to be skeptical to whatever they are taught can urge the student to think deeply about what they have learned; then to gain the ability to use the knowledgefreely and effectively(put into practice感觉更顺). We all know that things that we consider deeply impress us best, the same does learning. We can see no further than the Mathematics study. Passive remembering and reciting equations seldom take a notable effect,and we usually remember it just now while forget it at the next second. Even if we can remember it, this can not ensure us a comprehensive understanding ofsuch equations. Hence, we feel confused when facing the situation of applying it to specific problems.(这个和怀疑有关系吗?我觉得你应该重点说,怀疑是如何使人们记得这些等式的,例子没错,但论述的重点偏了,)同意 Similarly, in the Chemistry study, without skepticism,even some students force themselves to remember all the elements and equations;the effect is far less satisfactory than supposed to be.(这句话太抽象了,没有解释) While, if we take a certain skepticism on these equations, then we might think deeply about whetherit is sound, and where it comes from, what is its original meaning, or how to improve it. Due to the very process of skepticism, we achieve a deep understanding and accordingly a better ability to use them(后面感觉想做一个小小升华,总结下共性,但是个人觉得化学的例子和物理 的例子属于同质的,一个足以).

Furthermore, the skepticism also arouses the students' interests in learning. When we suspect some knowledge, then we might have a strong curiosity to explore what is the truth, and we gradually form a great interest in such process.(恩 很多人缺少这个过度) And as the well-known quotation of Einstein, one of the most famous scientists, says,” Interest isthe best teacher', interest act as the first step in learning. (兴趣和怀疑貌似没有必然关系)同意We can see nofurther than the classroom. The student finds some knowledge is suspicious, hemay feel encouraged to possess a view different from other classmates who arejust passively remember the content in the books, and he may soon be attractedby relevant knowledge when he tries to get a clear answer. he may think deeply,look up piles of books and references, discuss with his classmates or ask the teacher for some guideline. In such process, he may find himself in a magic world of knowledge, which inspires him a stronger interest to learn it(我觉得怀疑不必然产生兴趣,到是对有兴趣的东西会常常提出一些问题,可以换个角度论述)你这里举了二个例子,二个例子之间是什么关系呢?是具体话?我觉得actually如果你想用来承接的话,太薄了. Actually,in the early stage of children's education, parents always use the way ofarousing children's suspicion to inspire their interest. For example, parentsmay tell children that one apple adds one apple equate with two apples, then they guide children to suspect why one apple adds two apples do not equate withtwo apples. And children feel interesting to seek for the answer. Hence, drivenby such questioning, students are more likely to find interest in learning.

However, such skepticism should base on a scientific and objective way rather than reject all the students have learn in which facts are included.这里好像懒得给承接了 呵呵 If students indulge themselves in suspecting facts such as whether the Earth is exist or not or didthe Independence War truly occurred in history(其实这个对于一些还没学过历史小学生,他们是不懂得,提出这些问题也不为怪,可以换一下。我觉得这中例子很难举,毕竟是在鼓励体问题,又说提的问题不好,貌似会矛盾。因为问题值不值得问,是一个很主观的事情)赞同,这个例子有点极端,怀疑地球是否存在个人觉得是唯心主义学派的苗子 呵呵呵, then they may be distractedfrom normal study. Suspicion toward fact is meaningless, or even worse, leadpeople to prejudice. Hence, a proper degree should be controlled in the processof skepticism; otherwise, we may fail to obtain its benefit for learning.
这里有让步了啊 ts里面没有体现
In sum, we shouldencourage students to question what they are taught, the ability to beskeptical about whatever he/she studies benefit the student a lot. Yet,rejection to fact should be avoided.
结构没有问题,注意下在TS主题中照应下让步 ,然后段落TS和例子之间要有衔接

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