
标题: Issue43 有拍必回 [打印本页]

作者: woodman    时间: 2007-8-11 20:18:13     标题: Issue43 有拍必回

Issue43 "To be an effective leader, a public official mustmaintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

Leaders, spiritual figure of a group, company or nation, actas the tractor of the train to keep certain direction toward a goal. Yet, somepeople may say, so important leaders are, so they must keep the highest ethicaland moral standards. However, this is far from the truth. As far as I amconcerned, highest ethical and moral standards indeed help a lead to beeffective, but sometimes it is necessary to discard such standards. Also, aneffective leader is valued for his efforts to benefit the public and society,rather than ethics and morality.

It is true that highest ethical and moral standards help tobe an effective leader, in that such standards enable a leader gain supportfrom the public, or sometimes encourage them to make efforts. For one thing,high ethics and morality contribute to form a good public figure which may beadmired and adored by people. Bill Gates, for example, besides his outstandingability to operate multibillion-business, he is praised for his generous deedsof money donation. And such good public figure makes him gain advocate farbeyond his corporation. Moreover, those leaders who have highest ethical andmoral standards are more likely to put public interests in the first place, andendeavor for it. As a result, his leadship becomes effective. To illustratethis point, we can see no further than the Martin Luther King. He devoted allhis life into leading the struggle for justice. His high ethical and moralstandards offered him a great impetus to make efforts for the society. Hence,highest standards for ethic and moral contribute to the effective leadship.

Nevertheless, in certain cases, leaders have to sacrificemorality in the sake of the security of the nation. Take dishonesty forexample, in common situation, honesty is a requirement for leaders. However, underfinancial crisis, no matter what a sad situation a region is suffering,political leaders should conceal the truth and give the public strongconfidence by means of telling stories, exaggerate function of government, thepower of public and the possible reviving situation of economy to show thatthere is hope if all members try their utmost. If politicians announce thesituation, maybe all residents would be in chaos, which would cause more andmore serious bank run and finally lead to economy depression. Similarly, in theinternational trade, it is ordinary to see leaders from a country carp at othercountries’ certain commodities in order to impede larger amounts of import ofsuch kind goods, in that the very goods is the pillar cornerstone industry of hiscountry, and if the domestic market is occupied by the imported alternatives,the whole economy of the country may be affected. Though such carping runscounter to moral standards, it is necessary to do so. Therefore, blindlysuccumb to the highest ethical and moral standards should be avoided.

Moreover, to value a leader is effective, we mainly considerthat whether his policy and behaviors would benefit the public, society andhuman beings at best, but not merely take the ethical and moral standards intoaccount. Were leaders unable to bring people benefits, they may fail to be aneffective leader though they hold a highest morality. Common sense tells us, everyman has his faults. The same do leaders. If only their betrayal of ethical andmoral standards do not harm the public interests, their effectiveness shouldnot be shadowed by the violation. And that the very reason why FranklinRoosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton who cannot meet the highest ethicaland moral standard in their private life, but their successful leaderships arenot tarnished by their flaws anyway and their names will be remembered by generationsfor what they have done to our society. On the contrary, if their breadth of ethicaland moral standards cause harm to the public and the country, such as sellingcustomers fake commodities and offering bribe in the contested election,doubtlessly leaders are not effective.

In sum, though keeping highest ethical and moral standardscontributes to effective leadership, but it is not a necessary requirement. Tobe an effective leader, one should avoid obstinately clinging to ethical andmoral standards, if breadth of such standards is beneficial to his nation. Inaddition, a leader’s effective leadership will not be degraded if his violationof ethics and morality does not harm public interests.
作者: pippo1983    时间: 2007-8-11 22:02:54

Issue43 "To be an effective leader, a public official mustmaintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

Leaders, spiritual figure of a group, company or nation, actas the tractor of the train to keep certain direction toward a goal. (为什么转折?)Yet, somepeople may say, so important leaders are, so they must keep the highest ethicaland moral standards. However, this is far from the truth. As far as I amconcerned, highest ethical and moral standards indeed help a lead to beeffective, but sometimes it is necessary to discard such standards. Also(递进关系), aneffective leader is valued for his efforts to benefit the public and society,rather than ethics and morality.

It is true that highest ethical and moral standards help tobe an effective leader, in that such standards enable a leader gain supportfrom the public, or sometimes encourage them to make efforts. For one thing(这个和前面的in that有重复嫌疑,我觉得你直接用first就可以了),high ethics and morality contribute to form a good public figure which may beadmired and adored by people. Bill Gates, for example, besides his outstandingability to operate multibillion-business, he is praised for his generous deedsof money donation. And such good public figure makes him gain advocate farbeyond his corporation(这和effective有直接联系么?什么是effective?如果取得了人民的支持,办事更容易,这可以说有效,但仅取得支持不等于有效). Moreover, those leaders who have highest ethical andmoral standards are more likely to put public interests in the first place, andendeavor for it. As a result, his leadship becomes effective. To illustratethis point, we can see no further than the Martin Luther King. He devoted allhis life into leading the struggle for justice. His high ethical and moralstandards offered him a great impetus to make efforts for the society(这里也是一样的问题,是否有效看的是结果,成就). Hence,highest standards for ethic and moral contribute to the effective leadship.

Nevertheless, in certain cases, leaders have to sacrificemorality in (for)the sake of the security of the nation. Take dishonesty forexample, in common situation, honesty is a requirement for leaders. However, underfinancial crisis, no matter what a sad situation a region is suffering,political leaders should conceal the truth and give the public strongconfidence by means of telling stories, exaggerate function of government, thepower of public and the possible reviving situation of economy to show thatthere is hope if all members try their utmost. If politicians announce thesituation, maybe all residents would be in chaos, which would cause more andmore serious bank run and finally lead to economy depression. Similarly, in theinternational trade, it is ordinary to see leaders from a country carp at othercountries’ certain commodities in order to impede larger amounts of import ofsuch kind goods, in that the very goods is the pillar cornerstone industry of hiscountry, and if the domestic market is occupied by the imported alternatives,the whole economy of the country may be affected. Though such carping runscounter to moral standards, it is necessary to do so. Therefore, blindlysuccumb to the highest ethical and moral standards should be avoided.(例子太长,精简下,多分析,少叙述为好,相似的例子不要举2个,除非能说明不同问题)

Moreover, to value (whether)a leader is effective, we mainly considerthat whether his policy and behaviors would benefit the public, society andhuman beings at best, but (去掉but,加上should,不然就是病句了)not merely take the ethical and moral standards intoaccount. Were leaders unable to bring people benefits, they may fail to be aneffective leader though they hold a highest morality(你后面并没有举出高道德低水准领导的例子和内容这句话完全可以不要,注意文章的紧密性). Common sense tells us, everyman has his faults. The same do leaders. If only their betrayal of ethical andmoral standards do not harm the public interests, their effectiveness shouldnot be shadowed by the violation. And that the very reason why FranklinRoosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton who cannot meet the highest ethicaland moral standard in their private life, but their successful leaderships arenot tarnished by their flaws anyway and their names will be remembered by generationsfor what they have done to our society. On the contrary, if their breadth of ethicaland moral standards cause harm to the public and the country, such as sellingcustomers fake commodities and offering bribe in the contested election,doubtlessly leaders are not effective.(这段写得还可以)

In sum, though keeping highest ethical and moral standardscontributes to effective leadership, but(前面有though了) it is not a necessary requirement. Tobe an effective leader, one should avoid obstinately clinging to ethical andmoral standards, if breadth of such standards is beneficial to his nation. Inaddition, a leader’s effective leadership will not be degraded if his violationof ethics and morality does not harm public interests.


作者: xiongnashiong    时间: 2007-8-12 09:52:25

Issue43 "To be an effective leader, a public official mustmaintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

Leaders, spiritual figure of a group, company or nation, actas the tractor of the train to keep certain direction toward a goal. (为什么转折?)Yet, somepeople may say, so important leaders are, so they must keep the highest ethicaland moral standards. However, this is far from the truth. As far as I amconcerned, highest ethical and moral standards indeed help a lead to beeffective, but sometimes it is necessary to discard such standards. Also(递进关系), aneffective leader is valued for his efforts to benefit the public and society,rather than ethics and morality.TS 读到的是有时要放弃道德标准

It is true that highest ethical and moral standards help tobe an effective leader, in that such standards enable a leader gain supportfrom the public, or sometimes encourage them to make efforts.(是有好处的) For one thing(这个和前面的in that有重复嫌疑,我觉得你直接用first就可以了),high ethics and morality contribute to form a good public figure which may beadmired and adored by people. Bill Gates, for example, besides his outstandingability to operate multibillion-business, he is praised for his generous deedsof money donation. And such good public figure makes him gain advocate farbeyond his corporation(这和effective有直接联系么?什么是effective?如果取得了人民的支持,办事更容易,这可以说有效,但仅取得支持不等于有效).同意 Moreover, those leaders who have highest ethical andmoral standards are more likely to put public interests in the first place, andendeavor for it. As a result, his leadship becomes effective. To illustratethis point, we can see no further than the Martin Luther King. He devoted allhis life into leading the struggle for justice. His high ethical and moralstandards offered him a great impetus to make efforts for the society(这里也是一样的问题,是否有效看的是结果,成就)我觉得这个例子是可以的. Hence,highest standards for ethic and moral contribute to the effective leadship.总结太简单

Nevertheless, in certain cases, leaders have to sacrifice morality in (for)the sake of the security of the nation. Take dishonesty for example, in common situation, honesty is a requirement for leaders. However, under financial crisis, no matter what a sad situation a region is suffering, political leaders should conceal the truth and give the public strong confidence by means of telling stories, exaggerate function of government, thepower of public and the possible reviving situation of economy to show thatthere is hope if all members try their utmost. If politicians announce thesituation, maybe all residents would be in chaos, which would cause more andmore serious bank run and finally lead to economy depression. Similarly, in theinternational trade, it is ordinary to see leaders from a country carp at othercountries’ certain commodities in order to impede larger amounts of import ofsuch kind goods, in that the very goods is the pillar cornerstone industry of hiscountry, and if the domestic market is occupied by the imported alternatives,the whole economy of the country may be affected. Though such carping runscounter to moral standards, it is necessary to do so. Therefore, blindlysuccumb to the highest ethical and moral standards should be avoided.(例子太长,精简下,多分析,少叙述为好,相似的例子不要举2个,除非能说明不同问题)同意 并且你的总结总是一句就完了。我也想在以后的叙述中,除非例子特别的经典否则不应该太多

Moreover, to value (whether)a leader is effective, we mainly consider that whether his policy and behaviors would benefit the public, society andhuman beings at best, but (去掉but,加上should,不然就是病句了)not merely take the ethical and moral standards into account. Were leaders unable to bring people benefits, they may fail to be aneffective leader though they hold a highest morality(你后面并没有举出高道德低水准领导的例子和内容这句话完全可以不要,注意文章的紧密性)Common sense tells us, everyman has his faults. The same do leaders. If only their betrayal of ethical andmoral standards do not harm the public interests, their effectiveness shouldnot be shadowed by the violation. And that the very reason why FranklinRoosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton who cannot meet the highest ethicaland moral standard in their private life, but their successful leaderships arenot tarnished by their flaws anyway and their names will be remembered by generationsfor what they have done to our society. On the contrary, if their breadth of ethicaland moral standards cause harm to the public and the country, such as selling customers fake commodities and offering bribe in the contested election, doubtlessly leaders are not effective.(这段写得还可以)(这段感觉是你的发展段吗?在讨论那么如果才是一个有效领导应该必须具备的?)如果是的话 恩 的确起到了深化主题的作用

In sum, though keeping highest ethical and moral standardscontributes to effective leadership, but(前面有though了) it is not a necessary requirement. Tobe an effective leader, one should avoid obstinately clinging to ethical andmoral standards, if breadth of such standards is beneficial to his nation. Inaddition, a leader’s effective leadership will not be degraded if his violationof ethics and morality does not harm public interests.
组长这篇写的还不错啊 我觉得 但是发展段来的有一点突兀 我开始还以为偏题了 囧……..
作者: paopaotang    时间: 2007-8-12 15:59:35

Issue43 "To be an effective leader, a public official mustmaintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

Leaders, spiritual figure of a group,company or nation, actas the tractor of the train to keep certaindirection toward a goal. Yet, somepeople may say, so important leadersare, so they must keep the highest ethicaland moral standards. However,this is far from the truth. As far as I am concerned ("as far as A is concerned" should be followed by narration around A. I think you meant "from my understanding" or something like that ), highest ethicaland moral standards indeed help a lead to beeffective, but sometimes itis necessary to discard such standards. Also, an effective leader isvalued for his efforts to benefit the public and society,rather thanethics and morality.

It is true that highest ethical andmoral standards help tobe an effective leader, in that such standardsenable a leader (to) gain supportfrom the public, or sometimes encouragethem to make efforts. For one thing,high ethics and morality contributeto form a good public figure which may beadmired and adored by people.Bill Gates (please note what a public official is. The term basically refers to people working in government. 公务员. Bill Gates is not a public official), for example, besides his outstandingability to operatemultibillion-business, he is praised for his generous deedsof moneydonation. And such good public figure makes him gain advocate farbeyondhis corporation. Moreover, those leaders who have highest ethicalandmoral standards are more likely to put public interests in the firstplace, andendeavor for it. As a result, his leadship becomes effective.To illustratethis point, we can see no further than the Martin LutherKing. He devoted allhis life into leading the struggle for justice. Hishigh ethical and moralstandards offered him a great impetus to makeefforts for the society. Hence,highest standards for ethic and moralcontribute to the effective leadship.

Nevertheless, in certain cases,leaders have to sacrificemorality in the sake of the security of thenation. Take dishonesty forexample, in common situation, honesty is arequirement for leaders. However, underfinancial crisis, no matter whata sad situation a region is suffering,political leaders should concealthe truth and give the public strongconfidence by means of tellingstories, exaggerate function of government, thepower of public and thepossible reviving situation of economy to show thatthere is hope if allmembers try their utmost. If politicians announce thesituation, maybeall residents would be in chaos, which would cause more andmore seriousbank run and finally lead to economy depression. Similarly, intheinternational trade, it is ordinary to see leaders from a countrycarp at othercountries’ certain commodities in order to impede largeramounts of import ofsuch kind goods, in that the very goods is thepillar cornerstone industry of hiscountry, and if the domestic marketis occupied by the imported alternatives,the whole economy of thecountry may be affected. Though such carping runscounter to moralstandards, it is necessary to do so. Therefore, blindlysuccumb to thehighest ethical and moral standards should be avoided.

Moreover, to value a leader iseffective, we mainly considerthat whether his policy and behaviorswould benefit the public, society andhuman beings at best, but notmerely take the ethical and moral standards intoaccount. Were leadersunable to bring people benefits, they may fail to be aneffective leaderthough they hold a highest morality. Common sense tells us, everymanhas his faults. The same do leaders. If only their betrayal of ethicalandmoral standards do not harm the public interests, theireffectiveness shouldnot be shadowed by the violation. And that the veryreason why FranklinRoosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton who cannotmeet the highest ethicaland moral standard in their private life, buttheir successful leaderships arenot tarnished by their flaws anyway andtheir names will be remembered by generationsfor what they have done toour society. On the contrary, if their breadth of ethicaland moralstandards cause harm to the public and the country, such assellingcustomers fake commodities and offering bribe in the contestedelection,doubtlessly leaders are not effective.

In sum, though keeping highestethical and moral standardscontributes to effective leadership, but itis not a necessary requirement. Tobe an effective leader, one shouldavoid obstinately clinging to ethical andmoral standards, if breadth ofsuch standards is beneficial to his nation. Inaddition, a leader’seffective leadership will not be degraded if his violationof ethics andmorality does not harm public interests.

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