
标题: issue51 [Jet小组] 第三次作业 [打印本页]

作者: dreamstring    时间: 2008-2-5 23:53:23     标题: issue51 [Jet小组] 第三次作业

Issue51 "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

字数 509     

I agree with the speaker that individual’s needs and interests should be respected. One purpose of education is to mode the student a unique and special people who can function to society. However, designing education specifically to follow students’ personality may be harmful to not only learners but also education.

As far as we know, students’ needs and interests should be respected, since a society consists with conformity would gain little progress. It is people who own various values, religions, cultures that provide a diverse society. Overlooking students’ personality will lead to form a group of people with common value. It will offer a negative influence to society and it is an infringement of students’ right. Their needs and interests deserve to be fulfilled and respected.

However, specially designing a kind of education to meet individual’s needs and interests is not feasible. Take a look around, for example, it is easy to find that it seems one student owns one special kind of interests, while education resource is limited. To cater each student’s special mind means, to large extent, one student needs one teacher who designs a special teaching blueprint for this student. There is no doubt that it is an enormous challenge to our education system, and we have to admit the reality that fulfilling each student’s idea is almost impossible.

Even if we can construct an education system with enough resource to meet each individual’s needs and interests, query all of their needs and interests are rational. It should not be neglected that many children’s interests are harmful to themselves. We can find examples easily. There are a large number of children who fascinate PC games which full of violate. Some students are obsessed with Internet, which is just a simulated world. They spend much time in such interests that should not be totally fulfilled. If education is prepared to cater these interests which are bad to their life, it is a shame of our education.

What’s more, to say education will be truly effective only when each student’s needs and interests are catered misleads the definition of effective education. The meaning of education should be cogitated seriously. The key purpose of education is to prepare students to understand value, morality, freedom, equality, democracy, and the like. Students should be taught the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and they should be healthy, happy and successful but decent, strong and good. When they think a life of cheating and swindling is as worthy as a life of honest, hard work, can we realize our education is effective? Apparently, the answer is no.

In sum, although respecting students’ needs and interests is an important part of education, it is not feasible to meet each individual’s personality, let alone some students’ interests are not so good. Moreover, we should treat the meaning of education carefully. To cater students’ need is not everything of education. What we need are a people who can function to society after they leave school, but a people who just harm to society.

作者: hds123523000    时间: 2008-2-6 13:26:46     标题: 修改

Issue51 "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
字数 509     I agree with the speaker that individual’s needs and interests should be respected. One purpose of education is to mode the student a unique and special people who can function to society. However, designing education specifically to follow students’ personality may be harmful to not only learners but also education. 【写得好啊,我就没有想到】As far as we know, students’ needs and interests should be respected, since a society consists with conformity would gain little progress. It is people who own various values, religions, cultures that provide a diverse society. Overlooking students’ personality will lead to form这个词是不是该用-ing呢?)a group of people with common value. It will offer a negative influence to society and it is an infringement of students’ right. Their needs and interests deserve to be fulfilled and respected.【能不能举一些少年成才是由于尊重其个性教育的例子呢?】However, specially designing a kind of education to meet individual’s needs and interests is not feasible. Take a look around, for example, it is easy to find that it seems one student owns one special kind of interests, while education resource is limited.【好啊!】 To cater each student’s special mind means, to large extent, one student needs one teacher who designs a special teaching blueprint for this student. There is no doubt that it is an enormous challenge to our currenteducation system, and we have to admit the reality that fulfilling each student’s idea is almost impossible.Even if we can construct an education system with enough resource to meet each individual’s needs and interests, query all of their needs and interests are rational(这句话是不是有问题呢?前面的query是一个什么样的词语啊?好像没必要啊). It should not be neglected that many children’s interests are harmful to themselves. We can find examples easily.(我觉得应该把这个例子展开谈,比如如何废寝忘食地玩游戏,成绩如何下降,出身社会后又有如何的暴力倾向啊) There are a large number of children who fascinate PC games whichisfull of violate. Some students are obsessed with Internet, which is just a simulated world. They spend much time in such interests that should not be totally fulfilled. If education is prepared to cater these interests which are bad to their lifelives, it is a shame of our education.What’s more, to say education will be truly effective only when each student’s needs and interests are catered misleads the definition of effective education. The meaning of education should be cogitated seriously. The key purpose of education is to prepare students to understand value, morality, freedom, equality, democracy, and the like. Students should be taught the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and they should be healthy, happy and successful but decent, strong and good. When they think a life of cheating and swindling is as worthy as a life of honest, hard work, can we realize our education is effective? Apparently, the answer is no.【其实这一段写的很精彩,但是没有和题目联系上,你对教育的作用下了一个定义,但是不知道这个定义与题目有如何得关系,后面应该谈一谈对学生个个性教育是如何不利于你所对教育下的定义的】In sum, although respecting students’ needs and interests is an important part of education, it is not feasible to meet each individual’s personality, let alone some students’ interests are not so good. Moreover, we should treat the meaning of education carefully. To cater students’ need is not everything of education. What we need are a people who can function wellto society after they leave school, but (not a (这个a字用的对吗?people前面加a)people who just harm(加不加s?) to society.


作者: ilabc    时间: 2008-2-8 01:35:59


几个小问题探讨一下,文中内容以批判为主,你的观点是personal oriented education is harmful and idealistic ,但你没有给出具体effecitve education的模式,但我写的时候都是以证明为主,而不是批判。我不知这是否可以,但看了这片文章觉得只要有话可说貌似也可以。现在迷茫中。

另外apparent有表面上,外表上的意思,我觉得有点让步的语气,字典里对apparently的解释是: based on what you have heard is true, although you are not completely sure about it.所以加强语气还是 obviously比较好



[ 本帖最后由 ilabc 于 2008-2-8 02:12 编辑 ]

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