ARGUMENT51 - The following appeared in a medical newsletter.
"Doctors have long suspected that secondary infectionsmay keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain.This hypothesis has now been proved by preliminary results of a studyof two groups of patients. The first group of patients, all beingtreated for muscle injuries by Dr. Newland, a doctor who specializes insports medicine, took antibiotics regularly throughout their treatment.Their recuperation time was, on average, 40 percent quicker thantypically expected. Patients in the second group, all being treated byDr. Alton, a general physician, were given sugar pills, although thepatients believed they were taking antibiotics. Their averagerecuperation time was not significantly reduced. Therefore, allpatients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would be well advised totake antibiotics as part of their treatment."
word: 354
The author of this argument asserts thatthe secondary infection prevents the quick healing of the severe muscle strainand then suggests that all patients who diagnosed with muscle strain should beadvised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment. However, I think that the assertion is far fromsubstantiated and the suggestion is unreasonable after carry out a thoroughanalysis of the argument.
The presumption that secondary infection has an undesirable effect on therehabilitation of muscle strain, combined with the evidence which shows a significantreduction of the recuperation time of the patients, contributes to the author'sconviction about the effect of the antibiotics. Nevertheless, it's premature togive the antibiotics all the credits, for there exists considerable diversityin the controls. As two groups of patients were treated by two different kindsof doctor, one by a specialized sport medicine doctor while another one by ageneral physician, maybe it's the more specialized treatment by Dr. Newlandplayed the vital role in reducing the recovering time of the first group.Besides, the differences of physical and mental conditions of the two groups ofpatients could also be crucial at speeding up their rehabilitation, for no evidencewhich indicates the equality of the patient's institution among two groups areprovided by the author.
Even if the use of antibiotics to prevent the secondary infection has shownsome effect on treating muscle strain, it is unreasonable to advise allpatients of that kind to take antibiotics as part of their treatments, for thebenefits could be limited if the muscle strain is not severe. Moreover,regarding the side-effect of using antibiotics regularly, it's not advisable touse the antibiotics as the only resort to keep the patients from being infectedafter muscle strain without trying other alternative remedy with no harmfulside-effects.
Although the most plausible reason of achieving the significant reduction timein healing muscle strain still is the use of antibiotics, more studies areneeded to be conducted carefully before taking the antibiotics as part of thetreatment, or the false confidence is going to cause us more than antibiotics.