
标题: ARGUMENT38 thrive小组第五次作业 帮猛拍啊 [打印本页]

作者: linkcc    时间: 2008-2-13 21:37:07     标题: ARGUMENT38 thrive小组第五次作业 帮猛拍啊

题目:ARGUMENT38 - The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.

"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."

2 即便是吃鱼能够防治感冒,也没有证据证明吃从鱼油中提炼出来的Ichthaid也能够防治感冒;此外,Ichthaid是否有其他不好的作用,没有说明

3 两个地方可以类比吗?

In this memo the speaker claims that in order to prevent colds and lower absenteeism, the citizens of West Meria should daily use the lechthaid. To substantiate his claim, the author cited a study showing that because of the fish consumption is very high the citizens of East Meria only visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. And the author also points that eating fish is be able to prevent colds. After a close scrutiny, however, there is little credible evidence for the argument.

First of all ,the threshold problem with the argument is that the author fails to establish a relationship that the high fish consumption caused that people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. There is no evidence to support this relationship. Perhaps people living in the East Meria have a habit of exercising every day so that they have a healthier constitution for preventing colds; or when having a cold, these people usually treat the ill themselves by using some medicines. Without sufficient evidences to explain that the number of visiting the doctor have a attribution to the fish consumption, the author can not expect us to take seriously that the eating fish can prevent colds in East Meria.

Second, even assuming that eating fish can prevent colds, the author also never provides any information and statistics to support his generalization that the nutritional element of lchthaid derived from fish oil can prevent colds. We know that the lacthaid only a small part of component of fish but have nothing about its function. It is high possible that other element which never was discovered have a significant influence on preventing colds. In addition perhaps that the lacthaid is not useful to prevent colds but have other side-effect on human. Without ruling out these and other factors, the author can not recommend that daily use of lchthaid have a positive effect to prevent colds.

Finally, even the element of lchthaid truly can prevent colds, the author also has a "false analogy" fallacy. The author recommend that if citizens of West Meria have a daily use of lchthaid as citizens of West Meria do, then they will also have a same effect to prevents colds and lower absenteeism. It is highly doubtful that the city of West Meria is analogous to the city of East Meria in all respects. Perhaps the condition of weather of West Meria is better than East Meria, people have a small opportunity to have a cold. Moreover, perhaps the constitution of citizen of West Meria much better than Citizen of East Meria, they seldom visit the doctor and need not to have a high consumption of fish. Taking these differences into account, I simply cannot be persuaded if not the author provides some assuring analogous evidence that the city of West Meria have the same condition and situation as the city of East Meria.

In conclusion, the author has not convinced me that adopting the same daily using of lchthaid on Eest Meria would decrease the opportunity of colds in West Meria. To better evaluate the argument, I would need more information that eating fish can prevent colds and the lchthaid derived from fish oil also have a positive effect on colds. Furthermore, the author also need provide analogous information the differences of two cities.
作者: z12y12l12    时间: 2008-2-15 13:14:43


In this memo the speakerclaims that in order to prevent colds and lower absenteeism, thecitizens of West Meria should daily use the lechthaid. To substantiatehis claim, the author cited a study showing that because of the fishconsumption is very high the citizens of East Meria only visit thedoctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. And theauthor also points that eating fish is be able to prevent colds. Aftera close scrutiny, however, there is little credible evidence for theargument.(新东方以及北美范文典型开头,楼主可以看看ETS官方范文以及论坛的一些关于开头的精华贴,给自己更多选择)

First of all ,the thresholdproblem with the argument is that the author fails to establish arelationship that the high fish consumption caused that people visitthe doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds.There is no evidence to support this relationship. Perhaps peopleliving in the East Meria have a habit of exercising every day so thatthey have a healthier constitution for preventing colds; or when havinga cold, these people usually treat the ill themselves by using somemedicines. Without sufficient evidences to explain that the number ofvisiting the doctor have a attribution to the fish consumption, theauthor can not expect us to take seriously that the eating fish canprevent colds in East Meria.(提纲是反对吃鱼防止感冒,这里反对吃鱼导致少看医生,其实这两个是不同的。不如直接反对防止感冒好一些。或者分开两段,先反对吃鱼导致少看医生,然后说即使少看医生了也不是指感冒发病率就少。)

Second, even assuming thateating fish can prevent colds, the author also never provides anyinformation and statistics to support his generalization that thenutritional element of lchthaid derived from fish oil can preventcolds. We know that the lacthaid only a small part of component of fishbut have nothing about its function. It is high possible that otherelement which never was discovered have a significant influence onpreventing colds. In addition perhaps that the lacthaid is not usefulto prevent colds but have other side-effect on human. Without rulingout these and other factors, the author can not recommend that dailyuse of lchthaid have a positive effect to prevent colds.(觉得还可以再使劲批,有点仁慈了。。。)

Finally, even the elementof lchthaid truly can prevent colds, the author also has a "falseanalogy" fallacy. The author recommend that if citizens of West Meriahave a daily use of lchthaid as citizens of West Meria do, then theywill also have a same effect to prevents colds and lower absenteeism.It is highly doubtful that the city of West Meria is analogous to thecity of East Meria in all respects. Perhaps the condition of weather ofWest Meria is better than East Meria, people have a small opportunityto have a cold. Moreover, perhaps the constitution of citizen of WestMeria much better than Citizen of East Meria, they seldom visit thedoctor and need not to have a high consumption of fish.(这两个反例我觉得都不好,我觉得没在点,其实题目暗含了WM存在迟到早退问题,你说他早退问题不严重,我认为应该反驳虽然I这个东西在EM有用,WM不一定) Taking thesedifferences into account, I simply cannot be persuaded if not theauthor provides some assuring analogous evidence that the city of WestMeria have the same condition and situation as the city of East Meria.

In conclusion, the authorhas not convinced me that adopting the same daily using of lchthaid onEest Meria would decrease the opportunity of colds in West Meria. Tobetter evaluate the argument, I would need more information that eatingfish can prevent colds and the lchthaid derived from fish oil also havea positive effect on colds. Furthermore, the author also need provideanalogous information the differences of two cities.

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吃i    ->  防止感冒
,蓝的地方是可以反驳的地方,左线和右线分别可以一起反驳...另外还有一个错误类比,和一个错误的causal relationship说 感冒少->迟到少,应该就是这题的核心了)

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