题目:ISSUE4 - "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."
Can any field of study make significant progress without outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field? I believe that any advances of a study cannot be fixed on the help of outsiders, but are complex results of various factors.
Firstly, it is necessary to redefine the word 'field'. A brief browse in the river of human history tells us that people classify their social work when productivity improved to a certain level and so did study. This indicates that though there are so many fields of study today, they may, to some extent, origin from a particular subject and will probably be continually separated with the progress of human society. A case in point is that physics, which was called exactly this name years ago, has already divided into several subjects today such as nuclear physics, astrophysics and classical physics. Each of these fields of study has significant advance and how can you tell it is because of the 'outsider's knowledge or the 'insider's of its own?
Admittedly, it is quite true that many fields such as biochemistry and social psychology have made great progress because of the combination of two or more fields. These hybrids successfully provide the society new investigation of the world for their new angles of view. However, we cannot conclude that every field of study can achieve breakthrough because of these successful examples. For instance, when Newton thought about gravity, did there an ‘outsider’ throw apple to him? What about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? Even today there are only a few people understand his theory, then who could bring his or her knowledge and experience to Einstein to help him make the significant discovery?
Besides, according to the speaker, if anyone wants to make significant advance in his or her field, what he or she needs to do is only sitting at home, with a cup of hot coffee, and waiting for ‘outsiders’ to share their knowledge and experience. Isn’t it ridiculous in that way?
What cannot be denied is that without the outsiders' knowledge and experience, making significant advance in the certain field may be delayed or somewhat become more difficult. This can be paralleled as two circles with areas in common. Each of the circles has their own areas but as a whole, the area is larger than any of the one. Absorbing knowledge and experience from an outsider may helpfully reach a higher step.
Actually, making significant advance in a field is not only a matter of knowledge and experience, but more of a cooperation of every cause it may concern. The accumulation of this field statistics, improvements of measuring machines, a new policy from the government, or the appear of another genius, may all help making significant advance.
题目:ISSUE4 - "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."
Can any field of study make significant progress without outsiders bring(ing) their knowledge and experience to that field? I believe that any advances of a study cannot be fixed on the help of outsiders, but are complex results of various factors.
Firstly, it is necessary to redefine the word 'field'. A brief browse in the river of human history tells us that people classify their social work when productivity (was) improved to a certain level and so did(was) study. This indicates that though there are so many fields of study today, they may, to some extent, origin from a particular subject and will probably be continually separated with the progress of human society. A case in point is that physics, which was called exactly this name years ago, has already divided into several subjects today such as nuclear physics, astrophysics and classical physics.(加and so on因为这些只是对physics的下级学科的一些分类,还有其他。其实这些不是下级学科,比如classical physics只是与相对论,量子物理相对的一种对物理发展阶段的划分,不是什么学科,比如牛顿力学就被划为经典力学。呵呵,吹毛求疵了,我是学物理的,显呗一下,蒙下外行J) Each of these fields of study has significant advance and how can you tell it is because of the 'outsider's knowledge or the 'insider's of its own (这句话有问题,没看懂,你是不是想说没办法区分这些进步是outsiders还是Insiders引起的?如果是,我感觉表达有问题,这么改你觉得如何?And it is hard to distinguish which is the vital factor affecting the advance, outsiders or insiders ?注意句未用问号)?(这段是说学科会发展细化,而这种细化的实现也许源于outsiders也许insiders)
Admittedly, it is quite true that many fields such as biochemistry and social psychology have made great progress because of the combination of two or more fields. These hybrids successfully provide the society new investigation of the world for(with) their new angles of view(能这么说么?感觉怪怪的,像中文翻译过来的,当然也许是对的,如果你是看native speaker这么写的,通知我,我也记一下,呵呵). However, we cannot conclude that every field of study can achieve breakthrough because of these successful examples. For instance, when Newton thought about gravity, did there an ‘outsider’ throw apple to him? What about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? Even today there are only a few people understand(ing) his theory, then(so) who could bring his or her knowledge and experience to Einstein to help him make the significant discovery(in Einstein’s time)?(这段是说突破有些不来源于outsiders)
Besides, according to the speaker, if anyone wants to make significant advance in his or her field, what he or she needs to do is(是不是应该用are,后面是由and链接的动名词,记不清了,也许是is?) only sitting at home, with a cup of hot coffee, and waiting for ‘outsiders’ to share their knowledge and experience. Isn’t it ridiculous in that way?(小反问,继续强调outsiders没用)
What cannot be denied is that without the outsiders' knowledge and experience, making significant advance in the certain field may be delayed or somewhat become more difficult. This can be paralleled as two circles with areas in common. Each of the circles has their own areas but as a whole, the area is larger than any of the one.(这段话很文,但我没看出对说明outsiders有用帮助在哪,area大于每个小圈能说明小圈之间有帮助?) Absorbing knowledge and experience from an outsider may helpfully reach a higher step.(这段说outsiders有用)
Actually, making significant advance in a field is not only a matter of knowledge and experience, but more of a cooperation of every cause it may concern. The accumulation of this field statistics, improvements of measuring machines, a new policy from the government, or the appear(appearance) of another genius, may all help making(make) significant advance. (这段说突破源于多方面的综合)