标题: issue47 【Goal to Reach Excellence小组】第19次作业 [打印本页] 作者: Shanbing 时间: 2008-2-27 11:01:57 标题: issue47 【Goal to Reach Excellence小组】第19次作业
TOPIC: ISSUE47 - "Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect-that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills."
WORDS: 419 TIME: 0:32:33 DATE: 2008-2-26
The author claims that society should place more emphasis on the intellect. From my point of view, the reasoning and other cognitive skills are important to society, however, people's emotions should not be overlooked.
Firstly, along with the development of the technology, the intellect should never be emphasized too much in society. Reasoning skills play important roles when people make choices and judgments. Take scientific research for example. When a practical problem come to mind of a professor, he must firstly try to analysis the issue, then he needs to transform the analysis into the familiar format, which might be a mathematical or physical formula; Finally , the formula was calculated with the help of computer and the results of original problem are acquired. Similarly, to our daily life, the reasoning skills are also needed when we have to figure out the priority of doing things. We should weigh the importance and emergence of different things and draw the conclusion safely.
In addition, the de-emphasis on the intellect may bring disasters to the society. The intellect contributes directly to our daily behaviors so that we might not come to break the law and moral values. Once the personal will far outweighs the intellect, the behavior is not under controlled. For example, the Jewish Holocaust did by the Nazi Germany is an extreme incidence, as well as the murder of some prominent leaders by totally insane persons in American History. It is because of the intellect that we will supervise our behaviors at every moment to ensure the rightness of our behaviors.
However, undue emphasis on the intellect while neglecting individual’s emotions will cause psychological problems. With the great development of the society in the last several decades, people are facing the increasing pressure than in the past. Some people might not adapt to this environment. For example, the suicide rate has been increasing at a startling rate and the age groups tend to be young. As a matter of fact, the emotional quotient is very important in modern society. These skills may include teamwork, perseverance, and tolerance, which contribute greatly to a person's career and daily life. For example, many companies tend to find those graduates with both high intellect and emotional quotient.
In sum, with the development of the society, the intellect is needed more than before to handle the complex problems faced by people everyday. However, at the same time, when we want to handle these problems easily and not trapped in these problems, emotional quotient is necessary.