The country Myria, which charges fees for the use of national parks, reports little evidence of environmental damage. This strongly suggests that for the country Illium, the best way to preserve public lands is to charge people more money when they are using national parks and wilderness areas for activities with heavy environmental impact. By collecting fees from people who overuse public lands, Illium will help preserve those lands for present and future generations.
Essay Response ? Score 6
This argument is not cogent because it assumes that the stated correlation implies causation, which is not necessarily the case. 概括性起手——一点都不??隆?he argument asserts that because the country of Myria charges fees for the use of national parks, there is little evidence of environmental damage. But there are several reasons why one cannot assume that the lack of evidence of environmental damage is a result of the fact that individuals are charged to use these parks.提出来“因果”不成立。另外,看看人家的开头多简单。再次证明,新东方经典八婆开头只有在一篇6分范文里出现过——而且还立刻被commentary骂。各位自己好好想想吧。
First, just because there is a lack of evidence does not preclude the fact that environmental damage may in fact be occurring. 提出来:这个果本身就有问题。 The individuals who are testing the area for evidence of damage may not have the proper scientific instruments or educational training necessary to detect damage that may be present. 注意这里提到的具体的反驳理由,光是maybe they failed to detect相比maybe they lack the … to successfully… 当然缺乏说服力。这也是为什么我一直强调所谓的“具体”和“细节”。In fact, certain kinds of environmental damage may not be detectable in the short term even using the most sophisticated scientific methods.这样子一个in fact更进一步提出额外的可能性 Imbalance in ecosystems, for example, may only become apparent over a long period of time. 作者仍然是不放过“certain kinds of..”,直接扔出来一个“imbalance in ecosystems”,这样子一下子把原题驳得哑口无言。没有这个“imbalance”作为“具体”,达不到这个效果。这一个段落完胜。
Second, even if we concede that there is in fact negligible amounts of environmental damage,小让一步 this does not necessarily mean that by collecting money from individuals who are using the parks one can use these funds to maintain the land for future generations. An alternative explanation may be that because the country charges a fee to use the national parks, people are less inclined to use the parks. It then stands to reason that with fewer people in the parks, there will be less of a detrimental impact on the environment. 这里这一段似乎有点晦涩,不过我的理解是作者重点在于通过指出“人少了”和“捞钱了”的差异,批驳原题的最后一句by collecting fees… help preserve。In addition, even if people are willing to pay the fee, the funds collected may be insufficient to cover the costs of maintaining and preserving the parkland. 再进一步指出和“钱”实际上没太大关系。
Finally, even if we accept that the situation in Myria is successful in that country, we cannot assume that this same scenario will work in Illium.再让一步,拿出杀手锏——经典错误:地区差异。看看人家怎么展开的: There are a myriad of variables that can contribute to the success of this type of environmental maintenance and restoration program.跟上面一样:光这一句解决不了问题。我们很多人的argument只是知道写到这一句,就是死活不知道再往下来上一句这个分就上去了(不知道是不是都是因为给新东方那堆逻辑名词给教的): Pre-existing and uncontrollable environmental conditions 到这里其实都还是泛泛而谈such as the rate of erosion and the overall climate may cause damage that cannot be rectified by monetary solutions. 好,就要看这里:such as一出,立马摆平。 In addition, cultural norms regarding how one views his or her responsibility and role 更夸张了,连cultural norm都拽出来了 in terms of preserving the environment may influence the intensity of environmental damage that may be sustained. 看了这段,见识了什么叫做“具体”,什么叫做“细节”了吗?人家就是要拿实际分析,拿这种的“实例”来说明问题。“挑”逻辑错误在那里纸上谈兵并不难,可是“写”AW可是要给“说”明白的。
Thus, although the strategy of charging citizens of Myria for the use of its parks in order to collect funds for any restoration that may be required may be successful in Myria, this reality alone does not conclusively suggest that such a strategy would be effective in Illium or any other country. 结语落在了最后一段的论调上。
之所以说这篇文章是“非典型”6分范文,是因为这篇文章和目前所有其他6分范文相比有至少两点不同:第一,采用了first, second, finally这样的展开,这样子结构的6分范文只有这一篇;第二,全文的展开并不是总分总的样式,而是像流线一样,最开始的起手句其实算不上一个强的thesis,开头段的最后两句是跟body1相关的,结尾段和body3相关,这个样子的文章少见,而这次在6分文章里出现了。
这两点给我的启示就是:第一,放心大胆使用first, second, finally这样的文章结构,如果你觉得这样本身就方便加习惯的话。同时必须指出,别以为光first一下子整个transition的功夫就够了,看看人家里面的“承接”很注意的,一会儿一个“in fact”一会儿一个“it then stands”承上启下做得很到位,我们有些人的文章倒好,几个干巴巴的firstly secondly thirdly往那里一扔,剩下什么都没有了——老是同一个毛病,形式的东西学得挺快,实质的东西半天也没长进,自己也不多琢磨琢磨。第二,pp3说明文件里面也说过,例如写几段怎么展开完全为自己文章服务,人家是“experienced reader透过各种各样的题材看你的内容”,就我的经验而言这样子少见的“顺序”都拿到6分的话,大可放心不要成天在乎形式上的东西,把你文章核心的“内容”,你的“分析”做到位,最基本的顺承布局做到(这可不是说顺承布局的“形式”),分就有了。
在比较过全部官方范文后,到底各个段落的顺序如何安排,没观察到同样的趋势,不同文章各显其能的。因此我认为,只要你的安排“有顺序”,并且做到了“smooth transition”,这方面就完全okay,不会出问题的。
人家是“experienced reader透过各种各样的题材看你的内容”
推论1: 鹿减少.(论据1得出)
论据1: 猎人报告.
论据2: 全球在变暖
事实前提: 鹿要迁徙
推论2: 全球变暖造成冰川融化.(论据2得出)
推论3: 冰川融化导致鹿不能迁徙(推论2得出)
结论: 鹿因为全球变暖不能迁徙而数量减少.(推论1+推论3得出)
依次进行攻击的话先是推论1, 攻击论据1不能证明推论1 (猎人报告不可靠)
然后是推论2, 攻击论据2不能证明推论2 (变暖也不一定造成冰川融化, 这里使用他因--变暖与鹿减少无关, 污染,捕猎)
然后推论3, 攻击推论2不能得出推论3 (融化也不一定不能迁徙, 可能留有通道也可能没到融点, 这里使用他因--变暖与鹿减少有关, 但不是通过作用冰川, 可能只是植物等等)
由于推论3和推论1如果都成立, 则结论自然成立, 所以这一点不容易攻击.
以上分析过程供参考. 尽量使用让步假设可以让问题都孤立出来, 这样容易攻击, 而且文章会显得比较有结构感.
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