
标题: issue50【challenge yourself小组】第二次作业 by springelf [打印本页]

作者: springelf    时间: 2008-7-27 21:36:01     标题: issue50【challenge yourself小组】第二次作业 by springelf

50 "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
(1)         参加学术领域之外的活动与专业相关的活动确实能提高教师的教学水平
(2)         不是参加了就能提高学校的教育水平,因为教育不单包括学术上的东西.
(3)         也不是所有教师都应该要求参加,要考虑不同的学科和教师的时间经历
WORD:603  No time limited(要限制时间了~~:vomit: )

In this topic, the author put forward to a suggestion that college should require the faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. I agree insofar as it has some positive effects. However, the suggestion is indefensible because it does not take into account the various aspects of quality of instruction and the negative effects of working outside the academic world. In order to make a good suggestion, we should take all things into consideration.

College or university is regarded as the place where the students can broaden and deepen their knowledge in a range of subjects. And the function of teacher is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. No doubt, enhancing the professional level of all faculties is a short-cut to improve the one of college, and working outside the academic world is a good way for faculty to enhance the professional level. In fact, in some realms, such as clinic medicine, all faculties are working outside the academic world, for their regular works are doctors. The medical faculties, also doctors, are the people who must see the patient in clinic, and who must teach their students in classroom. In large extent, what they teach are the experiences they got from the regular work, and the experiences are what the students mostly need. Without their regular work—the work outside the academic world, their knowledge will be in vacuum. True, for faculties, working outside the academic world can help them enhance professional level.

However, others must be noticed when we note the positive effects from faculties working outside the academic world. Firstly, professional level is not reprentative for the whole quality of instruction at the college and university level. In modern time, the purpose of education is not only to enhance knowledge but also to make the students socialize. People lay less press on “facts and figures” and more on the good memory, on the applied psychology and on the capacity of a man to get along with their fellowship citizens. Obviously, these capacities of student are the other marks of the level of college and university, which cannot be improved only by faculties working outside the academic world.

Secondly, the suggestion made by the author obviously is ill-consideration, for he suggests that all faculties should be required. The primary duty for a faculty is to teach the students, so any working outside the academic world should not affect the primary one. On one side, no all the realms—such as some pure academic fields, theoretical physics and physiology—need this work outside the academic world. The work outside the academic world have no positive effects at all, opposing it will distracting their attention and draining their vigor. On the other side, even if in some realms, there is need to spend time working outside the academic world, like Finance, Accountant and etc, the time, vigor and physical energy of faculty must be considered. If they devote excessive time and vigor to the work outside the academic world, it is bound to effect their academic research and instruction.

In conclusion, the quality of instruction at the college and university level is embodied for various aspects, only the enhancement of professional level cannot improve the instruction level of college, also nor will the way to require faculty to work outside the academic enhance the professional level. In order to improve the instructional level, the college should pay more attention to the full development of students and faculties.
作者: sabrinabaobao    时间: 2008-7-28 03:48:04

In this topic, the author put forward to a suggestion that college should require the faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. I agree insofar as it has some positive effects. However, the suggestion is indefensible because it does not take into account the various aspects of quality of instruction and the negative effects of working outside the academic world. In order to make a good suggestion, we should take all things into consideration. (开篇明义, 基本提示了下文的结构和内容)

College or university is regarded as the place where the students can broaden and deepen their knowledge in a range of subjects. And the function of teacher is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. No doubt, enhancing the professional level of all faculties is a short-cut to improve the one of college, and working outside the academic world is a good way for faculty to enhance the professional level. In fact, in some realms, such as clinic medicine, all faculties are working outside the academic world, for their regular works are doctors. The medical faculties, also doctors, are the people who must see (不知道see,有没有治疗的意思,能明白表达的意思,但是有点不恰当的感觉)the patient in clinic, and who must teach their students in classroom. In large extent, what they teach are the experiences they got from the regular work, and the experiences are what the students mostly need. Without their regular work—the work outside the academic world, their knowledge will be in vacuum(否定之否定的写法,又学到了). True, for faculties, working outside the academic world can help them enhance professional level.(第一层次,肯定作者的观点)

However, others must be noticed when we note the positive effects from faculties working outside the academic world. Firstly, professional level is not reprentative for the whole quality of instruction at the college and university level. In modern time, the purpose of education is not only to enhance knowledge but also to make the students socialize. People lay less press on “facts and figures” and more on the good memory, on the applied psychology and on the capacity of a man to get along with their fellowship citizens. Obviously, these capacities of student are the other marks of the level of college and university, which cannot be improved only by faculties working outside the academic world.(我觉得这一层的论证不够完整,只是说明了学术水平不是教学水平的唯一要求,但是没有对教授在校外工作不必然提高教学质量进行论证)

Secondly, the suggestion made by the author obviously is ill-consideration, for he suggests that all faculties should be required. The primary duty for a faculty is to teach the students, so any working outside the academic world should not affect the primary one. On one side, no all the realms—such as some pure academic fields, theoretical physics and physiology—need this work outside the academic world. The work outside the academic world have no positive effects at all, opposing it will distracting their attention and draining their vigor. On the other side, even if in some realms, there is need to spend time working outside the academic world, like Finance, Accountant and etc, the time, vigor and physical energy of faculty must be considered. If they devote excessive time and vigor to the work outside the academic world, it is bound to effect their academic research and instruction. (指出教授在校外工作会带来弊端 ,逻辑很严谨)

In conclusion, the quality of instruction at the college and university level is embodied for various aspects, only the enhancement of professional level cannot improve the instruction level of college, also nor will the way to require faculty to work outside the academic enhance the professional level. In order to improve the instructional level, the college should pay more attention to the full development of students and faculties
LZ的issue就是不一样,除了中间一段感觉 逻辑不够完整,其它段的逻辑都很严谨,而且对语言的驾驭十分娴熟,我要努力了
作者: springelf    时间: 2008-7-28 13:12:22

1. The medical faculties, also doctors, are the people who must see (不知道see,有没有治疗的意思,能明白表达的意思,但是有点不恰当的感觉)the patient in clinic, and who must teach their students in classroom.  这个……我想说的是就是医生给病人看病,但是只知道看病叫 see the doctor, 然后用有道查了一下,有see the patient  的说法。不过至于是不是chenglish的就不知道了~~:funk:

2..(我觉得这一层的论证不够完整,只是说明了学术水平不是教学水平的唯一要求,但是没有对教授在校外工作不必然提高教学质量进行论证) 嗯,是的,是的,我写的时候也觉得不怎么对。我其实就是想说教授在校外工作不必然提高教学质量呢。我能不能这样说呢? 就是整个教学水平的提高不单看教师的学术水平,还要看他讲课的能力,和学生沟通的能力,学生接受的能力等等,而这些不仅仅靠去校外工作就能解决的。

However, others must be noticed when we note the positive effects from faculties working outside the academic world. Firstly, whether to work outside the academic world will inevitably improve instructional quality or not is doubtful. Even if faculty working outside the academic world will enhance their professional level, professional level is not reprentative for the whole quality of instruction at the college and university level. The whole instructional level may lay less press on the professional standards and more on other standards, such as the faculties’ expression ability, the capacity of communicating with students, and the comprehension ability of students. And these standard cannot enhance only rely on the way to inquire faculties to work outside the academic world.

作者: tangreihan    时间: 2008-7-29 00:03:14

In this topic, the author put forward to a suggestion that college should require the faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. I agree insofar as it has some positive effects. However, the suggestion is indefensible because it does not take into account the various aspects of quality of instruction and the negative effects of working outside the academic world. In order to make a good suggestion, we should take all things into consideration.

College or university is regarded as the place where the students can broaden and deepen their knowledge in a range of subjects. And the function of [a]teacher is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them[好像有点指代不明哦] and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. No doubt, enhancing the professional level of all faculties is a short-cut to improve the one of college, and working outside the academic world is a good way for faculty to enhance the professional level. In fact, in some realms, such as clinic medicine, all faculties are working outside the academic world, for their regular works are doctors. The medical faculties, also doctors, are the people who must see the patient in clinic, and who must teach their students in classroom. In large extent, what they teach are the experiences they got from the regular work, and the experiences are what the students mostly need. Without their regular work—the work outside the academic world, their knowledge will be in vacuum. True, for faculties, working outside the academic world can help them enhance professional level.[学到了一个例子,呵呵,你也是医学生吧]

However, others must be noticed when we note the positive effects from faculties working outside the academic world. Firstly, professional level[不知道professional level和academic level 有没有重叠呢,因为他们的主要职业还是老师吧,是不是可以考虑下个定语或定义?] is not reprentative for the whole quality of instruction at the college and university level. In modern time, the purpose of education is not only to enhance knowledge but also to make the students socialize. People lay less press on “facts and figures” and more on the good memory, on the applied psychology and on the capacity of a man to get along with their fellowship citizens. Obviously, these capacities of student are the other marks of the level of college and university, which cannot be improved only by faculties working outside the academic world.[稍稍有点unpersuasive]

Secondly, the suggestion made by the author obviously is [a]ill-consideration, for he suggests that all faculties should be required. The primary duty for a faculty is to teach the students, so any working outside the academic world should not affect the primary one. On one side, no all the realms—such as some pure academic fields, theoretical physics and physiology—need this work outside the academic world. The work outside the academic world have no positive effects at all, opposing it will distracting their attention and draining their vigor. On the other side, even if in some realms, there is need to spend time working outside the academic world, like Finance, Accountant and etc, the time, vigor and physical energy of faculty must be considered. If they devote excessive time and vigor to the work outside the academic world, it is bound to effect their academic research and instruction.

In conclusion, the quality of instruction at the college and university level is embodied for various aspects, only the enhancement of professional level cannot improve the instruction level of college, also nor will the way to require faculty to work outside the academic enhance the professional level. In order to improve the instructional level, the college should pay more attention to the full development of students and faculties.


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