一.语言.交友方面, 有几点必备要素:
1. 要有common的东西,或者共同的目标.
找老外认识很容易. 他们一般都很open的. 就是没什么人介绍, 你随便食堂, 教会都认识一捆一捆的. 但没什么common的东西, 那也只是见面How are you doing? I am pretty good. Thank you and you? I am fine too. You have a good day. 一天你能说上十来次.并不能真正交流.不仅你感觉太虚. 老外也没兴趣, 尤其他们大多是那种以兴趣乐趣为第一的那种. 一般比较可行的是: a.学习小组. b.特别需要理科基础的科目的班上的同学.c. 一些需要有国际特色的organization. d. 男女朋友(这个好象不普遍适用)
Yup. My friend cheated on a Japanese test (and this is undergraduate) and almost got kicked out from class. Could have been worse. Cheating is really exceptional in the university I'm in. I've never known anyone who cheated on university tests here.作者: erduoo 时间: 2003-3-12 09:46:01
可是我实在不明白,如果一学期4门课,四年是32门课,我数了数本科所有的必修课,多半都有40门左右,那美国的本科生四年是怎么修完的呢?别笑我无知,不同国情,关于美国教育的知识我贫乏的可怜,shy~作者: Kali 时间: 2003-3-12 09:51:23
I've NEVER heard of 40 required classes. It seems inconceivable. Even my boyfriend, who's a computer science major and subject to more difficult conditions, has no more than 12-15 required classes. My entire major is 10 classes. When I was in one of the premeier undergraduate business school in the country it was no more than 15 as well.
Are you sure you don't mean 40 required CREDITS? One full class is usually 4 +/- credits.作者: Kali 时间: 2003-3-12 09:59:13
Also, usually you need your professor's permission to do this.作者: erduoo 时间: 2003-3-12 10:05:37