
标题: argument14【challenge yourself小组】第六次作业 by xiaoq~ [打印本页]

作者: qillura    时间: 2008-8-2 20:16:51     标题: argument14【challenge yourself小组】第六次作业 by xiaoq~

TOPIC: ARGUMENT14 - The following appeared in a memo from the owner of Green Thumb Gardening Center, a small business serving a suburban town.

"There is evidence that consumers are becoming more and more interested in growing their own vegetables. A national survey conducted last month indicated that many consumers were dissatisfied with the quality of fresh vegetables available in supermarkets. And locally, the gardening magazine Great Gardens has sold out at the Village News stand three months in a row. Thus, we at Green Thumb Gardening Center can increase our profits by greatly expanding the variety of vegetable seeds we stock for gardeners this coming spring."
WORDS: 514          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2008-8-2 18:01:19

In this memo, the owner of Green Thumb Gardening Center(GTGC), argues that the consumers are becoming more and more interested in growing own vegetables, and therefore recommend GTGC to expand variety of vegetable seeds in stock for gardeners in the coming spring, in order to gain profit. To bolster the argument, the author cites a national survey which indicated that many consumers are dissatisfied with the fresh vegetable quality in supermarkets, and the fact that the gardening magazine Great Gardens(GG) has sold out at the Village News stand for three months. However, careful scrutiny reveals several fatal problems of the argument, which together render it unpersuasive as it stands.

To begin with, the nation-wide conducted survey which the author cites provide scant evidence about the real trend in this town. On one hand, the author failed to supply any specific information about the survey, which makes the result of the survey doubtful at best. Perhaps the pool selected is not representative at all. On the other hand, lacking evidence that the national trend reflected by the survey also works in this suburban town, the reasoning would be groundless.

Even if the consumers in the town are indeed dissatisfied with the quality of vegetables in the supermarket, there is no assurance that they will be likely to grow their own vegetables. It is highly possible that the consumers will turn to other kinds of stores selling vegetable, or they will still purchase vegetables in the supermarket for the simple reason that growing vegetables is so sophisticated that little people have time and effort to do it. Lacking further information about the willingness of the villagers, the author cannot confidently conclude that more and more people are interested in growing their own vegetables.

Neither does the fact that GG has sold out at the Village News stand for three months lend any support to the conclusion that consumers are interested in growing own vegetables. Perhaps the villagers are merely concerning about the part of the magazine which indicates how to grow flowers or other plants which cannot be eat. Or perhaps the Village News stand simply took in too little amount of GG so that GG can be easily sold out. Without consideration of these and other possibilities, the reasoning would be unwarranted.

Finally, even were I to concede that the villagers are interested in growing own vegetables, the author provide no evidence that it is necessary for GTGC to expand variety of vegetable seeds and that this policy will lead to profit. The author provide no evidence that the current variety of vegetable seeds in stock in GTGC is not enough, or villager would like to grow other kinds of vegetables. Lacking specific data of further investigation, the assertion would be presumptuous.

In sum, the author failed to supply adequate evidence to make the argument persuasive. To strengthen the argument, the author should provide concrete evidence that consumers in the town are more and more interested in growing their own vegetables, and that by expanding the variety of vegetable seeds, GTGC will surely gain profit.
作者: infant~    时间: 2008-8-2 22:56:05

In this memo, the owner of Green Thumb Gardening Center(GTGC), argues that the consumers are becoming more and more interested in growing own vegetables, and therefore recommend GTGC to expand variety of vegetable seeds in stock for gardeners in the coming spring, in order to gain profit. To bolster the argument, the author cites a national survey which indicated that many consumers are dissatisfied with the fresh vegetable quality in supermarkets, and the fact that the gardening magazine Great Gardens(GG) has sold out at the Village News stand for three months. However, careful scrutiny reveals several fatal problems of the argument, which together render it unpersuasive as it stands.
作为开头段,引用了太多了原文吧。。其他还好 呵呵~

To begin with, the nation-wide conducted survey which the author cites provide scant evidence about the real trend in this town. On one hand, the author failed to supply any specific information about the survey, which makes the result of the survey doubtful at best. Perhaps the pool selected is not representative at all. On the other hand, lacking evidence that the national trend reflected by the survey also works in this suburban town, the reasoning would be groundless.
我觉得你这里完全可以展开论述一下,specific information究竟指什么呢?光一个perhaps不太够, 还有,后面那个on the other hand也完全可以展开

Even if the consumers in the town are indeed dissatisfied with the quality of vegetables in the supermarket, there is no assurance that they will be likely to grow their own vegetables. It is highly possible that the consumers will turn to other kinds of stores selling vegetable, or they will still purchase vegetables in the supermarket for the simple reason that growing vegetables is so sophisticated that little people have time and effort to do it. Lacking further information about the willingness of the villagers, the author cannot confidently conclude that more and more people are interested in growing their own vegetables.

Neither does the fact that GG has sold out at the Village News stand for three months lend any support to the conclusion that consumers are interested in growing own vegetables. Perhaps the villagers are merely concerning about the part of the magazine which indicates how to grow flowers or other plants which cannot be eat. Or perhaps the Village News stand simply took in too little amount of GG so that GG can be easily sold out. Without consideration of these and other possibilities, the reasoning would be unwarranted.

Finally, even were I to concede that the villagers are interested in growing own vegetables, the author provide no evidence that it is necessary for GTGC to expand variety of vegetable seeds and that this policy will lead to profit. The author provide no evidence that the current variety of vegetable seeds in stock in GTGC is not enough, or villager would like to grow other kinds of vegetables. Lacking specific data of further investigation, the assertion would be presumptuous.
怎么还是even were I to..
对于TS的前半句论证得很好,但是到了and that this policy will lead to profit这里,好像没有论证吧。。没时间的话干脆从TS里删了好了,不然文章显得逻辑不足

In sum, the author failed to supply adequate evidence to make the argument persuasive. To strengthen the argument, the author should provide concrete evidence that consumers in the town are more and more interested in growing their own vegetables, and that by expanding the variety of vegetable seeds, GTGC will surely gain profit.


[ 本帖最后由 infant~ 于 2008-8-2 03:57 编辑 ]

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