
标题: 作文求拍 [打印本页]

作者: ock11    时间: 2008-11-17 22:54:14     标题: 作文求拍

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Although the protection of environment is important, art has still its values. If that issue is discussed on the following two perspectives, I think, that company should give those money to support the arts.

Firstly, art can represent the beauties of human nature and mold a person's temperament. For example, Oistrach, a prominent violinist, expresses his sincere love for people and deep sympathy for people’s suffering with his music. His music, just like a warm breeze of nature, brings solicitude into everyone’s heart. Richter, an outstanding  pianist, touches into people’s hearts deeply with his performance. His music is full of profundity, soberness and solemnness, electrifying every person’s soul.    Art provides people with huge artistic enjoyment and edifies people’s characters. Art has great values for mankind like those.

Secondly, art can show a profound understanding of the world and present people with an insight into the world. For example, Satre, a distinguished novelist, gives his answers for such fundamental philosophical problems as the nature of the world, the relationships between matter and mind and  the meaning of life in his works. All those provide people with deep enlightenment. Another example, Cezanne, an eminent painter, hopes to represent the world with some basic geometrical figures. That great idea, I think, not only grants painting a new technique, but also offers people with a fresh prospect of the world. Those contributions of artists provide people with tremendous advantages. Not only do they deepen the thoughts of humanity, but also they broaden the ken of humankind.

Protecting environment is indeed very significant. However, from the above two perspectives, I believe that the company should give its money to support the arts.

1.            这个题目我估计大多数人都会选保护环境,这里想测试一下新思路.本题目并没有限定条件,这样很难说到底应该支持哪一方,就象科学家和艺术家的题目,这个题目中,环境和艺术都有价值,那末,如果要支持某一方,我采用了限定法,即缩小范围,给出具体的角度,在具体的角度下,可以支持一方的论点,甚至是很难支持的论点,这样写不知对不对?

2.            在短短的30分钟内,面对一个突然的题目,要想出三个理由并且写到300字以上,我觉得是一个高难度的任务,一般情况下,也就能想出两个。可以通过熟悉以前的题目先有个准备,但在考试的时候还是有可能遇到新题的,那么,有什么写法能够快速凑出三段呢(主体部分)?还请多多指点。

作者: mpromanus    时间: 2008-11-18 23:12:31

Although the protection of environment is important, art still has still its values. If that issue is discussed on the following two perspectives, I think, that company should give those money to support the arts.

Firstly, art can represent the beauties of human nature and mold a person's temperament. For example, David Oistrakh (You need to specify which Oistrakh you're talking about, because his son is also an accomlished violinist), a prominent violinist, expresses his sincere love for people and deep sympathy for people’s suffering with his music. His music, just like a warm breeze of nature, brings solicitude (solicitude of what?) into everyone’s heart. Richter, an outstanding pianist, touches into people’s hearts deeply with his performances. His music is full of profundness, soberness and solemnness , electrifying every person’s soul. Art provides people with huge artistic enjoyment and edifies people’s characters. Art has great values for mankind like those. (Yeah, it's all good, but doesn't environment protection has great values for mankind too? The point you need to argue is not whether art has great values or not, but rather how sponsoring the arts is more meaningful than environment protection for a company. Does art sponsorship become particularly meaningful when it's from a company? Does it bring particular benefits that an indiviual sponsor or an act of environment protection won't enjoy to a company? Such are starting points you should consider, rather than elaborating on the keyword 'art' alone)

Secondly, art can show a profound understandings of the world and present people with an insights into the world. For example, Satre, a distinguished novelist, gives his answers for such fundamental philosophical problems as the nature of the world, the relationships between matter and mind, and the meaning of life, in his works. All those provide people with deep enlightenment. Another example: Cezanne, an eminent painter, hopes to represent the world with some basic geometrical shapes figures. That great idea, I think, not only grants painting a new technique, but also offers people with a fresh prospect of the world. Those contributions of artists provide people with tremendous advantages: Not only do they deepen the thoughts of humanity (I'm not quite sure what this means. Are you trying to say something like 'deepen people's thoughts'?), but also they broaden the ken of humankind.(Again, the question as I've commented: how're all these more meaningful than protecting the environment? People can definitely get enlightened through advocating for Nature, yes? Your point about how art is good is argued with great passion, but being good alone isn't a reason for getting anything. There are myriads of good ends a company may sponsor - volunteering, AIDS awareness, public sports facilities, family-friendly working environment. Which one it would choose is not merely a matter of goodness.)

Protecting environment is indeed very significant. However, from the above two perspectives above, I believe that the company should give its money to supporting the arts.


你的论点不是不好,但你需要分析为什么支持艺术比起保护环境来对某个公司有特别的好处 - 否则题目特意给你艺术和环境两个选项干什么呢,直接问你公司该不该支持艺术就好啦。

1. 虽然环境问题大热,支持艺术的确不好写,但既然选择支持艺术那么说明艺术一定有保护环境带不来的好处 - 比如 早就有了一间公司该如何进行环境保护的国际标准(ISO 14000 / 14001)但是关于支持艺术还没有,所以在有选择的时候主动去支持艺术说明公司愿意对社会贡献比一般公司更多的东西 - 往add more value to company and to society这个方向上走就可以了。这种题目的要义是你必须要清楚地知道两个选项的区别,要能猜测为什么题目要这么出(它为什么不出 艺术和体育?因为这两个才真的是不分伯仲的难写),针对题目的潜台词来写,就比较容易挖出来一些切中要害的东西。。

2. 三论点的经典布局是双正一反,第一段破题立论,之后两段开两个正面论点,倒数第二段开一个反面论点并驳斥之或证明自己的论点比反面的更好,最后结论。这样写需要对语言的精简度掌握比较高,否则容易不够时间。如果能论述充分,只有两个正面论点也是可以接受的。

作者: ock11    时间: 2008-11-19 21:22:42

mpromanus 的功底让我惊叹,我已五体投地,拜倒在你的脚下,此神只应天上有,人间能有几回见。

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