
标题: 12.5 bj 1000 险过 [打印本页]

作者: y19850609c    时间: 2008-12-6 00:05:22     标题: 12.5 bj 1000 险过

个人基本情况,托福82,GRE1070/2.5  学分积刚80,成绩超烂






me: Good morning  madam, nice to meet you.
vo: nice to meet you.
vo: and I have never heard about this university, what is the university? why are you going to?
me: ....(一时没反应过来,倒,一上来就对我的学校提出了严重质疑,本来就是三流学校难说呀,空了五六秒)this is university in CA, actually it is not famous just an ordinary university, and I thoroughly communicated with my further advisor  who is the chairman of EE department, and I am interested in her program about circuit and system design. and at the same time, she has given me a lot of evaluation, such as my english proficiency, my research ability and my academic background, and then she encouraged me to join her group. (事先准备好的,本以为这样就说服vo我为什去这个大学,没想到vo一直在纠察这个问题)
vo:how is the university? I haven't heart.
me: (又是愣了五秒,反应一下她说的什么)well,the university is not a top 100 university, but the university have many advanced equipments and teachers have a lot of experiences about teaching and researching.
Vo: (沉默,明显一付犹豫的样子)
me:(一看不行了,赶快煽风点火)I got the full scholarship and do you want to see the admission letter?
vo: yes
vo:(继续沉默,看我的admission letter,还是一付犹豫样子)
me:(又煽风点火)I love this university,I interested in the program and the professor encouraged me to the university.
vo: (依然沉默,依然的犹豫,我心的凉了,实在没理由说了,我也一时沉默了,突然vo说话了)wait for a moment. (然后拿着我的admission letter 不见了,这时我已经绝望了,估计没戏了。一会回来)
vo:give me your toefl and transcript。
me:ok.(给之, 我托福成绩单没有原件,用的打印的,事实没有问题)
vo:(指着我的奖学金信)XXXX tuition?(汗前面的没听懂,反正死马当活马医)
me: I got the scholarship, it will waive my tuition and my parents also prepared enough money to support me to study, do you want to see the certification?
vo: no, you are approved.
me: (又没反应过来,十秒钟后回过神来)think you,goodbye.  (赶快跑了)

作者: kennedy85    时间: 2009-4-10 22:23:21

作者: muffin22    时间: 2009-4-10 23:16:40

-----------请问楼主,,你就是把 整个网页 直接打印吗 ?
作者: smashing    时间: 2009-4-11 09:29:07

作者: dhls_2008    时间: 2009-4-11 15:52:07


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