
标题: Issue103【GTER三月机考群第3次作业】 [打印本页]

作者: Yoshiki_X    时间: 2009-2-4 23:08:07     标题: Issue103【GTER三月机考群第3次作业】

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作者: qinlesheng    时间: 2009-2-5 22:59:52

What is the value of studying history? Whether studying history is useful to our daily life? The speaker asserts that the study of history has value only when it is relevant to our daily lives. Since daily life is the only thing one should face all the times, the speaker’s assertion sounds reasonable. However, the comprehension towards history study is too narrow.
History is a source of precedent from which we get inspirations to guide our lives. Since history witnessed many predecessors’ difficulties and success, it [url=]has become[/url][L1] a teacher to meet some of our mental needs with examples. Compared with the experience of great people, we could easily [url=]find our lack[/url][L2] s of some characteristics which have a great significance to success and then improve ourselves. By reading the story of Helen, we know how a disabled person got success through unbelievable efforts and gain courage and fortitude when we meet difficulties. From the story of Da Vinci. We know a marvelous success depends on the excelling of every fundamental thing.
History can [url=]avoid us [/url][L3] making the same mistakes in history. In the individual level, when making a decision, we could take the failure of the past into account. For example, Tyson‘s bankrupt give a lesson to people that we must learn to manage our wealth no matter how rich we are. At the community level, the history can teach us the unsuitable of dealing with social problems. 3 times of world financial crisis gave us a lesson that the market [url=]is also needs[/url][L4] the control of government. At the nation level, only seek into the history can we learn how things come into being. And only recognize the cause of the war can we avoid it in the future. For example, after the world war I, the victorious countries imposed  the Versailles Treaty  on Germany, but it didn’t bring humans a peaceful world and [url=]hence the cause of World war II[/url][L5] . Learning the lessons from the cause of the war, after the World War II, the allied countries helped Germany reconstruct and develop its economy rather than imposed some treaties on.

Studying human history can also help us understand the values and ideals of past cultures. Based on it, we can establish our own values of our lives, recognize who we are and what should we do and find the reason to live. For example, by studying the history of our nations, we are proud of our predecessors who made great contributions to the development of world and make up our minds to be a useful person to our nations.

However, although history can be a guider of us, we must realize that different time or place may lead to a totally different result.Since the world changes every second, we should connect the past to the reality when making decisions.

To sum up, history can give us inspirations and warn us with vivid examples and benefit not only individuals but nations. A part of history might seem irrelevant to our daily life, but the[url=] study of which [/url][L6] is undoubtedly has value and influence our life in many aspects.







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