
标题: Issue56[决战AW] 第8次作业 by OcM (-_O)!! [打印本页]

作者: oceanmaster    时间: 2009-2-10 12:41:32     标题: Issue56[决战AW] 第8次作业 by OcM (-_O)!!

ISSUE56 - "Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."

1 观点 :两个任务不可偏废,都是政府的职责。



We are living in
a society of increasingly complicated affairs and widely existent social ties adding to the difficulty for the government to make wise decisions that benefits most. In general, an administration's responsibility can be divided into two parts: solving current problems in order to keep public profit; getting ready for predictable future threats as early as possible to reduce possible losses. Apparently the speaker holds the opinion that the former part of responsibility enjoys a superiority to the latter to which I can't agree. As I see it, solving current threats and making arrangements for future challenges, as two sides of the coin of government's responsibility, deserve equal emphasis and should cooperate in pursuit of welfare of the whole society. To better illustrate my opinion, a few reasons will be listed in following passage.

First of all, the public elect a administration in expectation of its great performance in solving current problems. Government, as the only authority in political field, is born with the responsibility of maintaining social orders and solving any crisis and threats in face and will be examined with this standard. Any administration, however successful in predicting the future, will lose people's trust if it doesn't do well in solve present social hazards. The most recent example can be the Fukuda Yasuo's administration of Japan. In his term of service, Yasuo did great work in improving political and economic relationship between Japan and China, this achievement can greatly broaden the market of Japanese product and deserves huge reputation in a
few years. However, Yasuo's government ended in resignation because of its failure in current economic revolution. The poor performance in solving Japan's current economic problems is the cause to Yasuo's final failure.

On the other hand, government's ability of discovering future challenges and making corresponding arrangement in advance decides fate of the whole country to some extent. Government, the only powerful organization that have the chance to collect all intelligence needed on which to base its prediction and also the single political authority entitled to command whole society's resources to make preparation, is the society’s only chance to make advanced arrangements and gain advantages in future international competition.

Last but not least, facing the present and seeing in the future aren’t in opposite position in government’s responsibility and sometimes are involved in single action. Any arrangement made in advance should be carried out as detailed measures, and many of them can be regarded as measures to solve current problems as well. An apt illustration can be the building of infrastructures national wide in Roosevelt’s new deal. This policy not only greatly reduced rate of unemployment in short but also provided good fundamental facilities that contributed to the prosperity of American economy in the following decades.

To sum up, a excellent government performs good in both facing the present and seeing in the future. These tasks should be equally valued and only the achievement of both benefits the public most.

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