
标题: issue144 【0906背水一战三月小组】第二次作业 by yuxin [打印本页]

作者: 周禹馨    时间: 2009-3-3 12:49:47     标题: issue144 【0906背水一战三月小组】第二次作业 by yuxin

题目:ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
日期:3/2/2009 7:32:57 PM

艺术家往往容易被人记住,而评论家则不然,其实二者对艺术的lasting value 都有重要作用
1 艺术家与评论家的区别,艺术家是独一无二的创作,而不同评论家关于一个作品却有各自主观性的想法。

3 评论家对于一些不太好懂的东西能起到桥梁作用

During the whole history, a lot of outstanding artists have been memorized and honored, for their distinctive contribution to the society; while the critics have been seldom known. And the question over who is the group gives the society something of lasting value is endlessly debated over centuries. From my point of view, they are both playing an significant role in the civilization, in the different angle and way, but for the almost similar aim.

To begin with, the artists are the ones who create miracle for the human, each artist can never the duplicate of any other. Every work of art is created by a particular artist
in a special time, in a special place. Such precious is the work of art, most of the works are reflection of their endeavor to the artistic field. On the contrary, the responsibility of critics is totally different., especially with the field as subjective as art, the critics may hold different ideas about them. " There are one thousand Hamlet in one thousand readers' eyes". People may be mixed by the varies of opinions, provided by the critics, of the works. In a sense, the opinion is as well subjective, they can not be always to the point to the creators' original idea. For example, the Moonlight Sonata, which was composed by Beethoven, when inspired by a blind girl, expressed a hope for light and future, and even tranquility which can calm us down. The progress of the creating which represented the Beethoven's genius impressed us, unfortunately, in comparison with him, the critics' commentary seems plain and seldom with numerous passion, as they may not hit to Beethoven’s idea and enthusiasm at that time accurately.

It is the artists who present us insight into the external beauty or connotation of the world. They are the meticulous observers in their eyes, the world can be multidimensional. The works of art are aesthetically pleasing or the indication of their contemporary, through which people understand the world and it is the very merit and value of art. For example, Mona Lisa Smile, has been a worldwide hit, even in different countries with divergent cultures, people can perceive the beauty and the peace, the perennial beauty. A another example painted by Picasso, Guernica, vividly demonstrated the cruelty of the Spanish Civil War, is now also an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace forever. Films are also such a media, give us easier and more convenient access to the divergent culture around the world. The artist is not only the creator of the works but the transmitters of beauty in the world.

However, in most case, the critics are the bridge between the majority of population and the excellent artists. Admittedly, some of the works are the artists personal desire for self-expression, orsome extend to the disdain for what the current society states that it likes or wants. Some paintings or novels appeared to be relatively straightforward, have hidden nuances and subtexts which can be difficult for the majority to understand but relatively easy for the well trained art experts. In this case, the critics who possess expertise can be the significant connections between the majority and artists. Through their endeavor, not only the hidden meaning can be available for the common people, but the people's value may be changed at the same time to a better pursuit. For instance, since a great Chinese scholar and critic Yu Dan, who express the Analects of Confucius, the classics are be actually and accuartely understand by the masses, indeed, it now has encouraged people in China now place an high value on the classical works.

In sum, the contribution made by artists and the critics are both of great significance. What they intend to is to express the aesthetics and culture to the majority, but in a different way. The perfect combine between them can give the works of art permenant value.
作者: kl1130    时间: 2009-3-3 16:19:57

个人能力经验有限,只能改到这儿了,感觉你申题目很准,但是表达不够确切,说的有点远的感觉   :)

1 艺术家与评论家的区别,艺术家是独一无二的创作,而不同评论家关于一个作品却有各自主观性的想法。
这么讨论我觉得有点偏了,你讨论区别,和主题,关于哪个给了人们lasting value没多大关系

During the whole history, a lot of outstanding artists have been memorized and honored, for their distinctive contribution to the society; while the critics have been seldom known.(//As you support the value of critcs, the reader will be confused by your last sentence.我觉得你该明确表示下,although the critics have been seldom known, they still give us lasting value) And the question over (about, I dont know yet :) ) who is the group(delete) gives the society something of lasting value is endlessly debated over centuries. ( there is no debate on this topic, I personally think, there is no interference between the two careers) From my point of view, they are both playing an significant role in the civilization, in the different angle and way, but for the almost similar aim. 你的意思是说,虽然批评家没有被人们记住,但是他们都给了我们持久地价值,我觉得说直白点更好,再说原因,你这么说,有人可能会问,他们既然给了我们的价值,为什么他们没被人们记住呢?这就成为另一个topic了

To begin with, the artists are the ones who create miracle for the human, each artist can never the (not be) duplicate of any other. Every work of art is created by a particular artist in a special time, in a special place. Such precious is the work of art, most of the works are reflection of their endeavor to the artistic field. On the contrary, the responsibility of critics is totally different., especially with the field as subjective as art, the critics may hold different ideas about them. " There are one thousand Hamlet in one thousand readers' eyes". People may be mixed by the varies of opinions, provided by the critics, of the works. In a sense, the opinion is as well subjective, they can not be always to the point to the creators' original idea. For example, the Moonlight Sonata, which was composed by Beethoven, when inspired by a blind girl, expressed a hope for light and future, and even tranquility which can calm us down. The progress of the creating which represented the Beethoven's genius impressed us, unfortunately, in comparison with him, the critics' commentary seems plain and seldom with numerous passion, as they may not hit to Beethoven’s idea and enthusiasm at that time accurately. //这段,我个人感觉,和后边有冲突重叠,如果你觉得艺术家和批评家都给我们lasting value,我觉得你就直说,两段一段说为什么艺术家给我们lasting value,一段说批评家,干吗非要凑三段呢,当然,个人观点,:)

It is the artists who present us insight into the external beauty or connotation of the world, which is the lasting value they contribute(加句这样的说明要好一点,感觉). They are the meticulous observers in their eyes, the world can be multidimensional (not specific for artist, it will be better if you explain what is multidimensinal, they are not just observer, they are creator....). The works of art are aesthetically pleasing or the indication of their contemporary, through which people understand the world and it (that?) is the very merit and value of art. For example, Mona Lisa Smile, has been a worldwide hit, even in different countries with divergent cultures, people can perceive the beauty and the peace, the perennial beauty (beauty and peace, is the lasting value you understand? or I think the sense of beauty and the rethinking about what is beauty is the lasting value we can get from Mona Lisa, not the work itself. I dont know if you mean it). A another example painted by Picasso, Guernica, vividly demonstrated the cruelty of the Spanish Civil War, is now also an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace forever. Films are also such a media, give us easier and more convenient access to the divergent culture around the world. The artist is not only the creator of the works but the transmitters of beauty in the world. (if you hold the point that the value of artist is telling beauty things, I think you can go further, For example, what we can get from this beauty things,that could be better)

However (Meanwhile?), in most case, the critics are the bridge between the majority of population and the excellent artists. (//this is a good point, but I think you should straightforward tell reader what is the lasting value you believe from critics)Admittedly, some of the works are the artists personal desire for self-expression, orsome extend to the disdain for what the current society states that it likes or wants. Some paintings or novels appeared to be (not) relatively straightforward, have hidden nuances and subtexts which can be difficult for the majority to understand but relatively easy for the well trained art experts.(what is your point,先说观点再说原因要好一点吧)(they make us closer to the work of art, this is a good point, but I do not think your example can support this point)In this case, the critics who possess expertise can be the significant connections between the majority and artists. Through their endeavor, not only the hidden meaning can be available for the common people, but the people's value may be changed at the same time to a better pursuit. (这从反面也促进了艺术家的发展,因为没人喜欢被批评)For instance, since a great Chinese scholar and critic Yu Dan, who express the Analects of Confucius, the classics are be actually and accuartely understand by the masses, indeed, it now has encouraged people in China now place an high value on the classical works.(最后一句不清楚你想表达什么,事实论证的话,最后总结下要好一点)

In sum, the contribution made by artists and the critics are both of great significance. What they intend to is to express the aesthetics and culture to the majority, but (just) in a different way. The perfect combineation between them can give the (works of art) permenant value to us.

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