
标题: 急~~~问个关于跑题的问题 [打印本页]

作者: sendo    时间: 2009-3-13 16:35:47     标题: 急~~~问个关于跑题的问题

比如:ISSUE51 - "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
假如我一来就把重点放在effective上,说教育是否effective,不仅仅取决于是否为个人而设定,然后一大半的正文部分讨论如何确定正确教育方式(300多字左右).最后稍微提一下specifically designed,然后来个平衡观点(150字左右)
作者: irvine666    时间: 2009-3-13 16:39:59

定义清楚effective,然后只要卡在needs and interests上,随便怎么发挥都可以.
作者: sendo    时间: 2009-3-13 16:55:40

那看来是跑题了。。。。我在定义effective时说了很多与needs and interests关系不大的,比如教育应该注重哪些能力
作者: sendo    时间: 2009-3-13 16:58:32

Education is one of the most essential kinds of activities in our society. Without it, we would be bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of overloaded information and have no idea how to take advantage of the knowledge passed to us from our ancestors. There would be little development of science and technology for the reason that we even did not know how to conduct a research properly. Science and Technology constitute the primary productive force; history is replete with evidence to demonstrate that every great step of the society, such as the Industrial Revolution, is accompanied by the achievement of science and technology. Therefore, without education, our society can not develop, not to mention prosperity. However, education is far more complex than it seems, it is totally not a thing like 'Just do it!’ Moreover, we should realize that effective education is not just based on whether it meets the needs or interests of students. To give a final proposition of this issue about education, a case-by-case analysis is needed.
To begin with, it is instructive to remember the purpose of education when we educate people. The fundamental purpose of it is the cultivation of living skills, thus make an individual be able to survive and, just as mentioned above, impulse the social development. Education is actually a process of persuasion, via education, we not only learn the knowledge, but also understand a lot other things: we may realize love, obtain the ability of distinguishing good and evil and even look behind the true meaning of our life and society. What is more, there are actually four kinds of education. Family education place emphasis on EQ(emotional quotient),which is the ability to recognize and control one's own emotion, motivate oneself, recognize others' emotion and deal with interpersonal relationship. EQ is not just a vital ability of an individual, but also necessary for the social development. Common sense informs us that most scientific inventions and discoveries are result of cooperation. It is rarely that a great invention conducted by an individual. Therefore, the ability of cooperating is needed, EQ is necessitated. Another kind of education is school education, which is the cultivation of IQ (intelligence quotient). It is the ability to realize the external world with rationality and solve practical problems. Obviously it plays a crucial role in the social development, without it, no result would come out from a research. MQ (motional quotient) is also necessary; the ability of it is cultivated by social education. Our moral behavior and personality (they are MQ) are critical for the stability and harmony of the society. Without, it is definite that our society can not develop continuously.
Therefore, to make education effective, which is the best way of teaching, it should be based on what is mentioned above. It should be comprehensive, operable, and flexible. The first means that we should place emphasis on a variety of ability, overemphasizing any single one will be problematic. Furthermore, we should change our way of education based on certain conditions. Finally, we should pay attention to the special talents to meet the individual needs and interests of some students with specialties; however, comprehensiveness of the education is also vital. Placing undue emphasis on either of them will be problematic.
In sum, I insist that the effective way of education should be based on aforementioned things. What is more, a balance of the flexibility and comprehensiveness is needed. It is only in this way that we can achieve our goal of education.
作者: sendo    时间: 2009-3-13 16:59:48

作者: irvine666    时间: 2009-3-13 17:02:07

作者: 草木也知愁    时间: 2009-3-13 17:10:24

即使不是off topic 这样的ISSUE加上同样基础的ARGUMENT

要是这次再严一些的话 2.5吧

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