
标题: [5.6月份 cracking ibt essay! 小组写作组 lsr91 第6次作业] [打印本页]

作者: lsr91    时间: 2009-5-6 21:50:22     标题: [5.6月份 cracking ibt essay! 小组写作组 lsr91 第6次作业]

本帖最后由 lsr91 于 2009-5-7 08:31 编辑

Scientific progress brings us many conveniences and advanced machines, with the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. However, upon the question, the next twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more. Different people have different opinions due to their diverse cultural backgrounds. From my personal angle, I am in favor of the opinion that students will still use printed books.

First of all, it is true that printed books are very convenient for us to bring wherever we go. As is known to all, printed books are smaller and portability than any other electronic books. The computer is always ponderous and we can not carried anywhere with it. It can be easily demonstrated by thousands of examples in our daily life. A typical instance is when we go to school from home by train, during the trip we may feel very tiresome, so we can take an interesting printed book or a textbook. It not only helps us to pass the idle time, but also can increase our knowledge. It is much easier than carry a computer. Therefore, the most striking conclusion is obvious that printed books should not be vanished, we will still use it after the next twenty years even the hundred years later.

In addition, students who use printed books can reduce the radiations emitted by a computer and protect their eyes. You know, the computer send out radiations are harmful to our health. A people, without doubt, would cause serious illness such as lose his or her hair , headache, skin cancer, and so on, if he or she always has a long time use a computer. There are numerous instances closely fit the notion, just like my friend Lily. She often use the electronic books to study instead our schoolbooks, she thought study on computer is good than the printed books because technology can increase the speed at which she imbibes information. But recently she often felt a headache when she use the computer, our school doctor suggest her not to use the computer too often because the radiations are harmful to her health. So suppose what if all the printed books had disappeared, how can we avoid these harms and protect our eyes?

Furthermore, if everybody use computer to study, university must prepare many computers in order to fulfill every students’ needs. It will cost too much, and the tuition would increase, this will increase the burden on our parents. What is more, printed books have value for preservation. So I think we will continue to use printed books.

To sum up, although study on internet is important in students’ education and learning, it still can not take the place of printed books. So taking into account all the factors discussed above, we could safely come to the conclusion that the next twenty years from now on, students will still use printed books.

作者: 想秋刀鱼的猫    时间: 2009-5-7 17:45:47

1# lsr91
Scientific progress brings us many conveniences and advanced machines, with the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it (去掉)more quickly. However, upon the question, the next twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more. Different people have different opinions due to their diverse cultural backgrounds. From my personal angle, I am in favor of the opinion that students will still use printed books.

j! v8 K5 H$ l
0 m- ?% o& g5 `* L) e
First of all, it is true that printed books are very convenient for us to bring wherever we go. As is known to all, printed books are smaller and portability than any other electronic books. The computer is always ponderous and we can not carried(carry it to) anywhere . It can be easily demonstrated by thousands of examples in our daily life. A typical instance is when we go to school from home by train, during the trip we may feel very tiresome, so we can take an interesting printed book or a textbook. It not only helps us to(去掉,help sb. do sth.) pass the idle time, but also can(去掉) increase our knowledge. It is much easier than carry a computer. Therefore, the most striking conclusion is obvious that printed books should not be vanished, we will still use it after the next twenty years even the hundred years later. 1 y4 Z:5 G8


l$ \' n, ~# q
In addition, students who use printed books can reduce the radiations emitted by a computer and protect their eyes. You know, the computer send out radiations (that )are harmful to our health. A people(person), without doubt, would cause serious illness such as lose his or her hair , headache, skin cancer, and so on, if he or she always has(spends) a long time use(using) a computer. There are numerous instances closely fit the notion, just like my friend Lily. She often use the electronic books to study instead our schoolbooks, she thought study on computer is good(better) than the printed books because technology can increase the speed at which she imbibes(absorbs) information. But recently she often felt a headache when she use(d) the computer, our school doctor suggested her not to use the computer too often because the radiations are harmful to her health. So suppose what if all the printed books had disappeared, how can we avoid these harms and protect our eyes?6 c* s5 O7 R2 E# c: ~

Furthermore, if everybody use computer to study, university must prepare many computers in order to fulfill every students’ needs. It will cost too much, and the tuition would increase, this will increase the burden on(of) our parents. What is more, printed books have value for preservation. So I think we will continue to use printed books. * G. t* A* N4 {) ~- i& E

To sum up, although study on internet is important in(for) students’ education and learning, it still can not take the(去掉) place of printed books. So taking into account all the factors discussed above, we could safely come to the conclusion that the next twenty years from now on, students will still use printed books.3 @$ s) h1


水平有限,请多指教^_^~* O/ I) M0 H+ D1
作者: wangxinfei    时间: 2009-5-7 21:25:56

Scientific progress brings us many conveniences and advanced machines, with the help of technology students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. However, upon the question, the next twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more. Different people have different opinions due to their diverse cultural backgrounds. From my personal angle(视角应该用view吧), I am in favor of the opinion that students will still use printed books.
X. k: @# c  P0 t
! {7 u6 n9 H  w( k# Q
First of all, it is true that printed books are very convenient for us to bring wherever we go. As is known to all, printed books are smaller and portability than any other electronic books. The computer is always ponderous and we can not carried anywhere with it. It can be easily demonstrated by thousands of examples in our daily life. A typical instance is when we go to school from home by train, during the trip we may feel very tiresome, so we can take an interesting printed book or a textbook. It not only helps us to pass the idle time, but also can increase our knowledge. It is much easier than carry a computer. Therefore, the most striking conclusion is obvious that printed books should not be vanished, we will still use it after the next twenty years even the hundred years later. ; o4 f$ V4 q; W% N9 e; U+ f
& S8 }: Z2 @5 Q( A# X

In addition, students who use printed books can reduce the radiations emitted by a computer and protect their eyes. You know, the computer send out radiations are harmful to our health. A people, without doubt, would cause serious illness such as lose his or her hair , headache, skin cancer, and so on, if he or she always has a long time use a computer. There are numerous instances closely fit the notion, just like my friend Lily. She often use the electronic books to study instead our schoolbooks, she thought study on computer is good than the printed books because technology can increase the speed at which she imbibes information. But recently she often felt a headache when she use the computer, our school doctor suggest her not to use the computer too often because the radiations are harmful to her health. So suppose what if all the printed books had disappeared, how can we avoid these harms and protect our eyes?

@, ?9 B
Furthermore, if everybody use computer to study, university must prepare many computers in order to fulfill every students’ needs. It will cost too much, and the tuition would increase, this will increase the burden on our parents. What is more, printed books have value for preservation. So I think we will continue to use printed books. ' m- U2 L  N, i1 P# e

  R- A% d2 K/ O& }1 q
7 l9 k$ R- U4 e& s$ }9 p8 O8 m
To sum up, although study on internet is important in students’ education and learning, it still can not take the place of printed books. So taking into account all the factors discussed above, we could safely come to the conclusion that the next twenty years from now on, students will still use printed books.2 l! P6 w% V0 V9 ?; ~3 r


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