
标题: “大洋彼岸之风”dacongfan处女作 [打印本页]

作者: dacongfan    时间: 2009-5-30 18:50:37     标题: “大洋彼岸之风”dacongfan处女作

8. It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.

I do agree with the assertion that political leaders should sometimes conceal the information from the ordinary people considering the possible consequences. In the following are my reasons.

Complete disclosure to the public, to some degree, will lead to the termination of
political life in that adverse opponents may make full use of some information debunked by the leader themselves to defeat them. According to my own observation, many top leaders who were forced to leave the office were mostly caused by the scandal exposed by their aversaries. One apt illustration of this point involves the so-called watergate scandal, the exposure of which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1970s.

In addition, as leaders of the country, it is essential for political leaders to possess some power and reputation to maintain the guiding positions in the whole nation. Dispite the fact that all people have their own strong points and short points, we human beings are more easier to tolerate ordinary people than to tolerate our political leaders. If all information about the leaders were disclosed to the public, I can ensure that it would undermine the leaders reputation, thereby undermining his authority in leading the whole country.

On the other hand, complete exposure of the information to public will, to some extent, threaten the safety of the public, even the safety of the whole country. Fox example, if the Mexican police publicized the complete plan of catching the drug dealers in order not to deprive peoples right to know, then how could it be possible for police to successfully carry out the plan? The current finacial crisis would be another good example to illustrate that it is not proper for political leaders to fully inform the public all information about the truth. If so, I do believe that it must arouse panic in common person, and if it were utilized by some demogogues, how could the country maintain its stability?

In the final analysis, the necessity that public leaders should conceal some information from the public is, to a large extent, favorable to the economic development and political stability of the country. 后边不知道该写什么了。希望哪位大虾帮帮忙。

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