
标题: ISSUE13 [Dancing in the Dark] 第1次作业 by 吉子轩 [打印本页]

作者: 吉子轩    时间: 2009-6-2 11:24:29     标题: ISSUE13 [Dancing in the Dark] 第1次作业 by 吉子轩

本帖最后由 吉子轩 于 2009-6-2 14:44 编辑

Issue 13:
."Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."


Languages are indeed important symbols for the countries since they contain the countries’ many distinct customs and their special cultures.

Sometimes many countries’ unique cultures can only be expressed by their own languages, if such cultures are recorded or transmitted by any other language they will loss their original essences. To this extend, I agree that the governments should take measures to preserve these languages as to keep people’s feeling of individual identity and to protect their unique cultures and beliefs.

2. 但是,除了语言,还有很多其他方面也可以体现一个国家的独有文化,比如宗教信仰,风俗习惯,服装穿着等——并非只有语言。
Besides language, there are so many other ways can the countries identify themselves, such as unique traditions, rituals, mores, attitudes, and beliefs----not just language

3. 过分的保护语言会阻碍国家的发展,特别是在当今全球化越来越明显的情况下。
Qveremphasis on language protecting could hinder a country’s development rather then preserve its unique culture.(举例: 法国)

再有,过分的强调保护语言也会产生很多语言障碍,从而很容易产生误会,会cause discord even wars among nations.

4. 在全球化的今天,语言的灭绝是不可避免的,这也算是自然选择的结果。政府完全可以将用在保护语言上的有限资源用于其他跟基础的社会问题,例如饥荒,疾病,流离失所等。

It’s the result of natural selection.

The government can use the limited resources to resolve those more fundamental problems such as starvation, homelessness, disease and the like rather than to struggles on preserving the dying language.

The arguer asserts that the government of the countries should act to preserve their lesser-known languages since they face to be being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. As far as I am concerned, since the language is one of the most important symbols for any country it should be protected as to preserve the special culture of the country. However, is that to say the governments should take any measure to prevent their languages from being extinct? If the measures risk obstacles in the countries’ development in today’ s global society I will not agree with the asserter.

I concede that languages are indeed important symbols for the countries since they contain the countries’ many distinct customs and their special cultures. If the countries loss their native language people may loss the sense of individual identity. Also, sometimes many countries’ unique cultures can only be expressed by their own languages, if such cultures are recorded or transmitted by any other language they will loss their original essences. Certain Native American and Oriental languages contain words symbolizing spiritual and other abstract concepts that cannot be convey by any other language. Thus, once such languages are extinct the cherish beliefs and ideas will be abandoned at the same time. To this extend, I agree that the governments should take measures to preserve these languages as to keep people’s feeling of individual identity and to protect their unique cultures and beliefs.

However, besides language, there are so many other ways can the countries identify themselves, such as unique traditions, rituals, mores, attitudes, and beliefs----not just language. The Chinese have spring festival and use chopsticks while the West have Christmas and use knives and forks, the France like leisure garments while the English incline to formal costume, the European believe in Christianity while the Indian in Islam, these are all the ways people can identify themselves from others. So people don’t have to limit to language as the mean to distinguish themselves, not to say the language may have little practical need anymore.

In fact, overemphasis on language protecting could hinder a country’s development rather then preserve its unique culture, especially in today’ s global society. One good example is that, in last century the French government stubbornly insisted on French as their official language, for the sole purpose of preserving their distinct culture heritage. The result is that plenty of foreign investment, without which many big corporations could hardly operate, withdrew soon later. Worst of all, the stubborn insistence impeded the French scientists from international discussion, and that caused brain drain at the end. Besides this, language berries naturally breed misunderstanding, which may cause discord and even war among nations.

Any way, language extinction is unavoidable since the signs of globalization become more and more obvious. It’s the result of natural selection Thus, facing the dying language, the government can use the limited resources to resolve those more fundamental problems such as starvation, homelessness, disease and the like rather than to struggles on preserving the dying language.

In sum, preserving the dying language is worthy when it comes to passing on the country’s unique culture and meeting the people’s sense of self-identity. Nevertheless, the economic, scientific and political drawbacks of language outweigh the benefit of preserving a dying language. So the best way is that let people themselves do whatever they want to preserve their distinct language, and the government just plays an auxiliary role since it has to resolve the more fundamental problems with such limited resources.

作者: 吉子轩    时间: 2009-6-2 14:50:58

作者: subtory    时间: 2009-6-2 23:11:29

The arguerasserts that the government of the countries should act to preserve theirlesser-known languages since they face to be being lost(face the dangerof extinction) as fewer and fewer people speak them. As far as I am concerned,since the language is one of the most important symbols for any country itshould be protected as to preserve the special culture of the country. However,is that to say the governments should take any measure to prevent theirlanguages from being extinct? If the measures risk(cause) obstacles inthe countries’ development in today’ s global society I will not agree with theasserter.
I concede thatlanguages are indeed important symbols for the countries since they contain thecountries’ many distinct customs and their special cultures. If the countries loss(lose,下同) their native language people may lossthe sense of individual identity. Also, sometimes many countries’ uniquecultures can only be expressed by their own languages, if such cultures arerecorded or transmitted by any other language they will loss their original essences(表示“精髓”时似乎只能是单数). Certain Native American andOriental languages contain words symbolizing spiritual and other abstractconcepts that cannot be convey(conveyed) by any other language. Thus,once such languages are extinct the cherish beliefs and ideas will be abandoned(abandon指主动的抛弃,换成lost或者什么) at the same time. To thisextend, I agree that the governments should take measures to preserve theselanguages as to keep people’s feeling of individual identity and to protecttheir unique cultures and beliefs.
However, besideslanguage, there are so many other ways can the countries identify themselves这个似乎有语法问题,最好换成个重句), such as unique traditions,rituals, mores, attitudes, and beliefs----not just language. The Chinese havespring festival and use chopsticks while the West have Christmas and use knivesand forks, the France like leisure garments while the English incline to formalcostume, the European believe in Christianity while the Indian in Islam, theseare all the ways people can identify themselves from others.(这句话里前两个逗号应为分号,最后一个逗号应为句号) So people don’t have to limitto language as the mean to(有点别扭,makelanguage the only way todistinguish themselves, not to say the language may have little practicalneed anymore. (这个成份是想说啥呢)

In fact,overemphasis on language protecting could hinder a country’s development ratherthen preserve its unique culture, especially in today’ s global society. Onegood example is that, in last century the French government stubbornly insistedon French as their official language, for the sole purpose of preserving theirdistinct culture heritage. The result is that plenty of foreign investment,without which many big corporations could hardly operate, withdrew soon later.Worst of all, the stubborn insistence impeded the French scientists frominternational discussion, and that caused brain drain at the end.(这个。。。你莫非希望法国得到那些投资而这个世界上再也没有人说法语?) Besides this, languageberries naturally breed misunderstanding, which may cause discord and even waramong nations. (这个观点还是很不错的,但例子感觉欠妥)
Any way(这个词只用作口语), language extinction is unavoidablesince the signs of globalization become more and more obvious. It’s the resultof natural selection Thus, facing the dying language, the government can usethe limited resources to resolve those more fundamental problems such asstarvation, homelessness, disease and the like rather than to struggles(struggle)on preserving the dying language.
In sum, preservingthe dying language is worthy when it comes to passing on the country’s uniqueculture and meeting the people’s sense of self-identity. Nevertheless, theeconomic, scientific and political drawbacks of language outweigh the benefitof preserving a dying language. So the best way is that let(letting)people themselves do whatever they want to preserve their distinct language,and the government just plays an auxiliary role since it has to resolve themore fundamental problems with such limited resources.
作者: 吉子轩    时间: 2009-6-3 07:53:38

3# subtory
作者: 吉子轩    时间: 2009-6-3 08:00:52

指出了几个关键错误,谢谢!你不说我还没发觉,你一说我觉得还真是!关于法国那个例子,我是想说过分保护语言会阻碍发展,估计我没说清楚,也可能这个例子确实不太合适,因为毕竟说法语的人不少,法语还不属于dying language,目前没有面临那样的威胁
3# subtory
作者: 熹僖    时间: 2009-6-4 00:04:31

1# 吉子轩 1# 吉子轩
The arguer asserts(我也使用的这个词,有人说它语气太重了,用statement好些,我觉得有道理) that the government of the countries should act(一般说take action吧) to preserve their lesser-known languages since they face to be (可以这么用吗?怪怪的,be后面还有being。。。有个短语be faced with)being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. As far as I am concerned(改成have concerned), since(用了两个since了,换一个表达吧) the language is one of the most important symbols for (of)any country it should be protected as to (so as to?)preserve the special culture of the country. However, is that to say the governments should take any measure to prevent their languages from being extinct? (意思明白了,但是没表达对,再斟酌一下,is it that to say ,any 应该改成every吧)If the measures risk obstacles in the countries’ development in today’ s global society I will not agree with the asserter.
I concede that languages are indeed important symbols for the countries since they contain the countries’ many distinct(两个词重复了吧,用一个多种多样就够了吧,ex:diverse) customs and their special cultures. If the countries loss(lose) their native language people may loss the sense of individual identity. Also, sometimes many countries’ unique cultures can only be expressed by their own languages, if such cultures are recorded or transmitted by any other language they will loss their original essences. Certain Native American and Oriental languages contain words symbolizing spiritual and other abstract concepts that cannot be convey by any other language. Thus, once such languages are extinct the cherish beliefs and ideas will be abandoned at the same time. To this extend, I agree that the governments should take measures to preserve these languages as to keep people’s feeling of individual identity and to protect their unique cultures and beliefs.

However, besides language, there are so many other ways can the countries(in which the country can) identify themselves, such as unique traditions, rituals, mores, attitudes, and beliefs----(这里是不是应该加个连词,已经算是两个分句了吧,如but)not just language. The Chinese have spring festival and use chopsticks while the West have Christmas and use knives and forks, the France like leisure garments while the English incline to formal costume, the European believe in Christianity while the Indian in Islam, these are all the ways(so many ways by which) people can identify themselves from(没有这种用法吧?) others. So people don’t have to limit to language as the mean to distinguish themselves, not to say the language may have little practical need anymore. (此句不通哦~)

In fact, overemphasis on language protecting could hinder a country’s development rather then preserve its unique culture, especially in today’ s global society. One good example(可以换个词) is that, (同位语,逗号多余了吧)in last century the French government stubbornly insisted on (坚持什么,应该改成using French之类)French as their official language, for the sole purpose of preserving their distinct culture heritage. The result is that plenty of foreign investment, without which many big corporations could hardly operate, withdrew soon later. Worst of all, the stubborn insistence impeded the French scientists from international discussion, and that caused brain drain at the end. Besides this, language berries naturally breed misunderstanding, which may cause discord and even war among nations.

Any way, language extinction is unavoidable since the signs of globalization become more and more obvious. It’s the result of natural selection Thus, facing the dying language, the government can use the limited resources to resolve those more fundamental problems such as starvation, homelessness, disease and the like rather than to struggles on preserving the dying language.

In sum, preserving the dying language is worthy(be worthy doing=be worthy of being done/to be done) when it comes to passing on the country’s unique culture and meeting the people’s sense of self-identity. Nevertheless, the economic, scientific and political drawbacks of language outweigh the benefit of preserving a dying language. So the best way is that let people themselves do whatever they want to preserve their distinct language, and the government just plays an auxiliary role since it has to resolve the more fundamental problems with such limited resources.

作者: 吉子轩    时间: 2009-6-4 11:57:35

嗯,你分析的很有道理,表达确实限制了人的思维。。。Thank you very much! 6# 熹僖

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