
标题: "大洋彼岸之风" Brian 第三次作业 [打印本页]

作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-6 11:00:21     标题: "大洋彼岸之风" Brian 第三次作业

本帖最后由 brianwangbo 于 2009-6-7 15:54 编辑

Industrial biotech: A “third wave” of biotechnology is arriving. Will it be able to avoid a poor reception from the general public this time around?

FOR a long time the public has perceived biotechnology to mean dangerous meddling with the genes in food crops. But biotechnology is of course about much more than transgenic food: it also encompasses the use of microbes to make pharmaceuticals, for example. The many benefits of the first wave of biotech products, in medicine, have unfortunately been overshadowed by the supposed risks of biotech’s second wave, in agriculture. Might its third wave—so-called industrial biotech, also known as “white biotech” or “green chemistry”—resolve biotech’s image problem?
As with other forms of biotechnology, industrial biotech involves engineering biological molecules and microbes with desirable new properties. What is different is how they are then used: to replace chemical processes with biological ones. Whether this is to produce chemicals for other processes or to create products such as biopolymers with new properties, there is huge scope to harness biology to accomplish what previously needed big, dirty chemical factories, but in cleaner and greener ways.

Sales of industrial-biotechnology products were about $140 billion in 2007, and 6% of all chemicals sales were generated with the help of biotechnology, says Jens Riese of McKinsey, a consulting firm. Steen Riisgaard, chief executive of Novozymes, a biotechnology company, says he imagines a future in which bio-refineries are dotted around the countryside producing fuels and other chemicals from biomass such as agricultural waste.
One company which has been working in industrial biotechnology for years is DSM, based in Heerlen in the Netherlands. In the 1990s it started making enzymes for cheese and omega-6 fatty acids for infant formulas, and went on to develop a biological process to produce cephalosporin, an antibiotic, in a much cleaner way than the chemical processes used to make the drug. Its most recent effort has been to find a biological way to produce a chemical called succinic acid (C4H6O4), which is used to make a wide range of products including spandex, biopolymers for agriculture, de-icing salts, esters, resins and acidity regulators in foods.
The usual chemical process involves making succinic acid from crude oil or natural gas. DSM’s biological approach is based on fermentation using enzymes and genetically engineered microbes. After a successful pilot-production phase, the next step is a demonstration factory in Lestrem, France, which will be running by the end of the year. If that goes well, a much bigger commercial operation will follow. The company says that as well as making succinic acid from biologically derived starch, rather than fossil fuels, its process also uses 40% less energy and produces fewer carbon-dioxide emissions.
Novozymes, as its name suggests, has focused its attention on supplying optimised enzymes—biological molecules that help make reactions happen faster, or at lower temperatures. This sounds trivial but it can make the difference between a commercial and a non-commercial process. The company says it has 47% of the market for industrial enzymes, which are used in areas such as detergents, brewing, baking or to produce animal feeds.
Enzymes are the first tool of choice in white biotechnology if the chemical conversion process is a fairly simple one. But if a more complicated series of reactions is required, or the enzyme in the process is used up during conversion and needs to be regenerated, it is time to reach for a microbe. Microbes can accomplish hundreds of chemical tasks at the same time and are able to recreate the enzymes they need. Novozymes is working on a biological process to make acrylic acid (C3H4O2) from starch or biomass rather than fossil fuels. One stage uses optimised enzymes, and another is carried out by engineered microbes.
Creating a suitable microbe involves starting off with one that does part of the job in question, and then convincing the microbe to specialise in that activity. (DSM found its microbe, a yeast, living in elephant dung, where it broke down cellulose in starch; Novozymes started out with a bacterium from its large library of microbes.) The next stage is to eliminate the things the microbe does that are not related to the task in hand by inactivating non-essential genes. The modified microbes are then produced in large numbers and those that are best at the job are selected. The result is a bug that is specially adapted for a particular task.
Novozymes says it is close to completing its acrylic-acid process. Around 40% of acrylic acid produced is used to make super-absorbent material like that found in nappies (diapers); most of the rest goes into paints and coatings. Novozymes says its process will be competitive with chemical methods at an oil price of $60 a barrel or higher. Given the large size of the acrylic-acid market and its steady growth (4% a year), Novozymes is confident that its process will grab a decent share.
Proponents of industrial biotechnology are optimistic that they can avoid the pitfalls that hindered the adoption of biotech crops, which have been criticised by their opponents as unnatural “Frankenfoods” that extend corporate control of agriculture. For one thing, unlike transgenic tomatoes, say, industrial-biotech products are not sold directly to consumers. And instead of displacing “natural” products with bioengineered alternatives, as in agriculture, industrial biotechnology generally displaces fossil fuels and their associated chemical processes with greener biological alternatives. Surely that should make it easier to convince people of its benefits, and hence to rehabilitate the notion of biotechnology more widely?
One problem is that even though the raw materials used in industrial biotechnology may not be derived from fossil fuels, they are still capable of stirring up some difficult ethical questions. In particular, using food crops like maize as raw materials to make biofuel is already hugely controversial because of its impact on food prices. And even growing non-food crops for industrial use is problematic, because it can reduce the land available for food production.
The use of agricultural waste is less controversial. Mr Riisgaard reckons that converting agricultural waste into other chemicals (including fuels) using industrial biotechnology could replace 20-25% of global oil consumption. And there is plenty of waste about. He also suggests that raw materials could be grown on marginal land which is unsuitable for food production. That is true, but it could have knock-on effects on biodiversity. Perhaps the most promising approach for advocates of biotechnology’s third wave is to emphasise the potential for a new, greener chemicals industry to create jobs in remote rural areas.
作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-7 15:54:47

本帖最后由 brianwangbo 于 2009-6-7 16:19 编辑

11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."总频107 国际类

正:a global university对于全球来是需要的,因为各个国家都在专注于自己的事情,需要有这样一群人来集中注意力于全球面对的持续的问题,如全球变暖,经济危机,资源分布不合理,空气污染,臭氧层空洞等等

反:但是a global university并不现实,这样的一所学校资金是由哪些国家出?贫困的国家可能出不起。即使是有资金去,这样一所大学需要的是一群非常优秀的老师,老师如何来;此外这样一所大学,也许能够提出很好的方案,但是它只是一所大学,各个国家可能会因为这样那样的原因不予理睬,即没有强制性,所以很可能它只是一个空壳。这其中的根本原因还是因为人类现有的经济能力不足,人们还只能在民族、种族和国家范围内生存和发展。之之所以有战争、种族暴力、国家之间的贫富差距这些world's most persistent social problems,也是因为人类本身是自私的,缺乏必要的理解宽容和合作精神。人类本身可能还没有理性到超越民族、种族、国家限度的程度,因此想法虽好,但是可能因为一些原因实施起来是困难的。

散:a global university的想法很好,考虑到现在的全球的经济发展不是那么平衡,而且全球没有一个统一的强制执行监督部门,因此很可能a global university不能够发挥人们预期的作用。world's most persistent social problems的存在需要个国家民族的人们多一些宽容理解,大家都出一份力,推动全球各民族经济的发展,这所大学只有在一些宽容理解的基础上才能成为现实
作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-7 16:24:55

本帖最后由 brianwangbo 于 2009-6-7 16:38 编辑

17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."总频120 社会类




作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-7 21:01:36

本帖最后由 brianwangbo 于 2009-6-7 21:57 编辑

26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."总频 71 历史类



作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-8 00:20:30

同主题作文:https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=1&extra=
作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-8 12:46:44

作者: brianwangbo    时间: 2009-6-8 16:06:14

本帖最后由 brianwangbo 于 2009-6-8 16:49 编辑

思想:I agree but it may bring certain risks

先提出a global university 的好处
         One compelling argument in favor a global university has to do with the fact that its faculty and students would bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problems they seek to solve.
         Another compelling argument for a global university involves the increasingly global nature certain problems.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing reasons why a global university would help solve many of our most pressing social problems,the establishment of such a university poses certain problems of its own that must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objectives.
         First, participant nations would need to overcome a myriad of administrative and political impediments.
         A second problem inherent in establishing a global university involves the risk that certain intellectual and research avenues would become
officially sanctioned while others of equal or greater potential value would be discouraged,or perhaps even proscribed.(本段的思路极其新颖,例子也很好)
        A final problem with a global university is that the world's preeminent intellectual talent might be draw to the sorts of problems to which the university is charged with solving,while parochial social problem go unsolved.

       To sum up
       As long as each nation is careful not to neglect its own unique social problems ,and as long as the university's administrators are careful to remain open-minded about the legitimacy and potential value of various avenues of inellectual inquery and research,a global university might go a long way toward solving many of the world's pressing social problems.

作者: xiaodiandian    时间: 2009-6-9 00:08:15

作者: xiaodiandian    时间: 2009-6-9 00:12:24

那个issue11,原来你的理解是这样的,到底怎样子对呢,什么才是global university,我还以为就是一所专门学习世界性问题的大学呐,每个国家都可以自己开设一所,不一定是几个国家合办的~~~~~看了队长的提纲,感觉我的理解似乎不太对~~~求指点~~~

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