
标题: Argument提纲 =So What=小组第3次作业 by 紫薇花开 [打印本页]

作者: 紫薇花开    时间: 2009-6-11 21:32:36     标题: Argument提纲 =So What=小组第3次作业 by 紫薇花开

本帖最后由 紫薇花开 于 2009-6-12 11:11 编辑

31. The following appeared in the editorial section of a newsmagazine. "Some states are creating new laws that restrict the use of handheld cell phones by drivers of automobiles. Such legislation, however, is sheer folly. Although some people with cell phones undoubtedly cause problems on the road, including serious accidents, the majority do not. Besides, problems are also caused by drivers who are distracted by any number of other activities, from listening to the radio to disciplining children. Since there is no need to pass legislation restricting these and other such activities, it follows that there is no need to restrict people's freedom to use a device that they find convenient-or helpful in emergencies."
论证:1.用手机的大部分司机 都没有造成交通事故
提纲: 1.论证不成立,作者认为用手机的大部分司机没有造成交通事故,所以没有必要立法。首先, 论者没有受大部分是多少人,而且从原文中看不相互大部分与小部分的比例。其次,作者论断没有人道主义精神,虽然中欧有少部分人造成交通史故
,但作者并没有说 交通事故 达到多少比利时 草可以立法
2. 轮生做了错误类比。论者所说的其他活动没必要立法,因次 这类交通事故也不应该立法。首先,论者并没有提供材料 真名这种活动没有必要立法,其次 作者并没有提供材料证明这种活动所造成的交通事故的比例与手机造成的交通事故哟无可比性。
3. 结论荒谬。作者并没有作出调查证明人们使用手机都是或几乎都是在紧急情况下寻求帮助  其次也没有告诉我们是否立法会限制人们在开车以外的紧急情况下使用手机。论者把两者等同很荒谬。

32. Until recently, people in Hiparia did most of their shopping by driving to shopping malls. They are beginning, however, to do more of their shopping by ordering merchandise from mail-order catalogs and the Internet. These purchases are delivered to them by mail or by a delivery service. For many purchases, Hiparians no longer need to drive to and from shopping malls; there will therefore be a resulting reduction in the consumption of vehicle fuel in Hiparia.
结论 fuel 消耗将下降
论证: 该买方式的改变 :个人驱车 变为邮递或者 快递
提纲: 1.论断考虑问题不全面,级车的的使用不只在购物这一方面,人们可以开车上班, 游玩,访友等。机车燃料总体要下降。需要综合这几方面的考虑。比如:购物燃料下降,其他方面应该不变或者下降,这样作者的论断才能得以保证

结论逻辑错误,购物方式的改变 虽然人们不再开车到商场 ,但是这些商品是商家通过邮寄或快递的方式送货上门  是指上只是有个人开车 变为商家开车,所以 是指没有改变 机车燃料也没有下降

3. 论据不足, 论者并没有提供资料表明 具名通过有机护着互联网络可得到他们所需要的全部商品。是否这种购物方式 会取代原有的购物方式

33The following report appeared in an archaeology journal。
The discovery of distinctively shaped ceramic pots at various prehistoric sites scattered over a wide area has led archaeologists to ask how the pots were spread. Some believe the pot makers migrated to the various sites and carried the pots along with them; others believe the pots were spread by trade and their makers remained in one place. Now, analysis of the bones of prehistoric human skeletons can settle the debate: high levels of a certain metallic element contained in various foods are strongly associated with people who migrated to a new place after childhood. Many of the bones found near the pots at a few sites showed high levels of the metallic element. Therefore, it must be that the pots were spread by migration, not trade."

33. 结论:pot 是移民传播 不是trade
论断: 研究辨明 各种食物李某中特定金属的高含量会一直跟随童年后因名到新的地方的人,而在这些这样的坛子旁发现了很多骨头礼盒中金属元素的含量都很高
提纲: 论断前提不成立。这个前提是这些骨头都属于原来童年时居住在一个地方的人,但论者没有提供足够的证据支持这个观点。 虽然在一些坛子旁发现了这种金属含量很高的骨头,但没有提供足够的证据证明这种金属只在某一个地方存在,而在其他地方就没有。如果这种金属在很多地方都有,哪么这些骨头就有可能属于不同地方的人
2. 就算论断前提成立 ,这也只能说明旁边有这种骨头的坛子是有移民传播的。而其他地方的坛子如何并不能已定于这些地方的一样。
3. 论断的结论很武断。 将就算不同坛子旁边的骨头属于童年在一个地方身获得人们,也不能保证他们是因为移民 而出现在不同地方的。人们出现在童年生活地方以外的区域的原因有很多中,比如狩猎,远行,然后因为不肯值的原因死在路途中,这些都可能是坛子出现在各种地方

34. Milk and dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium, substances essential for building and maintaining bones. Many people therefore believe that a diet rich in dairy products can help prevent osteoporosis, a disease in which the bones weaken significantly with age and that is linked to both environmental and genetic factors. But a long-term study of a large number of people has found that those who have consistently consumed dairy products throughout the years of the study have a higher rate of bone fractures than any other participants in the study. Since bone fractures are a symptom of osteoporosis, this study result shows that a diet rich in dairy products may actually increase, rather than decrease, the risk of osteoporosis.
论断: 因为一项研究发现坚持吃奶制品的人比其他人有更高的骨折率,
.2. 对于研究,论者没有提供有关参与人员的背景,比如:性别,年龄,职业等。 也没有提供吃牛奶的人的资料以及骨折的原因,如果说坚持吃牛奶的人都是老人,不吃牛奶的都是青壮年,,或者骨折人经常打球,或者常有剧烈的撞击,这都不能证明骨折鱼翅奶制品有关
3.论者 忽视了年龄,环境,遗传问题等对患病地影响。如果吃奶制品的人群油膏骨折率,高骨折率也意味着 更容易患病 哪么究竟是奶制品在起租导作用买还是环境,年龄等

35. The following appeared in the summary of a study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia.

"Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, for the past several decades food-processing companies have also been adding salicylates to foods as preservatives. This rise in the commercial use of salicylates has been found to correlate with a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by participants in our twenty-year study. Recently, food-processing companies have found that salicylates can also be used as flavor additives for foods. With this new use for salicylates, we can expect a continued steady decline in the number of headaches suffered by the average citizen of Mentia."

35结论: S的新用途会继续平稳地降低具名平均头痛
论据: S与阿司匹林属同一个化学家族;过去几十年中食品公司把S作为防腐剂添加到视频中, 一项长达二十年的研究发现这种商业用途的增加伴随着头痛报告的下降
前提不成立  论断的前提是S能治疗或者降低头痛。但是论者并没有提供有关的科学研究已证明S具有这样的作用。虽然论者说S 与与阿司匹林属同一个化学家族 但只能索命他们的化学结构相近,并不能保证必然具有与阿司匹林一样的作用。
论断引用一份二十年的研究,这份研究说S被食品商 用于防腐剂的年代里,研究中报告头痛的人少了。首先论者没能排除有人头痛但没有报告的可能性。其次 他没有排除其他原因导致头痛下降的可能。比如 医学发达,环境质量好了人们生活规律等
论者结论很武断。他认为 头痛会有持续平稳下降。但就算S真的可以影响头痛也还可能会有其他因素导致头痛上升,比如生活节奏加快,工作压力突然加大。另外乳沟S对头痛游走用,是否越多越好,论者也没有给出依据

36. The following appeared in an article written by Dr. Karp, an anthropologist.

"Twenty years ago Dr. Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia and concluded from his observations that children in Tertia were reared by an entire village rather than by their own biological parents. However, my recent interviews with children living in the group of islands that includes Tertia show that these children spend much more time talking about their biological parents than about other adults in the village. This research proves that Dr. Field's conclusion about Tertian village culture is false and thus that the observation-centered approach to studying cultures is invalid. Because they are using the interview-centered method, my team of graduate students working in Tertia will establish a much more accurate understanding of child-rearing traditions there and in other island cultures."
36.结论 :旧观点是错的,而且以观察为中心的文化研究方法是无效的
论断的前提不被必然保证  论断的前提是该村的孩子的确不由全村任俯仰。但是论者没有提供任何确切的资料证明这一点。踏进频频自己尚未完成的研究进行猜测,而且也没有提供任何资料以说明他们采用的方法一定更准确

37. Woven baskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern have previously been found only in the immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and therefore were believed to have been unique to the Palean people. Recently, however, archaeologists discovered such a "Palean" basket in Lithos, an ancient village across the Brim River from
Palea. The Brim River is very deep and broad, and so the ancient Paleans could only have crossed it by boat, but there is no evidence that the Paleans had boats. And boats capable of carrying groups of people and cargo were not developed until thousands of years after the Palean people disappeared. Moreover, Paleans would have had no need to cross the river-the woods around Palea are full of nuts, berries, and small game. It follows that the so-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea.
论断: 月他们主的地方个一条河的地方也被发现有这个篮子,和很深只能划船够,但没有证据证明P游船,而且能装很多人的穿是在他们小时候几千年才出现的。另外P也没有必要过河,因为他们那边的山上长满了坚果
提纲:1.前提不成立  论者是有P没有到过这里,得出篮子不知P有。但是论者没有提供任何确切的资料证明这里没有P来过而痕迹,或是P的确没有来过这里。虽然P无法过河,但论者也没有告诉我们是否只有古河,P才能到这里
2. 论者的论据没有説服力 ,论者指出河汉身,而O没有穿,大船地出现也在P之后。但是首先论者没有提供关于史前时代这条河的状况,有可能这条河在事前时代并不存在,获知很浅。其次 虽然没有证据表明P有船,而那个时代也没有大船,但P有可能使用一些简便的类四川的工具过河。比如:模板,
3.虽然P那边满是食物,所以没有必要到这里就更没涚服力了 首先,史前时代P那边是否也满是食物论者没有说,其次P不一定必须是喂食物猜到其他地方去的他可能是为玩耍或者是其他什么偶然的因素
4.论者的结论很武断  论者认为P没有到过这里,所以这些篮子不是P的,篮子也就不知P有。但是就算P没有到过这里,论者也没有提供证据证明其他人不会把P的篮子带到这里来

38. The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.
"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."

论据:因为一项研究表明,东部地区处于多哦的地方每年之躯医院接受两次感冒只来哦,这说明吃大量的鱼 能够防止敢买。而又因为感冒是人们旷课矿工的最常用的理由
提纲1. 论断的前提是I能起到和鱼一样的效果,但论者并没有提供任何自交证明这一点。虽然 鱼能够防止感冒,但这不意味着遇有也能,更不能保证遇有中的某种成分比如:I能有这样的效果。
2. 论断引用一份在东部的研究,说当地人吃鱼多,一年支取医院看两次感冒。首先是东部地区的环境气候是否与西部地区一样,没有可能那儿更温暖,气温变化更小,这也可能使得人少感冒。其次感冒的人不一定都会去医院治疗 并不因为iezheyinian只得两次感冒,有很多人感冒就自己在家里休息或者吃要。没有这些资料,我们都不能从这份研究中确信这是因为吃鱼 所以感冒少了
3. 论者认为 感冒是矿工最经常的理由,所以是降低感冒也就是降低矿工的好办法。 但是论者没有提供资料有多少矿工的人是因为感冒。还是用感冒作为借口。我们都知道身体不舒服是最容易请到假的

39. The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Humana College.

"Last year the number of students who enrolled in long-distance degree programs at Omni University increased by 50%. During the same year, Omni showed a significant decrease from prior years in expenditures for dormitory and classroom space, most likely because instruction in the long-distance programs takes place via interactive video computer connections. In contrast, over the past three years, enrollment at Humana College has diminished and costs of maintaining buildings have risen. Thus, to increase enrollment and solve the problem of budget deficits at Humana College, we should initiate and actively promote long-distance degree programs like those at Omni."
39. 结论: 为提高注册数和解决财政问题,我们英爱开始远程教学
论证:我们学校过去三年的注册数一直在下降而位置建筑获得话费一直在上升。论者距离和所O 小去年注册远程学位的学生怎加了50% 童年P小在宿舍和教师的开销比以前一年有明显下降
提纲:1.论者忽视了 是否有足够多的学生愿意注册远程学位
2. 论断引用的论据不具备説服力。论者说O小去年注册远程上升50%,花费有了明显下降,第一,捆着没有提供有关O小去年整体注册数目是否也有搜上升。乳沟仅仅是远程的上升了,而总体没变或是下降例如 他们的经验就不值得我借鉴第二,O校花销比前几年有明显下降牧业不能仅凭猜测还归于远程课程和电脑的注册数。其次,论者没有提供任何资料证明O校于我们有什么相同的地方,面临的问题是否相同,以及师资情况,学生结构等等,缺乏这些资料,
3. 论断很武断,他认为远程教学能够解决财政赤字。但事实商开设远程学位是很复杂的它涉及新设备的添加没运作等等环节。这些会增加开销 录制呢没有提供资料证明这部分开销的上涨会小于远程学位帮助降低的开支,另外 远程学位的开设可能会使部分已注册的学生转去

40The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Excello Food Markets.

"In 90 towns where Excello has food markets, natural-food stores specializing in organic food products—products containing no chemical preservatives and made with foods grown without pesticides—have opened nearby as competitors. Surveys of our own customers reveal a growing concern about foods grown using pesticides or preserved with chemicals. Recently our market in Sun City participated in a local food tasting fair, and 75 percent of the fair goers who visited the Excello booth requested free samples of organic fruit. Such evidence indicates that to increase our profits, we should begin to stock a full line of organic food products in all our markets."

1. 有机食品带来利润存在不确定性。需要考虑的因素太多 比如成本,管理等

4.不能做类比,地区不同,市场情况,顾客要求,消费水平等 需要进一步考究。

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