
标题: cracking ibt essay! 小组写作组 chineselady(翠花)的 第18次作业 [打印本页]

作者: chineselady    时间: 2009-6-20 12:20:32     标题: cracking ibt essay! 小组写作组 chineselady(翠花)的 第18次作业

One argument states that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of background. The opposing argument says that only the elite students should be allowed to proceed. Discuss these ideas. Do you agree or disagree? Explain why806258558

Higher education has been regarded as an accessible way to get achievement. In China, studying in universities may equip young people more knowledge and to be effective. With the development of society and economic system, tuition load is more available than it was before. So it allows that those who cannot afford tuition can study in universities. Besides, there are some examples like elite people could be capable without staying in college. Thus, I tend to indicate that anyone should have the right to receive higher education if they want.

Ordinary people are more appropriate to be in university. Those may have no strong abilities should gain higher education; otherwise, the opportunities to be employed for them will be diminished. A young people without any degree and skills might only have simple work positions, labor, dustman or milkman. It will waste energy and time. Youngster is the next generation and future to any nation. They should have strong capacity to get involve in the development of country. Higher education provides an extended stage to learn new knowledge. They may major in literature, mechanics and science and computer and science. With various programs, people could choose one to further study for career. University is like a bridge to the future and to relise dreams.

Presently, some of elite people would not study in college. Bill Gates is a good example, but there are several people follow the similar ways with him. My friends’ brother whose academic subjects were not top quitted the study in college. It seems that lacking of plan for future, he could not get good paid job with no excellent academic scores. On the contrary, he has deep interest in software and now works as a soft ware engineer. Although he is not as famous and rich as Gates, we could say that he is elite in his field. For him, studying in college maybe too limited in learning his area with more programs and classes to deal with. Leaving higher education saved his time to get his dream.

In conclusion, most people in this world are common and higher education offers them more chances to learn. Also, they are equipped the knowledge and competency to do something for their countries and themselves. That we say: higher education should be open to anyone.
作者: chineselady    时间: 2009-6-20 12:21:04

绿色有助于预防近视, 缓解视力
作者: honey67    时间: 2009-6-20 15:08:00

真体贴 :p
作者: goback211    时间: 2009-6-22 20:07:23

Higher education has been regarded as an accessible way to get achievement. In China, studying in universities may equip young people (要不要with呢,我也不是很清楚)more knowledge and to be effective(这个用来形容人怎么觉得有点别扭呢). With the development of society and economic system, tuition load is more available than it was before. So it allows that those who cannot afford tuition(加个before) can study in universities(加个now). Besides, there are some examples like elite people could be capable without staying(studying或learning好一点,直接突出主题) in college. Thus, I tend to indicate that anyone should have the right to receive higher education if they want.

Ordinary people are more appropriate to be in university. Those may have no strong abilities should gain higher education; otherwise, the opportunities to be employed for them will be diminished. A young people without any degree and skills might only have simple work positions, (such as)labor, dustman or milkman. It will waste energy and time.(感觉有点牵强,总要有人做这个吧,可以说提高人的平均素质) Youngster is the next generation and future to any nation. They should have strong capacity to get involve in the development of country. Higher education provides an extended stage to learn new knowledge. They may major in literature, mechanics and science and computer and science. With various programs, people could choose one to further study for career. University is like a bridge to the future and to relise dreams.

Presently, some of elite people would not study in college. Bill Gates is a good example, but there are several people follow the similar ways with him. My friends’ brother whose academic subjects were not top quitted the study in college. It seems that lacking of plan for future, he could not get good paid job with no excellent academic scores. On the contrary, he has deep interest in software and now works as a soft ware engineer. Although he is not as famous and rich as Gates, we could say that he is elite in his field. For him, studying in college maybe too limited in learning his area with more programs and classes to deal with. Leaving higher education saved his time to get his dream.
In conclusion, most people in this world are common and higher education offers them more chances to learn. Also, they are equipped the knowledge and competency to do something for their countries and themselves. That we say: higher education should be open to anyone.

作者: happyzhengang    时间: 2009-6-22 21:29:29

Higher education hasbeen regarded as an accessible way to get achievement. In China,studying in universities may equip young people more knowledge and tobe effective. With the development of society and economic system,tuition load is more available than it was before. So it allows thatthose who cannot afford tuition can study in universities. Besides,there are some examples like elite people could be capable withoutstaying in college. Thus, I tend to indicate that anyone should havethe right to receive higher education if they want.: `9 \3 {0 o% ]8 i! m6 ]6 B
(首先呢,我不是很赞成楼主这样的开头,有点冗长啊,嘿嘿,还有你的逻辑是英文大部分人可以负担起大学学费了+很多优秀人物不在学校会更合适= 每个人都有获得接收higher教育的机会。 呵呵,感觉不和逻辑啊)

Ordinarypeople are more appropriate to be in university. Those may have nostrong abilities should gain higher education; otherwise, theopportunities to be employed for them will be diminished. A youngpeople without any degree and skills might only have simple workpositions, labor, dustman or milkman. It will waste energy and time.Youngster is the next generation and future to any nation. They shouldhave strong capacity to get involve in the development of country.Higher education provides an extended stage to learn new knowledge.They may major in literature, mechanics and science and computer andscience. With various programs, people could choose one to furtherstudy for career. University is like a bridge to the future and torelise dreams.(翠花啊,这段你说普通人更应该呆在学校里面,为什么呢?没有很强的能力,单飞不了,生存不了,不继续读书浪费了啊,然后呢,来读大学吧,来这里把你培养成又有能力,又有技术和学位的人,保证你能找到个好工作。此处你强调了ordinary people, 我知道你是想强调大多数人的意思,但是我觉得要想阐述higher教育合适这些人,你的出发点选错了,不是因为他们普通或者你说的能力不强。我只要你想要表述的意思,但是这一段没有很好的论证你的观点。)

Presently, some of(delete of)elite people would not study in college. Bill Gates is a good example,but there are several people follow the similar ways with him. Myfriends’ brother whose academic subjects were not top (who was not the top student on academic subjects)quitted the studyin(改成from) college. It seems that lacking of plan for future, he could not getgood paid job with no excellent academic scores. On the contrary, hehas deep interest in software and now works as a soft ware(software合在一起写) engineer.Although he is not as famous and rich as Gates, we could say that he iselite in his field. For him, studying in college maybe too limited inlearning his area with more programs and classes to deal with. Leavinghigher education saved his time to get his dream.software难道不属于academic subjects么?这跟elite好像没有太大关系吧,应该是不适合学那个学科啊,再说也没有必要退学啊,有点晕……)

Inconclusion, most people in this world are common and higher educationoffers them more chances to learn. Also, they are equipped theknowledge and competency to do something for their countries andthemselves. That we say: higher education should be open to anyone.


作者: happyzhengang    时间: 2009-6-22 21:30:44

作者: goback211    时间: 2009-6-22 21:43:16

5# happyzhengang

作者: happyzhengang    时间: 2009-6-23 09:03:12

7# goback211

作者: chineselady    时间: 2009-6-23 10:38:20

作者: chineselady    时间: 2009-6-23 10:44:50

software难道不属于academic subjects么?这跟elite好像没有太大关系吧,应该是不适合学那个学科啊,再说也没有必要退学啊,有点晕……)
退学不是我决定的我的例子都是真实的.......学校里的课程学的不是很好, 很可能是不喜欢的样子...不过在software方面很有才华的, 自己通过看书学习而不是听老师在那里罗拉罗拉的...
第一次两个组员都给批改, 真挺高兴! 以前的人啊都是看贴不回贴,好哇, 保持啊.


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