
标题: 0910AW SPECTACULAR之【同主题写作】第九期 A105 By SUNNY [打印本页]

作者: zhy871029    时间: 2009-6-29 20:54:43     标题: 0910AW SPECTACULAR之【同主题写作】第九期 A105 By SUNNY

本帖最后由 zhy871029 于 2009-6-29 21:23 编辑

TOPIC: ARGUMENT105 - The following appeared in a health newsletter.

"According to a recent study, people with many social ties report catching colds less often than do people with few social ties. Consequently, researchers conclude that having an active social life probably helps strengthen the immune system. The researchers note that catching a cold-one of a family of highly contagious viruses-gives the cold-sufferer temporary immunity to that virus in the future, but not to the many other related viruses. Merely being exposed to a new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses. Thus, in order to prevent catching a cold, people should strengthen their immune systems by becoming more active socially."
WORDS: 408          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2009-6-29 20:47:14

The author made a recommendation that people should become more socially in order to prevent catching a cold which is based on a conclusion the researchers drew from a recent study says that " having an active social life probably helps strengthen the immune system". However the recommendation  suffers severe logic flaws which make it unconvingcing.

One mistake is that, the author makes an odd connection between the active social life and longer immune function for the cold viruses one already got. It is a common sense that one already caught a cold should avoid keeping touch with others for fear that the cold would spread. From the patient point of view, keeping touch with others will also increase the possibility he will catch the cold again which will lengthen his recover period.

Besides, the author gave an unconvincing implication that having an active social life could increase the immunity to go against related viruses one hasn't been caught. This is a sheer fabrication. What we could get from the recent study is that social life would probably help strengthen the immunity. However to infer more conclusion, the author should learn from other related research.

What's more, it remains a question whether the active social life could help one's body goes against the new viruses. Immunity system could only deal with the viruses a people already got or the ones which is related to the current one. For the new viruses, especially a absolutely new one which has no similarity to the one in this world, the immunity system could do no help.

Finally, the most serious mistake the author commit is that he gave a recommendation which is based on an unproved result. What we have discuss  previously is based on the assumption that the active social life did have impact in improving the condition of human immune system. But to make the assumption into reality, the author should give a result which could filter out the real phisiology reason which lead to the increase of immunity. It is likely that people who maintain a good mood could also have a good body quality thus make him free from the attack of new viruses.

To sum up, in order to strenthen the recommendation, the author should refer to a more sound conclusion which could show an active social life could really have effect in improving the immune system instead of just relying on a shaky study result.
作者: zhy871029    时间: 2009-6-29 21:04:33

本帖最后由 zhy871029 于 2009-6-29 21:05 编辑

唉呀呀…… 这几天一直困扰自己的就是遣词造句的问题了,进度缓慢啊……


其实这篇A挺有意思的,不像以往的那样直接告诉你论点和论据之间的联系,要自己把握并且重新组织语言概括出来,个人感觉对于现在的我来说很有难度(我一向不擅长PARAPHRASING,所以最近正在和遣词造句一起联系)。 不过一旦你概括出来之后,你就发现这个题目其实很简单,因为逻辑错误太明显了…… 以下是自己的分析,欢迎拍砖~


A105. The following appeared in a health newsletter.   z8 n8 v4

"According to a recent study, peoplewith many social ties report catching colds less often than do people with fewsocial ties. Consequently, researchers concludethat having an active social life probably helpsstrengthen the immune system. The researchers note that catching a cold_one of a family of highlycontagious viruses_gives the cold-sufferer temporary immunity to that virus inthe future, but not to the many other related viruses. Merely being exposed toa new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since astrong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses. Thus, in order to prevent catching a cold, people should strengthentheir immune systems by becoming more active socially." ' T  [" j) V5 f/L% @+ C( v

(1)StudyResult: people with many social ties report catchingcolds less often than do people with few social ties.
(2)StudyConclusion: researchers concludethat having an active social life probablyhelps strengthen the immune system
(3)ArguerOpinion: in order to prevent catchinga cold, people should strengthen their immune systems by becoming more activesocially
(4) Argument:
    (1) Catching a cold gives the cold sufferer temporaryimmunity to that virus in the future, but not to the many other relatedviruses. (言外之意是增强社交可以对抗更多相关的流感病毒并且延长对现有病毒的抵抗力)
    (2) Merely being exposed to a new cold virus is not enoughfor a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off somenew viruses.(言外之意是增强社交可以提高免疫系统对抗新病毒的能力)


Theauthor made a recommendation such that people should become more socially inorder to prevent catching a cold which based on a conclusion the researcher drewfrom a recent study says that “having an active social life probably helpsstrengthen the immune system”. However the recommendation suffers severe logicflaws which make it less convincing.

One mistakeis that, the author makes an odd connection between the active social life anda longer immune function for the colds one already got. (可能在与别人接触的过程中,加重病情,延长得病时间)

Besides, alsothe author gave an unconvincing implication that having an active social lifecould increase the immunity to go against related viruses one hasn’t been caught.(没有直接证据表明这一点,凭空捏造) This is a sheer fabrication.

What's more, whether an active social people could have a the ablity to go against new viruses. (你说对抗常见疾病,可以啊;可是来了个人类从来没见过你不傻眼了= =)

Eventually,and which is the most serious one, is that the author gave a recommendation basedon an unproved conclusion. (不排除有其他的原因导致抵抗力提升)

To sumup, the author shouldn’t give a recommendation based on an unproved result. Inorder to strengthen his recommendation, he should give a look into the real physiologyeffect the active social life
作者: 蘅芜雪    时间: 2009-7-5 22:20:17

The author made a recommendation that people should become more socially in order to prevent catching a cold which is based on a conclusion the researchers drew from a recent study says that " having an active social life probably helps strengthen the immune system"这句和前面的是完全一个意思啊~所以我觉得还是简洁地叙述一下实验内容比较好. However the recommendation  suffers severe logic flaws which make it unconvingcing.

One mistake is that, the author makes an odd建议换个别的词 connection between the active social life and longer immune function for the cold viruses one already got 有些看不明白. It is a common sense that one already caught a cold should avoid keeping touch with others for fear that the cold would spread. From the patient point of view, keeping touch with others will also increase the possibility he will catch the cold again which will lengthen his recover period. 作者说要提高接触以减少患感冒的可能性,同时提高免疫力……这个是基于正常的健康地人来说的~所以我觉得用患感冒的人来反驳有些不适很切点

Besides, the author gave an unconvincing implication that having an active social life could increase the immunity to go against related viruses one hasn't been caught. This is a sheer fabrication. What we could get from the recent study is that social life would probably help strengthen the immunity. However to infer more conclusion, the author should learn from other related research. 对这一段是不是有些信心不足,因为论证看起来不算有力啊~为什么会有这种谬误还没有说的很清楚

What's more, it remains a question whether the active social life could help one's body goes against the new viruses. Immunity system could only deal with the viruses a people already got or the ones which is related to the current one. For the new viruses, especially a absolutely new one which has no similarity to the one in this world, the immunity system could do no help. 最终没有落到和社交活动的关系上

Finally, the most serious mistake the author commit is that he gave a recommendation which is based on an unproved result. What we have discuss  previously is based on the assumption that the active social life did have impact in improving the condition of human immune system. But to make the assumption into reality, the author should give a result which could filter out the real phisiology reason which lead to the increase of immunity. It is likely that people who maintain a good mood could also have a good body quality thus make him free from the attack of new viruses. 最后一段你的提纲上的意思不错,但是论证的不是很充分。因为毕竟作者没有说只有提高社交才能提高免疫力。

To sum up, in order to strenthen the recommendation, the author should refer to a more sound conclusion which could show an active social life could really have effect in improving the immune system instead of just relying on a shaky study result
作者: hdxhz    时间: 2009-7-7 22:57:46

2# zhy871029
(4) Argument:
    (1) Catching a cold gives the coldsufferer temporaryimmunity to that virus in the future, but not to themany other relatedviruses. (言外之意是增强社交可以对抗更多相关的流感病毒并且延长对现有病毒的抵抗力)
    (2) Merely being exposed to a new cold virus is not enoughfor a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off somenew viruses.(言外之意是增强社交可以提高免疫系统对抗新病毒的能力)


作者: hdxhz    时间: 2009-7-7 23:06:54

1# zhy871029
The author made a recommendation that people should become moresocially in order to prevent catching a cold which is based on aconclusion the researchers drew from a recent study says that " havingan active social life probably helps strengthen the immune system".However the recommendation  suffers severe logic flaws which make itunconvingcing.

One mistake is that, the author makes an odd connection between theactive social life and longer immune function (文章似乎没有说免疫时间长短的问题)for the cold viruses onealready got. It is a common sense that one already caught a cold shouldavoid keeping touch with others for fear that the cold would spread.From the patient point of view, keeping touch with others will alsoincrease the possibility he will catch the cold again which willlengthen his recover period.

Besides, the author gave an unconvincing implication that having anactive social life could increase the immunity to go against relatedviruses one hasn't been caught. (implications在哪里不明确,文章没有这样的推理)This is a sheer fabrication. What wecould get from the recent study is that social life would probably helpstrengthen the immunity. However to infer more conclusion, the authorshould learn from other related research.

What's more, it remains a question whether the active social life couldhelp one's body goes against the new viruses. Immunity system couldonly deal with the viruses a people already got or the ones which isrelated to the current one. For the new viruses, especially aabsolutely new one which has no similarity to the one in this world,the immunity system could do no help.

Finally, the most serious mistake the author commit is that he gave arecommendation which is based on an unproved result. What we havediscuss  previously is based on the assumption that the active sociallife did have impact in improving the condition of human immune system.But to make the assumption into reality, the author should give aresult which could filter out the real phisiology reason which lead tothe increase of immunity. It is likely that people who maintain a goodmood could also have a good body quality thus make him free from theattack of new viruses.

To sum up, in order to strenthen the recommendation, the author shouldrefer to a more sound conclusion which could show an active social lifecould really have effect in improving the immune system instead of justrelying on a shaky study result.

额,基于楼上的认识,和你非常contradict,所以不好改,也主要是逻辑上的分歧。欢迎讨论~虽然我已经和预言同学讨论过一次了- -
作者: nancy090909    时间: 2009-7-12 21:04:42

The author made a recommendation that people should become more socially in order to prevent catching a cold which is based on a conclusion the researchers drew from a recent study says that "having an active social life probably helps strengthen the immune system". However the recommendation suffers severe logic flaws which make it unconvingcing (unconvincing).

One mistake is that, the author makes an odd connection between the active social life and longer (stronger) immune function for the cold viruses one already got. It is a common sense that one already caught a cold should avoid keeping touch with others for fear that the cold would spread. From the patient point of view, keeping touch with others will also increase the possibility he will catch the cold again which will lengthen his recover period.
(这点有点牵强,理由是…我就不知道这个common sense……OTL~还有你这点到底是想要论证什么呢…有点茫然@@)
Besides, the author gave an unconvincing implication that having an active social life could increase the immunity to go against related viruses one hasn't been caught. This is a sheer fabrication. What we could get from the recent study is that social life would probably help strengthen the immunity. However to infer more conclusion, the author should learn from other related research.
What's more, it remains a question whether the active social life could help one's body goes against the new viruses. Immunity system could only deal with the viruses a people already got or the ones which is related to the current one. For the new viruses, especially a (an) absolutely new one which has no similarity to the one in this world, the immunity system could do no help.
Finally, the most serious mistake the author commit is that he gave a recommendation which is based on an unproved result. What we have discuss (discussed) previously is based on the assumption that the active social life did have impact in improving the condition of human immune system. But to make the assumption into reality, the author should give a result which could filter out the real phisiology (physiology ) reason which lead to the increase of immunity. It is likely that people who maintain a good mood could also have a good body quality thus make him free from the attack of new viruses.
我觉得physiology reason倒不重要,重要的是,他没有control到其他变量~)
To sum up, in order to strengthen (strengthen) the recommendation, the author should refer to a more sound conclusion which could show an active social life could really have effect in improving the immune system instead of just relying on a shaky study result.


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