
标题: 【文以载道】难句复习小组大贴(3楼更新难句分析示例) [打印本页]

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-8 10:49:18     标题: 【文以载道】难句复习小组大贴(3楼更新难句分析示例)

本帖最后由 zhtwd 于 2009-7-19 13:38 编辑





[时间] 7月13日—



奖惩制度:每天分析3个难句积15分,少于3个难句积5分,多于3个难句者每多分析1句加5个积分作为奖励, 周积分最高者将获得100寄托币+10声望奖励;6周总积分最高者可获得备考先锋勋章并将成为版主候选人。无故缺席2次者警告一次,警告两次自动退出小组。

           积分表分析难句个数 积分

参考资料:杨鹏难句教程;GRE、GMAT、LAST历年阅读真题;Economist;The New York Times; TED(Technology/ Entertainment/ Design);微软大百科;UStoday; CNN; Bible;



作者: grekokomo    时间: 2009-7-8 10:54:29

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-8 10:56:52

本帖最后由 zhtwd 于 2009-7-12 22:57 编辑



In the early 1950s, historian who studied preindustrial European (which may define here as European in period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite: the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops, and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books.
   本句话还是复杂修饰太多了,很容易让人搞不懂主谓宾之间的关系,首先是 who studied preindustrial European (which may define here as European in period from roughly 1300 to 1800) who
引导的定语从句做historian的同位语作为解释,然后一个括号中的插入语后出现了整句话的谓语began,加之这个began不是动词原形,所以很多人读到这里不会感觉倒是谓语,然后又再次出现了插入语for the first........ 后,出现了to investigate.......这里的begin to这个短语被for引导的插入语强行切断,读者读到to investigate的时候已经不知道这里怎么回事了,这是因为忘记了前面有一个begin的存在。然后出现了more than的比较结构。这个还不算难,who comprised the political and social elite 作为2 or 3 percent population的定语从句作为同位语解释。who had hitherto usually filled history books是修饰magnate的定语从句,同样作为同位语作为解释。
........................................................................................ by Saavedro.......................
Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class , an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.
[句子主干]Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased …shareholders as a class, (which was) an element…
[语法难点]本句是典型的非限定性定语从句,难点在其主语和宾语都有较长的短语和of结构限定,并且分句是由两个and相连的3个部分组成的。分句an element…landowners 又带有两个定语从句,一个是(which was)representing… ,另一个是(which was)detached…。
[句子翻译] 对资本和企业的这种大规模的非个人操纵大大增加了股东作为一个阶级的数量和重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,代表了非个人责任的财富与土地及土地所有者应尽义务的分离,而且也几乎与责任管理相分离。
[翻译技巧] 实际上定语从句并不符合汉语的使用习惯。所以翻译时遇上定语从句,一定不要机械地按照原来的顺序生搬硬套。像这样分句较长的情况,把主句和分句拆为两句是比较好的方法。所以这里从“这个阶层”开始另起一句。

........................................................................by 1995-2002年考研长难句24句.................
作者: nlhust    时间: 2009-7-8 11:24:15

报名!  笑对GRE^^
作者: wisle    时间: 2009-7-8 11:37:48

本帖最后由 wisle 于 2009-7-19 22:18 编辑



作者: ppbbo    时间: 2009-7-8 11:44:03

本帖最后由 ppbbo 于 2009-7-8 11:45 编辑

join in ! But I'm not sure I can be on-line everyday
作者: corpuscle    时间: 2009-7-8 13:29:53

作者: Genev    时间: 2009-7-8 16:13:17

作者: princess617    时间: 2009-7-9 13:41:37


作者: fiefuyt    时间: 2009-7-11 11:51:32

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-14 00:24:03

1. The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.
分析:此句从句结构比较复杂,一开始的The trouble is that是表语从句结构,后面的that是定语从句,修饰rebound. 句子的意思为:问题在于,近期的增长一定程度上是因为商业运作周期涨落的结果,因此还不能得出经济已经呈现复苏态势这一结论。
2. A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random byproducts of the neural repair work that goes on during sleep.
分析:此句存在一个分号将句子分为两个部分,前一部分theory后接一个that引导的同位语从句用来说明宾语theory的内容;后一部分中,代词them指代dreams,破折号后面的部分进一步解释什么是mental noise,而定语从句that goes on during sleep修饰work。此句的意思为 一个世纪前,弗洛伊德完成了其革命性的理论,认为梦掩饰我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧;到了20世纪70年代末期,神经病学家们转而认为梦只是“精神噪音”,即梦是睡眠时神经修复工作的一种随机副产品。
3. If you are part of the group which you are addressing,you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it?ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman?s notorious bad taste in ties.
分析: 此句是由if引导的条件复合句,主句由两个并列的分句组成。在第一个分句中,which引导的定语从句修饰the experiences and problems;第二个分句中it作形式主语,实际主语是to make a passing…in ties。此句中address的意思需要注意,address常用的词义是“地址”,也可以表示“演讲”,例如:Lincoln?s Gettysburg Address(林肯的盖茨堡演讲),to address an audience(对听众发表演讲)。address还可表示“处理”,如to address a problem(处理一个问题)。这句话的意思为如果你是你演讲对象的一员,你就能够了解你们所共有的经历和问题,你就可以对餐厅难吃的食物或者总裁在选择领带方面差劲的品味顺带加以评论。
作者: gdreamer9    时间: 2009-7-14 22:28:04

作者: fiefuyt    时间: 2009-7-14 23:10:20

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-15 00:37:07

1. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.
分析:此句为带有两个定语从句的主从复合句。句子的主干为Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry。第一个定语从句(which seeks to… dispassioned manner)修饰前面的enquiry,第二个定语从句(that natural scientists used for the study of natural phenomena)修饰前面的manner。此句的意思为社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它致力于以自然科学家研究自然现象的同样方式,理性、有序、系统而冷静地研究人类及其行为。
2. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against blacks in the united states,but his definition of racial prejudice as "racially-based negative prejudgments against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition," can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the chinese in california and the jews in medieval europe.
分析:该社会学家的命题当被应用于针对美国黑人的歧视时,相对而言尚能适用,但他对种族偏见所下的定义——即“以种族为基础的、针对某个群体的消级的先入之见,而该群体在任何特定的种族竞争地区则被普遍认作一种族”——可被理解成同样也襄括了针对加利福尼亚州的中国人以及中世纪的犹太人这样一些种族群体的敌视态度。 词句难点在插入语部分很长,使得主谓相隔较远,不易理解。
3. The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.

分析:物理学家恐惧于那些精确无误的论据不无道理,因为某种只有在它是精确无误的条件下才令人置信的论据,一旦它赖于建立其上的假设稍有变化,便会失去它一部的作用;而与此相反,一个尽管并不精确无误但却令人置信的论据,在其基本假设(underlying assumption)稍微受干扰的情况下,仍然有可能是站得住脚的。 此句难句很大,由whereas分为两大句,后面主语argument又有定语从句修饰,whereas前面有六个句子,可谓句套从句,实属难句典范。

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-15 00:51:34

本帖最后由 zhtwd 于 2009-7-15 01:00 编辑


例:the methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of  the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential.  
翻译:一个社会设计出来保存自己的方法得以形成来保持那个社会认为最重要的一些方面。读法:初级:读出主谓宾来。分析:主语:the methods; 谓语:com into being;不定式to引导表示目的状语。高级:直接读,见后。考查能力:考查考生的大脑容量。

例:moreover, i can feel strong emotions in response to objects of art that are interpretations,rather than representations, of reality.(lsat)
读法:初级:跳过插入语; 高级:直接读;查查能力:大脑容量+抗干扰能力

例:that sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.  
that sex ratio which maximizes the number of descendants that an individual will have and hence the sex ratio which maximize the number of gene copies transmitted will be favered。

如上例原句中的省略,在第二个the number of 前省略了"sex ration which maximizes".
1. 长成分
1). 长从句做主语、宾语及其他成分
a. 主语从句
b. 宾语从句
2). 长状语
3). 层层修饰
4). 并列成分
2. 常见倒装搭配
(1). 及物动词加介词:固定词组的固定搭配中,经常出现倒装情况,如:bring a to b,写作:bring to b a
例:yet waltzer’s argument , however deficient , does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism-namely , that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who ,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards , often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
类似的情况:throw over , insert into , import into , infer from, establish for , advocate as 等
(2). 及物动词加副词
例:make possible …(单词或者句子)
3. 省略的几种情况
(2)、让步转折的省略:如although (but)
(3)、定语从句引导词的省略which(that )
如:qualities(such as “the capacity for hard work”) essential in producing wealth
4. 短语被分割

如:such as, so that , too to , more than , from a to b , between a and b
5. 多重否定:

如:despite these vague categories , one should not claim unequivocally that hostility between recognizable classes cannot be legitimately observed .
.........................................................................摘自 杨鹏难句...................
作者: gdreamer9    时间: 2009-7-15 08:44:25

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-19 13:48:12

作者: 家家☆yoonjae    时间: 2009-7-19 14:09:12

小小声,家家想报名 >.< 咩注意这个帖子。。。【对手指】
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-19 22:36:21



wisle 发表于 2009-7-8 11:37

作者: gdreamer9    时间: 2009-7-20 10:16:28

EVEN before its publication, “Free: The Future of a Radical Price” had prompted a heated debate online, mostly among people who had not read the book but were merely familiar with its title. Critics lambasted it for suggesting that everything ought to be free; and they attacked its author, Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired (and a former journalist on this newspaper), for daring to charge money for a book advancing this position. Both criticisms are unfair. The book is in fact available free in some electronic formats, and this handily illustrates its argument, which is not that everything should be free, but that more things now can be, thanks to the new business models being opened up by the tumbling prices of computer power, storage and networking.
红色的部分有点晕,THANKS TO 是修饰谁的?
这个出自ECONOMIST http://www.economist.com/books/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14030161
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-20 11:40:52

个人觉得可以先去掉插入语和which引导的定语从句再看这个句子。The book is in fact available free in some electronic formats thanks to the new business models being opened up by the tumbling prices of computer power, storage and networking.  这样就清晰了。
作者: ppbbo    时间: 2009-7-26 12:25:14

This determination also feeds the frames in Ireland, for among the many indignities the Irish have been forced to under go at English hands is the English contempt for their language.
后半句有点读不明白 能帮帮我不?
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-27 21:53:58

作者: 家家☆yoonjae    时间: 2009-7-27 22:13:38


@_@ 再琢磨琢磨。。。【挠头 >.<】
作者: zliuKaiser    时间: 2009-7-28 11:13:03

12# zhtwd
我也来报名,现有一个问题,so is not conclusive evidence,这句话的主语是什么?trouble吗?
作者: zliuKaiser    时间: 2009-7-28 11:38:25

21# gdreamer9
我认为thanks to 是插入语,表示more things can be on storage and networking 的原因。
作者: Genev    时间: 2009-7-28 14:15:06

This determination also feeds the frames in Ireland, for among the many indignities the Irish have been forced to under go at English hands is the English contempt for their language.
后半句有点读不明 ...
ppbbo 发表于 2009-7-26 12:25

在后面的从句里面the Irish have been forced to under go at English hands 是定语从句,修饰the many indignities。
主干是among the many indignities ...is the English contempt for their language.

这里under go应该是undergo。
作者: zliuKaiser    时间: 2009-7-28 14:15:16

本帖最后由 zliuKaiser 于 2009-7-28 14:16 编辑

23# ppbbo
This determination also feeds the frames in Ireland, for among the manyindignities the Irish have been forced to under go at English hands isthe English contempt for their language.
Among the many indignities the Irish have been forced to under go at English hands是表语,(the Irish have been forced to undergo at English hands是定于从句)。
the English contempt for their language是主语。
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2009-7-28 15:55:53

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-7-28 21:20:48

12# zhtwd
我也来报名,现有一个问题,so is not conclusive evidence,这句话的主语是什么?trouble吗?
zliuKaiser 发表于 2009-7-28 11:13

恩~ 整个句子的主语是trouble
作者: ppbbo    时间: 2009-7-29 16:06:37

多谢啊  几天没机会来 看到大伙那么热心
作者: fanfan0502    时间: 2009-7-30 13:07:17

作者: summercool78    时间: 2009-7-31 13:12:11

作者: lucyxiong    时间: 2009-8-1 09:36:00

想参加哦  !
作者: 小红莓    时间: 2009-8-1 15:11:02

作者: lranwwy    时间: 2009-8-2 00:07:38

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-8-2 14:21:33

来得及~ 热烈欢迎^^ 由于一些G友还没考完AW,所以现在还没强制作业,大家是自由分析难句阶段~  集体活动会在不久后开始^^  加油~
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-8-2 14:23:05

作者: 勋勋    时间: 2009-8-20 02:12:43

作者: gdreamer9    时间: 2009-8-24 17:07:13

作者: high_685    时间: 2009-8-26 23:06:14

作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-9-22 23:26:08

作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-9-22 23:29:44


Talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.

这句话来自杨鹏难句,仔细看了后觉得有两个疑点,第一是circumvents, WD上解释是overcome或者find a way around (an obstacle),但是看杨鹏翻译为阻碍的意思。

作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-9-22 23:42:24

bobhunt_cn 发表于 2009-9-22 23:26

Welcome~  此帖就是大家的互助帖~ ^^
作者: zhtwd    时间: 2009-9-23 00:16:41


Talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.

这句话来自杨鹏难句,仔细看了后觉得有两个疑点,第一是circu ...
bobhunt_cn 发表于 2009-9-22 23:29

这两个词的理解确实是这句话的难度所在,circumvent在MW上的解释是1 a : to hem in  b : to make a circuit around 2 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem  而hem在MW的解释有to surround in a restrictive manner  : CONFINE之意,所以circumvent是有限制之意的。enterpriese是指事业。整句话可以这样翻译:虽然小说无疑起源于政治环境,但其作者则是以非意识形态的方式对这些政治环境作出反应的,而将小说和故事主要地当作意识形态的工具来探讨,会在相当程度上限制小说事业。(Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.)
作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-9-23 16:40:01

48# zhtwd 谢谢lz解释的如此详细!
作者: 无敌小番茄    时间: 2009-9-26 17:00:26

one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group 这个理解有偏差啊 谁给俺解释解释啊 谢谢
作者: ccrobin000    时间: 2009-9-26 17:46:25

本帖最后由 ccrobin000 于 2009-9-26 20:59 编辑
one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group 这个理解有偏差啊 谁给俺解释解释啊 谢谢
无敌小番茄 发表于 2009-9-26 17:00

one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States 主语呗,说移民到美国的一小撮移民集团的一个特性

has  谓语,注意和后面的been是一套的

traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group 冗长的宾语其中紫色部分明显是插入语,不用鸟,前面的traditionally作为副词在没有正负感情色彩的情况下看不看都行,也就是甭管是怎么been的,总之主语是been了一下宾语,去掉罗嗦以后relatively few members of the group纯词汇辨析了,成员相当少的组


作者: 无敌小番茄    时间: 2009-9-26 20:41:53

one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States 主语呗,说移民到美国的一小撮移民集团的一个特性

has  谓语,注意和后面的been是一套的

traditionally been that, after immigrat ...
ccrobin000 发表于 2009-9-26 17:46

明白了 谢谢
作者: ccrobin000    时间: 2009-9-26 21:31:56

52# 无敌小番茄

作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-9-26 22:18:17

51# ccrobin000

原来如此,我看了半天,停留在relatively few上了,结果误入歧途~
作者: 无敌小番茄    时间: 2009-9-27 15:44:47

本帖最后由 无敌小番茄 于 2009-9-27 16:24 编辑

NO.4里 第一套题目里的短阅读
to fight ourselves for what we are daily robbing and plundering from those who have as good a right to freedom as we have

下一个section里 长阅读里的
Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters’ psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy.
作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-9-27 21:20:36


1、1、Fallois proposed that Prousthad tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a longdemonstration of Saint-Beuve’s blindness to the real nature of great writing ,found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments ,andallowed these to take over it a steadily developing novel.

F认为,P1908年试图开始写一部小说,又为了写一部批判S-B 伟大作品的真正本质的视而不见的长篇的证明而放弃了这部小说,其后又发现这一论文又勾起了其个人记忆及小说情节的萌生,使得后者取而代之形成了一部稳定展开的小说。

我觉得这句话最神奇的地方在于proposed that后紧跟的那些动词,紫色标出的那些,特别是found,特别让我误以为是对前面某个部分的解释,读了好几遍之后才发现这些动词原来都是时间递进的关系,厄。。。问题是这个好像无法用语法来解释了吧?抑或是我理解错了?

Nevertheless, researchers ofthe Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful modelschemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge ofevents.


个人感觉这个句子的难点在于had they been,这里应该用倒装来表示虚拟语气。也就是说正常语序是: .... of how they would have arranged the ICE AGE if they had been in charge of events. 不知理解得是否正确,请版主来判判。

3、This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and events not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods,rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits.

这一序列演替(succession)所依据的,主要是一系列与冰川期和间冰期并不直接相关的地质沉积物和地质事件,而不是依据更为普遍的现代方法,去研究间冰层(interglacial bed)中所发现的生物残留物,而这些间冰层本身又在冰川沉积物发生间层化(interstatified)。


作者: tanliboy    时间: 2009-10-12 00:09:44

作者: bobhunt_cn    时间: 2009-10-24 23:07:23

作者: bohemia2010    时间: 2010-8-6 15:45:26


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