标题: =galloper=组 ISSUE221 by B37 mermaid [打印本页] 作者: mermaid_han 时间: 2009-7-16 13:05:43 标题: =galloper=组 ISSUE221 by B37 mermaid
TOPIC: ISSUE221 - "The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history."
WORDS: 529
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2009-7-15 9:56:37
I agree with the speaker, to some extent, that the study of history can break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history. Apparently, what history remains to us seems very different between periods, but some essences are still not changed for centuries. What is more important, the function of history is not only to tell people that they are not very different during different periods, but also to give people experience and lessons through the study of history.
Admittedly, there are really different factors between people in different periods. Especially in material changing, current people research history by historical relic that is the indirect evidence to study the ancient living, culture and so on. For example, at present, people live in buildings, eat healthy food and use many advancing tools, which are not imagined by ancestors. In contrast, the ancient people lived in caves, ate the meat of animals, and used stone tools, which fall far behind current people. Therefore, there are still many difference in material living and spiritual life between the ancient and the current people.
However, the study of history should not only find the apparent differences among people, but also know the essence of history that is unchanged forever. For instance, the spirit of discovery and creation is continuous and never stop in history, which is the impetus of the society's development. Without such a spirit, the society would not advance and the history of human would not be colorful and plentiful. From stone to iron tools, from artificial operation to automation, from bamboo slips to electronic books, the spirit of discovery and creation plays an important part in those innovations. Besides it , there are also something unchanged, such as love, human nature and so on. In short, the study of history is aimed to let people recognize the essence of history, not be confused by the surface, and find the power of development in the future.
What is more, by analyzing history, people can not only distinguish the differences among different periods, but also acquire experience and learn lessons from historical events or people. The essence of things is connected, and people can learn experience from the past much in order to use it in the future. The famous musician, Beethoven, underwent the deafness and blindness, but he did not give up and continued composing wonderful music, whose spirit encourages the descendants still now and forever. In addition, other outstanding people and significant events are worthy of current people to learn. In this situation, the more important function of history is making people know the theories on the basis of historical people and events.
Above all, we should analyze the deeper meaning of history, but not the surface of it. In other words, the study of history will lose its value, if we pay much attention on different appearances. So, the chief benefit of the study of history is not to break down the significant differences of people in different periods, but also to let people think about the essence of history in order to promote the development of society.作者: 大肚腩 时间: 2009-7-17 14:20:13
I agree with the speaker, to some extent, that the study of history can break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history. Apparently, what history remains to us seems very different between periods, but some essences are still not changed for centuries. What is more important, the function of history is not only to tell people that they are not very different during different periods, but also to give people experience and lessons through the study of history.
Admittedly, there are really different factors between people in different periods. Especially in material changing, current people research history by historical relic that is the indirect evidence to study the ancient living, culture and so on. For example, at present, people live in buildings, eat healthy food and use many advancing tools, which (can)are not imagined by ancestors. In contrast, the ancient people lived in caves, ate the meat of animals, and used stone tools, which fall far behind current people. Therefore, there are still many difference in material living and spiritual life between the ancient and the current people.
However, the study of history should not only find the apparent differences among people, but also know the essence of history that is unchanged forever. For instance, the spirit of discovery and creation is continuous and never stop in history, which is the impetus of the society's development. Without such a spirit, the society would not advance and the history of human would not be colorful and plentiful. From stone to iron tools, from artificial operation to automation, from bamboo slips to electronic books, the spirit of discovery and creation plays an important part in those innovations. Besides it , there are also something unchanged, such as love, human nature and so on. In short, the study of history is aimed to let people recognize the essence of history, not be confused by the surface, and find the power of development in the future.
What is more, by analyzing history, people can not only distinguish the differences among different periods, but also acquire experience and learn lessons from historical events or people. The essence of things is connected, and people can learn experience from the past much in order to use it in the future. The famous musician, Beethoven, underwent the deafness and blindness, but he did not give up and continued composing wonderful music, whose spirit encourages the descendants still now and forever. In addition, other outstanding people and significant events are worthy of current people to learn. In this situation, the more important function of history is making people know the theories on the basis of historical people and events.
Above all, we should analyze the deeper meaning of history, but not the surface of it. In other words, the study of history will lose its value, if we pay much attention on different appearances. So, the chief benefit of the study of history is not to break down the significant differences of people in different periods, but also to let people think about the essence of history in order to promote the development of society.
正如ETS所说。。文章注重结构比例子更甚。。所以语法上的我就不给什么意见了。。不过我那级数也给不了哈。。说回结构。。你的文章切题准确。。很好地破了这个STATEMENT的两个观点。。但行文的第3段。。就是HOWEVER那段的过度好象有点生硬。。就是你第3段已经转了第2个观点是可以试着先反对一下作者的观点再继续这个HOWEVER。。。以上纯属个人观点。。。请多多指教作者: mermaid_han 时间: 2009-7-18 07:44:18
I agree with the speaker, to some extent, that the study of history can break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history. Apparently, what history remains to us seems very different between periods, but some essences are still not changed for centuries. What is more important, the function of history is not only to tell people that they are not very different during different periods这一句感觉不是很顺口...不知道改为particular会不会好一些, but also to give people experience and lessons through the study of history
Admittedly, there are really different factors between people in different periods. Especially in material changing, current people research history by historical relic that is the indirect evidence to study the ancient living, culture and so on. For example, at present, people live in buildings, eat healthy food and use many advanced tools, which are not imagined by ancestors. In contrast, the ancient people lived in caves, ate the meat of animals, and used stone tools, which fall far behind current people. Therefore, there are still many difference in material living and spiritual life between the ancient and the current people.
However, the study of history should not only find the apparent differences among people, but also know the essence of history that is unchanged forever. For instance, the spirit of discovery and creation is continuous and never stop in history, which is the impetus of the society's development. Without such a spirit, the society would not advance and the history of human would not be colorful and plentiful. From stone to iron tools, from artificial operation to automation, from bamboo slips to electronic books, the spirit of discovery and creation plays an important part in those innovations. Besides it , there are also something unchanged, such as love, human nature and so on. In short, the study of history is aimed to let people recognize the essence of history, not be confused by the surface, and find the power of development in the future.
What is more, by analyzing history, people can not only distinguish the differences among different periods, but also acquire experience and learn lessons from historical events or people. The essence of things is connected, and people can learn experience from the past much in order to use it in the future. The famous musician, Beethoven, underwent the deafness and blindness, but he did not give up and continued composing wonderful music, whose spirit encourages the descendants still now and forever. In addition, other outstanding people and significant events are worthy of current people to learn. In this situation, the more important function of history is making people know the theories on the basis of historical people and events.
Above all, we should analyze the deeper meaning of history, but not the surface of it. In other words, the study of history will lose its value, if we pay much attention on different appearances. So, the chief benefit of the study of history is not to break down the significant differences of people in different periods, but also to let people think about the essence of history in order to promote the development of society.
Iagree with the speaker, to some extent, that the study of history canbreak down the illusion that people in one period of time aresignificantly different from people who lived at any other time inhistory. Apparently,what history remains to us seems very different between periods, butsome essences are still not changed for centuries. What is moreimportant, the function of history is not only to tell people that theyare not very different during different periods, but also to givepeople experience and lessons through the study of history.
Admittedly,there are really different factors between people in different periods.Especially in material changing, current people research history byhistorical relic that is the indirect evidence to study the ancientliving, culture and so on. For example, at present, people live inbuildings, eat healthy food and use many advancing tools, which are notimagined by ancestors. In contrast, the ancient people lived in caves,ate the meat of animals, and used stone tools, which fall far behindcurrent people. Therefore, there are still many difference in materialliving and spiritual life between the ancient and the current people.
However,the study of history should not only find the apparent differencesamong people, but also know the essence of history that is unchangedforever. For instance, the spirit of discovery and creation iscontinuous and never stop in history, which is the impetus ofthe society's development. Without such a(a 是否应该去掉?) spirit, the society would notadvance and the history of human would not be colorful and plentiful.From stone to iron tools, from artificialoperation to automation, from bamboo slips to electronic books, thespirit of discovery and creation plays an important part in thoseinnovations. Besides it , there are also something unchanged, such aslove, human nature and so on. In short, the study of history is aimedto let people recognize the essence of history, not be confused by thesurface, and find the power of development in the future.(本段的举例排比论证很好,值得学习)
Whatis more, by analyzing history, people can not only distinguish thedifferences among different periods, but also acquire experience andlearn lessons from historical events or people. The essence of thingsis connected, and people can learn experience from the past much inorder to use it in the future. The famous musician, Beethoven,underwent the deafness and blindness, but he did not give up andcontinued composing wonderful music, whose spiritencourages the descendants still now and forever. In addition, otheroutstanding people and significant events are worthy of current peopleto learn. In this situation, the more important function of history ismaking people know the theories on the basis of historical people andevents.
Aboveall, we should analyze the deeper meaning of history, but not thesurface of it. In other words, the study of history will lose itsvalue, if we pay much attention on different appearances. So, the chiefbenefit of the study of history is not to break down the significantdifferences of people in different periods, but also to let peoplethink about the essence of history in order to promote the developmentof society.