
标题: triter three [打印本页]

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-28 23:02:08     标题: triter three

131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-28 23:49:53

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 10:20:48

131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."

1: 艺术一直为人们所追捧,正是由于其表达手段的有效和丰富,包含了大量审美情趣,对世界的认知,个人立场等平时很难表达出来的情感。

What if we live in a world without any museum, gallery, and theater? Will it be a society of backwater that people are so depressed that no available channel to release emotions and ideas? Absolutely not. What are hidden inside people's minds as a whole compose general ideas and impulses of a society, and they can always find ways to be found, not just via arts.

Throughout history, numerous genius artists have combined their talents and experience to create marvelous paintings, sculptures, music, literature and so forth. Any of these master piece is highly appreciated and carefully taken care of, in hope of that they can last forever to offer unfailing values. The reason behind the enthusiasm for arts is obvious-arts as a tool of efficiency of abundance, containing much aesthetic value and cognition about the world, help people to reveal otherwise hardly expressed emotions and opinions. Avant-garde artists, for example, tend to express their criticism and apprehension by various seemingly absurd performance and works. They might wear costumes attached with many feathers, and close themselves in bird cages. Such weird behaviorism only tries to show discontent against caging birds in zoos. Artists usually prefer impressive means to show their ideas and impulses, which usually reveal the unfamiliar characteristics of society.

However, as a form of language to express and describe, the importance of art should never be exaggerated to an indispensable extend. If, at the very beginning of human being started to think and create, no any art is ever created, the inner emotions and values of people would not thus disappear or eliminated. Strong impulses and expression needs will eventually compel common public to find some other channels to release their thoughts. Or perhaps people would develop available tools like public speeches or debates to directly fully let loose the deep inside parts in human minds, which also represent most concealed emotional corners of society.  Anyway, nothing would naturally disappear or hidden as a result of lack of realization means. Common people may not write a delightful melody or draw bright-colored oil painting when full of exhilaration, but they may sing aloud and write down the feeling and mail it friends, although that can not be called art and by doing which can not make them artists.

Every single society is composed by individuals who work and live together, ingenerating complex and exquisite rational ideas and emotional impulses. All of these thoughts, evident or hidden, are vividly expressed by people's words, writings, apparels, habits, and all kinds of social activities. As long as we careful observe these interesting details, the general value system, moral and ethical standard can be easily revealed. The detailed law system in the US, for example, has clearly and exactly prescribe people's behaviors to the extremely extend. Such delicate law system is base on the disbelief on human nature and the confidence on the efficiency of a reliable system. It is not necessary, also impossible, for artists try to represent such a value behind the law system which is legislated to ensure the freedom and rights of the public. Although it is agreeable for people to enjoy and study arts which celebrate freedom and rights, the function of arts is limited and never requisite.

Thanks to our greatest musicians, painters and novelists, we have enjoyed so much profound aesthetic experience and exciting sympathy. We are also able to read through society to understand many ideas and impulses in it. But all these arts are the results of the need for expression which can be released by various means. In all, any part of a society can be never hidden, be in different forms.

Absolutely not.在word里是绿线诶,不知道为什么。
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 10:57:32

TOPIC: ISSUE131 - "The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
WORDS: 543          TIME: 01:42:34          DATE: 2009-7-29 10:45:02

Since the Muses inspired the creation of the arts, human beings have never stopped their steps for pursuing better arts. Without doubt, arts play an indispensable role in society, which not only help people understand the world, but also add fuel to make society move forward.

Obviously, arts are mirrors reflecting people's thoughts. Artists followed by their inspiration, own experience to create numerous sparking works of art. Through these dazzling arts, we detect what lives people live, what value system the society hold, and how people regarded the outside world.

Opening the Greek Mythology, we are startled to find that Zeus was known for extramarital affairs; Hera was famous for jealous; Poseidon was depicted as brutal. The Gods are no longer sitting high upon; instead, they have flaws and make mistakes just like ordinary human beings. Dig into the essence of the Greek Mythology, we get to know that ancient Greeks reckoned Gods as scrutable; they didn't fear Gods as their ancestors did anymore; in reality, they believed that in spite of owning some power, Gods also had humanity. Later in Western, many painters were keen on description of the true life of ordinary people. Millet's "The Gleaner" can best exemplify this statement. In this work, instead of painting some fantastic features, he paid his attention on the lowest class of the society, the farmers, particularly the female farmers, who are gleaning under the scorching sun. From his works, we discovered the ordinary people's lives.

Now let us turn from West to East. In early 20th century, a glaring literature star, LuXun, raised in China, when the nation was suffering with toughness and hardships. Mr. Lu wrote many novels as well as prose to goad people. One of his famous novels called "The True Story of Ah Q" is a vivid example. The leading character in the novel called "Ah Q" is one who always comforts himself by deceiving himself. After reading this novel, many Chinese at that time had the idea that Mr. Lu was describing them. Indeed, though life was hard, Ah Q represents millions of Chinese who were indifferent with the reality that their mother land, China, was undergoing miseries.

In addition, arts can also add fuel to the advancement of society. Before14th century, the Europe was dominated by ecclesiastical power. People had few freedoms to express their thoughts. It was the Renaissance that brought people the idea of "Humanism" and lightened the lights for scientific research. After Renaissance, French Revolution broke out and overthrew the power of Luis XVI.

However, we have to admit that some arts especially the present-day arts have nothing do to with reflecting reality or guiding society. We can observe the scene almost from all over the world that pop singers jumping up and down in the stages and "muttering" some obscure lyrics. Or perhaps when surfing the Internet, we can find a sizable number of so-called novels lying there; whereas many of them are meaningless and even undermine the morality as well as the brilliant and gorgeous traditional culture of the society.

Taking into account what has been discussed above, admittedly some works of art are useless and meaningless, most arts are mirrors reflecting thoughts, value system of a society, moreover some even enable the society make progress.
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 10:58:34

作者: lele77521    时间: 2009-7-29 12:46:44

TOPIC: ISSUE131 - "The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."

The most common usage of word is 'art' in daily life. However, what's the definition of art on earth?   Art, in my opinion, is something that stimulates an individual’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the sense. It is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes. According to the task of the art, we can find that the author's idea is incomplete that arts reflect the hidden ideas and impulses of our society. I hold the opinion that art as a main form reflect every corner of the whole society in a unique way.

Admittedly, there are some artworks which reflect the hidden idea and impulse in the past. Artistic works have existed for almost as long as humankind, from early pre-historic art to contemporary art. So it is really reveal some hidden ideas and impulses of the society. Here I will take poem, a traditional form of art to support my viewpoint. Because the human society is a process from wildness to civilization, people at that time have no right to deliver their opinion or their expectation publicly. They had to depend on the form of poem to show their inner activities, which indirectly reflect their discontent with the society. Consequently, a lot of poets such as Libai, Dufu create many pomes, which were the valuable spirit wealth in Chinese history.

In nowadays, with the development of human civilization, art has permeated to all fields of human society and reflected everything in this colorful world. Architectures vividly embodied the development of a society and the story at that time. The Great Wall, one of the world’s famous constructions, is symbolizing China's ancient civilization; the statue of liberty embodies the spirit of freedom. There are countless famous architectures indicating the long process of human society, we may consider that it is the art of architecture records the history in a unique way. Further more, the famous building-Bird’s Nest would be help us to remind of the 2008 Olympics. We have to admit the charming of the art make this world full of art atmosphere.

In addition, art has already as a way of individuals realize their dream, which also reveals that people can convey their thought, value, emotion in their works. We can clearly find that the function of art is to convey inner idea, feelings, and image, then influence those people who love them. Art, such as music, painting, literature, can increase our happiness and help us relax both in physical and mental. And in turn, these art works not only reflect our aesthetic choice, but also the trend of a society’s progress.

In the end, artistic works, whether their forms are music, painting, literature, or architecture, are revealing every aspects of the whole world. Human society is art mirrored by all kinds of art form.
作者: lele77521    时间: 2009-7-29 13:31:40

Since the Muses inspired the creation of the arts, human beings have never stopped their steps for pursuing better arts. Without doubt, arts play an indispensable role in society, which not only help people understand the world, but also add fuel to make society move forward.

Obviously, arts are mirrors reflecting people's thoughts. Artists followed by their inspiration, own experience to create numerous sparking works of art. Through these dazzling arts, we detect what lives people live, what value system the society hold, and how people regarded the outside world.

Opening the Greek Mythology, we are startled to find that Zeus was known for extramarital affairs; Hera was famous for jealous; Poseidon was depicted as brutal. The Gods are no longer sitting high upon; instead, they have flaws and make mistakes just like ordinary human beings. Dig into the essence of the Greek Mythology, we get to know that ancient Greeks reckoned Gods as scrutable; they didn't fear Gods as their ancestors did anymore; in reality, they believed that in spite of owning some power, Gods also had humanity. Later in Western, many painters were keen on description of the true life of ordinary people. Millet's "The Gleaner" can best exemplify this statement. In this work, instead of painting some fantastic features, he paid his attention on the lowest class of the society, the farmers, particularly the female farmers, who are gleaning under the scorching sun. From his works, we discovered the ordinary people's lives.

Now let us turn from West to East. In early 20th century, a glaring literature star, LuXun, raised in China, when the nation was suffering with toughness and hardships. Mr. Lu wrote many novels as well as prose to goad people. One of his famous novels called "The True Story of Ah Q" is a vivid example. The leading character in the novel called "Ah Q" is one who always comforts himself by deceiving himself. After reading this novel, many Chinese at that time had the idea that Mr. Lu was describing them. Indeed, though life was hard, Ah Q represents millions of Chinese who were indifferent with the reality that their mother land, China, was undergoing miseries.

In addition, arts can also add fuel to the advancement of society. Before14th century, the Europe was dominated by ecclesiastical power. People had few freedoms to express their thoughts. It was the Renaissance that brought people the idea of "Humanism" and lightened the lights for scientific research. After Renaissance, French Revolution broke out and overthrew the power of Luis XVI.

However, we have to admit that some arts especially the present-day arts (这块是不是有点绝对?现代艺术品风格不同吧?有些作品可能就不能将其称为艺术吧)have nothing do to with reflecting reality or guiding society. We can observe the scene almost from all over the world that pop singers jumping up and down in the stages and "muttering" some obscure lyrics. Or perhaps when surfing the Internet, we can find a sizable number of so-called novels lying there; whereas many of them are meaningless and even undermine the morality as well as the brilliant and gorgeous traditional culture of the society.

Taking into account what has been discussed above, admittedly some works of art are useless and meaningless, most arts are mirrors reflecting thoughts, value system of a society, moreover some even enable the society make progress.

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 17:06:39

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."


From a stone knife to Hubble telescope, any thing that could be made use of to improve the conductivity of society could be called technology, whether primitive or high-tech. Throughout history, technology has severed a vital role to influence the progress of human society profoundly, from daily lives to hidden social customs and ethics. But the importance of technology can never be exaggerated to an extent that it can determine the social traditions and moral values.

Admittedly, our world has been changed forever thanks to technology. Since the very moment human beings started to make use of nature source to improve their living quality, history course has transferred form a village path to an expressway. People have been brought closer than ever before to live in metropolises, thus also gradually change their social behaviors and value systems. For example, there is no sense of private for cavemen who usually live in caves or thatch sheds. But in contemporary society, living in separated apartment, everyone is so concerned about their own space and try not to offense others' private. This manner is regarded decent in nowadays while nonsense in prehistory. Such a remarkable difference is ingenerated in the development of architecture and civil engineering technology. Since people have needs for private space and acquired sense of shame, relevant technology would be developed to meet them.

However, it would be to rash to draw the conclusion that technologies actually determine social customs and moral and ethic standards. Social lives are composed not by some single factor but various ones which as a whole to overwhelmingly influence every aspect of society. Geographic condition, for instance, is a significant reason that causes many interesting divergences in different areas in one country. People in north China are usually more frank and straightforward as they live on the vast plain and strew seeds roughly, followed with little cultivation. Farming seems quite simple and direct for them. While in the north where is mountainous and of abundant rainfall, farmers have to take care of their crops with much care. Farmers in the southern China usually spend most of their time in cultivation; such a living style contributes to their exquisite and delicate characteristic. Many other significant factors like this have greatly contributed to the social characteristics, left technology even a relatively trifle element in shaping people’s value habits and lives.

Actually, technology has been so essential to society that it is not just how people make and use tools to transform the world; it is already a part of social customs and values. Human beings naturally adore power, speed and height. To satisfy theses interests, we can see Lamborghini roaring on the roads; we can find Spider Man and the Transformers in science fiction, we can also finally step on the moon to enjoy the scenes of the earth. Technology reveals the inner desire of society. Conversely, social interest and values influence technology intensely. Most countries are highly concerned about the result of chaotic ethics if let loose of the development of human cloning. Though this technology is of great essence to cure many fatal diseases, unexpected side effects would be brought to society as well. It is the social value that stimulates and constrains technology.

Complex and delicate as a society is, it can not be simply cataloged into pieces, nor can be determines by some independent factor. Social traditions and values have been forming in a relative long time and constantly changing, and keep interacting with its influencing factors.
作者: lele77521    时间: 2009-7-29 19:06:54

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."


From a stone knife to Hubble telescope, any thing that could be made use of to improve the conductivity(or productivity?) of society could be called technology, whether primitive or high-tech. Throughout history, technology has severed a vital role to influence the progress of human society profoundly, from daily lives to hidden social customs and ethics. But the importance of technology can never be exaggerated to an extent that it can determine the social traditions and moral values.

Admittedly, our world has been changed forever thanks to technology. Since the very moment human beings started to make use of nature (natural source是自然资源,应该用形容词)source to improve their living quality, history course has transferred form a village path to an expressway. People have been brought closer than ever before to live in metropolises, thus also gradually change their social behaviors and value systems. For example, there is no sense of private for cavemen who usually live in caves or thatch sheds. But in contemporary society, living in separated apartment, everyone is so concerned about their own space and try not to offense others' private. This manner is regarded decent in nowadays while nonsense in prehistory. Such a remarkable difference is ingenerated in the development of architecture and civil engineering technology. Since people have needs for private space and acquired sense of shame, relevant technology would be developed to meet them.(这一段按照你的提纲应该是科学技术对人们衣食住行的改变,例子感觉论证的不够充分,住房方式的变化更多的是由于人多,城市化进程是社会发展规律,技术可以解决其发展过程遇到的困难,加速发展进程。  )

However, it would be to rash to draw the conclusion that technologies actually determine social customs and moral and ethic standards(去掉一个and,moral和ethic要一个就行吧). Social lives are composed not by some single factor but various ones which as a whole to overwhelmingly influence every aspect of society. Geographic condition, for instance, is a significant reason that causes many interesting divergences in different areas in one country. People in north China are usually more frank and straightforward as they live on the vast plain and strew seeds roughly, followed with little cultivation. Farming seems quite simple and direct for them. While in the north where is mountainous and of abundant rainfall, farmers have to take care of their crops with much care. Farmers in the southern China usually spend most of their time in cultivation; such a living style contributes to their exquisite and delicate characteristic. Many other significant factors like this have greatly contributed to the social characteristics, left technology even a relatively trifle element in shaping people’s value habits and lives.

Actually, technology has been so essential to society that it is not just how people make and use tools to transform the world; it is already a part of social customs and values. Human beings naturally adore power, speed and height. To satisfy theses interests, we can see Lamborghini roaring on the roads; we can find Spider Man and the Transformers in science fiction, we can also finally step on the moon to enjoy the scenes of the earth. Technology reveals the inner desire of society. Conversely, social interest and values influence technology intensely. Most countries are highly concerned about the result of chaotic ethics if let loose of the development of human cloning. Though this technology is of great essence to cure many fatal diseases, unexpected side effects would be brought to society as well. It is the social value that stimulates and constrains technology.

Complex and delicate as a society is, it can not be simply cataloged into pieces, nor can be determines by some independent factor. Social traditions and values have been forming in a relative long time and constantly changing, and keep interacting with its influencing factors.
作者: lele77521    时间: 2009-7-29 21:49:05

No one can deny the great attribution made by technologies to human society,in fact, technologies have played an indispensable role in everyday life, including influence the social customs and ethics. However, the speaker holds the idea that technology determines social traditions and morals, which apparently exaggerate the function of technology.

Undoubtedly, the most changes and creations are attributed to the application of technologies, which influence our traditional customs. Some forms of technology have become so well established that it is possible to forget the great scientific achievements that they represent. Such as automobiles, airplanes, cell phones, all which make our life conveniently. Moreover, it is internet that changes our life fundamentally. The convenience of communicating makes the world smaller than ever before. People need not to get together to hold meeting nowadays, in many big companies, they hold meeting online, which saving much cost and time. Individuals who are busy will not worry about they have no time to go shopping, they just need a computer and a mouse, all the problems will be solved, just waiting open your door and receive whatever you desire. We can also relax on internet, chatting online with our friends, parents, or reading so-called e-books.

In some extent, technology exerts significant effect in the history of mankind, even including their morals. First, some of the technological advances like above-mentioned that make life easier or more enjoyable have proved to have unwanted and often unexpected long-term effects. Individual would be not care of the other people, which will enlarge the distance between human beings. Two closed friends will be feel stranger when they are talking personally for the reason that they have accustomed chatting on line.

It is particularly true in the fields of medicine. Take cloning as an example, which gives scientists the unprecedented power to bring about new life. At the other extreme, the nuclear weapon, the most destructive weapons that the world has ever known. All of which are the ‘fruits’ of hi-technology that may result in disasters far beyond our control.

Admittedly, technologies have made great contribution to our society and influence the social traditions and morals, someone even believe that technology determines a society customs and ethics. In fact, there are a lot of complex factors, such as culture, history, and believes and so on, all of which eventually formed a society’s customs and morals. If we suppose technology would determine the customs and ethics, what is the world like? All human are experiencing nearly the same technology, they should share the same hobbies and morals.

It is apparent that technology have changed the whole world, influencing mankind’s traditions and morals, but the customs and ethics that determined by complex factors in different countries are still develop accord to their own way.
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 22:04:13

7# lele77521
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:00:32

3# wk4a
131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
1: 艺术一直为人们所追捧,正是由于其表达手段的有效和丰富,包含了大量审美情趣,对世界的认知,个人立场等平时很难表达出来的情感。

What if we live in a world without any museum, gallery, and theater? Will it be a society of backwater(能解释下这个意思么) that people are so depressed that no available channel to release emotions and ideas? Absolutely not.(我也不知道为什么错) What are hidden inside people's minds as a whole compose general ideas and impulses of a society, and they can always find ways to be found, not just via arts.(我觉你我理解题意是有偏差的。题目是说艺术揭示了这些方面,不是说只有通过艺术我们才能发现,所以这道题实际上说的是艺术对社会的作用(我作文老师也这么提起过这道题),从你的提纲看出你讨论的是另外的情感表达途径。是不是偏题了?可以讨论下)

Throughout history, numerous genius artists have combined their talents and experience to create marvelous paintings, sculptures, music, literature and so forth. Any of these master piece is highly appreciated and carefully taken care of, in hope of that they can last forever to offer unfailing values. The reason behind the enthusiasm for arts is obvious-arts as a tool of efficiency of abundance, containing much aesthetic value and cognition about the world, help people to reveal otherwise hardly expressed emotions and opinions. Avant-garde artists, for example, tend to express their criticism and apprehension by various seemingly absurd performance and works. They might wear costumes attached with many feathers, and close themselves in bird cages. Such weird behaviorism only tries to show discontent against caging birds in zoos. Artists usually prefer impressive means to show their ideas and impulses, which usually reveal the unfamiliar characteristics of society.

However, as a form of language to express and describe, the importance of art should never be exaggerated to an indispensable extend. If, at the very beginning of human being started to think and create, no any art is ever created, the inner emotions and values of people would not thus disappear or eliminated. Strong impulses and expression needs will eventually compel common public to find some other channels to release their thoughts. Or perhaps people would develop available tools like public speeches or debates to directly fully let loose the deep inside parts in human minds, which also represent most concealed emotional corners of society.  Anyway, nothing would naturally disappear or hidden as a result of lack of realization means. Common people may not write a delightful melody or draw bright-colored oil painting when full of exhilaration, but they may sing aloud and write down the feeling and mail it friends, although that can not be called art and by doing which can not make them artists.

Every single society is composed by individuals who work and live together, ingenerating complex and exquisite rational ideas and emotional impulses. All of these thoughts, evident or hidden, are vividly expressed by people's words, writings, apparels, habits, and all kinds of social activities. As long as we careful observe these interesting details, the general value system, moral and ethical standard can be easily revealed. The detailed law system in the US, for example, has clearly and exactly prescribe people's behaviors to the extremely extend. Such delicate law system is base on the disbelief on human nature and the confidence on the efficiency of a reliable system. It is not necessary, also impossible, for artists try to represent such a value behind the law system which is legislated to ensure the freedom and rights of the public. Although it is agreeable for people to enjoy and study arts which celebrate freedom and rights, the function of arts is limited and never requisite.

Thanks to our greatest musicians, painters and novelists, we have enjoyed so much profound aesthetic experience and exciting sympathy. We are also able to read through society to understand many ideas and impulses in it. But all these arts are the results of the need for expression which can be released by various means. In all, any part of a society can be never hidden, be in different forms.
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 23:16:57

Since the Muses inspired the creation of the arts, human beings have never stopped their steps for pursuing better arts. Without doubt, arts play an indispensable role in society, which not only help people understand the world, but also add fuel to make society move forward.

Obviously, arts are mirrors reflecting people's thoughts. Artists followed by their inspiration, own experience to create numerous sparking works of art. Through these dazzling arts, we detect what lives people live, what value system the society hold, and how people regarded the outside world.

Opening the Greek Mythology, we are startled to find that Zeus was known for extramarital affairs; Hera was famous for jealous; Poseidon was depicted as brutal. The Gods are no longer sitting high upon; instead, they have flaws and make mistakes just like ordinary human beings. Dig into the essence of the Greek Mythology, we get to know that ancient Greeks reckoned Gods as scrutable; they didn't fear Gods as their ancestors did anymore; in reality, they believed that in spite of owning some power, Gods also had humanity. Later in Western, many painters were keen on description of the true life of ordinary people. Millet's "The Gleaner" can best exemplify this statement. In this work, instead of painting some fantastic features, he paid his attention on the lowest class of the society, the farmers, particularly the female farmers, who are gleaning under the scorching sun. From his works, we discovered the ordinary people's lives.
obviously, you are describing ordinary people's lives and their customs vividly, which are less relavent with "otherwise hidden ideas and impulse". I do not think you fully developed the topic, though I do not know how either.
Now let us turn from West to East. In early 20th century, a glaring literature star, LuXun, raised in China, when the nation was suffering with toughness and hardships. Mr. Lu wrote many novels as well as prose to goad people. One of his famous novels called "The True Story of Ah Q" is a vivid example. The leading character in the novel called "Ah Q" is one who always comforts himself by deceiving himself. After reading this novel, many Chinese at that time had the idea that Mr. Lu was describing them. Indeed, though life was hard, Ah Q represents millions of Chinese who were indifferent with the reality that their mother land, China, was undergoing miseries.
Ah Q is a excellent example just like Greek Mythology, but it could have bee better if you describe them as "not so obvious".
In addition, arts can also add fuel to the advancement of society. Before14th century, the Europe was dominated by ecclesiastical power. People had few freedoms to express their thoughts. It was the Renaissance that brought people the idea of "Humanism" and lightened the lights for scientific research. After Renaissance, French Revolution broke out and overthrew the power of Luis XVI.
it is a example of beneficial function of arts.
However, we have to admit that some arts especially the present-day arts have nothing do to with reflecting reality or guiding society. We can observe the scene almost from all over the world that pop singers jumping up and down in the stages and "muttering" some obscure lyrics. Or perhaps when surfing the Internet, we can find a sizable number of so-called novels lying there; whereas many of them are meaningless and even undermine the morality as well as the brilliant and gorgeous traditional culture of the society.
I think it is better to bring in some other forms of expression to reveal social values.
Taking into account what has been discussed above, admittedly some works of art are useless and meaningless, most arts are mirrors reflecting thoughts, value system of a society, moreover some even enable the society make progress.
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:28:32

6# lele77521

TOPIC: ISSUE131 - "The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."

The most common usage of word is 'art' in daily life. However, what's the definition of art on earth?   Art, in my opinion, is something that stimulates an individual’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the sense. It is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes. According to the task of the art, we can find that the author's idea is incomplete that arts reflect the hidden ideas and impulses of our society. I hold the opinion that art as a main form reflect every corner of the whole society in a unique way.

Admittedly, there are some artworks(艺术作品是works of art) which reflect the hidden idea and impulse in the past. Artistic works have existed for almost as long as humankind, from early pre-historic art to contemporary art. So it is really reveal(ing) some hidden ideas and impulses of the society. Here I will take poem, a traditional form of art to support my viewpoint. Because the human society is a process from wildness to civilization, people at that time have no right to deliver their opinion or their expectation publicly. They had to depend on the form of poem to show their inner activities, which indirectly reflect their discontent with the society. Consequently, a lot of poets such as Libai, Dufu created many pomes, which were the valuable spirit wealth in Chinese history.

In nowadays, with the development of human civilization, art has permeated to all fields of human society and reflected everything in this colorful world. Architectures vividly embodied the development of a society and the story at that time(???啥意思). The Great Wall, one of the world’s famous constructions, is symbolizing China's ancient civilization; the Statue of Liberty(注意大写,这玩意可是老美最注重的东西之一啦~) embodies the spirit of freedom. There are countless famous architectures indicating the long process of human society, we may consider that it is the art of architecture records the history in a unique way. Further more, the famous building-Bird’s Nest would be help us to remind of the 2008 Olympics. We have to admit the charming of the art make this world full of art atmosphere.

In addition, art has already as a way of individuals realize their dream, which also reveals that people can convey their thought, value, emotion in their works. We can clearly find that the function of art is to convey inner idea, feelings, and image, then influence those people who love them. Art, such as music, painting, literature, can increase our happiness and help us relax both in physical and mental. And in turn, these art works not only reflect our aesthetic choice, but also the trend of a society’s progress.

In the end, artistic works, whether their forms are music, painting, literature, or architecture, are revealing every aspects of the whole world. Human society is art mirrored by all kinds of art form(这句子怎么看怎么别扭).

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:30:24

13# wk4a
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 23:30:33

otherwise hidden ideas 就是本来会被掩盖的东西。那就是只有arts可以搞定的,所以题目说非它不可。我就要证明其它的也可。
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:46:07

8# wk4a
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
From a stone knife to Hubble telescope, any thing that could be made use of to improve the conductivity of society could be called technology, whether primitive or high-tech. Throughout history, technology has severed a vital role to influence the progress of human society profoundly, from daily lives to hidden social customs and ethics. But the importance of technology can never be exaggerated to an extent that it can determine the social traditions and moral values.(开头不错不错)

Admittedly, our world has been changed forever thanks to technology. Since the very moment human beings started to make use of nature source to improve their living quality, history course(这个怎么解释) has transferred form a village path to an expressway. People have been brought closer than ever before to live in metropolises, thus also gradually change their social behaviors and value systems. For example, there is no sense of private for cavemen who usually live in caves or thatch sheds. But in contemporary society, living in separated apartment, everyone is so concerned about their own space and try not to offense others' private. This manner is regarded decent in nowadays while nonsense in prehistory. Such a remarkable difference is ingenerated in the development of architecture and civil engineering technology. Since people have needs for private space and acquired sense of shame, relevant technology would be developed to meet them.
(space 这个观点老美看了应该喜欢)
However, it would be to rash to draw the conclusion that technologies actually determine social customs and moral and ethic standards. Social lives are composed not by some single factor but various ones which as a whole to overwhelmingly influence every aspect of society. Geographic condition(题外话~你在好多篇都提到地理条件,我argument时都想不到的,看来专业背景不一样啊), for instance, is a significant reason that causes many interesting divergences in different areas in one country. People in north China are usually more frank and straightforward as they live on the vast plain and strew seeds roughly, followed with little cultivation. Farming seems quite simple and direct for them. While in the north(south啦) where is mountainous and of abundant rainfall, farmers have to take care of their crops with much care. Farmers in the southern China usually spend most of their time in cultivation; such a living style contributes to their exquisite and delicate characteristic.(这个南北对比excellent!) Many other significant factors like this have greatly contributed to the social characteristics, left technology even a relatively trifle element in shaping people’s value habits and lives.

Actually, technology has been so essential to society that it is not just how people make and use tools to transform the world; it is already a part of social customs and values. Human beings naturally adore power, speed and height. To satisfy theses interests, we can see Lamborghini roaring on the roads; we can find Spider Man and the Transformers in science fiction, we can also finally step on the moon to enjoy the scenes of the earth. Technology reveals the inner desire of society. Conversely, social interest and values influence technology intensely. Most countries are highly concerned about the result of chaotic ethics if let loose of the development of human cloning. Though this technology is of great essence to cure many fatal diseases, unexpected side effects would be brought to society as well. It is the social value that stimulates and constrains technology.

Complex and delicate as a society is, it can not be simply cataloged into pieces, nor can be determines by some independent factor. Social traditions and values have been forming in a relative long time and constantly changing, and keep interacting with its influencing factors.

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 23:55:09

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-29 23:56:41

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:57:54

16# wk4a
我查了下WEBSTER,Ohterwise有几种形式,pron., adv., adj.;
1. in a different way or manner
2. in different circumstances
3. in other respects
4. if not
5. not

你的理解是3. in other respects

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-29 23:58:47

18# wk4a
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-30 00:01:33

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-30 00:10:30

10# lele77521
No one can deny the great attribution made by technologies to human society,in fact, technologies have played an indispensable role in everyday life, including influence the social customs and ethics. However, the speaker(这么诡异呢~) holds the idea that technology determines social traditions and morals, which apparently exaggerate the function of technology.

Undoubtedly, the most changes and creations are attributed to the application of technologies, which influence our traditional customs. Some forms of technology have become so well established that it is possible to forget the great scientific achievements that they represent. Such as automobiles, airplanes, cell phones, all which make our life conveniently. Moreover, it is internet(专有名词大写) that changes our life fundamentally. The convenience of communicating makes the world smaller than ever before. People need not to get together to hold meeting nowadays, in many big companies, they hold meeting online, which saving much cost and time. Individuals who are busy will not worry about they have no time to go shopping, they just need a computer and a mouse, all the problems will be solved, just waiting open your door and receive whatever you desire. We can also relax on internet, chatting online with our friends, parents, or reading so-called e-books.
In(To) some extent, technology exerts significant effect in the history of mankind, even including their morals. First, some of the technological advances like above-mentioned that make life easier or more enjoyable have proved to have unwanted and often unexpected long-term effects. Individual would be not care of the other people, which will enlarge the distance between human beings. Two closed friends will be feel stranger when they are talking personally for the reason that they have accustomed chatting on line.
It is particularly true in the fields of medicine. Take cloning as an example, which gives scientists the unprecedented power to bring about new life. At the other extreme, the nuclear weapon, the most destructive weapons that the world has ever known. All of which are the ‘fruits’ of hi-technology that may result in disasters far beyond our control. (这点很好,应该展开来写,不该就3句)

Admittedly, technologies have made great contribution to our society and influence the social traditions and morals, someone even believe that technology determines a society customs and ethics. In fact, there are a lot of complex factors, such as culture, history, and believes(beliefs) and so on, all of which eventually formed a society’s customs and morals. If we suppose technology would determine the customs and ethics, what is the world like? All human are experiencing nearly the same technology, they should share the same hobbies and morals.(这个极端取得好!)
It is apparent that technology have changed the whole world, influencing mankind’s traditions and morals, but the customs and ethics that determined by complex factors in different countries are still develop accord to their own way.
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-30 00:12:33

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-30 00:14:29

13# wk4a
obviously, you are describing ordinary people's lives and their customs vividly, which are less relavent with "otherwise hidden ideas and impulse". I do not think you fully developed the topic, though I do not know how either.
Ah Q is a excellent example just like Greek Mythology, but it could have bee better if you describe them as "not so obvious”
I think it is better to bring in some other forms of expression to reveal social values.
Yeah~u r right~

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-30 00:21:59

The most common usage of word is 'art' in daily life. However, what's the definition of art on earth?   Art, in my opinion, is something that stimulates an individual’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the sense. It is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes. According to the task of the art, we can find that the author's idea is incomplete that arts reflect the hidden ideas and impulses of our society. I hold the opinion that art as a main form reflect every corner of the whole society in a unique way.
Admittedly, there are some artworks which reflect the hidden idea and impulse in the past. Artistic works have existed for almost as long as humankind, from early pre-historic art to contemporary art. So it is really reveal some hidden ideas and impulses of the society. Here I will take poem, a traditional form of art to support my viewpoint. Because the human society is a process from wildness to civilization, people at that time have no right to deliver their opinion or their expectation publicly. They had to depend on the form of poem to show their inner activities, which indirectly reflect their discontent with the society. Consequently, a lot of poets such as Libai, Dufu create many pomes, which were the valuable spirit wealth in Chinese history.

In nowadays, with the development of human civilization, art has permeated to all fields of human society and reflected everything in this colorful world. Architectures vividly embodied the development of a society and the story at that time. The Great Wall, one of the world’s famous constructions, is symbolizing China's ancient civilization; the statue of liberty embodies the spirit of freedom. There are countless famous architectures indicating the long process of human society, we may consider that it is the art of architecture records the history in a unique way. Further more, the famous building-Bird’s Nest would be help us to remind of the 2008 Olympics. We have to admit the charming of the art make this world full of art atmosphere.

In addition, art has already as a way of individuals realize their dream, which also reveals that people can convey their thought, value, emotion in their works. We can clearly find that the function of art is to convey inner idea, feelings, and image, then influence those people who love them. Art, such as music, painting, literature, can increase our happiness and help us relax both in physical and mental. And in turn, these art works not only reflect our aesthetic choice, but also the trend of a society’s progress.

In the end, artistic works, whether their forms are music, painting, literature, or architecture, are revealing every aspects of the whole world. Human society is art mirrored by all kinds of art form.
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-30 00:28:47

No one can deny the great attribution made by technologies to human society,in fact, technologies have played an indispensable role in everyday life, including influence the social customs and ethics. However, the speaker holds the idea that technology determines social traditions and morals, which apparently exaggerate the function of technology.
Undoubtedly, the most changes and creations are attributed to the application of technologies, which influence our traditional customs. Some forms of technology have become so well established that it is possible to forget the great scientific achievements that they represent. Such as automobiles, airplanes, cell phones, all which make our life conveniently. Moreover, it is internet that changes our life fundamentally. The convenience of communicating makes the world smaller than ever before. People need not to get together to hold meeting nowadays, in many big companies, they hold meeting online, which saving much cost and time. Individuals who are busy will not worry about they have no time to go shopping, they just need a computer and a mouse, all the problems will be solved, just waiting open your door and receive whatever you desire. We can also relax on internet, chatting online with our friends, parents, or reading so-called e-books.
In some extent, technology exerts significant effect in the history of mankind, even including their morals. First, some of the technological advances like above-mentioned that make life easier or more enjoyable have proved to have unwanted and often unexpected long-term effects. Individual would be not care of the other people, which will enlarge the distance between human beings. Two closed friends will be feel stranger when they are talking personally for the reason that they have accustomed chatting on line.
It is particularly true in the fields of medicine. Take cloning as an example, which gives scientists the unprecedented power to bring about new life. At the other extreme, the nuclear weapon, the most destructive weapons that the world has ever known. All of which are the ‘fruits’ of hi-technology that may result in disasters far beyond our control.
Admittedly, technologies have made great contribution to our society and influence the social traditions and morals, someone even believe that technology determines a society customs and ethics. In fact, there are a lot of complex factors, such as culture, history, and believes and so on, all of which eventually formed a society’s customs and morals. If we suppose technology would determine the customs and ethics, what is the world like? All human are experiencing nearly the same technology, they should share the same hobbies and morals.
It is apparent that technology have changed the whole world, influencing mankind’s traditions and morals, but the customs and ethics that determined by complex factors in different countries are still develop accord to their own way.
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-7-30 00:29:55

22# emily_feifei

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-7-30 09:32:57

28# wk4a
作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-8-6 10:55:22

本帖最后由 wk4a 于 2009-8-6 11:00 编辑

131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
1: 艺术一直为人们所追捧,正是由于其表达手段的有效和丰富,包含了大量审美情趣,对世界的认知,个人立场等平时很难表达出来的情感。

What if we live in a world without any museum, gallery, and theater? Will it be a society of backwater that people are so depressed that no available channel to release emotions and ideas? Absolutely not. What are hidden inside people's minds as a whole composes general ideas and impulses of a society, and they can always find ways to be found, not just via arts.

Throughout history, numerous genius artists have combined their talents and experience to create marvelous paintings, sculptures, music, literature and so forth. Any of these master piece is highly appreciated and carefully taken care of, in hope of that they can last forever to offer unfailing values. The reason behind the enthusiasm for arts is obvious-arts as a tool of efficiency of abundance, containing much aesthetic value and cognition about the world, help people to reveal otherwise hardly expressed emotions and opinions. Avant-garde artists, for example, tend to express their criticism and apprehension by various seemingly absurd performance and works. They might wear costumes attached with many feathers, and close themselves in bird cages. Such weird behaviorism only tries to show discontent against caging birds in zoos. Artists usually prefer impressive means to show their ideas and impulses, which usually reveal the unfamiliar characteristics of society.-->Art, as a form of expression, serves to reveal people’s ideas and notions towards outside worlds, whether it is agreeable or shocking.

However, as a form of language to express and describe, the importance of art should never be exaggerated to an indispensable degree. If, at the very beginning of human being started to think and create, no any art is ever created, the inner emotions and values of people would not thus disappear or eliminated. Strong impulses and expression needs will eventually compel common public to find some other channels to release their thoughts. Or perhaps people would develop available tools like public speeches or debates to directly fully let loose the deep inside parts in human minds, which also represent most concealed emotional corners of society.  Anyway, nothing would naturally disappear or hidden as a result of lack of realization means. Common people may not write a delightful melody or draw bright-colored oil painting when full of exhilaration, but they may sing aloud and write down the feeling and mail it friends; although that can not be called art and by doing which can not make them artists, they are trying to express their emotions.

Every single society is composed by individuals who work and live together, ingenerating complex and exquisite rational ideas and emotional impulses. All of these thoughts, evident or hidden, are vividly expressed by people's words, writings, apparels, habits, and all kinds of social activities. As long as we careful observe these interesting details, the general value system, moral and ethical standard can be easily revealed. The detailed law system in the US, for example, has clearly and exactly prescribe people's behaviors to the extremely extend. Such delicate law system is base on the disbelief on human nature and the confidence on the efficiency of a reliable system. It is not necessary, also impossible, for artists try to represent such a value behind the law system which is legislated to ensure the freedom and rights of the public. Although it is agreeable for people to enjoy and study arts which celebrate freedom and rights, the function of arts is limited and never requisite.-->  Without doubt, the law system can not be called art, but it does reveal the most fundamental value shared by the people in the States.

Thanks to our greatest musicians, painters and novelists, we have enjoyed so much profound aesthetic experience and exciting sympathy. We are also able to read through society to understand many ideas and impulses in it. But all these arts are the results of the need for expression which can be released by various means. In all, any part of a society can be never hidden, but in different forms.

The otherwise hidden values revealed by arts, in other words, without arts, some social ideas could never be found out, are actually never hidden, or we will be even unaware of their existence. In this case, it is better to ignore those unrevealed ones, but examine these expressed values through arts to see if they have other forms of expression.-->这句话绕不绕?

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-8-6 15:56:17

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 552          TIME: 00:57:01          DATE: 2009-8-6 15:41:20

Retrospect to history, dazzling innovations emerged, which have changed our lives profoundly. Being the inventors of the technologies, we have been affected by our masterpieces to some extent.

Dating back to thousands and millions of years ago when human beings still had to gather together to hunt for animals and carefully preserved and stored food in case of a shortage and chilly weather. At that time, either the food resources or other materials were adequate. Human beings had to live in the group rather than be alone; as a result, there existed no concept about private properties. As the fire was exploited; more and more tools made from stone, iron, and bronze were taken advantage of; predators like lions and tigers could no longer stand as a threaten; social resources became more and more abundant; gradually, people began to preserve food and others resources for themselves and then left the big tribe. Their own possessions were legally protected. Till today, anyone who impinges others' privacy or possessions is reckoned as not only a stigma but illicit behavior.

Admittedly it is technology that plays as impetus to serve to affect our social customs and ethics. Nevertheless, on no account could we afford to neglect other various factors that could also change our manners and mind. To begin with, history and culture of a nation plays a rather crucial role in this process. In the West, people, to a large extent, are more critical to anything. Tracing back to their childhood, we may find some answers. Many parents may tell the stories from Greek Mythology before their babies fall asleep. The children are startled to discover that Poseidon is depicted as brutal, that Hera is famous for jealousy, and so forth. From their very childhood, they are aware that even gods could have flaws and would make mistakes, not to mention human beings. Thus they have learnt that it is dangerous to take in whatever the authority says. On the contrary, in the long course of the eastern history, showing respects to authorities has always been highly advocated. Anyone who dared to doubt the king or the teacher could probably face fierce reproach or even fatal disasters. Consequently, the people from the East are much more conservative and hold more respects to their teachers and the old.

Furthermore, the geographic locations may also influences the thoughts and behaviors of a country. Take Japan for instance. Being surrounded by the ocean, the country has few natural resources. Facing such situation, the nationals believed that only by strengthening their military power which could help them conquer other countries can they get plenty of resources. Accordingly chauvinism has been implanted into their heart very deeply. Though be defeated in the World War II, army is still be admired by its people.

After all, technology is only the tool for people to better the society. People should harness the technology and guide it to the right direction rather than be controlled by technology. Otherwise, the world’s wheel could spin out of control.

Taking into account what has been discussed above though technology has somehow affected our manners and thoughts; it is our tool to improve our world in essence. Other factors like history, culture and even geographic locations can also be crucial when evaluating social customs and ethics.
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-8-6 19:53:56

30# wk4a

131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
1: 艺术一直为人们所追捧,正是由于其表达手段的有效和丰富,包含了大量审美情趣,对世界的认知,个人立场等平时很难表达出来的情感。

What if we live in a world without any museum, gallery, and theater? Will it be a society of backwater that people are so depressed that no available channel to release emotions and ideas? Absolutely not. What are hidden inside people's minds as a whole composes general ideas and impulses of a society, and they can always find ways to be found, not just via arts.

Throughout history, numerous genius artists have combined their talents and experience to create marvelous paintings, sculptures, music, literature and so forth. Any of these master piece is highly appreciated and carefully taken care of, in hope of that they can last forever to offer unfailing values. The reason behind the enthusiasm for arts is obvious-arts as a tool of efficiency of abundance, containing much aesthetic value and cognition about the world, help people to reveal otherwise hardly expressed emotions and opinions. Avant-garde artists, for example, tend to express their criticism and apprehension by various seemingly absurd performance and works. They might wear costumes attached with many feathers, and close themselves in bird cages. Such weird behaviorism only tries to show discontent against caging birds in zoos. Artists usually prefer impressive means to show their ideas and impulses, which usually reveal the unfamiliar characteristics of society.-->Art, as a form of expression, serves to reveal people’s ideas and notions towards outside worlds, whether it is agreeable or shocking.

However, as a form of language to express and describe, the importance of art should never be exaggerated to an indispensable degree. If, at the very beginning of human being started to think and create, no any art is ever created, the inner emotions and values of people would not thus disappear or eliminated. Strong impulses and expression needs will eventually compel common public to find some other channels to release their thoughts. Or perhaps people would develop available tools like public speeches or debates to directly fully let loose the deep inside parts in human minds, which also represent most concealed emotional corners of society.  Anyway, nothing would naturally disappear or hidden as a result of lack of realization means. Common people may not write a delightful melody or draw bright-colored oil painting when full of exhilaration, but they may sing aloud为什么会有歌呢~因为有艺术的存在,虽然他们不是艺术家,但他们确实通过艺术家创造的形式在表达感情。 and write down the feeling and mail it friends; although that can not be called art and by doing which can not make them artists, they are trying to express their emotions.

Every single society is composed by individuals who work and live together, ingenerating complex and exquisite rational ideas and emotional impulses. All of these thoughts, evident or hidden, are vividly expressed by people's words, writings, apparels, habits, and all kinds of social activities. As long as we careful observe these interesting details, the general value system, moral and ethical standard can be easily revealed. The detailed law system in the US, for example, has clearly and exactly prescribe people's behaviors to the extremely extend. Such delicate law system is base on the disbelief on human nature and the confidence on the efficiency of a reliable system. It is not necessary, also impossible, for artists try to represent such a value behind the law system which is legislated to ensure the freedom and rights of the public. Although it is agreeable for people to enjoy and study arts which celebrate freedom and rights, the function of arts is limited and never requisite.-->  Without doubt, the law system can not be called art, but it does reveal the most fundamental value shared by the people in the States.

Thanks to our greatest musicians, painters and novelists, we have enjoyed so much profound aesthetic experience and exciting sympathy. We are also able to read through society to understand many ideas and impulses in it. But all these arts are the results of the need for expression which can be released by various means. In all, any part of a society can be never hidden, but in different forms.

The otherwise hidden values revealed by arts, in other words, without arts, some social ideas could never be found out, are actually never hidden, or we will be even unaware of their existence. In this case, it is better to ignore those unrevealed ones, but examine these expressed values through arts to see if they have other forms of expression.-->这句话绕不绕?你自己都觉得绕吧,我看得绕死了。

作者: wk4a    时间: 2009-8-6 20:29:07

32# emily_feifei

作者: lele77521    时间: 2009-8-6 22:15:01

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 552          TIME: 00:57:01          DATE: 2009-8-6 15:41:20

Retrospect to history, dazzling innovations emerged, which have changed our lives profoundly. Being the inventors of the technologies, we have been affected by our masterpieces to some extent.

Dating back to thousands and millions of years ago when human beings still had to gather together to hunt for animals and carefully preserved and stored food in case of a shortage and chilly weather. At that time, either the food resources or other materials were adequate. Human beings had to live in the group rather than be alone; as a result, there existed no concept about private properties. As the fire was exploited; more and more tools made from stone, iron, and bronze were taken advantage of; predators like lions and tigers could no longer stand as a threaten; social resources became more and more abundant; gradually, people began to preserve food and others resources for themselves and then left the big tribe. Their own possessions were legally protected. Till today, anyone who impinges others' privacy or possessions is reckoned as not only a stigma but illicit behavior。这第一段描述人类生活的进步,科技在哪?取火打猎?感觉文章在描写细节了,扣题的总结句子没有啊?

Admittedly it is technology that plays as impetus to serve to affect our social customs and ethics. Nevertheless, on no account could we afford to neglect other various factors that could also change our manners and mind. To begin with, history and culture of a nation plays a rather crucial role in this process. In the West, people, to a large extent, are more critical to anything. Tracing back to their childhood, we may find some answers. Many parents may tell the stories from Greek Mythology before their babies fall asleep. The children are startled to discover that Poseidon is depicted as brutal, that Hera is famous for jealousy, and so forth. From their very childhood, they are aware that even gods could have flaws and would make mistakes, not to mention human beings. Thus they have learnt that it is dangerous to take in whatever the authority says. On the contrary, in the long course of the eastern history, showing respects to authorities has always been highly advocated. Anyone who dared to doubt the king or the teacher could probably face fierce reproach or even fatal disasters. Consequently, the people from the East are much more conservative and hold more respects to their teachers and the old. 描述文化的影响

Furthermore, the geographic locations may also influences the thoughts and behaviors of a country. Take Japan for instance. Being surrounded by the ocean, the country has few natural resources. Facing such situation, the nationals believed that only by strengthening their military power which could help them conquer other countries can they get plenty of resources. Accordingly chauvinism has been implanted into their heart very deeply. Though be defeated in the World War II, army is still be admired by its people.

After all, technology is only the tool for people to better the society.在文章中描写的篇幅不少,但是力度不够。个人见解哈 People should harness the technology and guide it to the right direction rather than be controlled by technology. Otherwise, the world’s wheel could spin out of control.

Taking into account what has been discussed above though technology has somehow affected our manners and thoughts; it is our tool to improve our world in essence. Other factors like history, culture and even geographic locations can also be crucial when evaluating social customs and ethics.
作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-8-6 22:33:37

34# lele77521

Till today, anyone who impinges others' privacy or possessions is reckoned as not only a stigma but illicit behavior。这第一段描述人类生活的进步,科技在哪?取火打猎?感觉文章在描写细节了,扣题的总结句子没有啊?

作者: emily_feifei    时间: 2009-8-6 22:34:24

32# emily_feifei  

wk4a 发表于 2009-8-6 20:29


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