话题:study/education/nation/history/law 是:∵indirect experience is richer and broader than direct experience/
outsiders bring knowledge, experience(avoid mistakes) /
learn only facts without ideas that help explain those facts is useless
∵ unique reverence for a field impedes progress/ people in different times and places share same problems/
∴ reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society/ satisfying human needs that are not addressed by one field
非:∵ distance between different fields causes specialists unable to influence each other/ knowing about the past is helpless to make decisions today/accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing/
∵ each field operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking/
people could learn more by studying on their own
非:∵not immediate
without reference to survival(注:题库中没有题目直接问及非的方面)
是:∵good investment
the most lasting significance
help future generation
anticipated problem
非:∵controversial result
expense to humans
all the potential uses of effort, time and financial well-being
social programs and services
adults /hungry/out of work/lack the basic skills
medical or ethical
children/arts/endangered species
b. 个体和整体
话题:know a culture/society
∵ to study details in depth/作者: wdassfm 时间: 2009-7-31 15:54:41
youth/ one other culture/ major cities/ heroes or heroines/
leading voices different from the majority
话题:self-knowledge /self-improvement/defines us and our attitudes/
∵ develop a sense of the whole/ identification with social groups/adapt to changing social conventions/interaction with others
∵ people are intrincially deficient/group make history/ society controls our life/others affect our thinking and behaviour
③集中 vs. 民主 15/19/105/170/8/167/108/9/218/29/161/185/45/24/89/160/79/77/179/230/234/171/140/175/199/181/214/43/169/212/152/231/82/224
话题:thrive a society, policy decisions,academic disciplines/ art
是:∵ watching government proceedings can help people to know the issues that affect their lives/
∵ compromise/tolerate challenges from it's own citizens/
∵ a wider audience makes ideas useful/understandable to most people to have merit/
∵ restraint of power/ethnical and moral standards/ scandal /
∵ general welfare of people/ demands create leaders/team work out details/personalities interpret facts different/
非:∵ people are interested in public figures’ privacies/
media scrutiny will diminish reputation
是:∵ withhold information from the public/
censorship/impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time/
∵ government should rely on its own judgment /committed to principles and objectives/
∵ respond to the extremes of human behavior/ put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens/
∵ more informed/better judgment and perspective
∵ satisfacions come from the good of the group/
achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists indicate great nations/
∵ people prefer following directions to risks/
∵ individual innovation weakened by group/
非:∵ high profiles fail to recognize the majority/great social achievements result in discontent作者: wdassfm 时间: 2009-7-31 15:55:28
c. 技术进步影响人类
是:∵efficiency/conveniences /
∵more leisure time/accurate documentation/more and improved ways of life-long learning more (places, original works)
或者∵quality of life/luxuries/comfortable
例子:video camera/ television / worldwide computer connections/instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation
非:∵damage the quality of life/
∵distract from real learning/not strong and independent individuals
∵rushed and frantic pace/
hasty opinions / no thoughtful communication /less able to focus extensively on a single issue over a long time/ less comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious
unable to compete with the quantity of information/bombardment of visual images
例子:tourism/ reading books/
customs and ethics/
war, violence, and poverty/
environmental problems/
d. 理性和感性
是:∵stubborn facts、 situation or surroundings、reality or truth 、data
→ objective pursuit/rational choice
→ precise measurement、 cognitive skills、 reasoning and logic、
mental agility/rhetorical skill
→ alter the way to perceive the world
control people's behavior、planning、think of the possible consequences
非:∵dangerous to trust only intelligence
→ creative enterprise、 no purely objective observation、never know the truth/past but interpreting evidence、cannot reform human nature/ hearts and minds、
是:∵guided by the observer's expectations/desires、 internal characteristic、explore emotions、sincerity and conviction of beliefs、
chances/risks/ accidental、take action 、
appealing image、feel better about themselves
非:∵facts cannot be altered by
理性(是)stubborn facts…作者: wdassfm 时间: 2009-7-31 15:56:50
本帖最后由 wdassfm 于 2009-7-31 16:01 编辑
E. 不同领域的交流
是:∵indirect experience is richer and broader than direct experience/
∵ outsiders bring knowledge, experience(avoid mistakes) /
learn only facts without ideas that help explain those facts is useless
∵ unique reverence for a field impedes progress/ people in different times and places share same problems/
∴ reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society/ satisfying human needs that are not addressed by one field
非:∵ distance between different fields causes specialists unable to influence each other/ knowing about the past is helpless to make decisions today/accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing/
∵ each field operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking/
people could learn more by studying on their own
f. 统一和分歧(大量的题目重复)
话题:study/society/art/ law
是:∵ cooperation motivates people more productively/
∵ to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others discovers the value of that idea/
∵ meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups/ interconnectedness of all human beings /
∴eliminate wars, cultural clashes, and other forms of conflict /
非:∵ it is unhelpful or harmful to look for similarities between different things/
∵ Conformity leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy/
∵each field operates on its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking/
或者a 'fact' should be mistrusted since it may be proven false in the future
是:∵question authority can enhance society/
∵ Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting views./
∵People who are the most committed to an idea are the most critical of it./
∵ to ignore established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumptions to remain vigorous/
∵ make use of a very limited portion of the resources available to them until they face a great problem or crisis/
∴make the choices that are best for them/
非:∵ question and criticize does not promote harmony/
∵ suspicion and mistrust/
∵ Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity/
∵ disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning/
是:∵ Socialized people/productive workers determine the destiny of society
∵ necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society/
∵ pragmatic behavior guarantees survival/
∵ the needs of the economy, the relative
ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make
非:∵ a decreased emphasis on academic subjects/individual interests/belief…
∵ seek immediate fame and recognition
是:∵ to pursue long-term goals/ a value system, a standard, a set of ideas
∵ to choose… based on natural talents or interests
∵ …is effective when designed to meet the individual needs and interests
∵ focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns
非:∵ Encouraging people that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is both misleading and harmful. /
∵ idealism leads to disappointment or trouble/
(Learning for learning's sake) has no clear goals
是:∵ revitalization/ revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past/
∵ much greater relevance for daily lives/
To be profound and creative is out of step with time and society/
∵ Success is to survive in and change a new environment/
∵ new generations redefine 'right' and 'wrong'/
people can be judged by those who live after them and they are objective evaluators
非:∵ difficult to accept the way new ideas are put into practice
是:∵ a valuable record of society's past/
(if no) a diminished sense of who they are/
∵ any contribution is first influenced by past achievements/
∵ to learn what contributions remain to be made to innovate/perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others/ putting old ideas together in new ways/
∵ people are as complex and challenging as their predecessors
非:∵ conforming to conventional practices and ways of thinking can achieve no success/
∵ the past provides no guidance because today is new and complex/
∵ restrain minds and spirits/ perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears作者: wdassfm 时间: 2009-7-31 15:59:13