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[同主题写作] 同主题写作第七期Issue138 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-3-24 17:07:19 |显示全部楼层


Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.
In the modern society with the rapid development of science and technology, how to continue this progress has more and more complex and controversial. Does the mistakes the only way we can through to make discovery and progress? Different people hold different views due to their respective angles. Insofar as I can think, I tend to agree the speaker that only through mistakes can there be discovery and progress.

To begin with, as a Chinese old saying going, " The mistake is the mother of success." which tells as that the mistake can help us to find the reason of failure, then to process in the correct direction. We may all have this experience, when I solve a mathematic problem, once I get a wrong answer. Next I would ask myself why I commit this error. Is there something wrong with the comprehension to the item?
Or perhaps, whether I use a axiom exactly? Form these question, I would eventually find the correct way to solve this problem and gain a deeper understand of this relative principles and theories. It is just a little example, but though this, we would believe that mistake is really a method which can help us to discovery and make progress.

Furthermore, what we have done in the process, which leads to failure, is also a treasure to enrich the knowledge of human beings.  Take my experience for example, last term our laboratory planed to design a new software to deal with the cancer detect. We collect much information about the MI (magnetic image) and CT.  Whereas, because of the short of the understanding to the cancers diversity,  we failed to design such a software. However, we use the information and the technology we got in the procedure, we developed another software called medical image segmentation, which can help doctors to differ different parts of human body. Moreover, the mistake may sometimes bring us surprise. We need look no further to find the example of Flaming, who discovered the penicillin. Because of his inattention, Penicillin could get the change to kill the bacteria round them. This great miss save millions of people' lives.

Admittedly, there are some other ways, which can also lead to progress. For example, we may exchange ideas with others who hold the different opinions from ours. These different opinions, works like fresh air bring us another perspective to consider the same problem. On one in the world can master a problem comprehensively, what we see is just a corner of a giant iceberg. Everyone has his or her unique culture background, knowledge level, and world value. If we collect all these angles all together, we would make a more accurate decision.

To sum up, mistake is a powerful tool for us to discovery and progress. We should confront it bravely rather than frustrate. We would unstop to achieve one discovery and progress another if we rightly deal with the mistake, although the way to success is full of thorn.

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