
标题: argument48 健康问题,限时完成,回拍留连(sally) [打印本页]

作者: sallyxindu    时间: 2006-2-28 23:45:47     标题: argument48 健康问题,限时完成,回拍留连(sally)

TOPIC:ARGUMENT 48 - The following appeared in a newspaper article published in the country of Corpora.

"Twenty years ago, one half of all citizens in Corpora met the standards for adequate physical fitness as then defined by the national advisory board on physical fitness. Today, the board says that only one quarter of all citizens are adequately fit and suggests that spending too much time using computers may be the reason. But since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corpora where levels of computer ownership are also highest, it is clear that using computers has not made citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by this year's unusually low expenditures on fitness-related products and services, the recent decline in the economy is most likely the cause, and fitness levels will improve when the economy does."
WORDS:634          TIME:0:30:20          DATE:2006-2-28

The arguer concludes that fitness level will improve along with the improvement of economy. This argument seems to be plausible at first glance in light of some premises the arguer presents to back up his ratiocination. In oder to demonstrate that citizens in Coppora(C) enjoy a high standard of health, he cites the higher proportion of excellently healthy people in C and compares it with that of all citizens. In order to justify computers' irresponsibility in causing health decline, the writer describes the prevalence of computer ownship in C and the comparatively good healthy condition in C. Upon a closer scrutiny, however, some mistakes concealled in the reasoning will be unveiled in that the arguer fails to take into consideration other factores which may bear the immediate interest to the underlying fallacies of the argument

To begin with, the argure does not furnish us with the condition of C' citizens' health now, lacking which he could not go further to validate the reasonableness of his argument in terms of computers’ irresponsibility. Even though half of C's citizens met health standard twenty years ago, which is obviously superior to the average citizens condition of only a quarter meeting the standard, we are not provided with C's condition of today, whether is lower than a quarter or higher. If the case turns out to be the former,we have sound reasons to believe that the health condition in C is not as good as that of the average level of all citizens.

In the second place, even assuming that C's citizens are healthier than people in other places, at present, the ownership of computers in C is also highest, this still accomplish nothing towards bolstering that computers have no bearing on peoples's health. Consider, despite the feasibility of computers at many C’s citizens homes, citizens seldom use computers. Undoubtedly, they stand less chance to be eradiated by computers, let alone being harmd by them. In this sense, it is untenable to connect poor health with ownership of computers and therefore get the conclusion that computers carry no weight in affecting people’s health. Rather, it is the exposure to computers that undermines people's health.

Deep down, concession granted that computers are not the culprit of people's frigile health, we still cannot contribute poor health condition to the downturn of economy. In most events, it is highly possible that as a matter of fact, the economic trend is very promising these years as opposed to the assumed economic decline in the subject question. Under such a circumstance, it's not a matter of availbility of money spent on fitness-related products but rather people's attitude to these product that makes fitness products not sell well. Maybe they are no longer satisfied with the quality of these so-called healthy products.Or people's concern for healthy life is falling. If these turn out to be the case, even if people have more availbe money for healthy products, they will not buy them either. With regard to this, it is without doubt that it's too harsh to blame economy for poor health of citizens and expect a preposterous sales of fitness productes, which may improve health, as long as the economy imporves..

In closing, having viewed all the aspects above, we do not feel difficult to get the conclusion that the argument is logically flawed and therefore unconvincing as it stands. In order to conduct a compelling ratiocination, it is higly recommeded that the arguer inspect the problems in a more all-rounded perspective. He should ascertain C’s healthy condition is higher than average level of all citizens so as to have a precondition for further comparion. Meanwhile, he should provide us with C’s citizens’ contacting time with computers before declaring computers irresponsibility of weak health. Also, he should tell us people’s attitude toward fitness products. Without explaining all the forementioned aspects in detail, he cannot convince us that people’s fitness level will rise as long as the economy rise.
作者: 小室黄瓜    时间: 2006-3-1 06:56:31

作者: zholv    时间: 2006-3-1 08:30:27

作者: zholv    时间: 2006-3-1 08:30:59

作者: weiweizhu    时间: 2006-3-1 13:43:43

The arguer concludes that fitness level will improve along with the improvement of economy. This argument seems to be plausible at first glance in light of some premises the arguer presents to back up his ratiocination这句感觉不错. In oder to demonstrate that citizens in Coppora(C) enjoy a high standard of health, he cites the higher proportion of excellently healthy people in C and compares it with that of all citizens. In order to justify computers' irresponsibility in causing health decline, the writer describes the prevalence of computer ownship in C and the comparatively good healthy condition in C. Upon a closer scrutiny, however, some mistakes concealled in the reasoning will be unveiled in that the arguer fails to take into consideration other factores which may bear the immediate interest to the underlying fallacies of the argument(第一段太长了吧,其实把大概得论点论据简要说一些就好了啊。)

To begin with, the argure does not furnish us with the condition of C' citizens' health now, lacking which he could not go further to validate the reasonableness of his argument in terms of computers’ irresponsibility. Even though half of C's citizens met health standard twenty years ago, which is obviously superior to the average citizens condition of only a quarter meeting the standard, we are not provided with C's condition of today, whether is lower than a quarter or higher.(这句说得是什么意思啊。没有看懂。) If the case turns out to be the former,we have sound reasons to believe that the health condition in C is not as good as that of the average level of all citizens. (这段不明白在说什么)

In the second place, even assuming that C's citizens are healthier than people in other places(楼主这句理解错了啊,是说C某个地区健康水平高不是说C高于其他地区), at present, the ownership of computers in C is also highest, this still accomplish nothing towards bolstering that computers have no bearing on peoples's health. Consider, despite the feasibility of computers at many C’s citizens homes, citizens seldom use computers. Undoubtedly, they stand less chance to be eradiated by computers, let alone being harmd by them. In this sense, it is untenable to connect poor health with ownership of computers and therefore get the conclusion that computers carry no weight in affecting people’s health. Rather, it is the exposure to computers that undermines people's health. (后面得论证倒是不错)

Deep down, concession granted(好) that computers are not the culprit of people's frigile health, we still cannot contribute poor health condition to the downturn of economy. In most events, it is highly possible that as a matter of fact, the economic trend is very promising these years as opposed to the assumed economic decline in the subject question. (不能这么说啊,题目给出得经济不好算是一个事实,没必要攻击啊)Under such a circumstance, it's not a matter of availbility of money spent on fitness-related products but rather people's attitude to these product that makes fitness products not sell well. Maybe they are no longer satisfied with the quality of these so-called healthy products.Or people's concern for healthy life is falling. If these turn out to be the case, even if people have more availbe money for healthy products, they will not buy them either. With regard to this, it is without doubt that it's too harsh to blame economy for poor health of citizens and expect a preposterous sales of fitness productes, which may improve health, as long as the economy imporves.(我觉得这边直接说有其他和经济无关得原因是居民不买健康用品,比如他们去登山什么得就不用买仪器了)
In closing, having viewed all the aspects above, we do not feel difficult to get the conclusion that the argument is logically flawed and therefore unconvincing as it stands. In order to conduct a compelling ratiocination, it is higly recommeded that the arguer inspect the problems in a more all-rounded perspective. He should ascertain C’s healthy condition is higher than average level of all citizens so as to have a precondition for further comparion. Meanwhile, he should provide us with C’s citizens’ contacting time with computers before declaring computers irresponsibility of weak health. Also, he should tell us people’s attitude toward fitness products. Without explaining all the forementioned aspects in detail, he cannot convince us that people’s fitness level will rise as long as the economy rise.



我得也看看把 argu48  https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D2
issue29 https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D2 这篇错字错句有点多,忘了改了
作者: sallyxindu    时间: 2006-3-1 13:58:11

原帖由 小室黄瓜 于 2006-3-1 06:56 发表

作者: sallyxindu    时间: 2006-3-1 14:27:21


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