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[i习作temp] Issue 112 情商与智商 留链必回拍!!! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-26 14:04:13 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE112 - "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."
WORDS: 486          TIME: 0:45:31          DATE: 2007-3-26

The speaker asserts that students would benefit more if more educational systems place largely equal emphasis on emotion education with reasoning and logical thinking education. I completely agree with the speaker's broad assertion.

To begin with, it would be never too much to emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, especially towards those students who learn mathematics, physics, and so forth. After all, reason and logic are the bones of these subjects, without which there would not be the names "mathematics" "physics" at all. The importance of reason and logic towards students is mostly lying to teach them how to think and what to do. Moreover, it is reasoning and logical thinking that helps them to get far away from the state of knowing nothing except eating and sleeping. Also, it will be terrible for us to image the world existed without reason and logic, just as we live in the past when technology hasn't developed. Since to certain extent, reason and logic amount to technology. If it is not reasoning and logical thinking, there would no computers for us to get information quickly and efficiently; there would no cars and buses for us to go where we want fast at anytime; there would no rockets being sent to celestial to explore the outwards of cosmic.

At the same time, we cannot overlook the significant and active role assumed by emotions. As gregarious animals, we human beings have to communicate with others, and lots of works need many people to work together. In this respect, we need to explore our emotions. If we take a machine for comparison, reasoning and logical thinking likes the gear while emotions act as lubricant, only when both of them work well, can the machine work fast and stably. If the machine goes without lubricant, maybe at the very beginning it can work normally, but very soon it would only be a pile of deserted iron. There is an exceptional child in my home town, his parents take him as pride. Indeed, he is very intelligent, and can make out any math question. What is pity, however, is that he has problem to get along with others. Everyday he stays home and plays by himself while other children play games together. One day he assumed suicide. Luckily he didn't make it, a psychologist who was called in later said this accident was caused by his low emotions and his parents should encourage him to play with other children. Afterward, this child's parents begin to cultivate his emotions, and never expect him to be a clever one without emotions. Accordingly, the importance of emotions should be emphasized everywhere and every time.

In sum up, the educational systems should be forced to strike a balance about reasoning and logical thinking and emotions education-a reasonable one that is of great help towards every individual and a society as a whole.
Love you with the love of Christ...

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-3-26 20:00:15 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE112 - "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."
WORDS: 486          TIME: 0:45:31          DATE: 2007-3-26

The speaker asserts that students would benefit more if more educational systems place largely equal emphasis on emotion education with reasoning and logical thinking education 转述的是不是有点不太符合原意?好像题目中没说这两方面给以差不多的重视 . I completely agree with the speaker's broad assertion.

To begin with, it would be never too much to emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, especially towards those students who learn mathematics, physics, and so forth. After all, reason and logic are the bones of these subjects, without which there would not be the names "mathematics" "physics" at all. The importance of reason and logic towards students is mostly lying to teach them how to think and what to do. Moreover, it is reasoning and logical thinking that helps them to get far away from the state of knowing nothing except eating and sleeping. Also, it will be terrible for us to image the world existed (这地方用existed吗?你也给我指出了,但是我觉得用existing应该,我们可以继续讨论) without reason and logic, just as we live in the past when technology hasn't developed. Since to a certain extent, reason and logic amount to technology. If it is not for reasoning and logical thinking, there would no computers for us to get information quickly and efficiently; there would no cars and buses for us to go where we want fast at anytime; there would no rockets being sent to celestial to explore the outwards of cosmic.

At the same time, we cannot overlook the significant and active role assumed 这个是什么意思?不太明白 by emotions. As gregarious animals, we human beings have to communicate with others, and lots of works 貌似不可数  need many people to work together. In this respect, we need to explore our emotions. If we take a machine for comparison, reasoning and logical thinking likes the gear while emotions act as lubricant, only when both of them work well, can the machine work fast and stably. If the machine goes without lubricant, maybe at the very beginning it can work normally, but very soon it would only be a pile of deserted iron. There is an exceptional child in my home town, his parents take him as pride. Indeed, he is very intelligent, and can make out any math question. What is a pity, however, is that he has problem to get along with others. Everyday he stays home and plays by himself while other children play games together. One day he assumed suicide. Luckily he didn't make it, a psychologist who was called in later said this accident was caused by his low emotions and his parents should encourage him to play with other children. Afterward, this child's parents begin to cultivate his emotions, and never expect him to be a clever one without emotions. Accordingly, the importance of emotions should be emphasized everywhere and every time.

In sum up in sum或 to sum up the educational systems should be forced to strike a balance about reasoning and logical thinking and emotions education-a reasonable one that is of great help towards every individual and a society as a whole.


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