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[a习作temp] Argument147 勇往直前小组第6次作业nbta03 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 01:57:49 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
147 - The following appeared in an editorial in a business magazine.

"Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought were most important in a video game. According to the survey, players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, the age-group most likely to play video games. It follows, then, that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months."

In the argument , the arguer claims that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months since a newly introduced games with an extensive advertising campaign. At first glance , the argument seems to be somehow plausible , while a careful examination reveals  that it suffers from several critical fallacies.

First, the arguer rests the assumption on the survey in which players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. It is quite problematic for the conclusion. The most up-to-date computers may cost a great deal of money that most players cannot afford. Without the computers , the games is of no practical use. Maybe the new game of Whirlwind is the one of the same type, then increase in sales is obviously impossible for that. The arguer should provide more information about the game type and its price.

Second, the arguer cites that latest introduced games has an  extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, which most likely to play video games. However, this maybe is not the case. People who like video games do not mean to buy the games. Concerning that the 10 to 25 people are mainly students and children, they usually do not have an income so that it is extremely possible that they have no money to buy the game, which would not lead to the increase of sales. The arguer should take this into account or the conclusion is misleading.

Finally, a hasty generalization is made in the argument. Granted that many people will buy the new game, it does not follow that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase in a dramatic speed in the next few months. The sales is attributed to many factors rather than demand, such as its cost, its popularity and so on. Maybe some other video game companies sells a similar game which also in great popularity. Thus, a considerable part of people move their vision on the other games rather than Whirlwind’s. The arguer must rule out all other possibility that will influence the sales of game to make the conclusion convincing.

To sum up, the argument lack credibility because the evidences cited do not lend strong support to what the arguer claim. To strengthen the argument, the arguer should provide more information about the people's interests and the sales. Additionally, the arguer should rule out other factors that may affect the sales to make the conclusion logically acceptable.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-26 19:07:43 |只看该作者
In the argument , the arguer claims that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months since a newly introduced games with an extensive advertising campaign. At first glance , the argument seems to be somehow plausible , while a careful examination reveals  that it suffers from several critical fallacies.

First, the arguer rests the assumption on the survey in which players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. It is quite problematic for the conclusion. (后面的论证和中心不符合,你的中心是调查本身有疑问,(年龄,人数,阶层,地点...)但是你实际论证时是承认了graphic,然后说computer要money,影响销售)The most up-to-date computers may cost a great deal of money that most players cannot afford. Without the computers , the games is of no practical use. Maybe the new game of Whirlwind is the one of the same type, (这个。。感觉还是没点透哇)then increase in sales is obviously impossible for that. The arguer should provide more information about the game type and its price.

Second, the arguer cites that latest introduced games has an  extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, which most likely to play video games.(这不是中心句,中心句应该是广告起步到效果之类,你这句主谓宾是 arguer cite ...,是事实,不是判断) However, this maybe is not the case. People who like video games do not mean to buy the games. Concerning that the 10 to 25 people are mainly students and children, they usually do not have an income so that it is extremely possible that they have no money to buy the game, which would not lead to the increase of sales. The arguer should take this into account or the conclusion is misleading.

Finally, a hasty generalization is made in the argument. Granted that many people will buy the new game, it does not follow that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase in a dramatic speed in the next few months. The sales is attributed to many factors rather than demand, such as its cost, its popularity and so on. Maybe some other video game companies sells a similar game which also in great popularity. Thus, a considerable part of people move their vision on the other games rather than Whirlwind’s. The arguer must rule out all other possibility that will influence the sales of game to make the conclusion convincing.

To sum up, the argument lack credibility because the evidences cited do not lend strong support to what the arguer claim. To strengthen the argument, the arguer should provide more information about the people's interests and the sales. Additionally, the arguer should rule out other factors that may affect the sales to make the conclusion logically acceptable.


suvey=》   推出 graphic 对买不买有决定影响|  
                                 游戏是graphic 不错          | ---》最后sales上升
                               广告计划会有很好的效果    |

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 18:56:11 |只看该作者
呵呵  可能习惯于按照例子的顺序攻击了  还要继续努力:)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 18:37:27 |只看该作者
In the argument, the arguer claims that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months since a newly introduced games(game) with an extensive advertising campaign. At first glance , the argument seems to be somehow plausible , while a careful examination reveals  that it suffers from several critical fallacies.

First, the arguer rests
(rest什么意思?) the assumption on the survey in which players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. It is quite problematic for the conclusion. The most up-to-date computers may cost a great deal of money that most players cannot afford. Without the computers, the games is(are) of no practical use. Maybe the new game of Whirlwind is the one of the same type, (and) then increase in sales is obviously impossible for that. The arguer should provide more information about the game type and its price.(这段应该是忽略他因,这里的内容应该和第四段放到一起)

Second, the arguer cites that latest introduced games has an  extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, which most likely to play video games. However, this maybe is not the case. People who like video games do not mean to buy the games. Concerning that the 10 to 25 people are mainly students and children, they usually do not have an income so that it is extremely possible that they have no money to buy the game, which would not lead to the increase of sales. The arguer should take this into account or the conclusion is misleading.

Finally, a hasty generalization is made in the argument. Granted that many people will buy the new game, it does not follow that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase in a dramatic speed in the next few months. The sales is
(are) attributed to many factors rather than demand, such as its cost, its popularity and so on. Maybe some other video game companies sells a similar game which also in great popularity. Thus, a considerable part of people move their vision on the other games rather than Whirlwind’s. The arguer must rule out all other possibility that will influence the sales of game to make the conclusion convincing.

To sum up, the argument lack credibility because the evidences cited do not lend strong support to what the arguer claim. To strengthen the argument, the arguer should provide more information about the people's interests and the sales. Additionally, the arguer should rule out other factors that may affect the sales to make the conclusion logically acceptable.


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RE: Argument147 勇往直前小组第6次作业nbta03 [修改]
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Argument147 勇往直前小组第6次作业nbta03
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