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[i习作temp] Issue212 [勇往直前小组]十三ByPuding [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 00:59:50 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 473          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-1

The speaker claims that any means to attain a goal is justifiable as long as the goal is worthy. From my point of view, we should firstly make ourselves confirm that the really worthy goal is benefit to the societal development. In addition, even though the goal is worthy exactly, we cannot take any means to achieve it. Otherwise we will be bogged into the Sargasso Sea of Niccolo Machiavelli’s theory.

Whether a goal is worthy or not depends on the people who will be benefited. The goals that benefit the human societal development are the worthy goal exactly and are worthwhile to seek. There are many goals in the world, some goals are beneficial to the society and human beings, and these goals can precipitate the development of the society. Doubtlessly, such kind of goal is worthy to pursue. However, another kind of goal that satisfies the interest of a certain group of people but jeopardizes other peoples' rights should not be pursued. Moreover, there is another kind of goals, they seem magnificent in the surface, yet might come down to the individual interest. Consider a politician for example, he might claim that if he comes in, his goal is to serve for the hoi polloi and satisfy their requests. Although this goal seems laudable, it might hide the desire for power or the inclination to abuse power. Another case to illustrate this point is the example of some religious aga. Although the so-called worthy goal they claims when they collect money hears altisonant, in fact this money is used to afford their luxurious house fee and satisfy their immoral patterns of living. These behaviors however, are the most antagonistic actions when they sermon.

Admittedly, if the goals that are beneficial to the society and the human development indeed, we should make our effort to attain it. Human beings continues and develops successfully just according to several goals. History is replete with examples to demonstrate this point. It is only the goals of Edison that give him great encourage attempting to thousands of materials and bringing brightness to the world. Without the goals of Jenner, he might not be insisting to study the smallpox and invent the treatment methods. By the courage of his goal, Nobel invented the dynamite and establish the Nobel Price to encourage an increasingly numbers of people to contribute to the human development.

However, the merely fact that the goal is worthy cannot establish the justifiable reason that we should attain the goal by any means. The attempt to remove a certain kind of disease is a worthy goal, but it does not mean that it is acceptable to kill every patient in order to remove the disease; it is an laudable goal that retrieval the environment be free from the pollution, yet it is a disaster to human beings that shut off all the factories. In fact it may bring more and more social problems such as the instability that caused by the large-scales of unemployment; decreasing the birthrate of the developing countries in order to alleviate the population stress is laudable, yet forcing the citizens to sterilization is unacceptable.

Consequently, while we are attaining goals, we should restrict and regulate the measure and activities we take, and make sure that they can accord with the social idea and value. In attaining these goals, people such as political leaders should root in their mind that they will do nothing to harm the welfare of others. In business, the goal of maximizing costs and expenses cannot be attained by illegal means or at the expense of social well beings.

In sum, before we attempt to attain a goal, we should examine whether the goal may satisfy the interest of whole nation or not. If it is the case, we can pursue it doubtlessly. And when we pursue it, we should make sure that our behavior and actions will not violate the social value.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 20:11:00 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that any means to attain a goal is justifiable as long as the goal is worthy. From my point of view, we should firstly make ourselves confirm that the really worthy goal is benefit to the societal development. In addition, even though the goal is worthy exactly, we cannot take any means to achieve it. Otherwise we will be bogged into the Sargasso Sea这个看到好多次,指的是什么意思? of Niccolo Machiavelli’s theory.

Whether a goal is worthy or not depends on the people who will be benefited. The goals that benefit the human societal development are the worthy goals(最好换个词和上面重复了) exactly and are worthwhile to seek. There are many goals in the world, some goals are beneficial to the society and human beings, and these goals can precipitate the development of the society. Doubtlessly, such kind of goal is worthy to pursue. However, another kind of goal that satisfies the interest of a certain group of people but jeopardizes other peoples'(people's) rights should not be pursued. Moreover, there is another kind of goals, they seem magnificent in the surface, yet might come down to the individual interest. Consider a politician for example, he might claim that if he comes in(come in是当选么?is elected), his goal is to serve for the hoi polloi and satisfy their requests. Although this goal seems laudable, it might hide the desire for power or the inclination to abuse power. Another case to illustrate this point is the example of some religious aga. Although the so-called worthy goal they claims when they collect money hears altisonant, in fact this money is used to afford their luxurious house fee and satisfy their immoral patterns of living. These behaviors however, are the most antagonistic actions when they sermon.  worthy的定义,从你的结论来看,对社会有用的才是worthy,所以举的例子有点多了,而且比重太大了,

Admittedly, if the goals that are beneficial to the society and the human development indeed, we should make our effort to attain it. Human beings continues and develops successfully just according to several goals. History is replete with examples to demonstrate this point. It is only the goals of Edison that give him great encourage attempting to thousands of materials and bringing brightness to the world. Without the goals of Jenner, he might not be insisting to study the smallpox and invent the treatment methods. By the courage of his goal, Nobel invented the dynamite and establish the Nobel Price to encourage an increasingly numbers of people to contribute to the human development. 如果值得,应该努力达成目标

However, the merely(mere) fact that the goal is worthy cannot establish the justifiable reason that we should attain the goal by any means. The attempt to remove a certain kind of disease is a worthy goal, but it does not mean that it is acceptable to kill every patient in order to remove the disease; it is an laudable goal that retrieval the environment be free from the pollution, yet it is a disaster to human beings that shut off all the factories. 这里能用句号么In fact it may bring more and more social problems such as the instability that caused by the large-scales of unemployment; decreasing the birthrate of the developing countries in order to alleviate the population stress is laudable, yet forcing the citizens to sterilization is unacceptable.这里不如分成3句   any means可能带来的伤害

Consequently, while we are attaining goals, we should restrict and regulate the measure and activities we take, and make sure that they can accord with the social idea and value. In attaining these goals, people such as political leaders should root in their mind that they will do nothing to harm the welfare of others. In business, the goal of maximizing costs and expenses cannot be attained by illegal means or at the expense of social well beings.  提出建议

In sum, before we attempt to attain a goal, we should examine whether the goal may satisfy the interest of whole nation or not. If it is the case, we can pursue it doubtlessly. And when we pursue it, we should make sure that our behavior and actions will not violate the social value.

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Issue212 [勇往直前小组]十三ByPuding
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