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[活动] 2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第十六次作业 9.3 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2009-9-3 16:46:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
9.3 是否同意,年長的朋友的建議比同年紀小的 advice valuable
What kind of friends do you like to ask for advice when you are in trouble, elder ones or young ones? Some people may hold the view that elder friends can give us more valuable advice than young ones, while others may differ. In my opinion, however, it is wiser to obtain young friends' advice in modern life.

To begin with, it is widely accepted that young friends' advice mostly are more creative and effective than elder friends'. For instance, suppose that you ask people whose age are between forty and fifty that in which way do they learn English, the answer mostly should be to buy textbook and rote the words. However, if you ask the same question to young people, they will tell you tons of ways to learn English, including online courses, chat room or other sources which old people never think about. Besides, the ways given by young people can enable you to absorb knowledge more easily then before.

Moreover, no one can deny that it can keep you up to date if you keep a good relationship with young friends and taking advice from them is a excellent way to interact with them. In this rapidly developing society, elder people sometimes like to keep doing things in old ways and never want to have some changes so that to some degree they cannot catch up with the progress of society. On the other hand, young adults or children often prefer to take advantage of any chance to use new things such as iphone, twitter or something interesting. Hence, if you keep in touch with those people and often ask them advice for your issues, you will never lag behind the society.

Of course, it should be admitted that sometimes young people's advice are more risky and elder people are more experienced than young people. However, it is better for us to have some different experience or adventures because time is brief and people should make a difference in their life.

In conclusion, although elder people maybe have abundant experience which young people do not have, young people possess more valuable things such as creative and updated. Therefore, I am convinced that young people's advices are more valuable.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2009-9-4 13:52:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wondersmiths2 于 2009-9-4 14:31 编辑

It is no doubt that elder friends have more experience and young friends have more creative ideas. So whose advice do you prefer to take? It is a thorny issue for someone because usually you cannot predict what will happen after you make an important decision. In my opinion, however, the answer of the question is that it should depend on different circumstances.

If the problems people are confronted with are mostly related to experience or conventional, then it is better to take elder friends' advice. For instance, suppose that you will hold a traditional wedding ceremony, you definitely ask suggestions from your elder friends because of the experience possessed by them. In contrast, if you take advice from young people, maybe that will destroy the atmosphere of the traditional wedding for the cause of the lack of related experience. Hence, for those issues such as traditional culture, marriage and life experience, elder friends' advices are more valuable.

On the other hand, when people turn to friends for help about the problems on the topic of modern technology or lifestyle, they mostly should be aware of the opinions from young friends because old methods usually do not work well at this situation. For example, you want to build up a personal business website to sale your products. It is not surprising that elder people know less about the information technology for that cause of rapidly development of technology and the old ways they prefer. Mostly young people can provide some brilliant ideas for you to grab more attentions from customers. So, for the cases which need more creative and new suggestions, young friends' advice should be attached more significance.

In conclusion, under most circumstances, young friends' advices are more fresh and risky and elder friends' advices are more conventional and thoughtful. Therefore, facing different issues, people should put more value on the advice which can really help them out depending on different conditions.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-4 19:36:04 |只看该作者

It is no doubt that elder friends have more experience and young friends have more creative ideas. So whose advice do you prefer to take? It is a thorny issue for someone because usually you cannot predict what will happen after you make (making)an important decision. In my opinion, however, the answer of the question is that it should depend on different circumstances.5 e8 @9 w! j1 N# p0 {; |. |: h

problems (people are confronted with删) are mostly related to experience or conventional,(没必要拉那么长) then it is better to take elder friends' advice. For instance, suppose(supposing) that you will hold a traditional wedding ceremony, you definitely(should) ask suggestions from your elder friends because of the experience possessed by them. In contrast, if you take advice from young people, maybe that will destroy the atmosphere of the traditional wedding for the cause of the lack of related experience. Hence, for those issues such as traditional culture, marriage and life experience, elder friends' advices are more valuable. ' {/ Q% F/ [, s' F5 L
5 f) }& }; t% r/ c$ {: x7 e' [
On the other hand, when people turn to friends for help about the problems on the topic of modern technology or lifestyle, they mostly should be aware of the opinions from young friends(知道建议?应该是采取吧) because old methods usually do not work well at(in) this situation. For example, you want to build up a personal business website to sale your products. It is not surprising that elder people know less about the information technology for that cause of rapidly development of technology and the old ways they prefer.(不懂) Mostly young people can provide some brilliant ideas for you to grab more attentions from customers. So, for the cases which need more creative and new suggestions, young friends' advice should be attached more significance.4 z% H5 W0 V9 p  q0 c# t
% Z* Q$ B5 G" N+ H
In conclusion, under most circumstances, young friends' advices are more fresh and risky and elder friends' advices are more conventional and thoughtful. Therefore, facing different issues, people should put more value on the advice which can really help them out depending on different conditions.

总体有点觉得唠叨,没那么顺畅,有些句子其实可以写的很简单,感觉估计加一些可以不要的东西,concise一些,别老用for the cause of
已有 1 人评分寄托币 声望 收起 理由
wondersmiths2 + 5 + 4 THx

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-9-4 21:00:56 |只看该作者
你9月2日的没给我批。。。。  ?6 {; W- `9 |
( D8 c7 Z  l% z- j9 s" z
It is no doubt that elder (older) friends have more experience and young friends have more creative ideas. So whose advice do you prefer to take? It is a thorny issue for someone because usually you cannot predict what will happen after you make (making)an important decision. In my opinion, however, the answer of the question is that it should depend on different circumstances.5 e8 @9 w! j1 N# p0 {; |. |: h$ Z1 b7 z5 N) E8 Q/ @+ l7 m9 V
5 I* i* F* D0 d! f" L- N" H
problems (people are confronted with删) are mostly related to experience or conventional,(没必要拉那么长) then it is better to take elder friends' advice. For instance, suppose(supposing) that you will hold a traditional wedding ceremony, you definitely(should) ask (take) suggestions from your elder friends because of the experience possessed by them. In contrast, if you take advice from young people, maybe that will destroy the atmosphere of the traditional wedding for the cause of the lack of related experience. Hence, for those issues such as traditional culture, marriage and life experience, elder friends' advices are more valuable. ' {/ Q% F/ [, s' F5 L

On the other hand, when people turn to friends for help about the problems on the topic of modern technology or lifestyle, they mostly should be aware of the opinions from young friends(知道建议?应该是采取吧) because old methods usually do not work well at(in) this situation. For example, you want to build up a personal business website to sale your products. It is not surprising that elder people know less about the information technology for that cause of rapidly development of technology and the old ways they prefer.(不懂) Mostly young people can provide some brilliant ideas for you to grab more attentions from customers. So, for the cases which need more creative and new suggestions, young friends' advice should be attached more significance.4 z% H5 W0 V9 p  q0 c# t

In conclusion, under most circumstances, young friends' advices are more fresh and risky and elder friends' advices are more conventional and thoughtful. (前面都还在平衡,这句的倾向却很明显,不妥) Therefore, facing different issues, people should put more value on the advice which can really help them out depending on different conditions.& h( }  I. Z% R0 n

总体有点觉得唠叨,没那么顺畅,有些句子其实可以写的很简单,感觉估计加一些可以不要的东西,concise一些,别老用for the cause of

文章中有好几句“什么什么for the because of/ for the cause of”, 感觉是在脑子用中文句式想好后,再译成英文句子。 而且这样句子一长,就容易出错,或写的不清楚,如ls那位说看不懂的地方,试着在要用从句的地方断句。
已有 1 人评分寄托币 声望 收起 理由
wondersmiths2 + 5 + 4 thx

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2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第十六次作业 9.3
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