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[i习作temp] issue21...fantasy group...必回拍。。。 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-9-9 11:15:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ISSUE 21 - "Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."
WORDS:617          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE:2005-9-9

Is it inevitable that the reformers have to be willing to get viewed with disdain , and does reform always result in and from conflicts? Facing these complex issues, any extreme responses would be improper, and as far as I am concerned, though in most cases reform would get disdain from the rest of the world and lead to conflict, there are still many occasions that reform is taken place peacefully. Further the point is a case-by-case issue, and it should depend on its relative situations.

To begin with, the revolutions, no matter in ancients or modern times, would evoke a great amount of suspicion, disdain and conflicts. For example, the reform that Martin Luther King led to promote the living standard and political rights of the Negro and colored people is attacked and slandered by the white who have more wealth and higher social position. Even though he succeed in accomplishing his political goal, he still paid expensive cost to his achievement-he was murdered by fanatic white man. As the reformer itself equals to the establishment of a new criterion and the limit of the profit of old benefit receivers, therefore reforms are usually accompanied with serious conflict or even sacrifice of the reformers, let alone disdain.

However, no all the revolutions are destined to experience the severe conflicts between two or more profit-opposition groups, thus these peace reforms of the society and the world would be widely accepted and welcomed by the public. And this kind of revolution always has close relationships with the science and technology fields. Taking computer for instance, as known to all that the invention of computer leads to a world wide technology revolution, and it almost makes changes in every aspects of people's daily lives. Whereas, there were and are few conflicts and disdain about the use of computers, and most people accept the new come calculating machine as a most efficient assistant in their work and life.

Under this circumstance, whether would the reforms  go through and survive from the disdains and conflicts, to large extent, depends on the cases' relative situations and the comparison of the groups with conflicting minds. On one hand, in numerous examples similar with the one I presented in paragraph two, the profit that reform might possibly lead to would be only beneficial to a certain group of people, which, though, may be depressed for a long time.  As for the threat of their profit, the rest of people would seriously slander and stop the reform as much as possible. While, on the other hand, because of the deficiency of science or technology, most people grouse for their inconvenience in daily lives. Under this circumstance, the very kind of revolution, which can promote the living standard of common people, would be better welcomed and supported by the main part of public rather than putting conflicts and disdain over it. In conclusion, the degree of welcome of the most people would result in their attitude toward the reforms.

Thus, the reformers or the leaders of revolutions would have the abilities to distinguish the possible time and chance to perform their reforms and revolutions in order to avoid unnecessary conflict and disdain. As common sense, no one would prefer to achieve his goal with countless obstacles and disdain. Thus, wise and accurate decision of the time to perform the reform - choose the time that most people would possibly support the reform affects the condition of the reforms.

To sum up, reform is not always marked by disdain and conflict but sometimes by profit and peace. And the key to the different results of the reform rely much on the leaders' right choice of reforming time.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-9 19:10:23 |只看该作者
今天一天没睡, 趟不牢了, 明天看哈, 我要把生物钟调整回来!:victory:

[ Last edited by irenemimi on 2005-9-9 at 20:08 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-9 20:53:44 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-9-10 10:45:28 |只看该作者
Is it inevitable that the reformers have to be willing to get viewed with disdain, and does reform always result in and from conflicts? Facing these complex issues, any extreme responses would be improper, and as far as I am concerned, though in most cases reform would get disdain from the rest of the world and lead to conflict, there are still many occasions that reform is taken place peacefully. Further the point is a case-by-case issue, and it should depend on its relative situations.

To begin with, the revolutions, no matter in ancients or modern times, would evoke a great amount of suspicion, disdain and conflicts. For example, the reform that Martin Luther King led to promote the living standard and political rights of the Negro and colored people is attacked and slandered by the white who(语法错误) have more wealth and higher social position. Even though he succeed in accomplishing his political goal, he still paid expensive cost to his achievement-he was murdered by fanatic white man. As the reformer itself equals to the establishment of a new criterion and the limit of the profit of old benefit receivers, therefore reforms are usually accompanied with serious conflict or even sacrifice of the reformers, let alone disdain.

However, no (not) all the revolutions are destined to experience the severe conflicts between two or more profit-opposition groups, thus these peace reforms of the society and the world would be widely accepted and welcomed by the public. And this kind of revolution always has close relationships with the science and technology fields. Taking computer for instance, as known to all that the invention of computer leads to a world wide technology revolution, and it almost makes changes in every aspects of people's daily lives. Whereas, there were and are few conflicts and disdain about the use of computers, and most people accept the new come calculating machine as a most efficient assistant in their work and life.(举例有单薄,感觉电脑时代的到来不能算是种改革吧,是我的话大概会举些政府的改革,同时也稳定了改革者在社会上的地位,名誉等)

Under this circumstance, whether would the reforms go through and survive from the disdains and conflicts, to large extent, depends on the cases' relative situations and the comparison of the groups with conflicting minds. On one hand, in numerous examples similar with the one I presented in paragraph two, the profit that reform might possibly lead to would be only beneficial to a certain group of people, which, though, may be depressed for a long time.  As for the threat of their profit, the rest of people would seriously slander and stop the reform as much as possible. While, on the other hand, because of the deficiency of science or technology, most people grouse for their inconvenience in daily lives. Under this circumstance, the very kind of revolution, which can promote the living standard of common people, would be better welcomed and supported by the main part of public rather than putting conflicts and disdain over it. In conclusion, the degree of welcome of the most people would result in their attitude toward the reforms.(有点乱,但是我也不知道怎么改才好。。。)

Thus, the reformers or the leaders of revolutions would have the abilities to distinguish the possible time and chance to perform their reforms and revolutions in order to avoid unnecessary conflict and disdain. As common sense, no one would prefer to achieve his goal with countless obstacles and disdain. Thus, wise and accurate decision of the time to perform the reform - choose the time that most people would possibly support the reform affects the condition of the reforms.(这段思想满好的,再多写一点会更好,上面一段太多了点,放点到这里来吧)
To sum up, reform is not always marked by disdain and conflict but sometimes by profit and peace. And the key to the different results of the reform rely much on the leaders' right choice of reforming time.

然后论证1:让步举例同意作者有很多改革者被人轻视, 甚至牺牲了自己。


[ Last edited by irenemimi on 2005-9-10 at 10:52 ]

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