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[主题活动] [REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.01] [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-1 10:24:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 豆腐店的86 于 2010-1-1 10:26 编辑

The World in 2010
The Americas
Canada's northern goal

Nov 13th 2009
From The World in 2010 print edition
By Jeffrey Simpson, OTTAWA

The Arctic is no longer the forgotten frontier
Canada is a northern nation. “O Canada”, the national anthem, speaks of “true north, strong and free”. But for most Canadians, 80% of whom live within 200km (124 miles) of the United States border, the Far North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs. All that will start to change in 2010.

Pangnirtung, population 1,300, on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet. At Gjoa Haven, the only settlement on King William Island, cabins used by polar-bear researchers will be upgraded. At Eureka, on Ellesmere Island, an atmospheric laboratory will be overhauled. At Iqaluit, capital of the Nunavut territory, tens of millions of dollars will be spent on badly needed housing, a research institute and a research vessel.

Add to that oil and gas exploration in the Beaufort Sea; C$100m for social housing; the same sum for geology research; another C$90m for economic-development projects; C$85m to improve Arctic research stations. The result is activity such as the Far North, from Alaska in the west to Baffin Bay in the east, has never before seen. And still to come—delayed by debilitating squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island. Later in the year, if all goes according to plan, the federal government will select a community that will get a High Arctic Research Station.

During the cold war, Canada and the United States constructed a Distant Early-Warning detection system against any attack by Soviet bombers. Apart from this DEW line, Canada paid little heed militarily to the Far North. Soviet and American submarines roamed under the Arctic ice without Canada having any ability to monitor them. The Canadian government outfitted a few Inuit with baseball hats and rifles, called them Rangers, and forgot about the region.

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming. Higher temperatures mean less sea ice and more scope for mineral and fossil-fuel exploration, more foreign ships traversing the north, and potential conflicts with other Arctic states over the seabed, sea lanes, and sea and land borders.

The Arctic is full of unresolved border delineations. Canada and the United States disagree over the maritime boundary between Alaska and Yukon. Canada and Denmark have both planted flags on tiny Hans Island. Canada will continue working in 2010 to prepare its claim under a United Nations convention for underwater rights extending as far as the North Pole, a claim that will surely conflict with one already filed by Russia.

No country agrees with Canada’s contention that the Northwest Passage (there are actually two or three possible routes) belongs to Canada. The United States, Russia and the European Union all believe the passage constitutes an international strait. The trickiest decision for Canada is whether to consider the United States as friend or rival in the Far North, a decision that has to come soon. Do the two countries co-operate in managing the sea lanes? Do they sort out their maritime border dispute? Do they support each other against Russia, or go their own ways?

Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8. In the Kyoto climate-change protocol, Canada pledged to reduce emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by 2008-12; instead, emissions have risen by 27% and will rise again in 2010, especially if development intensifies in the tar sands of Alberta.

No matter who governs Canada in 2010—the country’s fractured political system has thrown up a series of unstable governments—all parties agree that the rush to research, develop and protect the Far North has become a national priority. The Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, made the Far North one of his signature issues after being elected in 2006. That the other parties now agree with this priority, without giving him any credit of course, means that the days of benign neglect of the Far North are over.

已有 3 人评分声望 收起 理由
aladdin.ivy + 1 新年快乐~!
pluka + 1 新年快乐!抱住吃豆腐~
qxn_1987 + 1 辛苦了~谢谢!

总评分: 声望 + 3   查看全部投币


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-1 10:45:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 adammaksim 于 2010-1-2 11:02 编辑

Inuit  a people inhabiting small enclaves in the coastal areas of Greenland, Arctic North America (including Canada and Alaska), and extreme northeastern Siberia. The name Inuit means “the people.

debilitate = weaken

squabble n. 争吵  程度大于tiff 小于quarrel

DEW line = Distant Early Warning line    A line of radar stations near the 70th parallel across the North American continent, maintained by the United States and Canada and intended to give advance warning of approaching enemy aircraft and missiles.

outfit  vt.配备,装备


sort out  消除,挑出


tar sand  沥青砂 应该是一种燃料

credit of course  credit :a deduction from expense or asset account  不知道这个意思是不是文中的意思

Compared to past reports, this report is a brief one and much easier to understand. Yet it's not easy to give any valuable comments, for this issue contains few controversies. As to me, "Canada's northern goal", just like China's western goal, is reasonable and justified under a background of global warming and competition among countries becoming fiercer. The only question is whether Canada should achieve the goal with its own source or go hand in hand with America, the super power, to enjoy its partner's technology advantage and avoid some potential diplomatic conflicts. In a world every country is eager to maximize their profits, it's time for Canada to play a role.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-1 10:57:42 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 中原527 于 2010-1-2 01:42 编辑

In the long history of the world , the battle for the possession of the nation’s territory is always the theme. In this day, as the decreasing material resource or the history’s problem, the increasing countries focus on the territory problems such as seabed, sea lanes, and sea and land borders.
The article’s main idea is all the problems surrounding the far north in Canada. In recent years, the importance of this vast area never visited is more obvious, because the place may has the rich resource, and the long marine line.
After the Canada government is conscious of the weightiness of the far north. They take the actions rapidly in there. For instance, they improved the fund input and outfitted the aboriginal people with the military force.
1 obsolete : expert, skilled
2 a : marked by skillful design <quaint with many a device in India ink — Herman Melville> b : marked by beauty or elegance
3 a :
unusual or different in character or appearance : odd <figures of fun, quaint people — Herman Wouk> b : pleasingly or strikingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar
1 : being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region <aboriginal forests> <aboriginal rocks>
2 a : of or relating to aborigines b often capitalized : of or relating to the indigenous peoples of Australia
1 a : to examine thoroughly b (1) : repair (2) : to renovate, remake, revise, or renew thoroughly
2 :
to haul or drag over
3 :
: to impair the strength of : enfeeble
: a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty matters
2 a : formed by a compact between political units that surrender their individual sovereignty to a central authority but retain limited residuary powers of government b : of or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units c : of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinguished from the governments of the constituent units
: to pay attention transitive verb : to give consideration or attention to : mind <heed what he says> <heed the call>
: to watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose
1 : to furnish with an outfit
2 : supply <outfitting every family with shoes — American Guide Series: Vermont>intransitive verb
: to acquire an outfit
3 : requiring skill, knack, or caution (as in doing or handling) : difficult <a tricky problem>; also : ingenious <a tricky rhythm>
1 : relating to, containing, or constituting irony <an ironic remark> <an ironic coincidence>
2 : given to irony <an ironic sense of humor>
Pledge (以后不会老是用swear~~~
1 : to make a pledge of; especially : pawn
2 : to drink to the health of
3 :
to bind by a pledge
4 : to promise the performance of by a pledge
1 : of a gentle disposition : gracious <a benign teacher>
2 a : showing kindness and gentleness <benign faces> b : favorable, wholesome <a benign climate>
3 a : of a mild type or character that does not threaten health or life; especially : not becoming cancerous <a benign lung tumor> b : having no significant effect : harmless <environmentally benign>
Soviet bombers.(苏联轰炸机)
Submarine 潜水艇
Monitor 侦查
Rifles 来复枪


a vast area never visited
badly needed housing(极度被需要的住宅)
the usual cost overruns of military projects
paid little heed militarily to
outfitted a few Inuit with baseball hats and rifles

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-1 11:10:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qisaiman 于 2010-1-1 20:07 编辑

canada northern goal
anthem 国歌
quaint 奇妙的
heed 留意
belated 过时的

still to come are .....

with the effect of global warming and the determination to exert more influence over the world , the canadian begin their exploration on the Far North. the project includes a harbour construction for fishing fleet, the cabins upgrade for the polar-bear research, an overhaul to the atmospheric laboratory and housing mending.

but all these is not the purpose. more activity will emerge in the Arctic region, the potential conflicts could follow. thus a military deploy is necessary for canada to protect their interest and claim more. though the political system is unstable ,all the parties contend the rush to develop the far north is nation priority.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-1-1 11:39:10 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 pluka 于 2010-1-1 11:40 编辑


populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs. All that will start to change in 2010.
And still to come—delayed by debilitating squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island.  if all goes according to plan
Canada paid little heed militarily to the Far North.
Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North
unresolved border delineations(未定的边界线)
the Kyoto climate-change protocol
No matter who governs Canada in 2010—the country’s fractured political system has thrown up a series of unstable governments—all parties agree that the rush to research, develop and protect the Far North has become a national priority

If Canada decides to reclaim the Arctic, she must shoulder the responsibility of protecting it. As the world warms up in respons to the millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases poured into the atmosphere each year, the pole suffers the deepest wound which, conversly, will bring awful subsequences. Melting glacier is one aftermath; the releasing methane(CH4), which used to be locked into those glacier yet is letting out with vaporation, is another. Were the methane emitted, it leads to ever intensifying global warming with its higher warming potential(nearly 25 times of that of carbondioxide). Given such devastating situation, the protection should be an indispensable part--or even a top concern--to Canada government. 

To our disappointment, such thing seems not high in their priority list. We see oil exploitation, sea lane regulation and laboratory overhaul, yet when comes to enviromental protection, only vague responses. Candada didn't have a bright record on curbing its emissions, and it seems not highly possible that any large amendment will be achieved under the fractured government. 

Up to now, however, manifesto remains manifesto, and there is a long way before real measures be adopted. Regardless all the complexity of exploitation rights, maritime power and unsettled borders, we simply hope the Arctic to be a place away from contamination---for all's sake.
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
zhengchangdian + 1 权利也是义务,赞~~

总评分: 声望 + 1   查看全部投币


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-1 14:48:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 rodgood 于 2010-1-1 22:52 编辑

Useful words and expressions:

the national anthem国歌

quaint 离奇的

fishing fleet渔船队


debilitate 使衰弱

cost overruns成本超支



in the sense of

sea lane海上航线


Northwest Passage西北航线

sort out挑选出,分类,清理



tar sands沥青砂

thrown up推上

benign neglect善意的忽视

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North

Canada paid little heed militarily to the Far North.

My comments

This report mainly tells us that without much attention on Far North for decades, Canada begins to carry out its plans to exploit it because the warming climate is making it more available to take advantage of it. As elaborated in the report, the plan involves fishery, scientific research, real estate, and even sea lanes. It is all understandable for that even if Canada does not launch these projects, other nations will do. Moreover, there are still pending problems over territory and territorial sea with others. As the saying goes, he who strikes first gains the advantage.

However, it is really ridiculous. On one hand, Canada is preparing for the development of Far North due to the essential reason of green-house gas emission. On the other hand, it does not control its green-house gas emission level. I can not imagine its emission level when it gets fossil-fuel exploration in Far North. It is not Canada, but also other countries such as US that are doing the same things, actually. With no agreement in Global Climate Submit last year, it will be more interesting to witness conflicts among nations towards the problem of Far North in UN.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-1 14:56:10 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 fancyww 于 2010-1-1 18:35 编辑

words and useful expressions:
...is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint( unusual or different in character or appearance) customs.(很漂亮的并列)
Pangnirtung, population 1,300, on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet. (强大的同位语)
...,plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik. (喜欢这样的用法)
...if all goes according to plan...
outfit: SUPPLY  *outfitting every family with shoes
delineation: the action to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines
Canadas record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8. (形象的用法)
belated interest

Just like the article indicates, Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic. It should not be something to celebrate or proud of that the Far North is now more suitable for development. On the contrary, Canada need a reflection on the "contribution" to climate change. As the article tells us, Canada's record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8. We have all the reasons to doubt whether Canada can be responsible on environment protection while making money from the vast northern land, cause mineral and fossil-fuel exploration, ships traversing the north, all of these do not sound environmentally-friendly. As for the political concerning, I don't think it is unwise for Canada to go rival with the USA, Russia, EU, and other related nations and organizations. They cannot take their natural resources for granted. At least to me, I think the scenario in the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMARROW is quite believable.
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
zhengchangdian + 1 ironic ,environmental friendly,同感

总评分: 声望 + 1   查看全部投币

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-1 15:30:40 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qxn_1987 于 2010-1-1 15:31 编辑

Canada is a northern nation. “O Canada”, the national anthem(国歌), speaks of “true north, strong and free”. But for most Canadians, 80% of whom live within 200km (124 miles) of the United States border, the Far North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs. All that will start to change in 2010.

Pangnirtung, population 1,300, on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet
(渔船队). At Gjoa Haven, the only settlement on King William Island, cabins used by polar-bear researchers will be upgraded. At Eureka, on Ellesmere Island, an atmospheric laboratory will be overhauled. At Iqaluit, capital of the Nunavut territory, tens of millions of dollars will be spent on badly needed housing, a research institute and a research vessel.

Add to that oil and gas exploration in the Beaufort Sea; C$100m for social housing; the same sum for geology research; another C$90m for economic-development projects; C$85m to improve Arctic research stations. The result is activity such as the Far North, from Alaska in the west to Baffin Bay in the east, has never before seen. And still to come—delayed by
debilitating squabbles
among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island. Later in the year, if all goes according to plan, the federal government will select a community that will get a High Arctic Research Station.

During the cold war, Canada and the United States constructed a Distant Early-Warning detection system against any attack by Soviet bombers. Apart from this DEW line, Canada
paid little heed militarily to the Far North. Soviet and American submarines roamed under the Arctic ice without Canada having any ability to monitor them. The Canadian government outfitted
a few Inuit with baseball hats and rifles, called them Rangers, and forgot about the region.

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming. Higher temperatures mean less sea ice and more scope for mineral and fossil-fuel exploration, more foreign ships traversing the north, and potential conflicts with other Arctic states over the seabed, sea lanes
(海中航线, and sea and land borders.

belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8. In the Kyoto climate-change protocol, Canada pledged to
reduce emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by 2008-12; instead, emissions have risen by 27% and will rise again in 2010, especially if development intensifies in the tar sands of Alberta.

No matter who governs Canada in 2010—the country’s fractured political system has thrown up a series of unstable governments—all parties agree that the rush to research, develop and protect the Far North has become a national priority. The Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, made the Far North one of his signature issues after being elected in 2006. That the other parties now agree with this priority, without giving him any credit of course, means that the days of benign neglect of the Far North are over.


Nowadays, one phenomenon is calling for people’s more attention, i.e., the changing of climate, which is caused by superfluous Carbon-dioxide emissions. You needn’t have to go too far to see the effects of climate change, and the Arctic is serving as an apt example of climate change. And so far the effort to tackle global warming has achieved little.

Ironically, instead of curbing greenhouse-gas emissions, Canada, whereas, is using the climate change to plan to pursue benefits---such as more scope for mineral and fossile-fuel, more wider sea lanes---from Far North, while other countries are working together and fighting tooth-and-nail to solve the global problem. And that is the right reason why the government don’t neglect the Far North any more.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2010-1-1 15:31:53 |只看该作者

RE: [REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.01]

Quaint古色古香的 少见的
research vessel
调查船 geology地质学 地质情况
cost overrun
超限成本 heed听从 听人劝告 traverse横越 穿越 be on to 知道 识透 与。。联系
描绘 benign善良的 温和的

1 And still to come—delayed by debilitating squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island.
2 The Arctic is full of unresolved border delineations.
3 The trickiest decision for Canada is whether to consider the United States as friend or rival in the Far North, a decision that has to come soon.

People all over the world maybe watching the next step of Canada, with its issues in Arctic, especially involving most powerful UNs and countries such as EU, USA and Russian.
To some extent, what the Canada government did is right, as I think. I mean you can not interfere their national sovereignty, that means, it has the power to do what he want to make the most of his territory. Apart form that, we also can acquire the truth that the initiative operation will be beneficial to local aboriginal people. Although as mentioned above, his belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8, it’s no wonder people are suspicious of their incentive.
Still to come, generally speaking, are the worst that the maple country does have other plan, which is the main reason that stirs frenzy around worldwide. No one can forestall in case that happen, cause what they faced is a really complicated and snarling question. For now the best way to deal with it is that everyone calm down and come back to the table to negotiate the temporary proper method, If not, chaos may last and eventually lead to a big trouble.
Hope lies ahead. No matter how hard on this way to each sides of the world, we stoutly hold on our faith to make the world better tomorrow.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-1 17:04:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 豆腐店的86 于 2010-1-1 19:59 编辑

The World in 2010
The Americas

Canada's northern goal
Nov 13th 2009
From The World in 2010 print edition
By Jeffrey Simpson, OTTAWA

The Arctic is no longer the forgotten frontier
Canada is a northern nation. “O Canada”, the national anthem, speaks of “true north, strong and free”. But for most Canadians, 80% of whom live within 200km (124 miles) of the United States border, the Far North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs.(插入语和主句中的对比关系) All that will start to change in 2010.

Pangnirtung, population 1,300, on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet. At Gjoa Haven, the only settlement on King William Island, cabins used by polar-bear researchers will be upgraded. At Eureka, on Ellesmere Island, an atmospheric laboratory will be overhauled. At Iqaluit, capital of the Nunavut territory, tens of millions of dollars will be spent on badly needed housing, a research institute and a research vessel.(三个AT引导排比句,运用不同的“用钱”的表达法)

Add to that oil and gas exploration in the Beaufort Sea; C$100m for social housing; the same sum for geology research; another C$90m for economic-development projects; C$85m to improve Arctic research stations. The result is activity such as the Far North, from Alaska in the west to Baffin Bay in the east, has never before seen. And still to come—delayed by debilitating squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island. Later in the year, if all goes according to plan, the federal government will select a community that will get a High Arctic Research Station.

During the cold war, Canada and the United States constructed a Distant Early-Warning detection system against any attack by Soviet bombers. Apart from this DEW line, Canada paid little heed militarily to the Far North. Soviet and American submarines roamed under the Arctic ice without Canada having any ability to monitor them. The Canadian government outfitted(“全副武装”的好表达) a few Inuit with baseball hats and rifles, called them Rangers, and forgot about the region.

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming. Higher temperatures mean less sea ice and more scope for mineral and fossil-fuel exploration, more foreign ships traversing the north, and potential conflicts with other Arctic states over the seabed, sea lanes, and sea and land borders.

The Arctic is full of unresolved border delineations.(划定边界线) Canada and the United States disagree over the maritime boundary between Alaska and Yukon. Canada and Denmark have both planted flags on tiny Hans Island. Canada will continue working in 2010 to prepare its claim under a United Nations convention for underwater rights extending as far as the North Pole, a claim that will surely conflict with one already filed by Russia.

No country agrees with Canada’s contention that the Northwest Passage (there are actually two or three possible routes) belongs to Canada. The United States, Russia and the European Union all believe the passage constitutes an international strait.(注意这个'组成,构成的用法) The trickiest decision for Canada is whether to consider the United States as friend or rival(竞争的对手,不是传统完全敌对的敌人) in the Far North, a decision that has to come soon. Do the two countries co-operate in managing the sea lanes? Do they sort out their maritime border dispute?(解决关于xxxx的争端) Do they support each other against Russia, or go their own ways?

Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that (后知后觉的兴趣先得很讽刺,given that 用得好)climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions (抑制温室气体排放)is the worst in the G8. In the Kyoto climate-change protocol, Canada pledged to reduce emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by 2008-12; instead, emissions have risen by 27% and will rise again in 2010, especially if development intensifies in the tar sands of Alberta.

No matter who governs Canada in 2010—the country’s fractured political system has thrown up a series of unstable governments—all parties agree that the rush to research, develop and protect the Far North has become a national priority. The Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, made the Far North one of his signature issues after being elected in 2006. That the other parties now agree with this priority, without giving him any credit of course, means that
the days of benign neglect of the Far North are over.

quaint unusual or different in character or appearance  : ODD  *figures of fun, quaint people ?Herman Wouk*
fleet a number of warships under a single command;  specifically   : an organization of ships and aircraft under the command of a flag officer  舰队 这里指渔业船队
overhaul  REPAIR  to renovate, remake, revise, or renew thoroughly
squabbles  a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty matters
roam to travel purposefully unhindered through a wide area  *cattle roaming in search of water* 漫步漫游·`
rifle 来福枪
traversing a : to go or travel across or over  b : to move or pass along or through  *light rays traversing a crystal* 跋涉,通过 穿过
delineation 描绘,这里指描绘边界线,确定,划定的意思
contention  an act or instance of contending / a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument
sea lanes 海域航线
curbing  to check or control with or as if with a curb  *trying to curb her curiosity* 抑制
pledge to promise the performance of by a pledge 许诺
New Year is all about beginning. As said in the article, Canadian government starts to take action on exploring the North. I asked my teacher a question about the life in northern part of Canada when I exchanged to University of Ottawa. I got a vague answer that neither she know much enough about that arctic area nor did she want to know, since she was not interesting in heading north. The article conveys information on Canada’s actions on pursuing its north goal like spending huge amount of money to repair and upgrade research implement and, at the same time, deliver an ironic critic that the writer believes Canada should have taken action earlier. However, as I remind myself everyday: never too late to start, it is reliable for such a country who begins to do what is important for its citizen and therefore the people should have faith on their government.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-1 21:31:15 |只看该作者
“O Canada”, the national anthem, speaks of “true north, strong and free”

the Far North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs

on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet
And still to come—delayed by debilitating squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreakerplus the publication of plans for a deep-water port

Outfit 装备
tar sands沥青砂
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my comments
In this article the author reported that Canada is increasing its investment on it northern part, whether for research or military purpose. Author also the Canadian’s act. It was point out that Canada invest much money due to the processing of global warming, since the melting ice cap expose more scope for fossil fuel and mineral exploration, more foreign ships traveling from the north. Ironically, the record shows that Canada have done the worst in curbing the emission of carbon dioxide. Probably it hopes that the global warming can bring more nature resources.

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发表于 2010-1-1 22:22:18 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-1-1 22:43:38 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-1 22:45 编辑

Comments (2010-01-01):

I have heard many legends about the Arctic, but I have never seen this mysterious place. I always plan to go around the world in my life, and the Arctic may be one of steps. I am not surprised about Canada plan to explore the resource of the Arctic and strengthen his control in this place. So do Russia, America or other nearby nations. Obviously, following the increase of population and the shrink of lands, ocean resources have become precious. For the Arctic, these nations have disputed with each other for a long time.

Why the United Nations do not pass one convention, protecting the Arctic, like the Antarctic Treaty? I still confused by this question, after reading this passage. By surfing internet, I caught the answer. Actually, the Arctic belongs to the world people, not only one country or several countries. But, unlike the Antarctic surrounded by the ocean, the Arctic has five neighbors around him, which are America, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Russia. Moreover, not only does the Arctic accounts for 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas, but the Arctic also become strategic routes, following the melt of glaciers. Therefore, it is difficult to stop those powerful nations contesting for the Arctic. Until now, the Ocean Convention or Green Peace Organization cannot restrict any one of these nation to explore. Ironically, except for Russia, whose carbon-dioxide emissions in low level are resulted from recession, European Union, America and Canadian almost three biggest carbon-dioxide emissions nations, which would lead to the global warming. In other words, they are destroying the Arctic, while they are fighting with each other for the last cleaning land on the earth.

Whatever, along the political direction, America and Canada probably compromise with each other, and control the words authority about the exploration in the Arctic. At the same time, Russia cannot abandon easily for this huge cake, and they had begun to take a powerful action to protect the Arctic territory near its homeland. Denmark and Norway, by supported by European Union, definitely hope to expand their territory in this place. I cannot imagine a war will be launched by these nations for dividing this virgin ice field. Yet, attracted by these plentiful natural resources, who knows what these nations will do next?

Good sentences:

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming.

Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8.
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
AdelineShen + 1 Thanks for some information you have sha

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荣誉版主 AW活动特殊奖 Leo狮子座

发表于 2010-1-1 23:48:17 |只看该作者
The World in 2010
The Americas
Canada's northern goal
Nov 13th 2009
From The World in 2010 print edition
By Jeffrey Simpson, OTTAWA

The Arctic is no longer the forgotten

Canada is a northern nation. “O Canada”, the national anthem, speaks of “true north, strong and free”. But for most Canadians, 80% of whom live within 200km (124 miles) of the United States border, the Far North (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut) is a vast area never visited, largely unknown, usually forgotten and populated only by aboriginal peoples with quaint customs. All that will start to change in 2010.

Pangnirtung, population 1,300, on the east coast of Baffin Island, a settlement mostly known for Inuit art and a nearby national park, will see construction start on a C$42m ($40.5m) harbour for the small Inuit fishing fleet. At Gjoa Haven, the only settlement on King William Island, cabins used by polar-bear researchers will be upgraded. At Eureka, on Ellesmere Island, an atmospheric laboratory will be overhauled. At Iqaluit, capital of the Nunavut territory, tens of millions of dollars will be spent on badly needed housing, a research institute and a research vessel.

Add to that oil and gas exploration in the Beaufort Sea; C$100m for social housing; the same sum for geology research; another C$90m for economic-development projects; C$85m to improve Arctic research stations. The result is activity such as the Far North, from Alaska in the west to Baffin Bay in the east, has never before seen. And still to come—delayed by debilitating(
to impair the strength of) squabbles among Canada’s shipbuilders and the usual cost overruns of military projects—are three Arctic patrol ships and a polar icebreaker, plus the publication of plans for a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the north coast of Baffin Island. Later in the year, if all goes according to plan, the federal government will select a community that will get a High Arctic Research Station.

During the cold war, Canada and the United States constructed a Distant Early-Warning detection system against any attack by Soviet bombers. Apart from this DEW line, Canada
paid little heed militarily to the Far North. Soviet and American submarines roamed under the Arctic ice without Canada having any ability to monitor them. The Canadian government outfitted a few Inuit with baseball hats and rifles, called them Rangers, and forgot about the region.

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming. Higher temperatures mean less sea ice and more scope for mineral and fossil-fuel exploration, more foreign ships traversing(
something that crosses or lies across) the north, and potential conflicts with other Arctic states over the seabed, sea lanes, and sea and land borders.

The Arctic is full of unresolved border
delineations. Canada and the United States disagree over the maritime boundary between Alaska and Yukon. Canada and Denmark have both planted flags on tiny Hans Island. Canada will continue working in 2010 to prepare its claim under a United Nations convention for underwater rights extending as far as the North Pole, a claim that will surely conflict with one already filed by Russia.

No country agrees with Canada’s contention that the Northwest Passage (there are actually two or three possible routes) belongs to Canada. The United States, Russia and the European Union all believe the passage constitutes an international strait. The trickiest decision for Canada is whether to consider the United States as friend or rival in the Far North, a decision that has to come soon. Do the two countries co-operate in managing the sea lanes? Do they
sort out their maritime border dispute? Do they support each other against Russia, or go their own ways?

Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8. In the Kyoto climate-change protocol, Canada pledged to reduce emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by 2008-12; instead, emissions have risen by 27% and will rise again in 2010, especially if development intensifies in the tar sands of Alberta.

No matter who governs Canada in 2010—the country’s fractured political system has thrown up a series of unstable governments—all parties agree that the rush to research, develop and protect the Far North has become a national priority. The Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, made the Far North one of his signature issues after being elected in 2006. That the other parties now agree with this priority, without giving him any credit of course, means that the days of benign neglect of the Far North are over.

Global warming changes the world not only through the atmosphere but the islands, the seas, also the North Pole. That makes the conflict between countries having separate territories in one continent, such as Canada and United states. It seems like that it is the time for Canada made a decision, took a stand on the Far North issue.
Well, I thought that’s what I’ve got now from this article. I am quite unmilitary with this problem; therefore I had searched the global warming issue for sometimes. Talking the Copenhagen will be perfect even there still are a lot of things need to discover for me, and find out what are they. I am working on it. Hope the next comment can satisfy me.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-2 00:09:27 |只看该作者
Not too late, Right? :P

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