
英语学习和娱乐版 今日: 0|主题: 3172

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[study] 分类词汇 ---会议/水果/颜色/人物 闲情 2003-1-6 105300 闲情 2003-1-6 03:44:37
[未归类] 学习英语口语的两大法宝 加菲熊 2002-6-17 35284 秦王杀手 2007-8-19 17:03:05
[resource] ◢中国人就要这样记单词◤  ...2 不咸山 2009-10-15 195279 冰棒汽水ECHO 2010-4-5 23:43:30
[help] 斑竹请看,外国人名字后面有Jr.是什么意思?[求助] saintman 2003-3-17 15267 wyhbob 2003-3-21 04:01:28
[未归类] 学外语的五大忌讳  ...2 vcdyr 2009-4-6 245265 郭少 2010-9-29 13:27:11
[study] 分享——足不出户,学习美国顶尖大学课程 nafgnaw 2008-3-28 35256 lianyanlan 2008-10-11 12:03:11
[chat] Well, seems that so many ppmm here ... :D  ...234 imong 2004-1-8 455252 今年 2004-1-28 22:19:13
[chat] 推荐一个看英语电影的网站  ...2 11yaoyao 2004-11-24 215246 2005-10-13 20:28:06
[未归类] [分享]25年来最伟大的电影  ...2 danah 2004-4-25 275189 denmark8th 2004-12-25 21:56:07
[study] 英语突破掌上宝 polymath 2006-5-29 125154 colinlhy 2006-7-21 12:24:39
[resource] 英语好站收藏夹[转载] digest  ...2 hannah_hannah 2003-6-21 215128 普罗旺斯的猫 2003-8-13 13:11:03
[chat] Syd... what do you think of Chinese Rock Bands? Sucks? attachment  ...2 franchesca 2004-5-28 185109 syd 2004-6-1 23:44:25
[chat] 求托业toeic词汇下载~! ihateu 2004-10-7 75091 lmr0633 2009-5-30 00:23:21
[resource] english name - man trees 2007-4-9 45070 cunzhang135 2007-6-21 23:52:54
[chat] About marriage of university students~ joe824 2005-4-11 135070 joe824 2005-4-16 12:38:11
[chat] Are you tired of learning English?  ...23 franchesca 2004-3-7 315068 霹雳猪 2004-4-8 19:48:02
[chat] 英文名字的意义 糊涂塌客 2008-2-14 95065 hyacinth 2008-4-22 16:11:56
[chat] How to say "Bamboo" in good English?  ...2 yogurt4 2005-9-3 285035 wangwei_gt 2006-2-18 10:26:18
[未归类] 上海英语角 总汇[zt] 豌豆 2005-5-23 75035 linzheng2009 2011-3-31 10:31:20
[study] 恋爱一族约会词汇 闲情 2003-1-6 05020 匿名用户 1970-1-1 08:00:00
[help] 英文地址怎么写? wgaggassi34 2007-1-18 65012 joe824 2007-1-20 21:39:55
[study] 看电影,学英文?!  ...2 zhangjie_0202 2007-7-4 234979 shirleyme 2007-8-19 03:35:30
[help] 求教:上口语培训班是否有用? lona 2007-3-27 114965 popsy521 2010-5-28 03:16:57
[chat] 为什么学不好英语?-英语不好的都来看看!  ...2 ruipangc 2010-5-8 194963 angelkky67 2012-2-9 11:39:49
强烈推荐美国新剧丑女贝蒂,超过老友记 attachment yangcongying 2007-12-23 94953 dongni 2008-5-28 13:44:36
[chat] 25条必须知道的网络缩略语  ...2 wbavw 2007-1-21 194943 sonyedifie 2007-6-29 13:43:17
[chat] My love goes with MSN... attachment  ...23 franchesca 2004-6-4 434939 elleanor 2004-11-1 19:09:42
[未归类] Discovery 英文字幕 LeeChristina 2005-5-14 54924 iriszs 2005-7-8 14:57:00
[study] 有没有人能够轻松地写出1000字的英语文章? liuxiao-1018 2007-1-31 134917 chusuifeng 2009-7-9 16:42:22
[chat] have u ever dreamed the same thing for a long time?  ...2 so猫 2005-3-19 244907 花生 2005-6-27 20:35:28
[未归类] 推荐一个好用的在线英汉汉英字典 chick_chick 2005-8-29 114880 tjhhdldut2005 2005-11-25 13:27:24
[chat] 取个好的英文名  ...2 monicahou 2003-5-19 254871 cyberwolf 2003-8-22 15:28:36
[chat] may i join you?  ...23 Victoria Xu 2005-1-21 414870 joe824 2005-1-31 20:02:26
[chat] just rewatched GodFather.  ...23 syd 2005-1-20 404865 gdhdanny 2005-2-5 22:47:34
[未归类] 经典英文歌曲48首,大家找找来听~ fir0313 2007-7-4 104862 cherry_851201 2008-1-29 16:15:12
报offer 祈福 爆照