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[i习作temp] Issue138 第8篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!必回拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-4-16 17:13:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue138  第8篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     517 words
Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.

While some people still consider success or progress to be more important than failures or mistakes, growing number of people have realized that mistakes are also significant for us for discoveries cannot achieve without them. I totally agree with the latter ones, for logic reasoning and a myriad of examples in human history.

First of all, during our researching on one problem, mistakes are neccessary for there is one or limited success solutions comparing to numerous wrong ways to solve it, which produces a lot of works for finding them. People often give an assumed solution for the problem, and make experiments to verify it. Unfortunately, for most of the assumptions can not hit the target and thus most of the research time are used for ruling out these flawed approaches. Consequently, a discovery is made when finding a right solution for the problem after ruling out several wrong solutions. For example, when Edison intends to find a material for making bulbs, there are thousands of materials that can be used to make bulbs but not suitable for sufficient time requirements while also have an economic cost. Smart and knowledgeable as Edison is, he still unable to pick out a suitable one from them immediately. Accordingly his success is based on hundreds of experiments which rule out an equal number of unsuitable materials. From this example we can see that most facilities we enjoy and consider to be easy today are actually made out of several failed tries. Consequently, more complex and sophisticated technologies such as atom bombs or satellites are even desirable for mistakes before being successful created.

From another attitude of consideration, mistakes are neccessary and even desirable for they are a reasonable restriction on human advance. Mistakes make us can only progress step by step, with every step consisting of various mistakes and one discovery. Imaging that mistakes are not exist, then every country would easily manufacture their mass destructive weapon and atomic bomb, which would definitely bring enourmous harm to our world's peace. Fortunalately, they should face lots of mistake before their technology and civilization reach certain extent. Providing this restriction not existing for developing anymore, then our human society would reach its last day in one day.

Further more, mistakes are existing throughout human history, while technology development helps deminishing them but not eliminating them. In the past, when our knowledge is not as comprehensive as today, mistakes are more often and progress is slow. Mistakes exist in the agriculture equipment evolving process by  a myriad of farmers in ancient times; mistakes exist during the the building and development of a science field such as physics; mistakes exist in every big advance in equipment, such as power generation from water power to vapor power to electricity power, which based on limited successful findings out of several failed experiments. While looking around our modern world with a dramatically developing speed, despiting the help of advanced methodology and enormous knowledge, mistakes and discoveries are made even more frequently: mistakes exist in certain part of experiments when mounting funds are giving to researchers for making numbers of them; mistakes exist in most outstanding software applications and programmers are finding and redressing lots of bugs in their own coding before publishing ; mistakes exist in product innovations when workers are making various tries to make their products more special and effective while most of them can not be applied. One most famous mistake is the accident of the Challenger space shuttle. A mistake unavoidable even by thousands of smartest technologists and experienceful workers using latest technology and equipment. However, by the accident, people will learn a lot more about consideration about space shuttle, and better design and manufacture for stronger space shuttle would be achieved after it. This mistake is indeed a tragedy, yet is also one of the important mistakes leading to the human's successful exploration.

To conclude, no discovery would be reached without making mistakes, and mistakes should be respected as well as discoveries. Only through mistakes and progress out of them can human society keep advancing forever.
4.21 北京


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-4-16 17:52:51 |只看该作者
While some people still consider success or progress to be more important than failures or mistakes, growing number of people have realized that mistakes are also significant for us for discoveries cannot achieve (be achieved) without them. I totally agree with the latter ones, for logic reasoning and a myriad of examples in human history.

First of all, during our researching on one problem, mistakes are for there is one or limited success solutions comparing to numerous wrong ways to solve it, which produces a lot of works for finding them. People often give an assumed solution for the problem, and make experiments to verify it. Unfortunately, for most of the assumptions can not hit the target and thus most of the research time are(is) used for ruling out these flawed approaches. Consequently, a discovery is made when finding a right solution for the problem after ruling out several wrong solutions. For example, when Edison intends to find a (proper) material for making bulbs, there are thousands of materials that can be used to make bulbs but not suitable for sufficient time requirements while (这里少了一个主语吧?)also have an economic cost. Smart and knowledgeable as Edison is, he(is) still unable to pick out a suitable one from them immediately. Accordingly his success is based on hundreds of experiments which rule out an equal number of unsuitable materials. From this example we can see that most facilities we enjoy and consider to be easy today are actually made out of several failed tries. Consequently, more complex and sophisticated technologies such as atom bombs or satellites are even desirable(这个词不合适吧?) for mistakes before being successful created.

From another attitude of consideration, mistakes are necessary and even desirable for they are a(??) main restriction on human advance. Mistakes make us can only progress step by step, with every step consisting of various mistakes and one discovery. Imaging how strange it is when someone can make discoveries without mistakes(It is hard for us to imagine that someone can make discoveries without mistakes) . Then restrictions on developing(development) of our society and technology do not exist anymore. If let he alone, he would make discoveries in all human history for he never fails, and even many discoveries beyond current technology level can be found. No restriction would exist for developing anymore, and our human society would reach its last day in one day. (感觉这一段说理不是很清楚,分论点也不是很好)

After analysis, numerous examples would be found in our history to support that discoveries are born in mistakes. The agriculture equipment are evolving slowly by various failures made by a myriad of farmers in ancient times; the building and development of a science field such as physics, is full of mistakes accompanied with discoveries; every big advance in equipment, such as power generation from water power to vapor power to electricity power, is based on limited successful findings out of several failed experiments. While looking around our modern world with a dramatically developing speed, mistakes and discoveries are made even more frequently: mounting funds are giving to researchers for making numbers of experiments when a certain part of them have a pessimistic end; programmers are finding and redressing lots of bugs in their own coding before publishing an application; workers are making various tries to make their products more special and effective while most of them can not be applied.(这里的例子不好,最后应该归结为成功,而你最后导致了失败,与thesis不符合)

To conclude, no discovery would be reached without making mistakes, and mistakes should be respected as well as discoveries. Only through mistakes and progress out of them can human society keep advancing forever.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-4-16 18:40:10 |只看该作者
4.21 北京

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Issue138 第8篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!必回拍
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