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[i习作temp] issue103...欢迎来拍...必回拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-16 03:03:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
103. "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

1.        承认由于社会的发展,很多历史上有用的东西对现在的人已经毫无意义了,(机械的套用)。
2.        但是对历史的研究很大程度上对日常生活还是有很多好处的。
(1). 可以帮助人们不重蹈覆辙
(3). 可以帮助人们认识culture
3.        更重要的是历史研究在那些和人们日常生活不太相干的方面也有很大的用途。

Is the value of studies of history limit within the scope of people’s daily lives? Basically, albeit I concede that, when it comes to people’s daily lives, studies of history act as assistances in promoting the life standard efficaciously. While, after deep analysis, I would be strongly inclined to claim that studies and researches of history are significantly useful, even beyond the realm, which is irrelevant to our daily lives.

Admittedly, as for the further advancement of social systems, some certain results and conclusions made by studies of history are no longer applicable to today’s events. Fundamentally, the life styles have close relationships with the contemporary development of science and technology. Accordingly, as progress in science and technology leads to social revolution and advancement, mechanical applications of former example are proved to be effectless. For instance, when it comes to the field of medical treatments, in ancient times, people would rely on witch doctor, rather than scientific treatments. In contrary, modern methods of medical curing totally deny the function of blind faith. Consequently, the studies of historical ridiculous events of trends bring no profit to our daily lives, especially, when the events and trends have close relationship with technology.

However, to large extent, to study history is beneficial to facilitate the advancement of people’s daily lives. And the reasons for this point lie in three aspects as follows.

First and foremost, the studies of history are able to assist people in avoiding faults that our ancestors had mad. To witness this point, the kingdom of ancient Babylon was ever one of the most thriving countries, along with ancient Egypt, China, and India. But the prosperity of Babylon was soon descending. And excessively cutting down the trees would probably attribute to its decadence. Thus, we will not fall where our forerunners were trapped. So, to avoid the tragedy ever happened, most of governments pay much attention on the protection of our environment and the earth.

In the second place, we are able to seek experiences and knowledge from the studies of history. It is must be acknowledged that our ancestors have created splendid civilizations which we should still honor much. Under this circumstance, the studies of history can provide us with the means by which they thrived the civilization, especially their ways of thinking. Even technology today is far more advanced, but great achievements share common spirit. Thus, we can apply our ancestors’ creativities to promote our present daily lives.  

In addition, as, in long term, history defines the culture, the studies of history offer us some fundamental knowledge of culture. Many customs, habits, rituals and ceremonies have passed down between generations, and each period of time gives some modifications to the definition of culture, then details of the development of the culture are obtainable. And many customs, whish are out of fashion, can be remembered or enjoyed by the masses. So importantly, the studies of history can prevent the annihilation of cultural activities.

What’s more significant, the studies of history are also of great value, even in the realm irrelevant to our daily lives. Daily lives of most common public can not have close relationship with every field of highly specialized technology and social sciences, however, in the fields irrelevant to daily life, the studies of history also have great significance in facilitating the development of the very fields. Taking calendric studies as examples, in ancient times, time is counted according to diverse ways, such as the position of the sun, the actions of main rivers, and the motion of the moon. Based on comprehensive analysis and research, the calendar is made by these ancient ways. And official time can be still modified by accurate measurement and calculation. While, the way of time modification and the reason for this is not cared much by the public.

To sum up, the studies of history, no matter whether they are relevant to ordinary people’s daily lives, have much value in promoting the development of our society and living environments.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-16 10:47:48 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-16 11:23:07 |只看该作者
Is the value of studies of history limit within the scope of people’s daily lives? Basically, albeit I concede that这里有歧义~不知道你that是指代还是从句标志, when it comes to people’s daily lives, studies of history act as assistances in promoting the life standard efficaciously. While, after deep analysis, I would be strongly inclined to claim that studies and researches of history are significantly useful, even beyond the realm, which is irrelevant to our daily lives.

Admittedly, as for the further advancement of social systems, some certain results and conclusions made by studies of history are no longer applicable to today’s events. Fundamentally, the life styles have close relationships with the contemporary development of science and technology. Accordingly, as progress in science and technology leads to social revolution and advancement, mechanical applications of former example are proved to be effectless. For instance, when it comes to the field of medical treatments, in ancient times, people would rely on witch doctor, rather than scientific treatments这是啥意思?你没有说doctor 就没有scientific treatments吧. In contrary, modern methods of medical curing totally deny the function of blind faith. Consequently, the studies of historical ridiculous events of trends两个定语不要都用of引导 bring no profit to our daily lives, especially, when the events and trends have close relationship with technology.

However, to large extent, to study history is beneficial to facilitate the advancement of people’s daily lives. And the reasons for this point lie in three aspects as follows.

First and foremost, the studies of history are able to assist people in avoiding faults that our ancestors had mad. To witness this point, the kingdom of ancient Babylon was ever one of the most thriving countries, along with ancient Egypt, China, and India. But the prosperity of Babylon was soon descending. And excessively cutting down the trees would probably attribute to->contribute to its decadence. Thus, we will not fall where our forerunners were trapped 如果我们如何如何. So, to avoid the tragedy ever happened, most of governments pay much attention on the protection of our environment and the earth.放到前面去说这句话

In the second place, we are able to seek experiences and knowledge from the studies of history. It is must be这是怎么回事? acknowledged that our ancestors have created splendid civilizations which we should still honor much. Under this circumstance, the studies of history can provide us with the means by which they thrived the civilization, especially their ways of thinking. Even technology today is far more advanced, but great achievements share common spirit. Thus, we can apply our ancestors’ creativities to promote our present daily lives.  

In addition, as, in long term, history defines the culture,连词 the studies of history offer us some fundamental knowledge of culture. Many customs, habits, rituals and ceremonies have passed down between generations, and each period of time gives some modifications to the definition of culture, then details of the development of the culture are obtainable. And many customs, whish are out of fashion, can be remembered or enjoyed by the masses. So importantly, the studies of history can prevent the annihilation of cultural activities.

What’s more significant, the studies of history are also of great value, even in the realm irrelevant to our daily lives. Daily lives of most common public can not have close relationship with every field of highly specialized technology and social sciences, however不是连词, in the fields irrelevant to daily life, the studies of history also have great significance in facilitating the development of the very fields. Taking calendric这个词是什么意思? studies as examples,单数 in ancient times, time is counted according to diverse ways, such as the position of the sun, the actions of main rivers, and the motion of the moon. Based on comprehensive analysis and research, the calendar is made by these ancient ways. And official time can be still modified by accurate measurement and calculation. While, the way of time modification and the reason for this is not cared much by the public.

To sum up, the studies of history, no matter whether they are relevant to ordinary people’s daily lives, have much value in promoting the development of our society and living environments.

V:510 62%
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AW:4.5 51%
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-16 15:33:42 |只看该作者
Is the value of studies of history limit (limited) within the scope of people’s daily lives? Basically, albeit I concede that, when it comes to people’s daily lives, studies of history act as assistances in promoting the life standard efficaciously. While, after deep analysis, I would be strongly inclined to claim that studies and researches of history are significantly useful, even beyond the realm, which is irrelevant to our daily lives.

Admittedly, as for the further advancement of social systems, some certain results and conclusions made by studies of history are no longer applicable to today’s events. Fundamentally, the life styles have close relationships with the contemporary development of science and technology. Accordingly, as progress in science and technology leads to social revolution and advancement, mechanical applications of former example are proved to be effectless. For instance, when it comes to the field of medical treatments, in ancient times, people would rely on witch doctor, rather than scientific treatments. In contrary, modern methods of medical curing totally deny the function of blind faith. Consequently, the studies of historical ridiculous events of(or)trends bring no profit to our daily lives, especially, when the events and trends have close relationship with technology.(这半句没有看懂,你是想说特别是在这些历史事件与科学技术有密切关系的时候更加对人类没有意义?有什么联系么?(改成与现在科学相悖可否?)呵呵,可能我的逻辑不清)
However, to large extent, to study history is beneficial to facilitate the advancement of people’s daily lives. And the reasons for this point lie in three aspects as follows.

First and foremost, the studies of history are able to assist people in avoiding faults that our ancestors had mad(made). To witness this point, the kingdom of ancient Babylon was ever one of the most thriving countries, along with ancient Egypt, China, and India. But the prosperity of Babylon was soon descending. And excessively cutting down the trees would probably attribute to(改成contribute to也不怎么顺畅) its decadence. (换一句试试And its decadence might be due to excessively cutting down the trees.)Thus, we will not fall where our forerunners were trapped.(想说一个号召性的话吧,呵呵,考虑去掉它吧) So, to avoid the tragedy ever happened, most of governments pay much attention on the protection of our environment and the earth.

In the second place, we are able to seek(obtain) experience(s)(作为经验讲的时候不可数,作经历讲的时候才可数) and knowledge from the studies of history. It is must be acknowledged (true) that our ancestors have created splendid civilizations which we should still honor much. Under this circumstance, the studies of history can provide us with the means by which they thrived the civilization, especially their ways of thinking. Even technology today is far more advanced, but great achievements share common spirit (转折关系好勉强 考虑用after all). Thus, we can apply our ancestors’ creativities to promote our present daily lives.  

In addition, as,(这个用法没见过哎,可能是我孤陋了) in long term, history defines the culture, (and) the studies of history offer us some fundamental knowledge of culture. Many customs, habits, rituals and ceremonies have passed down between generations, and each period of time gives some modifications to the definition of culture, then details of the development of the culture are obtainable. And many customs, whish (which) are out of fashion, can be remembered or enjoyed by the masses. So importantly, the studies of history can prevent the annihilation of cultural activities.

What’s more significant, the studies of history are also of great value, even in the realm irrelevant to our daily lives. Daily lives of most common public can not have close relationship with every field of highly specialized technology and social sciences, however, in the fields irrelevant to daily life, the studies of history also have great significance in facilitating the development of the very fields. Taking calendric studies as examples, in ancient times, time is counted according to diverse ways, such as the position of the sun, the actions(movements) of main rivers, and the motion of the moon. Based on comprehensive analysis and research, the calendar is made by these ancient ways. And official time can be still modified by accurate measurement and calculation. While, the way of time modification and the reason for this is not cared much by the public.(这一段可以再深入一些,毕竟是反对意见部分)
To sum up, the studies of history, no matter whether they are relevant to ordinary people’s daily lives, have much value in promoting the development of our society and living environments.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-16 15:40:20 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-16 22:41:45 |只看该作者
103. "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

1.        承认由于社会的发展,很多历史上有用的东西对现在的人已经毫无意义了,(机械的套用)。
2.        但是对历史的研究很大程度上对日常生活还是有很多好处的。
(1). 可以帮助人们不重蹈覆辙
(3). 可以帮助人们认识culture
3.        更重要的是历史研究在那些和人们日常生活不太相干的方面也有很大的用途。

Is the value of studies of history limit within the scope of people’s daily lives? Basically, albeit I concede that, when it comes to people’s daily lives, studies of history act as assistances in promoting the life standard efficaciously. While, after deep analysis, I would be strongly inclined to claim that studies and researches of history are significantly useful, even beyond the realm, which is irrelevant to our daily lives.

Admittedly, as for the further advancement of social systems, some certain results and conclusions made by studies of history are no longer applicable to today’s events. Fundamentally, the life styles have close relationships with the contemporary development of science and technology. Accordingly, as progress in science and technology leads to social revolution and advancement, mechanical applications of former example are proved to be effectless. For instance, when it comes to the field of medical treatments, in ancient times, people would rely on witch doctor, rather than scientific treatments. In contrary, modern methods of medical curing totally deny the function of blind faith. Consequently, the studies of historical ridiculous events of trends bring no profit to our daily lives, especially, when the events and trends have close relationship with technology.

However, to large extent, to study history is beneficial to facilitate the advancement of people’s daily lives. And the reasons for this point lie in three aspects as follows.

First and foremost, the studies of history are able to assist people in avoiding faults that our ancestors had mad. To witness this point, the kingdom of ancient Babylon was ever one of the most thriving countries, along with ancient Egypt, China, and India. But the prosperity of Babylon was soon descending. And excessively cutting down the trees would probably attribute to its decadence. Thus, we will not fall where our forerunners were trapped(不错,很形象). So, to avoid the tragedy ever happened, most of governments pay much attention on the protection of our environment and the earth.

In the second place, we are able to seek experiences and knowledge from the studies of history. It is must be 可以?)acknowledged that our ancestors have created splendid civilizations which we should still honor much. Under this circumstance, the studies of history can provide us with the means by which they thrived the civilization, especially their ways of thinking. Even technology today is far more advanced, but great achievements share common spirit. Thus, we can apply our ancestors’ creativities to promote our present daily lives.  

In addition, as, in long term, history defines the culture, the studies of history offer us some fundamental knowledge of culture. Many customs, habits, rituals and ceremonies have passed down between generations, and each period of time gives some modifications to the definition of culture, then details of the development of the culture are obtainable. And many customs, whish are out of fashion, can be remembered or enjoyed by the masses. So importantly, the studies of history can prevent the annihilation of cultural activities.

What’s more significant, the studies of history are also of great value, even in the realm irrelevant to our daily lives. Daily lives of most common public can not have close relationship with every field of highly specialized technology and social sciences, however, in the fields irrelevant to daily life, the studies of history also have great significance in facilitating the development of the very fields. Taking calendric studies as examples, in ancient times, time is counted according to diverse ways, such as the position of the sun, the actions of main rivers, and the motion of the moon. Based on comprehensive analysis and research, the calendar is made by these ancient ways. And official time can be still modified by accurate measurement and calculation. While, the way of time modification and the reason for this is not cared much by the public.

To sum up, the studies of history, no matter whether they are relevant to ordinary people’s daily lives, have much value in promoting the development of our society and living environments.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-17 00:26:26 |只看该作者
Is the value of studies of history limit within the scope of people’s daily lives? Basically, albeit I concede that, when it comes to people’s daily lives, studies of history act as assistances in promoting the life standard efficaciously. While, after deep analysis, I would be strongly inclined to claim that studies and researches of history are significantly useful, even beyond the realm, which is irrelevant to our daily lives.

Admittedly, as for the further advancement of social systems, some certain results and conclusions made by studies of history are no longer applicable to today’s events.event这个词用大了吧?? Fundamentally, the life styles have close relationships with the contemporary development of science and technology. Accordingly, as progress in science and technology leads to social revolution and advancement, mechanical applications of former example are proved to be effectless. For instance, when it comes to the field of medical treatments, in ancient times, people would rely on witch doctor, rather than scientific treatments. In contrary, on the contrarymodern methods of medical curing totally deny the function of blind faith. Consequently, the studies of historical ridiculous events of trends bring no profit to our daily lives, especially, when the events and trends have close relationship with technology.

However, to large extent, to study history is beneficial to facilitate the advancement of people’s daily lives. And the reasons for this point lie in three aspects as follows.

First and foremost, the studies of history are able to assist people in avoiding faults that our ancestors had mad. To witness this point, the kingdom of ancient Babylon was ever one of the most thriving countries, along with ancient Egypt, China, and India. But the prosperity of Babylon was soon descending. And excessively cutting down the trees would probably attribute to its decadence. Thus, we will not fall where our forerunners were trapped. So, to avoid the tragedy ever happened, most of governments pay much attention on the protection of our environment and the earth.你并没有把例子解释的很充分,有跳跃的感觉,为什么落后就要砍伐森林?砍伐森林给我们带来的坏处是什么?为了避免这些坏处我们才会避免这些。。。这样会显得更自然。。

In the second place, we are able to seek experiences and knowledge from the studies of history. It is must be acknowledged that our ancestors have created splendid civilizations which we should still honor much. Under this circumstance, the studies of history can provide us with the means by which they thrived the civilization, especially their ways of thinking. Even technology today is far more advanced, but great achievements share common spirit. Thus, we can apply our ancestors’ creativities to promote our present daily lives. 太概括了,举个具体的例子就好了,这样过渡的太大

In addition, as, in long term, history defines the culture, the studies of history offer us some fundamental knowledge of culture. Many customs, habits, rituals and ceremonies have passed down betweenby generations, and each period of time gives some modifications to the definition of culture, then details of the development of the culture are obtainable. And many customs, whish are out of fashion, can be remembered or enjoyed by the masses. So importantly, the studies of history can prevent the annihilation of cultural activities.保持这些传统对当今有什么意义?有什么联系?没有论述,显得论证单薄

What’s more significant, the studies of history are also of great value, even in the realm irrelevant to our daily lives. Daily lives of most common public can not have close relationship with every field of highly specialized technology and social sciences, however, in the fields irrelevant to daily life, the studies of history also have great significance in facilitating the development of the very fields. Taking calendric studies as examples, in ancient times, time is counted according to diverse ways, such as the position of the sun, the actions of main rivers, and the motion of the moon. Based on comprehensive analysis and research, the calendar is made by these ancient ways. And official time can be still modified by accurate measurement and calculation. While, the way of time modification and the reason for this is not cared much by the public.总结一下最好

To sum up, the studies of history, no matter whether they are relevant to ordinary people’s daily lives, have much value in promoting the development of our society and living environments.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-17 00:28:31 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-18 18:30:44 |只看该作者


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