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[i习作temp] Issue36 [勇往直前小组]第一次作业by 高加索 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-20 23:34:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


The speaker asserts that the greatness of individuals can only be conceded by offspring rather than their contemporaries. In my view, the speaker makes an unfair conclusion. I admit that many achievements of individuals in certain realms such as science and arts could not be appropriately evaluated by the contemporaries due to the certain restrains from objective historical conditions. However, the greatness of individuals, who benefit the whole society directly and instantly through their great achievements, in some areas such as politics and business could also be confirmed by the people at that era.

Admittedly, when the importance of the individuals’ achievement need time to test, the contemporaries are usually unable to provide an appropriate evaluation. Especially when it comes to the field of the sciences and arts, a rear-view mirror would be indispensable to recognize the greatness of a person. It is an easily accepted opinion that some theories of science and innovations of arts are usually ignored even under criticism. The history has witnessed many examples of great scientists whose greatest theory did not conceded by the mass until he or she slept forever. Gregor Johann Mendel, the inaugurator of genetics theory, released his paper about the theory of inheritance early in 1856, but it was not until 1900 did its significance be found, by which time this great geneticist had passed away. The innovative work of great minds always surpasses their contemporaries' understanding. That is the reason why they are great and meanwhile, the reason why their greatness can't be found immediately. On the other hand, people who live after them, with more comprehensive knowledge and more advanced technique are likely to discover the significance of their predecessor's work.

Besides, in art field, many great works were recognized by the later people rather than their contemporaries. Emily Bronte and her works were despised by their contemporary people; William Blake was unknown in Victorian times. Van Gogh was also unacceptable to the people of that time. He suffered a hard time then, and the subsequent poverty and mental derangement. This great painter, however, was regarded by later people as a master of impressionism. Beethoven’s unseemly, sometimes even rude, appearance and manner impaired his contemporaries’ acceptance for his music. However, Beethoven is adored by later music critics as a milestone in music, a genius that became the watershed between two eras-the Classicism and the Romanticism.

However, the capability of contemporaries to judge the greatness of individuals should not be neglected. For instance, in reference of political leaders, the achievement of them is admitted immediately with the instant benefit they brought to the public. Quoting the president Roosevelt for example, he implemented some governmental regulations to intervene the economical development which thoroughly altered the destructive impact brought by the Depression and redeveloped the economical progress in US. For his outstanding achievement in US's economy, he was viewed by general public as one of the greatest presidents in the history of US. In the fields of business another case goes that Bill Gates, a successful businessman, was adored as the milestone in software industry for his genius talent in devising construction of software that brought huge amount of money for him and made significant contribution to the society. Both of the two typical examples prove that the contemporaries can make the objective judgment on the contribution the great individuals made to society and the amount of wealth they earned by themselves.

To sum up, the speaker makes an incomplete conclusion without taking into account some certain realms where the greatness of individuals could be immediately admitted. However, it is reasonable when it comes to some certain area such as science and arts.  

观点:城市 乡村都应该发展
1.       由于现代的国家是以城市为中心,所以一个国家文化传统主要产生在大城市中,发展和壮大。另外, 大城市能够吸引很多的艺术家,他们在大城市更能交流,另外也更多人能够欣赏他们的作品。
2.       然而大城市以外的广大地区也得以保存了很多文化传统,不易受到外来文化的影响这一特点使得一些文化传统在这边也能够完好的保存下来。
3.       政府应该要支持传统的文化的发展,不管是在乡村还是大城市,因为文化的多元性使得乡村文化和大城市的文化同等重要。

1.       在学习的过程中记忆一些结论和事实是很重要的,因为很多时候结论和事实可以帮助学生解决已经出现的问题,尤其对于重复出现的一些问题,记结论是一种很好的解决方法。
2.       然而,学习的目的如果仅仅是记忆一些已有的结论而对得出结论的思路毫不关心的话,就不能让学生掌握解决新问题的能力,当新问题出现的时候学生就会无从下手。
3.       学习的最终目的是让学生掌握解决问题的方法和锻炼思维能力,假如学生只是记结论和事实的话,就会削弱学生的创新能力,科学技术就无法进步。

1.       团队领袖把团队组织好的目的是在与其他团队竞争时,获得胜利。因此,团队领导的一个很重要的品质在于有竞争意识,只有具有竞争意识的领导才能在明确目标的指引下把团队管理好
2.       在于其他团队竞争的基本前提是自己团队的良好管理和内部合作,否则是无法在竞争中获胜的,因此团队领导还应该具有团结团队的品质,即应该具有合作精神。

1.       质疑政治权力的权威让整个社会更公平,更民主
2.       质疑科学技术领域的权威让旧的科学理论被淘汰,推动科技发展
3.       质疑艺术领域的权威,让艺术形式多样化,艺术创新迭出。


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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-21 18:52:03 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that the greatness of individuals can only be conceded(觉得用recognized好些) by offspring rather than their contemporaries. In my view, the speaker makes an unfair conclusion. I admit that many achievements of individuals in certain realms such as science and arts could not be appropriately evaluated by the contemporaries due to the certain restrains from objective historical conditions. However, the greatness of individuals, who benefit the whole society directly and instantly through their great achievements, in some areas such as politics and business could also be confirmed by the people at that era.(首段写得很好,观点明确,中心突出,而且语言很顺畅)
Admittedly, when(是否去掉when the importance of the individuals’ achievement need time to test, the contemporaries are usually unable to provide an appropriate evaluation. Especially when it comes to the field of the sciences and arts, a rear-view mirror would be indispensable to recognize the greatness of a person. It is an easily accepted opinion that some theories of science and innovations of arts are usually ignored even under criticism. The history has witnessed many examples of great scientists whose greatest theory did not conceded(觉得用accepted好些) by the mass until he or she sleptdead forever. Gregor Johann Mendel, the inaugurator of genetics theory, released his paper about the theory of inheritance early in 1856, but it was not until 1900 did its significance be found, by which time this great geneticist had passed away. The innovative work of great minds always surpasses their contemporaries' understanding. That is the reason why they are great and meanwhile, the reason why their greatness can't be found immediately. On the other hand, people who live after them, with more comprehensive knowledge and more advanced technique are likely to discover the significance of their predecessor's work.(段首观点明确,例子用的也很不错啊)
Besides, in art field, many great works were recognized by the later people rather than their contemporaries. Emily Bronte and her works were despised by their contemporary people; William Blake was unknown in Victorian times. Van Gogh was also unacceptable to the people of that time. He suffered a hard time then, and the subsequent poverty and mental derangement. This great painter, however, was regarded by later people as a master of impressionism. Beethoven’s unseemly, sometimes even rude, appearance and manner impaired his contemporaries’ acceptance for his music. However, Beethoven is adored by later music critics as a milestone in music, a genius that became the watershed between two eras-the Classicism and the Romanticism.(结构很好,段首即提出观点,接下来的例子以排比的形式给出,比较有气势)
However, the capability of contemporaries to judge the greatness of individuals should not be neglected. For instance, in reference of political leaders, the achievement of them is admitted immediately with the instant benefit they brought to the public. Quoting the president Roosevelt for example(as an example不知恰当否), he implemented some governmental regulations to intervene the economical development which thoroughly altered the destructive impact brought by the Depression and redeveloped the economical progress in US. For his outstanding achievement in US's economy, he was viewed by general public as one of the greatest presidents in the history of US. In the fields of business another case goes that Bill Gates, a successful businessman, was adored as the milestone in software industry for his genius talent in devising construction of software that brought huge amount of money for him and made significant contribution to the society. Both of the two typical examples prove that the contemporaries can make the objective judgment on the contribution the great individuals made to society and the amount of wealth they earned by themselves.(例子用得好,能够很好的佐证段首观点,和首段呼应也很好)
To sum up, the speaker makes an incomplete conclusion without taking into account some certain realms where the greatness of individuals could be immediately admitted. However, it is reasonable when it comes to some certain area such as science and arts.

[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-21 18:54 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 19:16:00 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that the greatness of individuals can only be conceded by offspring rather than their contemporaries. In my view, the speaker makes an unfair conclusion. I admit that many achievements of individuals in certain realms such as science and arts could not be appropriately evaluated by the contemporaries due to the certain restrains from objective historical conditions. However, the greatness of individuals, who benefit the whole society directly and instantly through their great achievements, in some areas such as politics and business could also be confirmed by the people at that era.

Admittedly,(顺承) when the importance of the individuals’ achievement need time to test, the contemporaries are usually unable to provide an appropriate evaluation. Especially when it comes to the(field of the sciences and arts)(大方向的例子) (接下来的例子先从科学的角度来说)a rear-view mirror would be indispensable to recognize the greatness of a person. It is an easily accepted opinion that some theories of science and innovations of arts are usually ignored even under criticism.[ The history has witnessed many examples of great scientists whose greatest theory did not conceded by the mass until he or she slept forever.](承上启下) Gregor Johann Mendel, the inaugurator of genetics theory, released his paper about the theory of inheritance early in 1856, but it was not until 1900 did its significance be found, by which time this great geneticist had passed away. The innovative work of great minds always surpasses their contemporaries' understanding. That is the reason why they are great and meanwhile, the reason why their greatness can't be found immediately. On the other hand, people who live after them, with more comprehensive knowledge and more advanced technique are likely to discover the significance of their predecessor's work.

Besides, in art field, many great works were recognized by the later people rather than their contemporaries.(再从文学和艺术的角度来说) Emily Bronte and her works were despised by their contemporary people; William Blake was unknown in Victorian times. Van Gogh was also unacceptable to the people of that time. He suffered a hard time then, and the subsequent poverty and mental derangement. This great painter, however, was regarded by later people as a master of impressionism. Beethoven’s unseemly, sometimes even rude, appearance and manner impaired his contemporaries’ acceptance for his music. However, Beethoven is adored by later music critics as a milestone(这里会不会是他的音乐是里程碑啊?) in music, a genius that became the watershed between two eras-the Classicism and the Romanticism.(这段用了四个例子,前两个简略,后两个详尽,并且在后两个例子中前后人对艺术家的看法做了对比,内容上有文学家、音乐家、画家。很精彩!)

However, the capability of contemporaries to judge the greatness of individuals should not be neglected. For instance, in reference of political leaders, the achievement of them is admitted immediately with the instant benefit they brought to the public(政治方向的例子,来说明有些时候同时代的人的评价会更准确). Quoting the president Roosevelt for example, he implemented some governmental regulations to intervene the economical development which thoroughly altered the destructive impact brought by the Depression and redeveloped the economical progress in US. For his outstanding achievement in US's economy, he was viewed by general public as one of the greatest presidents in the history of US.(商业方向的例子) In the fields of business another case goes that Bill Gates, a successful businessman, was adored as the milestone in software industry for his genius talent in devising construction of software that brought huge amount of money for him and made significant contribution to the society. Both of the two typical examples prove that the contemporaries can make the objective judgment on the contribution the great individuals made to society and the amount of wealth they earned by themselves.

To sum up, the speaker makes an incomplete conclusion without taking into account some certain realms where the greatness of individuals could be immediately admitted. However, it is reasonable when it comes to some certain area such as science and arts.  


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Issue36 [勇往直前小组]第一次作业by 高加索
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