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[i习作temp] Issue38 【勇往直前小组】第二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 23:20:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue38 "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."

The appearance of television have altered the way people in the twentieth century live their lives, as well as people's attitudes toward the correlation between learning and entertainment. Some people argues that watching television is not only a good means of entertainment, but also an effective way of learning. More importantly, people can learn as much by watch television as they can by reading books. Is that true? Definitely not, not yet at least today.

Admittedly, television is so awesome that people are willing to spend more time on it rather than participating outdoor activities. We feel more comfortable when we sit in front of our TV set rather than face a whole lot of books. We got superficially more fun out of TV programs. I am not denying that TV has some merits of helping diversify our lifestyle, provide us more information than do before, and to some extent, enable us to work more efficiently. We do thank technology for the invention of TV. However, when switching on our television, we are likely to see a procession of violence, murder, cartoons, sexuality, MTV, talking shows, and endless commercials; or face someone who is trying to persuade us to do or buy something totally useless. Can you imagine that we may learn much from these boring programs? Not even to mention the substantial amounts we can learn by reading books. Even though there are every few tv programs that supply some courses and trainings on air, TV education has never been regarded as a basic means of learning.

On the contrary, reading books is as important as it once was. Firstly, we can get stuff that TV does not have. For example, there is abundant knowledge in our math books, chemistry books, physics books, art books, musics books, history books, geography books, and so on; which we cannot find in TV; which is so unique and helpful that we have to learn by reading these books to be more competitive in the future job market, to solve a lot of pratical problems. Secondly, when we come across some hard problems in the process of learning, we can stop to think for a while; or when we forget what we just read, we can simply turn back to the last page, and then we continue to study. Do we have these facilities when learning something by watching television?

As a conclusion, watching television is mainly a type of entertainment which we surely need in our daily work and study. Furthermore, by watching TV, we may get latest news, weather forecast, interesting shows, and some limited learning materials. However, it cannot serve as a primary means to acquire knowledge. Too much indulging in watching TV will only lead to iganorance, emptiness, even crime. Learning by reading books is still as important as it once was.

Issue95 "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."

Position: 两者都需要,平衡发展,工作才更有效率。
1. 合作意识的优点。
2. 让步,竞争意识在工作中的重要性。

Issue235 "Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution-is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force."

Position: 忠诚一定意义上讲就是诚信,是个人与社会都需要的。
1. 正说,忠诚会为个人和社会带来什么。
2. 反说:表面上看撒谎会带来一些眼前利益,但实际上不忠诚会带来更大危害。

Issue175 "It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual."

Postion: 不同时代,不同行业,不同问题表现不同。
1. 在文艺界,个人的作用对其的推动作用是很明显的。
2. 在过去,一般自然和社会科学更多的是个人的创新为其带来巨大推动。
3. 而现在,更多需要很多人一起努力贡献智慧和力量。

Issue93 "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."

Postion: 社会强制能起到一部分作用,更重要的是个人要培养自己的责任感。
1. 社会强制起到了一定的社会作用。
2. 让步,如果个人没有好的责任感,社会强制也无法创造一个良好的人类社会。

[ 本帖最后由 piems 于 2007-7-22 02:11 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-22 10:58:37 |只看该作者
The appearance of television have altered the way people in the twentieth century live their lives, as well as people's attitudes toward the correlation between learning and entertainment.(背景叙述不错) Some people argues(不要s) that watching television is not only a good means of entertainment, but also an effective way of learning. More importantly, (中间少点什么把这句和上面的论断联系起来)people can learn as much by watch television as they can by reading books. Is that true? Definitely not, not yet at least today.

Admittedly, television is so awesome that people are willing to spend more time on it rather than participating outdoor activities. We feel more comfortable when we sit in front of our TV set rather than face a whole lot of books. We got superficially more fun out of TV programs. I am not denying that TV has some merits of helping diversify our lifestyle, provide us (with )more information than do before, and to some extent, enable us to work more efficiently. We do thank technology for the invention of TV. However, when switching on our television, we are likely to see a procession of violence, murder, cartoons, sexuality, MTV, talking shows, and endless commercials; or face someone who is trying to persuade us to do or buy something totally useless. Can you imagine that we may learn much from these boring programs? Not even to mention the substantial amounts we can learn by reading books. Even though there are every few tv programs that supply some courses and trainings on air, TV education has never been regarded as a basic means of learning. (这段开头的TS是人们容易沉迷在电视里,但是结尾是TV很少用来学习,感觉对应不强烈,并且让步的话,是不是应该说电视的优点呢)

On the contrary, reading books is as important as it once was. Firstly, we can get stuff that TV does not have. For example, there is abundant knowledge in our math books, chemistry books, physics books, art books, musics books, history books, geography books, and so on; which we cannot find in TV(TV不能够提供吗,感觉不充分,例子不好); which is so unique and helpful that we have to learn by reading these books to be more competitive in the future job market, to solve a lot of pratical problems. Secondly, when we come across some hard problems in the process of learning, we can stop to think for a while; or when we forget what we just read, we can simply turn back to the last page, and then we continue to study. Do we have these facilities when learning something by watching television?(这段是说书的好处,但是TS太泛滥了,书重要?哪里重要了?最好可以说明,再用例子)

As a conclusion, watching television is mainly a type of entertainment which we surely need in our daily work and study. Furthermore, by watching TV, we may get latest news, weather forecast, interesting shows, and some limited learning materials. However, it cannot serve as a primary means to acquire knowledge. Too much indulging in watching TV will only lead to iganorance, emptiness, even crime. Learning by reading books is still as important as it once was.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 19:32:40 |只看该作者
The appearance of television have altered the way people in the twentieth century live their lives, as well as people's attitudes toward the correlation between learning and entertainment. Some people argues that watching television is not only a good means of entertainment, but also an effective way of learning. More importantly, people can learn as much by watch television as they can by reading books. Is that true? Definitely not, not yet at least today.

Admittedly, television is so awesome that people are willing to spend more time on it rather than participating outdoor activities. We feel more comfortable when we sit in front of our TV set rather than face a whole lot of books. We got superficially more fun out of TV programs. I am not denying that TV has some merits of helping diversify our lifestyle, provide us more information than do before, and to some extent, enable us to work more efficiently. We do thank technology for the invention of TV. However, when switching on our television, we are likely to see a procession of violence, murder, cartoons, sexuality, MTV, talking shows, and endless commercials; (这串例子,特别是广告的提出,很生动,具体)or face someone who is trying to persuade us to do or buy something totally useless. Can you imagine that we may learn much from these boring programs? Not even to mention the substantial amounts we can learn by reading books. Even though there are every few tv programs that supply some courses and trainings on air, TV education has never been regarded as a basic means of learning. (该段对比的说明的电视的优点和缺点。)

On the contrary, reading books is as important as it once was. (书到底好在哪里。是不是应该在段首主题句提出来呢?)Firstly, we can get stuff that TV does not have. For example, there is abundant knowledge in our math books, chemistry books, physics books, art books, musics books, history books, geography books, and so on; which we cannot find in TV; which is so unique and helpful that we have to learn by reading these books to be more competitive in the future job market, to solve a lot of pratical problems. Secondly, when we come across some hard problems in the process of learning, we can stop to think for a while; or when we forget what we just read, we can simply turn back to the last page, and then we continue to study. Do we have these facilities when learning something by watching television?(这段正面论证了书的好处。其中在论述书的优点时对比了电视的不足。)

As a conclusion, watching television is mainly a type of entertainment which we surely need in our daily work and study. Furthermore, by watching TV, we may get latest news, weather forecast, interesting shows, and some limited learning materials. However, it cannot serve as a primary means to acquire knowledge. Too much indulging in watching TV will only lead to iganorance, emptiness, even crime. Learning by reading books is still as important as it once was.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 19:36:00 |只看该作者

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