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[i习作temp] issue144 [勇往直前小组] 第六次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-25 22:36:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Nowadays there is a growing concern about a controversial issue of whether the artist or the critic gives the lasting value to the society. No consensus is arrived at among the public. Some people contend that it is the artist contributes more to the enduring value whereas others disagree with this. However when it comes to me and after balancing between its pros and cons, I am firmly convinced that both the artist and the critic together bring the long-standing value to the society.

To begin with, the masterpieces of some artists provide a precondition for giving the lasting value. Only after appreciating these kinds of works, could the people learn something about the value of such works despite of excellent or poor. Without Da Vinci’s great painting---Mona Lisa, how could viewers to understand the inherent value of painting. Without Beethoven’s symphony, how could people develop a deep insight into the glamour of music. Without the Shakespeare’s fiction, how could readers grasp the pith of the author’s ideas. Therefore, without these great prodigies’ works, people have no opportunity to take the first step to enter the gate of art. Simply put, the masterpieces of some artists lay a basic pedestal for people to comprehend the inherent value.

Nevertheless, depending on these artists to give societies permanent value is apparently inadequate for the reason that some works made by artists would indicate certain inner value, which is beyond the understanding of the public. Thus the significant role of critics should not be ignored by the speaker, which is also a key factor contributing to provide eternal value to society. The critic directs the orientation of artists, rectify people’s misleading idea and explain the intrinsic value articulately and incisively to the general populace. Without the critic, due to some extent to the superficial knowledge, common people could not be able to distinguish marrow from dross and could not be able to fathom deeply about the inner value. For instance at the first glace at da Vinci’s great work---“the Last Supper”, mediocre viewers are just impressed with the gestures of the people in the painting. Only after the critics explain the inner implication, could the people apprehend the real essence of such great masterwork. So in short, the appraisal of the critic would assist people to be well aware of the value hidden behind the masterwork and draw their focus on the inner indication.

Finally, the combination of artists and critics together would give society perpetual value. When artists get the evaluation and feedback of critics, they would grope for their way of art with a more clear direction and create more valuable compositions. Similarly, when critics have the works of artists, they could analyze, maybe remedy some flaws and ultimately disseminate worthy value to the general public. In a word, they both dedicate the lasting value to the whole society.

To sum up, the artists plays as a generator to provide works for people to comprehend and evaluate, whereas the critics serves as a catalyst to propel artists forward and therefore to make more precious works to the society. Therefore, from what I have elaborated above, we could safely reach a conclusion that the association of both efforts would give the lasting value to the society.

1)  首先要承认的是,艺术的价值的一种实现方式是服务大众,提供给大众欣赏。
2)  然而,艺术还有引导时代潮流的作用,在这种情况下,艺术作品往往不能被大多数人们所理解。例如,印象派的画等
3)  最后,有些艺术作品虽然不能被大众理解,然而具有很高的艺术价值,可以提供一些新的思路,如某些文艺片。

1)  科技的进步使得人们的生产效率提高了,使得人们拥有更多的空闲休闲时间。
2)  科技的发展使得人们能享受更好的物质生活水平,例如汽车,飞机交通便捷,网络,联系方便等等
3)  然而,在看到科技带给我们好处的同时也应该看到科技也带给我们一些问题,核,克隆等等

1)  在某些重复运算,存储记忆和按既定程序思考方面,电脑比人类有优势。
2)  然而,既然机器是人类制造出来的,按人类既定的逻辑思维方式运行,那机器就无法在思维方面超过人类
3)  同时,人类的思维具有创新性和制造其他工具的能力,这是机器不可能具有的

1)  在社会科学方面,人们在做出某种观察时,总是带有某种主观方面的东西,例如生活经历,宗教信仰等
2)  然而,在自然科学方面,科学研究时,人们往往是通过客观的观察来得到实验结果的
3)  在很多主观观察得到的结果中,往往也包含着很多客观的成分,不能把主观客观完全区分开来


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 17:34:12 |只看该作者
Nowadays there is a growing concern about a controversial issue of whether the artist or the critic gives the lasting value to the society. No consensus is arrived at among the public. Some people contend that it is the artist contributes more to the enduring value whereas others disagree with this. However when it comes to me and after balancing between its pros and cons, I am firmly convinced that both the artist and the critic together bring the long-standing value to the society.

To begin with, the masterpieces of some artists provide a precondition for giving the lasting value. Only after appreciating these kinds of works, could the people learn something about the value of such works despite of excellent or poor. Without Da Vinci’s great painting---Mona Lisa, how could viewers to understand the inherent value of painting. Without Beethoven’s symphony, how could people develop a deep insight into the glamour of music. Without the Shakespeare’s fiction, how could readers grasp the pith of the author’s ideas. Therefore, without these great prodigies’ works, people have no opportunity to take the first step to enter the gate of art. Simply put, the masterpieces of some artists lay a basic pedestal for people to comprehend the inherent value.(感觉开始的观点是如果不鉴赏作品就不能知道作品的优劣,三个例子很不错,但觉得只说了好的方面,和论点有些不对应.)

Nevertheless, depending on these artists to give societies permanent value is apparently inadequate for the reason that some works made by artists would indicate certain inner value, which is beyond the understanding of the public. Thus the significant
role of critics should not be ignored by the speaker, which is also a key factor contributing to provide eternal value to society. The critic directs the orientation of artists, rectify people’s misleading idea and explain the intrinsic value articulately and incisively to the general populace. Without the critic, due to some extent to the superficial knowledge, common people could not be able to distinguish marrow from dross(比喻用得好)and could not be able to fathom deeply about the inner value. For instance at the first glace at da Vinci’s great work---“the Last Supper”, mediocre viewers are just impressed with the gestures of the people in the painting. Only after the critics explain the inner implication, could the people apprehend the real essence of such great masterwork. So in short, the appraisal of the critic would assist people to be well aware of the value hidden behind the masterwork and draw their focus on the inner indication.

Finally, the combination of artists and critics together would give society perpetual value. When artists get the evaluation and feedback of critics, they would grope for their way of art with a more clear direction and create more valuable compositions. Similarly, when critics have the works of artists, they could analyze, maybe remedy some flaws and ultimately disseminate worthy value to the general public. In a word, they both dedicate the lasting value to the whole society.

To sum up, the artists plays as a generator to provide works for people to comprehend and evaluate, whereas the critics serves as a catalyst to propel artists forward and therefore to make more precious works to the society. Therefore, from what I have elaborated above, we could safely reach a conclusion that the association of both efforts would give the lasting value to the society.(比喻用得好)

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-27 00:12:27 |只看该作者
Nowadays there is a growing concern about a controversial issue of whether the artist or the critic gives the lasting value to the society. No consensus is arrived at among the public. Some people contend that it is the artist contributes more to the enduring value whereas others disagree with this. However when it comes to me and after balancing between its pros and cons, I am firmly convinced that both the artist and the critic together bring the long-standing value to the society.
To begin with, the masterpieces of some artists provide a precondition for giving the lasting value. Only after appreciating these kinds of works, could the people learn something about the value of such works despite of excellent or poor.Without Da Vinci’s great painting---Mona Lisa, how could viewers to understand the inherent value of painting. Without Beethoven’s symphony, how could people develop a deep insight into the glamour of music. Without the Shakespeare’s fiction, how could readers grasp the pith of the author’s ideas. Therefore, without these great prodigies’ works, people have no opportunity to take the first step to enter the gate of art.这句话说得太偏激了吧,艺术的殿堂是很宽的,我觉得应该是these great prodigies’ works使得人们很容易take the first step to enter the gate of artSimply put, the masterpieces of some artists lay a basic pedestal for people to comprehend the inherent value.这段排比好有气势啊!!
Nevertheless, depending on these artists to give societies permanent value is apparently inadequate for the reason that some works made by artists would indicate certain inner value, which is beyond the understanding of the public. Thus the significant role of critics should not be ignored by the speaker, which is also a key factor contributing to provide eternal value to society. The critic directs the orientation of artists, rectify people’s misleading idea and explain the intrinsic value articulately and incisively to the general populace. Without the critic, due to some extent to the superficial knowledge, common people could not be able to distinguish marrow from dross and could not be able to fathom deeply about the inner value. For instance at the first glace at da Vinci’s great work---“the Last Supper”, mediocre viewers are just impressed with the gestures of the people in the painting. Only after the critics explain the inner implication, could the people apprehend the real essence of such great masterwork. So in short, the appraisal of the critic would assist people to be well aware of the value hidden behind the masterwork and draw their focus on the inner indication.这段论述很好,词汇和内容都非常丰富啊
Finally, the combination of artists and critics together would give society perpetual value. When artists get the evaluation and feedback of critics, they would grope for their way of art with a more clear direction and create more valuable compositions. (真正艺术家应该有自己的信仰的坚持,不会因为critics的评价而改变的)Similarly, when critics have the works of artists, they could analyze, maybe remedy some flaws and ultimately disseminate worthy value to the general public. In a word, they both dedicate the lasting value to the whole society.To sum up, the artists plays as a generator to provide works for people to comprehend and evaluate, whereas the critics serves as a catalyst to propel artists forward and therefore to make more precious works to the society. Therefore, from what I have elaborated above, we could safely reach a conclusion that the association of both efforts would give the lasting value to the society.      

[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-27 00:14 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 14:19:26 |只看该作者
Nowadays there is a growing concern about acontroversial issue of whether the artist or the critic gives the lasting valueto the society. No consensus is arrived at among the public. Some peoplecontend that it is the artist contributes more to the enduring value whereasothers disagree with this. However when it comes to me and after balancingbetween its pros and cons, I am firmly convinced that both the artist and thecritic together bring the long-standing value to the society.To begin with, themasterpieces of some artists provide a precondition for giving the lastingvalue. Only after appreciating(改成理解可能更好吧,如果是poor艺术品,不存在欣赏) these kinds ofworks, could the people learn something about the value of such works despiteof excellent or poor. Without Da Vinci’s greatpainting---Mona Lisa, how could viewers to understand the inherent value ofpainting.(这句话有点绝对了,没有达芬奇我们一样可以欣赏画) WithoutBeethoven’s symphony, how could people develop a deep insight into the glamourof music. Without the Shakespeare’s fiction, how could readers grasp the pithof the author’s ideas.(例子不错,但是写法存在问题,给我的第一感觉是没有达芬奇、贝多芬、莎士比亚这些人,我们就不能欣赏艺术了。这个还是很偏激啊) Therefore, without these great prodigies’works, people have no opportunity to take the first step to enter the gate ofart. Simply put, the masterpieces of some artists lay a basic pedestal forpeople to comprehend the inherent value.Nevertheless, depending onthese artists to give societies permanent value is apparently inadequate forthe reason that some works made by artists would indicate certain inner value,which is beyond the understanding of the public. Thus the significant role ofcritics should not be ignored by the speaker(在这儿虾米意思?), which is also a key factor contributing to provideeternal value to society. The critic directs the orientation of artists,rectify people’s misleading idea and explain the intrinsic value articulatelyand incisively to the general populace. Without the critic, due to some extentto the superficial knowledge, common people could not be able to distinguish marrow from dross(英文里边有这个比喻吗?我不确定。我用google没搜到,可能不是很地道的表达,虽然中文很贴切) and could not be able to fathom deeply about theinner value. For instance at the first glace at da Vinci’s great work---“theLast Supper”, mediocre viewers are just impressed with the gestures of thepeople in the painting. Only after the critics explain the inner implication,could the people apprehend the real essence of such great masterwork. (例子不错)So in short, the appraisal of the critic would assistpeople to be well aware of the value hidden behind the masterwork and drawtheir focus on the inner indication.Finally, the combination ofartists and critics together would give society perpetual value. When artistsget the evaluation and feedback of critics, they would grope for their way ofart with a more clear direction and create more valuable compositions.Similarly, when critics have the works of artists, they could analyze, mayberemedy some flaws and ultimately disseminate worthy value to the generalpublic. In a word, they both dedicate the lasting value to the whole society.To sum up, the artists playsas a generator to provide works for people to comprehend and evaluate, whereasthe critics serves as a catalyst to propel artists forward and therefore tomake more precious works to the society. Therefore, from what I have elaboratedabove, we could safely reach a conclusion that the association of both effortswould give the lasting value to the society.

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