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[i习作temp] issue138 [勇往直前小组] 7.27 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-27 23:13:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Are mistakes necessary for progress or discoveries? I concede this assertion has considerable merits given that most progress and discoveries are attained after making numerous mistakes. However, it is not reasonable to claim that only through mistakes can we make any progress and discoveries.

Mistakes are very important for procuring progress or discoveries. Humans are able to find the flaws or deficiency via mistakes in order to get sufficient power to make progress.  Examples in history aptly illustrate this point. In science, Edison tried nearly all manners of materials possibly used in light unfortunately failed many times but he never gave up-finally got success. He never complained about those mistakes instead he often attributed his eventual success to those failure. Indeed, he just improved the previous materials and discovered the proper material. The discovery of Neptune is further evidence that mistakes are necessary for progress or discoveries. He attempted many times to predict the orbit of the Neptune with great efforts. He absorbed lessons from each mistakes and rectified the method thereby locating the star accurately.

Also in art, the case is the same. Even some great artists accomplish their masterpieces with modifying many times. Consider how Beethoven completed his immortal The Ninth Symphony-Chorus as an example. When he had inspiration in his mind, he immediately went to write the score. Did he write the final score without any mistakes? Surely not. Initially, his score was far away from what he expected and he modified it earnestly. Due to this, we are able to enjoy the marvelous melody today. Mistakes are necessary for people as great as Beethoven, not to mention ordinary person.

I also find mistakes are useful in my daily lives. When we are little, we learn how to how to walk via a host of falling down. Difficulty in perceiving literature works may sparks our interests in appreciating the elite of works. No one is inherently a great writer or scientist. Generally it is the mistakes that we make during our childhood that establish a base for our future. Perhaps a child fails in building a house with building blocks, he may set up a goal that he is able to set up a genuine house one day. Twenty years or more, a outstanding architecture appears. In short, the mistakes may help us to find our potential ability and impinges on our future goal.

However, it is imprudent to claim that only through mistakes can we make any progress. The factors serve to success include personal gift, living environment, attitudes and so forth. If Edison just gives up after making so many mistakes he can never invent light. His success has a lot to do with his consistent attitudes towards science study. Or Beethoven lackd the skills to modifying his score to perfect after making mistakes. Can we hear his wonderful piece? For that matter, the gift of a person is also essential.

In short, mistakes are important for us to make progress and discoveries as we often aborb lessons and experiences from them. Nevertheless, it it unjustifiable to conclude that we can merely make progress via mistakes. Other factors such gift, living environment, attitudes towards life also important.

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2)  在科学上,通过自己的阐述让大众理解的科学家受人尊敬,霍金
3)  在文学上,往往小小说的创作难度都是十分巨大的,然而却是因为短小故事情节出人意料而受读者喜爱,莫泊桑之类的

1)  电视上播放政府工作可以使政府的工作更被人们所熟知,进而使政府的工作得到人民的监督
2)  政府的工作若能被电视播放,很多政策同时也能被人民所理解和支持
3)  然而,政府对一些政策和事务也是要进行一定程度的保密的,如涉及国家机密和商业机密的部门

1)  政治家对人们做出的承诺往往不能实现,但是这些承诺往往是鼓舞人民,激励人民的动力,动机是积极的
2)  政治家对某些可能威胁社会稳定的消息和新闻有必要进行封锁,以保证国家和政府的正常秩序
3)  然而,政治家不能为了自己的政治前途而做出欺骗人民的决定。

1)  孩子的某些方面的专长确实应该在小的时候就通过专项培训来尽力挖掘这个方面的潜能,按专长培养能更好地某个专业的天才
2)  然而,过早地将孩子定向培养会限制孩子的发展范围,可能忽略了其他方面的潜在的才能
3)  同时,这种做法会让孩子的童年就充满很多压力,可能不利于孩子身心的发展

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-28 16:34:16 |只看该作者
Are mistakes necessary for progress or discoveries? I concede this assertion has considerable merits given that most progress and discoveries are attained after making numerous mistakes. However, it is not reasonable to claim that only through mistakes can we make any progress and discoveries.(开头很简练:) )

Mistakes are very important for procuring progress or discoveries. Humans are able to find the flaws or deficiency via mistakes in order to get sufficient power to make progress.  Examples in history aptly illustrate this point. In science, Edison (又用这个灯泡男? 不好不好...)tried nearly all manners of materials possibly used in light unfortunately failed many times but he never gave up-finally got success. He never complained about those mistakes instead he often attributed his eventual success to those failure. Indeed, he just improved the previous materials and discovered the proper material. The discovery of Neptune is further evidence that mistakes are necessary for progress or discoveries. He(Who?) attempted many times to predict the orbit of the Neptune with great efforts. He absorbed lessons from each mistakes and rectified the method thereby locating the star accurately.(例子举完了尽量加点评论升华一下)

Also in art, the case is the same.(有点口语化...) Even some great artists accomplish their masterpieces with modifying many times. Consider how Beethoven completed his immortal The Ninth Symphony-Chorus as an example. When he had inspiration in his mind, he immediately went to write the score. Did he write the final score without any mistakes? Surely not. Initially, his score was far away from what he expected and he modified it earnestly. Due to this, we are able to enjoy the marvelous melody today. Mistakes are necessary for people as great as Beethoven, not to mention ordinary person(s).

I also find mistakes are useful in my daily lives. When we are little, we learn how to how to walk via a host of falling down. Difficulty in perceiving literature works may sparks our interests in appreciating the elite of works. No one is inherently a great writer or scientist. Generally it is the mistakes that we make during our childhood that establish a base for our future. Perhaps a child fails in building a house with building blocks, he may set up a goal that he is able to set up a genuine house one day. Twenty years or more, a outstanding architecture appears. (后面的有点过了...)In short, the mistakes may help us to find our potential ability and impinges on our future goal.

However, it is imprudent to claim that only through mistakes can we make any progress. The factors serve to success include personal gift, living environment, attitudes and so forth. If Edison just gives up after making so many mistakes he can never invent light. His success has a lot to do with his consistent attitudes towards science study. Or Beethoven lackd the skills to modifying his score to perfect after making mistakes. Can we hear his wonderful piece? For that matter, the gift of a person is also essential. (反面论证稍嫌单薄了,3:1啊.....写成2:2比较好)

In short, mistakes are important(用了两次...记得换) for us to make progress and discoveries as we often aborb lessons and experiences from them. Nevertheless, it it unjustifiable to conclude that we can merely make progress via mistakes. Other factors such gift, living environment, attitudes towards life also important.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-30 20:38:57 |只看该作者
Are mistakes necessaryfor progress or discoveries? I concede this assertion has considerable meritsgiven that most progress and discoveries are attained after making numerousmistakes. However, it is not reasonable to claim that only through mistakes canwe make any progress and discoveries.

Mistakes are very important for procuring progress or discoveries. Humans areable to find the flaws or deficiency via mistakes in order to get sufficientpower to make progress.  Examples in history aptly illustrate thispoint. In science, Edison tried nearly allmanners of materials possibly used in light unfortunately failed many times buthe never gave up-finally got success. He never complained about those mistakesinstead he often attributed his eventual success to those failure. Indeed, hejust improved the previous materials and discovered the proper material. Thediscovery of Neptune is further evidence thatmistakes are necessary for progress or discoveries. He attempted many times topredict the orbit of the Neptune with greatefforts. He absorbed lessons from each mistakes and rectified the methodthereby locating the star accurately.

Also in art, the case is the same. Even some great artists accomplish theirmasterpieces with modifying many times. Consider how Beethoven completed hisimmortal The Ninth Symphony-Chorus as an example. When he had inspiration inhis mind, he immediately went to write the score. Did he write the final scorewithout any mistakes? Surely not. Initially, his score was far away from whathe expected and he modified it earnestly. Due to this, we are able to enjoy themarvelous melody today. Mistakes are necessary for people as great asBeethoven, not to mention ordinary person.(这一段论述的成分少了点,基本是例子)

I also find mistakes are useful in my daily lives. When we are little, we learnhow to how to walk via a host of falling down. Difficulty in perceivingliterature works may sparks our interests in appreciating the elite of works.No one is inherently a great writer or scientist. Generally it is the mistakesthat we make during our childhood that establish a base for our future. Perhaps a child fails in building a house with buildingblocks, he may set up a goal that he is able to set up a genuine house one day.Twenty years or more, a outstanding architecture appears.(这个说的不具体,没有说明白为什么错误让我们进步或者成长,所以看起来论证力比较的薄弱) In short, themistakes may help us to find our potential ability and impinges on our futuregoal.

However, it is imprudent to claim that only through mistakes can we make anyprogress. The factors serve to success include personal gift, livingenvironment, attitudes and so forth. If Edisonjust gives up after making so many mistakes he can never invent light. Hissuccess has a lot to do with his consistent attitudes towards science study. Or(if)Beethoven lacked the skills to modifying his score to perfect after makingmistakes.(,) Can we hear his wonderful piece? (合并为一句)For thatmatter, the gift of a person is also essential. (反面论证太少了,你开头旗帜鲜明地提出了反对only…,那么文章要以反为主,照你这么写,感觉无法支撑你的观点啊)
In short, mistakes are important for us to make progress and discoveries as weoften absorb lessons and experiences from them. Nevertheless, it isunjustifiable to conclude that we can merely make progress via mistakes. Otherfactors such gift, living environment, attitudes towards life also important.

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