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[i习作temp] Issue138 【勇往直前小组】第八次 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 16:17:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."

WORDS: 458(586modified)          TIME: 00:60:00          DATE: 2007-7-28 15:48:34

The speaker asserts that discover or progress can only be achieved through mistakes. I do not entirely agree with this opinion. Though mistakes can lead to discovery and progress, they do not inevitably achieve the results. Moreover, mistake is by no means the only path to success.

Admittedly, a huge amount of discoveries and progress within human's great wisdom are born through mistakes. By committing mistakes, we can know what do not works and need to be improved. To pursuit the correct answer, human try every way to solute the problems, which can lead to a great goal or outstanding discoveries finally. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventor, had tried nearly different ways to make a light bulb before his invention was born. Paul Ehrlich discovered a drug used to treat those with syphilis, and named it "Formula 606" to honor his 605 unsuccessful attempts. The lesson we can draw from these stories is quite clear: discovery and progress is born in mistakes

However, mistakes will not surely lead to success unless people hold a correct attitude and positive activities in front of them. Mistakes usually are not the result we most expect to see when we do anything though they are inevitable in common cases. Facing with these mistakes and difficulties, we should cheer up and make up our confidence again to work, to try, to conquer, which can finally lead us to the destination of success. If we just avoid the failure and lose the courage to take over them, success will leave us farther and farther. Take the Chinese Party as an example. After the foundation in 1949, China, under the lead of Chinese Party, gradually built up a nationwide state-run planned economy, which was intend to ensure both stable economic development and social justice. However, the result was not what had been expected but a scene of economic stagnation and lasting poverty. In front of serious makes, the leaders of Chinese Party did not give up their hope and confidence with the country. They made a long effort and adjusted the plan gradually. Finally, after a series of trails and errors, a market economy for China is adopted, which has brought China's economy to a stable and dynamic course. In success and progress can not be achieved unless we take a right view and activity on the mistakes.

Moreover, mistake is not the only way leading to discovery and progress. Advanced technology can also make the progress realized without mistakes. With the rapid paces of technological change in society, GPS is widely used in various aspects nowadays including building construction. Many impossible projects have been accomplished with the help of GPS without man-made mistakes in previous days. The HangzhouBay bridge which is being built in China is a case in point. The span is largest in the world, reaching 30 more kilometers from Shanghai to Ninbong across the HangzhouBay. Under the guidance of GPS, workers can put every beam on the fore-planned position accurately. The project is in a stable process with no mistakes and will be finished in 2009. As a result, people can also achieve their goals with mistakes and that could be a more effective way.

To sum up, though mistake can lead to discovery and progress, it is not the only way which could achieve that. Furthermore, we can also make success with the help of advanced technology and experience from forefathers, committing no mistakes, which is considered more effective and we should choose first.

[ 本帖最后由 nbta03 于 2007-7-28 16:26 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-28 18:55:42 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."

WORDS: 458(586modified)          TIME: 00:60:00          DATE: 2007-7-28 15:48:34

The speaker asserts that discover or progress can only be achieved through mistakes. I do not entirely agree with this opinion. Though mistakes can lead to discovery and progress, they do not inevitably(这个太含蓄了吧,不是不可避免的..) achieve the results. Moreover, mistake is by no means the only path to success.

Admittedly, a huge amount of discoveries and progress within(介词不对) human's great wisdom are born through(这个介词不好,硬要换可改of;可以换成主动语态,mistakes breeds progress) mistakes. By committing mistakes, we can know what do not works and need to be improved. To pursuit the correct answer, human try every way to solute(solve) the problems, which can lead to a great goal or outstanding discoveries finally. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventor, had tried nearly different ways to make a light bulb before his invention was born. Paul Ehrlich discovered a drug used to treat those with syphilis, and named it "Formula 606" to honor his 605 unsuccessful attempts. The lesson we can draw from these stories is quite clear: discovery and progress is born in mistakes

However, mistakes will not surely lead to success unless people hold a correct attitude and positive activities in front of them. Mistakes usually are not the result we most expect to see when we do anything though they are inevitable in common cases. Facing with these mistakes and difficulties, we should cheer up and make up our confidence(不顺) again to work, to try, to conquer, 这个很好which can finally lead us to the destination of success. If we just avoid the failure and lose the courage to take over them, success will leave()不好,不过我也不知道怎么表达更好 us farther and farther. Take the Chinese Party as an example. After the foundation in 1949, China, under the lead of Chinese Party, gradually built up a nationwide state-run planned economy, which was intend to ensure both stable economic development and social justice. However, the result was not what had been expected but a scene of economic stagnation and lasting poverty. In front of serious makes, the leaders of Chinese Party did not give up their hope and confidence with the country. They made a long effort and adjusted the plan gradually. Finally, after a series of trails and errors, a market economy for China is adopted, which has brought China's economy to a stable and dynamic course.(我觉得你举这个还不如再把爱迪生拖出来从这个角度分析遍) In success and progress can not be achieved unless we take a right view and activity on the mistakes.

Moreover, mistake is not the only way leading to discovery and progress. Advanced technology can also make the progress realized without mistakes. With the rapid paces of technological change in society, GPS is widely used in various aspects nowadays including building construction. Many impossible projects have been accomplished with the help of GPS without man-made mistakes in previous days. The HangzhouBay bridge which is being built in China is a case in point. The span is largest in the world, reaching 30 more kilometers from Shanghai to Ninbong across the HangzhouBay. Under the guidance of GPS, workers can put every beam on the fore-planned position accurately. The project is in a stable process with no mistakes and will be finished in 2009. As a result, people can also achieve their goals with mistakes and that could be a more effective way.

To sum up, though mistake can lead to discovery and progress, it is not the only way which could achieve that. Furthermore, we can also make success with the help of advanced technology and experience from forefathers, committing no mistakes, which is considered more effective and we should choose first

你的三段是各自为政的:仅用however,moreover连接,但是思想跳跃太大一段正,一段反,一段它因,每一段几乎是独立的。 最好用几句话把他们揉起来

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 22:15:26 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that discover or progress can only be achieved through mistakes. I do not entirely agree with this opinion. Though mistakes can lead to discovery and progress, they do not inevitably achieve the results. Moreover, mistake is by no means the only path to success.

Admittedly, a huge amount of discoveries and progress within(不是这个介词,但是我也不知道是什么。。。) human's great wisdom are born through(in比较地道) mistakes. By committing mistakes, we can know what do not works(work) and need to be improved. To pursuit the correct answer, human try every way to solute the problems, which can lead to a great goal or outstanding discoveries finally. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventor(inventors), had tried nearly different ways to make a light bulb before his invention was born. Paul Ehrlich discovered a drug used to treat those with syphilis, and named it "Formula 606" to honor his 605 unsuccessful attempts. The lesson we can draw from these stories is quite clear: discovery and progress is born in mistakes

However, mistakes will not surely lead to success unless people hold a correct attitude and positive activities in front of them. Mistakes usually are not the result we most expect to see when we do anything though they are inevitable in common cases. Facing with these mistakes and difficulties, we should cheer up and make up our confidence again to work, to try, to conquer, which can finally lead us to the destination of success. If we just avoid the failure and lose the courage to take over them, success will leave us farther and farther. Take the Chinese Party as an example. After the foundation in 1949, China, under the lead of Chinese Party(如果要表达是中国共产党应该是Chinese Communist), gradually built up a nationwide state-run planned economy, which was intend to ensure both stable economic development and social justice. However, the result was not what had been expected but a scene of economic stagnation and lasting poverty. In front of serious makes, the leaders of Chinese Party did not give up their hope and confidence with the country. They made a long effort and adjusted the plan gradually. Finally, after a series of trails and errors, a market economy for China is adopted, whichthis has brought China's economy to a stable and dynamic course. In success and progress can not be achieved unless we take a right view and activity on the mistakes.

Moreover, mistake is not the only way leading to discovery and progress. Advanced technology can also make the progress realized without mistakes. With the rapid paces of technological change in society, GPS is widely used in various aspects nowadays including building construction. Many impossible projects have been accomplished with the help of GPS without man-made mistakes in previous days. The HangzhouBay bridge which is being built in China is a case in point. The span is largest in the world, reaching 30 more kilometers from Shanghai to Ninbong across the HangzhouBay. Under the guidance of GPS, workers can put every beam on the fore-planned position accurately. The project is in a stable process with no mistakes and will be finished in 2009. As a result, people can also achieve their goals with mistakes and that could be a more effective way.

To sum up, though mistake can lead to discovery and progress, it is not the only way which could achieve that. Furthermore, we can also make success with the help of advanced technology and experience from forefathers, committing no mistakes, which is considered more effective and we should choose first.


[ 本帖最后由 Puding 于 2007-7-28 22:18 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 13:41:39 |只看该作者
我写的时候就发现楼上二位说得问题   像我这样列三个层次可行么   当时我就觉得这几个层次有点问题   最有一个他因当时一直不知道归入哪个层次
不过  如果把后面两个都当作反可以么,就是:

2。错误不一定是成功的唯一条件 ,人们必须有勇气和积极的回应才能成功

[ 本帖最后由 nbta03 于 2007-7-29 15:13 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-29 15:10:39 |只看该作者
第二层可以改一下 仅仅错误存在是没办法导致成功的,要有人主观的;否则错误是没办法促进学习的
第三层 此外, 还有其他的方式可以discovery

至于一怔两番什么的, 有必要非按那个套路么? 抛开语言, 是你自己在阐述一个问题的复杂性  只要 中心不跑题, 文章能够围绕中心即可。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-30 10:24:56 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

RE: Issue138 【勇往直前小组】第八次 [修改]
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