
标题: Issue103 勇往直前小组 [打印本页]

作者: zhangjing106    时间: 2007-8-8 16:49:39     标题: Issue103 勇往直前小组

What is the value of the study of history? I believe that everyone has one's own point. The speaker considers that the value of the study of history only lies in the extent which is relevant to our daily lives. However, my opinions of contention with the speaker are absolutely different at all.

Admittedly, it is valuable if the study of history focuses on the extent relevant to our daily lives. In the modern society, people could learn more from the history which is similar to the affairs of nowadays. For example, climate experts could forecast the huge rain or hurricane from historical records in order to prevent lost of agriculture. Some fashion clothing companys also could produce the most popular wearings based on the style records of fashion waves. Moreover, with the development of our society, the study of history has been one kind of information which is important for everybody. Students focus on the historical records about level of entrance examinations for universities. Housewives pay attention on the historical prices of daily foods,such as rice, oil and vegetables. The value of history study really lies in the extent that it is relevent to our daily lives.

Furthermore, because of the rapid progress of technology, many historical lessons and events have little values in modern society. People have used to solve the enduring problems such as pollution and population by advanced technologies instead of drawing lessons from the study of history. For example, people could forecast the decreasing or increasing of stock price by using advanced analysing tools like computer software and economic knowledges. The study of history which do not pay attention on the daily lives of people would going to lose its value little by little, and being replaced at last.

However, the study of history has other kinds of values, too. In the politicy, leaders need to learn the history of nations and parties long ago in order to understand the disiplines and laws well. Leaders could make proper discisions which are suit to the requests of nations and people. For another instance, there are a lot of historians who try their best to research on each era of human race to analysis historical enduring problems. This kind of studies could help people approach truthes of history which could guide us to find famous losing treasures and cultural relics. Moreover, the study of history which is not relevant to our daily lives could also help us understand the actions of historical people who are crucial for human races' developments, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincon and so on.

In a short, the speaker's opinion about the value of the study of history is too absolute. The correct opinion about this problem is to accept useful lessons from history whether they are relevant to our daily lives or not.
作者: norns    时间: 2007-8-9 20:18:57

What is the value of the study of history? I believe that everyone has one's own point. The speaker considers that the value of the study of history only lies in the extent which is relevant to our daily lives. However, my opinions of contention with the speaker are absolutely different at all.(I think.....最好把观点摆明 )

Admittedly, it is valuable if the study of history focuses on the extent relevant to our daily lives. In the modern society, people could learn more from the history which is similar to the affairs of nowadays. For example, climate experts could forecast the huge rain or hurricane from historical records in order to prevent lost of agriculture. Some fashion clothing companys also could produce the most popular wearings based on the style records of fashion waves. Moreover, with the development of our society, the study of history has been one kind of information which is important for everybody. Students focus on the historical records about level of entrance examinations for universities. Housewives pay attention on the historical prices of daily foods,such as rice, oil and vegetables. The value of history study really lies in the extent that it is relevent to our daily lives. (我觉得你最好对daily life 定义一下。 日常生活相关的个人的; 因为这个概念各人理解不同)

Furthermore, because of the rapid progress of technology, many historical lessons and events have little values in modern society. People have used to solve the enduring problems such as pollution and population by advanced technologies instead of drawing lessons from the study of history. For example, people could forecast the decreasing or increasing of stock price by using advanced analysing tools like computer software and economic knowledges. The study of history which do not pay attention on the daily lives of people would going to lose its value little by little, and being replaced at last.

那个 偶以为; 你是大部分赞成的, 如果从第三段however来看~~ 那么开头两段 最好有个逻辑关系 首先 第一段最好不要admittedly; 因为这个信号词给人的感觉是让步 而你的body1,2两段是说同一个故事的, 而且这个词一般表示公认的显然的事实, 一般不用在自己论证的核心部分。 其次; 你好像第一段的TS把正面部分的意思都涵盖了

However, (感觉however语气太重了;会毁了你前面的观点的; 个人觉得 TS比如 “当然, 尽管不多, 我们应该注意到 对历史的研究还是有其它一些价值的”, 这样语气柔和些)the study of history has other kinds of values, too. In the politicy, leaders need to learn the history of nations and parties long ago in order to understand the disiplines and laws well. Leaders could make proper discisions which are suit to the requests of nations and people. For another instance, there are a lot of historians who try their best to research on each era of human race to analysis historical enduring problems. This kind of studies could help people approach truthes of history which could guide us to find famous losing treasures and cultural relics. Moreover, the study of history which is not relevant to our daily lives could also help us understand the actions of historical people who are crucial for human races' developments, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincon and so on.


In a short, the speaker's opinion about the value of the study of history is too absolute. The correct opinion about this problem is to accept useful lessons from history whether they are relevant to our daily lives or not.

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-8-9 20:32 编辑 ]
作者: nbta03    时间: 2007-8-10 12:44:15

What is the value of the study of history? I believe that everyone has one's own point. The speaker considers that the value of the study of history only lies in the extent which is relevant to our daily lives. However, my opinions of contention with the speaker are absolutely different at all.你的观点和你的行文不太一致啊

Admittedly, it is valuable if the study of history focuses on the extent relevant to our daily lives. In the modern society, people could learn more from the history which is similar to the affairs of nowadays. For example,
climate experts could forecast the huge rain or hurricane from historical records in order to prevent lost of agriculture.这个可以从study of history里做到么? Some fashion clothing companys also could produce the most popular wearings based on the style records of fashion waves. Moreover, with the development of our society, the study of history has been one kind of information which is important for everybody. Students focus on the historical records about level of entrance examinations for universities. Housewives pay attention on the historical prices of daily foods,such as rice, oil and vegetables. The value of history study really lies in the extent that it is relevent to our daily lives.

Furthermore, because of the rapid progress of technology, many historical lessons and events have little values in modern society. People have used to solve the enduring problems such as pollution and population by advanced technologies instead of drawing lessons from the study of history. For example, people could forecast the decreasing or increasing of stock price by using advanced analysing tools like computer software and
economic knowledges这个不算是tool. The study of history which do not pay attention on the daily lives of people would going to lose its value little by little, and being replaced at last.

However, the study of history has other kinds of values, too. In the politicy, leaders need to learn the history of nations and parties long ago in order to understand the disiplines and laws well. Leaders could make proper discisions which are suit to the requests of nations and people. For another instance, there are a lot of historians who try their best to research on each era of human race to analysis historical enduring problems. This kind of studies could help people approach truthes of history which could guide us to find famous losing treasures and cultural relics. Moreover, the study of history which is not relevant to our daily lives could also help us understand the actions of historical people who are crucial for human races' developments, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincon and so on.

In a short, the speaker's opinion about the value of the study of history is too absolute. The correct opinion about this problem is to accept useful lessons from history whether they are relevant to our daily lives or not.


[ 本帖最后由 nbta03 于 2007-8-10 12:58 编辑 ]

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